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Couch Tomato

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This is just a general question/chat thread for the "project."

LadyJ - oooh my mom met Harrison Ford. When she gets off the phone I'll have to ask her all about it. That might take awhile. She is such a phone ho that one of those unlimited long distance calls services kicked her off because although it was unlimited they didn't expect people to routinely talk over 4000 minutes a month LOL

Miracle..she's off. She said Harrison Ford came to the hospital where she worked. My mom is a RN and she worked with the new moms and babies. His son had a baby at her hosptial and Harrison came to visit. She said his foot was in a cast cuz he had hurt if filming a movie. When I asked her about it..she gushed...after all this time. Said he was humble and shy and a good man. LOL..

And you also picked U2. I need someone to recommend their best albums. Let's just say I have my pick of 21 but that's too many for my ipod.

Also, how do you do blog alerts?

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Ansa is right about the google alerts, it gives you options of "news," "blog," "web," "groups," and "comprehensive," which would be the previous four all wrapped up into one big package. I decided to stick with just the news and blog stuff for now. If you need more help, just let me know....

Your Mom met Harrison?!?!?!? Geez, I'm jellus. If it was his son and his wife that had the baby, this was probably within the past 5 years or so, I would think. Was Callista with him? Harrison Ford always struck me as a very self-depricating man, with an extremely dry sense of humor. I think it will be interesting to follow him via the internet for a bit, because I was his fan long before it became a fandom mainstay.

U2 -- I'd recommend 3 albums off the top of my head, not counting any of their "singles" collections (which actually might be a good starting place, but I digress). 1) The Joshua Tree -- it's the album that made them household names, and I would venture a guess that most people know half the songs off the album anyway, because many songs got played on the radio. 2) Achtung Baby -- their first successful "reinvention." It really changed their image from "serious do-gooders" to "sense of fun." 3) All That You Can't Leave Behind -- just an all around fantastic album, IMO. I think it's their best, and "Beautiful Day" is one of the best rock and roll songs, period. I'd also recommend two particular songs off other albums. 1) "All I Want is You" from Rattle and Hum -- a gorgeous love song full of longing, unrequited love; and 2) "Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own" from How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb -- written by Bono as a tribute to his late father.

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Hee....good question Claygasm. Hopefully people can chime in on how they're taking in the info. I hadn't really thought that far ahead. But I'll list a few things I'm looking at...

1. I get my google alerts once a day so it's easy to tell how many a person got. I guess I want to know is this person even getting a lot of media attention.

2. I've kinda categorized the mentions into positive/negative/neutral - major media/insignificant mention

3. types of mentions -- for instance for Anderson Cooper so far I've noticed that he mostly gets media watch type mentions... so it's his work being scrutinized.

4. After reading 5 Anderson's google alerts today I paid attention to whether the writers treated him with respect..just an overall feel/tone of the articles

5. Do you see any common themes (and this might fall out over time) or code words like diva, playboy, charitable, talented - does some sort of reputation emerge

6. I'm interested to see if the media mentions stick to career or get personal

7. And I guess am I finding anything surprising or different from my initial impressions before I started this whole thing.

8 are stories about this person picked up in media/papers/internet sites all over the country..you know like Clay's presidential appointment got picked up all over the world..but say a UNICEF trip got picked up by like 3 other media sources. I guess over times we'll know if things of substance take off..or just silly shit like Ripagate. heee.

heee..just a few things from my first day. Today with my Anderson google alerts..like I said I had 5 and I digested them all in about 10 minutes. I wrote down my impressions in an excel spreadsheet..cuz I love excel spreadsheets but really isn't necessary. Also I plan to take in say 3 days of info before I give a report on what I found. Oh if you find anything super interesting..feel free to share links.

Please share any other ideas.

I know I'm long winded but really I spent hardly any time beyond the reading of the alerts...just many impressions rolled around my head and I jotted them down. We're not researching for our PhD.

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I know I'm long winded but really I spent hardly any time beyond the reading of the alerts...just many impressions rolled around my head and I jotted them down. We're not researching for our PhD.

Phew! When you started talking spreadsheets you kind of scraed me! :o I never have figured out those things....

Edited by Claygasm
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I would say I would do Ruben, but I don't think iof them as comparable artists, except that they started at the same time in the same venue. I had started a spread sheet when people were whining that Ruben got more publicity and coverage than Clay, but, ya know, he didn't. He also had stock issues, just different ones (like his album was not even on sale the first week!). But since most people don't compare him anymore,since his sales were worse (duh), I was thinking of doing more comparable people like James Blunt or Daniel Powter.

I really don't like to listen to Powter, but reading about him might be OK. I don't enjoy James Blunt much either because I think he is just a bit off of yodelling, but he seems a more likeable person. So what do you think of this crazy logic? I think they both may be married though, I should really pick a single young guy. That Teddy gu??? went no where, not sure he has a career anymore. I guess I will have to do some research to find a young single guy who does not do hip hop.

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So far I have really boring celebs. I though Lachey would have some personal focus on him, but just an appearance at some GM event and who else was there.

Leonardo -- it's mostly about the movies and his nominations this year. Man's a contender. I guess he had the most gossipy mentions - an article on the use of a particular limo company and a fair amount of attention for his decision to support a little boy he met in Africa and a pseudo-adoption situation. Pseudo is mine, since the child won't be living with him. But not as much of those as the stories on his actual work.

Elijah - All work oriented - his animated voiceover work, an upcoming mystery film.

So it's only been two days ... but no weirdness for these guys. Not this weekend.

LOL. Love that emoticon. Hmmm on the eye color ...

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Common themes? Inaccuracy in reporting. My initial stories on Leo C. and child said it was a boy. Last night's alerts were all about a little girl.

And some blogger said Elijah will be playing Iggy Pop in a biopic. Okay. So if this is accurate, a blog has first mention. No news stories on it yet, not that I saw.

Lachey is boring. <<<<<<< That one's NOT a common theme. Heh.

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