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I'm starting this thread because Clayzorback said so. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Seriously, I've been needing a place to talk about the show, and finally, am just breaking down to do so with this thread. The only problem is that I NEVER get to see the show in real time -- my husband and I both have jobs on Wednesday evenings, so the DVR comes in handy. We've usually watched it by the weekend, though.

I think I'm one of the few that is still liking this show. I know, it gets convoluted like crazy, which makes it frustrating more often than not. But yet...I can't stop watching.

I have favorite characters -- Hurley is chief among them. I love that man -- he's so funny. I also love Sun, Jin, and Sayid (the latter mostly because of the eye-candy). And, people always stone me for this, but I do like Jack. I think he's a tormented soul, but he's shown himself to be a leader IMO, and he's pulled some pretty good stunts this season. I also still like Locke too, even though he should be nowhere near a computer or explosives. *g*

Charlie and Claire are just "meh" characters to me. And the "seer" guy (I can't think of his name), he's cool, but I need to know more about him still.

Hated characters? I cannot STAND both Kate and Sawyer. Again, I know the second one is not a popular opinion...but I find him smug, arrogant, and an asshole. Kate, she's just icky.

Anyone else....

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you idy. I love love love Lost. It is my favorite show right now. Followed by Boston Legal.

I don't like Kate either. She is too butt ugly for Sawyer, who I love. So you better not be dissing my eye candy. LOL

I love Hurly and Sun and her hubby. Their's & Locke's background sure is a sad one. I really liked him at first but he is getting weird on us. I feel the same about Claire and Charley. If they were gone I wouldn't miss them. I don't like Jack either. *ducking* So now we are even for you hating Sawyer. I like Sayid, but I don't think he is eye candy.

It seems to me that the story line has drifted from the original they hinted at. It doesn't seeem to be very cohesive, but it is like watching a car wreck. I can't turn away.

For the last two years I have received season 1 and season two for Christmas gifts. Now that is the way to go. No commercials and back to back episodes. The story flows together so well. There was so much I forgot, too. I expect to get season 3 this Christmas. HaHa

I can't wait until it comes on tonight. My husband usually is on the computer during the evenings and I get it during the afternoons after work. But, you can rest assured I will come and post in here when I can.

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I loved this from the start...but my love has turned to disappointment because of the lack of cohesiveness of the story. But like Clayzorback...cannot turn away.

what characters do I like? I really like sawyer, Can't stand Kate...Jack is just boring, I find Ben really creepy, good actor. I really like sayid, and John's story is just getting incredulous to me because I thoguht the father was totally miscast. Hurley is an interesting character but they need to do more with him...same with Claire...I hate that they haven;t gotten back to the issue of her baby.

I still wonder if Micheal and walt are going to be back in the story...and they need to really reveal more of the mystery of the island or else they will just get all lost.

I guess that is the problem with this show ...there were so many stories they were developing that they seem to drop...and they are not interweaving all of them to make a cohesive whole.

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John's story is just getting incredulous to me because I thoguht the father was totally miscast.

Would you have rather they cast Randolph Mantooth? [/Emergency! connection] *g*

I guess that is the problem with this show ...there were so many stories they were developing that they seem to drop...and they are not interweaving all of them to make a cohesive whole.

I can agree to this...and yet, somehow, in the back of my mind, I think it will all tie together in the end, especially knowing that the show is going on for maybe 2 years more at most (isn't that what I read somewhere?). It's a fascinating show, for exactly that reason -- things not mentioned in 2 years will suddenly pop up again to nag at you.

I read something yesterday (I think it was in the new TV Guide) that said "Jack's father is the glue for the entire show." The more I thought about it -- heh. It's kinda true. He seems to have popped up in almost everyone's backstories, somehow. Heh.

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OMG...what an episode....I loved it.

I loved that you can see the camp from other people's perspective...

and wow...they got burried alive...creepy!!!

Maybe I loved it because no kate and Jack and a lot of Sawyer...

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Randolph Mantooth? Really? I seriously love him. Yeah from Emergency but he was on one my soaps and he was awesome..Loving I think. He would have been great. Was he up for the role?

OK that was the best eppy in a long time. I love Sawyer. That girl was more interesting than some of the folks we see all the time. I mean diamonds? Your asses are stuck on an island, crazy crap is happening all around you and you're still that greedy?

I loved it. And OMG they were buried alive.

Next week looks good.

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Randolph Mantooth? Really? I seriously love him. Yeah from Emergency but he was on one my soaps and he was awesome..Loving I think. He would have been great. Was he up for the role?

OK that was the best eppy in a long time. I love Sawyer. That girl was more interesting than some of the folks we see all the time. I mean diamonds? Your asses are stuck on an island, crazy crap is happening all around you and you're still that greedy?

I loved it. And OMG they were buried alive.

Next week looks good.

HEE...and you were sceptical at me when I told it its about people we didn't know.

Yup I loved it cos it was fresh and well acted by everyone. I just wonder what happened to rose and bernard?

Love Sun....and Sawyer. I love it cos he didn;t know them...hee

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OMG that was one of the best episodes. The minute I found out they were bitten by the spider, I knew. I turned to my husband and said OMG they are going to bury them alive. *yikes* How creepy was it when she opened her eyes when they threw a shovel full of dirt in the grave?

Idy, I agree, somewhat. I think they will try to make all the story lines fit together. I think my son told me that. Does anyone go to the Lost message boards or their web site? I don't, but I know there are great ideas and speculation bantered about. Spoiler type stuff. My son goes and reads there. I don't want to be spoiled for this show. I like to wait.

It was just too short last night. WTH is with all the darn commercials? Seems like we get 2 minutes of story and 6 of commercials. So frustrating. I loved that the episode was almost all Sawyer. Or is it that I loved it more because it wasn't all Kate? LOL

I love how Hurley seems to not be afraid to give Sawyer some crap. Hee I see Sawyer's character as starting to soften up and be more likable. Him wanting to fit in and being sorry for his past maybe. Or I could be delusional.

Great episode...........

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OMG that was one of the best episodes. The minute I found out they were bitten by the spider, I knew. I turned to my husband and said OMG they are going to bury them alive. *yikes* How creepy was it when she opened her eyes when they threw a shovel full of dirt in the grave?

Idy, I agree, somewhat. I think they will try to make all the story lines fit together. I think my son told me that. Does anyone go to the Lost message boards or their web site? I don't, but I know there are great ideas and speculation bantered about. Spoiler type stuff. My son goes and reads there. I don't want to be spoiled for this show. I like to wait.

It was just too short last night. WTH is with all the darn commercials? Seems like we get 2 minutes of story and 6 of commercials. So frustrating. I loved that the episode was almost all Sawyer. Or is it that I loved it more because it wasn't all Kate? LOL

I love how Hurley seems to not be afraid to give Sawyer some crap. Hee I see Sawyer's character as starting to soften up and be more likable. Him wanting to fit in and being sorry for his past maybe. Or I could be delusional.

Great episode...........

I want to Join thanks I work nights so ok

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OMG that was one of the best episodes. The minute I found out they were bitten by the spider, I knew. I turned to my husband and said OMG they are going to bury them alive. *yikes* How creepy was it when she opened her eyes when they threw a shovel full of dirt in the grave?

Idy, I agree, somewhat. I think they will try to make all the story lines fit together. I think my son told me that. Does anyone go to the Lost message boards or their web site? I don't, but I know there are great ideas and speculation bantered about. Spoiler type stuff. My son goes and reads there. I don't want to be spoiled for this show. I like to wait.

It was just too short last night. WTH is with all the darn commercials? Seems like we get 2 minutes of story and 6 of commercials. So frustrating. I loved that the episode was almost all Sawyer. Or is it that I loved it more because it wasn't all Kate? LOL

I love how Hurley seems to not be afraid to give Sawyer some crap. Hee I see Sawyer's character as starting to soften up and be more likable. Him wanting to fit in and being sorry for his past maybe. Or I could be delusional.

Great episode...........

I want to Join thanks I work nights so ok

The more the merrier. Join right in.

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Hated characters? I cannot STAND both Kate and Sawyer. Again, I know the second one is not a popular opinion...but I find him smug, arrogant, and an asshole. Kate, she's just icky.

You're not alone. I've never felt the Sawyer love. I find Jack a little dull, but I still like him better than Sawyer. My favorites are Sayid and Locke. Sayid, because there seems to be so much passion and conflict within him (and he's not bad looking). Locke, because I find his motivations intriguing. I wish they'd do more with Sun and Jin's story, and I find myself increasingly drawn to Desmond.

Now here's where I am alone. I hated this last episode. Found it pointless. Could care less about Nikki and Paulo, and the whole "buried alive scenario," while very "Twilight Zone," just didn't satisfy me on any level. My feelings might change if this show turns out to have any relevance to the overall story arc, but honestly, I kind of felt like I wasted my time watching it.

I enjoy the show most when it explores the core set of original characters. For me, the show lost its way when it started concentrating on the "tailies." I'm hoping they don't get too carried away with "The Others." However, I like the way the show generally fits together. They've opened up some fascinating possibilities.

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Wow one fo the rare times jenna and I didn;t share a brain...

I guess to me...the way they keep expanding the stories of the main characters seem contrived somehow...like the writers just want to make things more complicated.

I do suspect something else is up with this two...or just with Nikki. I was even imagining the others were observing and dig the two up later. But if nothing else happens to this story i find it was a good respite from all the drama.

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Finally caught up with this episode this morning....and WOW. First of all, Jenna, thank you for letting me know that there's someone out there besides me who is not all gaga over Sawyer. Having said that, he wasn't an asshole in this episode, and I've got to disagree with you in the fact that I found this episode fascinating. I was really impressed with how they reminded the viewers of the recent history of the people on the island. Old faces week at Lost, which I thought was rather interesting. I also liked the fact that almost everyone had something to do in this episode, or at least we saw almost everyone.

And that ending freaked me out. Gulp.

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I thought you were never going to get around to watching last week's episode, and giving us your thoughts. Hee. I hope tonight is just as good. I see the previews show Kate, and the blonde doctor woman, handcuffed together running through the jungle. Kate bitch slaps her. Bwahaaa. I hope the blonde knocks her on her ass. :cryingwlaughter:

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I thought you were never going to get around to watching last week's episode, and giving us your thoughts. Hee. I hope tonight is just as good. I see the previews show Kate, and the blonde doctor woman, handcuffed together running through the jungle. Kate bitch slaps her. Bwahaaa. I hope the blonde knocks her on her ass. :cryingwlaughter:

Getting to this week's episode might be just as bad, I'm hoping that we can watch it Friday night. And watching the previews? All I could think about was the catfight on "Knot's Landing" several years ago. Hee.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Nothing like watching a good cat fight. I will wait with baited breath for your analysis. *g* God I love this show.

Its really lucky for me AIa nd and lost are in the same network in Canada...Lost comes earlier...

I think our previews here is a bit different...we see a shot of hurley telling sawyer that he was voted out fo the island

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Oops. I almost forgot to come post in "my" thread Idy made for me. Hee.

Okay I confess. I got a bit Lost (HaHa) Where did the others go, and why did Locke go with them? I can't remember what transpired, after he blew up the submarine and Jack wasn't able to leave. Ansamcw I don't think blondie was "left behind" either. I told y'all Sawyer was starting to come around and wanting to fit in. Sexy sexy Sawyer. Hurley fooled him with the voting off thing. I was touched that Hurley told Sawyer that he would need to be the new leader in Jack's absence. Hurley is a smart guy. I almost hate to see Jack come back now. Locke is getting too weird. I want to see a little more of Desmond and his

ESP ability. I was hoping blondie was going to give Kate a whipping, but of course I was day dreaming. Blondie ended up getting her shoulder pulled out of it's socket, instead. LOL Now "the others" know about the "thing" on the island but that is all? What was she doing in that box in the tree trunk to make the smog thing go away? Turning off the perimeter fence? She said something about they know of the thing's existance, and that it doesn't like the fence? I had a hard time following this episode. Once again I say, TOO MANY DANG COMMERCIALS................

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OMG! I adore Sawyer!!! He's hot and snarky and you just know beneath that rough exterior he's a softy!

Weird though that in the flashbacks Kate was befriended by his ex!

I wasn;t so sure if they were one and the same...thanks for confirming that.

Clayzorback...after Locke blew up the submarine Ben and him had a talk and he figured Ben really wanted him to blow it up so Jack and Julia can't leave. Then Ben showed Locke that they had his father captured tied up and gagged. I think Locke went with them to see this big box Ben mentioned that can produce anything that you can imagine.

Julia and the creature...yup she did turn on the perimeter fence...apparently the creature can't get through...

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My favorite character, by far, is Hurley. I love that he conned the con artist to get him to become a softy. Hee.

OK, so this was an episode where I liked Sawyer -- because he was at least TRYING to be nice (no matter the reasons why). He seems to go through these periods of doing things like this, and then he becomes that stick-in-the-mud con artist, "what are you gonna give me to do this?" person. I hate him when he's like that. And I just can't find him all that cute for that reason. I know, unpopular opinion. I'm glad that we all can still share our Clay love. *g*

I really like the character of Juliet. I would guess as well that she wasn't "left behind" either -- but she's sooooooooo good at hiding her true feelings/motives that she's at least an interesting character, one that keeps you guessing.

Kate? Well, I'm glad she figured out the thing with her mom. Eh. But her working with Sawyer's ex? I wondered why we were seeing her in the "previously on" segments.

I think next week will be interesting -- the power struggle with Jack and Sawyer will resume, I presume.

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OMG thank you Ansamcw. Gee I hate when I have to sleep. I forget everything. :cryingwlaughter:

I was having such a major brainfart. Totally could not remember about Locke's father being in the box. I don't understand why he is even interested in seeing that loser again.

Yes it was interesting that Sawyer's ex helped Kate in the flashback story. I felt sorry for the woman, she really seemed to have fallen in love with Sawyer. Kate's mother? I'm undecided as to what to think about her. Juliet's character is interesting. I think there will be a love interest between her and Jack.

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