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Posts posted by dewdrop

  1. I agree with the comments that BFM didn't showcase Clay's voice, other than the chorus - I really liked that. I can imagine that singing something that an audience gets into is fun, even if the singer isn't particularly fond of the song. But the real reason I'd like to hear the song again is that I just prefer uptempo stuff. And not just with Clay. 9 times out of 10 I will skip a song on a CD if it's a ballad. If much of Clay's recorded material was sung by anyone else (with a few exceptions) it probably wouldn't even cause a blip on my radar screen. There is my musical taste and then there is Clay. Clay is a genre. What kind of music do I like? Alt. rock and Clay Aiken.

    For me it's anything by Thomas Hampson classical baritone, and Clay Aiken extraordinary tenor.

    I always thought BFM was mediocre, but everyone else seemed to love it.

  2. See, I can imagine Kim talking about details (title, tour structure) while Clay and Ruben nod politely, thinking this is just some sort of casual fantasy talk, and not a serious career discussion. Although I tend to feel that she jumped the gun in announcing the tour on her own, it is possible she genuinely believed it would happen. I'm beginning to think this was all just a horrible misunderstanding.

    I'll admit, I have lost respect for her. Announcing that Clay didn't return her calls was not a smart or diplomatic thing to do. However, I'm not yet willing to conclude that she deliberately lied in an effort to force the issue or garner publicity.

    I keep trying to think of a reason to excuse her behavour. Lets see , she jumped the gun and made an announcement without the permission of the other two parties, she has been in the business long enough, and is no dummy, she was a law student. Even I know that all parties have to agree before an announcement is made, let alone one with specific details about how the tour was to be run. All on the stage, doing duets, the three of them singing together.We know that Clay would not do it without Q & A what was K Lo going to be doing while Quiana was blowing the audience out of the water. Clay in his blog gave her an out by saying the press didn't check their facts, What did she do, she went for the jugular. I'm sorry she is not getting a pass from me, Kim buy a clue he didn't return your calls. OH of course you were plugging your new CD so it does kinda make a bit of sense.

  3. Everyone feels what they feel and that's ok. HUGGS!!!

    I don't know of anyone who regrets going to the AI2 tour and that was not al Clay. I've never seen anything that Clay has done that has disappointed me... he is always entertaining. I just know he will make it a fun show! I bet he would be Executive Producer, he and 5230.

    Ruben always shined when he was with Clay and I see no reason for that to have changed. Kim has a great voice when she picks the right song. I am very willing to listen to them if it means seeing Clay have fun with his friends... And, it would be a band and let him sing LNM and IYDKMBN... OOHHHH!!!

    Bottomline... I have learned to trust him! Plain and simple!

    I did see AI2 tour and it was magical, I still don't want to see the three of them together at this time, I would rather see Clay have is own show with Q&A. I do like the blend of Clay and Ruben when they duet,but not enough to see an whole show of them. Not that it's going to make any difference, but thats the way I feel.

  4. I have not been able to see Clay in concert for two years now. If he does tour with Ruben and K. Locke and they come near enough for me go I will be most unhappy. Nothing against the other two. I just want to see Clay in a concert that is not a Christmas concert, I have no wish to see the other two. If others love the idea of another AI2 tour fine, they have a rights to their opinion, I am just stating mine.

  5. And have we been nominating any pearls of wisdom for thread titles cuz at this rate we'll need some good ones in a few days. Quick, say something witty. :cryingwlaughter:

    You Asked!

    QUOTE(muskifest @ Aug 27 2007, 10:34 AM)

    All I know is that Clay's instrument is full and can reach both high and low and is especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes. Also, when allowed to extend to its fullest, the overall effect on those on the receiving end is quite....pleasant.

    Muski Answered!

    Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.

    I'll vote for this one.

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