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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Did you know that you can't get a federal student loan for a general liberal arts degree? Because I have several areas of interest that I'd like to work toward as I finish my BA and start thinking seriously about my MA, I wanted to go that way. I talked with an academic counselor, did some research and thought that was the best road to take, but then I found out about the financial aid issue. So communications it is. Oh, and I just got my grades for my 2nd quarter classes - - - 99.1 and 95.9! FCA Band? Hmmm.... I can't read music or play an instrument and while I was always in choir in school, I don't think I'd be a good back up singer. Hmmm.... I've got it!! I can be in charge of wardrobe! :27:
  2. Good to see you here, jazzgirl! Thanks, ldyj - I should have been more specific! The pics from the Spam 3rd anniversary, I think, are what I'm looking for. I remember being able to get some great details for Sir Robin (don't wanna run into any licensing issues...) Aiken Bear's outfit, but now can't find the pics. Since I start back to classes on Monday, I'm going to work on Sir Robin Aiken Bear II this weekend with the last *sob* of my free time. I've got the tux/tails pattern already designed from a groom bear I made several years ago. Will have to go shopping for sequins, though!
  3. Did anyone happen to save the hi-res Spam pics from Clay Aiken Pix before they shut down? I thought I had, but I can't find them....
  4. Yep. If he's singing, I'm there, no matter what, no matter where! *waves* to the lovely PermaSwooned, whom I finally met this past weekend! *waves* to the lovely KAndre, whose "RandomCuteGuy" (aka the lovely saltwaterdog's hubby, John) I met & got a hug from this past weekend!
  5. August 1st - Happy birthday to meeeeeeeee! I'm procrastinating on writing any kind of recap of the weekend because recapping means it's over!
  6. Still catching up, but too sleepy to read anymore tonight. Must get to bed. I feel like we should be looking for recaps from tonight's Spam show... *sniff* Again, it was great seeing so many of you again this weekend & meeting others for the first time. I'll try to recap later this week. It was a wonderful weekend with our guy.
  7. Haven't even begun to catch up, but I'M FINALLY HOME - MY bed, MY pillows, MY shower, MY cats! Loved seeing everyone again & meeting some new faces! Sad that Spam is over, but happily looking forward to whatever's next. Need some dinner & a hot shower, then to catch up before real life - aka work & school - start kicking my butt again tomorrow. Later!
  8. Hi FCA! Checking in on the crappy Flintsone's version of the hotel internet - Web TV... only 45 minutes of time left, so hopefully this post will go throuh before I get kicked off> Having a great time! Loved, Loved, LOVED Spam last night! Clay has really grown so much as Sir Robin. Got a stage door appearance FINALLY! I was so glad to see 'Clay'. It may sound silly, but I really wanted to see him not as Sir Robin. Didn't get a pic,but that's perfectly fine - I did manage to get out a thank you &a happy new year and got the same back Got his siggie on a card for a friend. And of course we got to see his CUTE face! I love Clay Aiken!
  9. Glad to hear KAndre is home safe & sound and muski & couchie are the same, albeit cold, in NYC! I'm gathering last minute items & hitting I-71N to join up with DediClaytion and head to Port Columbus for our flight to Newark! Take care everyone!
  10. What a heartfelt blog, tribeca. Clay certainly has touched a lot of lives & helped a lot of people in ways no one could ever have imagined, hasn't he?
  11. Good luck, Couchie! Hope muski made it into the city OK. Thanks for the flashback to 2003, TimetavelerPax - he was, and still is, so CUTE! And bottle? If Clay & Reed & David & Rick & Tom do end up at your house, I'm moving in along with liney!
  12. Thanks for the pics, ldyj! I added one of you from butterflyshine in the members only thread. Laundry is laundering, all errands are run, packing has commenced!
  13. Welcome again, tribeca! Glad you decided to de-lurk & join us. Don't worry about not being good with the internet - practice makes perfect, so just keep posting & soon you'll be a pro!
  14. I know for a fact that ticket is sold, because I grabbed it for one of my travel buddies! Repeating from previous page - I'll be around to check PM's until about 11:00 AM eastern tomorrow: Extra ticket for Sat. matinee - Jan. 3rd, 2:00 PM - center orchestra, row N, seat 101
  15. I still have an extra ticket if anyone's interested - Jan. 3rd, 2:00 PM - center orchestra, row N, seat 101. As a proud lover of Clay's profile, cindilu, I must say that wallpaper is absolutely GORGEOUS!
  16. Um, it's not just a theme with them! My cleaning spree the other night did NOT include laundry or packing for my trip tomorrow! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Tomorrow!!!! Glad you're home safe & sound & with a sd pic, ldyj! With all of the delays, you could have just hung out at the airport & waited for some of us to arrive tonight & tomorrow! I'm at work today - not getting anything done, but I'm here. Pretty sure I'm leaving early - too much to do before I head up to Columbus to meet up with Dediclaytion tomorrow. EEEEEEEEEE!!! I wish everyone could be there this weekend. {{{FCA}}}
  17. Meh. Reports are that Brett & Jaymes were at Spam tonight and that it was another sell out.
  18. Yikes! Good luck, muski. I'd say the train into Penn Station might be your best bet, but not sure how to get to your hotel from there... then again, I know nothing! We opted for a car service Thurs. night since there are 3 of us arriving in Newark. You might wanna spend the night at the airport and ride in with us! Our group has an extra ticket if anyone's still looking - Jan. 3rd, 2:00 PM - center orchestra, row N, seat 101 (right center aisle) $150.
  19. Here you go, Claygary: BroadwayBox.com LOVE your 2008 year in review, claytonic! Happy New Year to you & ausdon! :04:
  20. bottle, I think that kinda greeting requires clearance from that big guy on the other side of Clay. Sadly, I don't think any of us can get away with being so cheeky friendly without being tackled - and again, sadly, not by Clay!
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