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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Mmmm... that's a yummy SD pic. I think I need to see this one again. It hasn't been posted on this page yet!
  2. We'll EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE with you, virtually! Glad you're having a good time! Isn't that against the rules?? Mmmmm.... profile....
  3. to ldyj! to that CUTE blond guy on the left! ETA: Because I was "sleep reading" earlier this morning... Great recap, luckiest! Glad you & your son are having fun. Hope the rain stays away today so you can enjoy your sightseeing. Safe travels, Thankful4Clay!
  4. ACK! Yeah, Spam just couldn't go on without anymore Polaroid peasant pics! I think the thread at the OFC is harmless. I wish Clay happiness no matter who he may or may not be with - that's just a given. Don't think it's hurting anything for people to express that, might even be helpful to some who realize that they really do care about the guy and he's the same guy he's always been. Oh, and YES to Parker pics, if he'd care to share any with us.
  5. Quoting myself 'cause I wanna see this pic again. *g* Clay just looks sooooooo gooooood. GAH.
  6. Another cute Clay, Hannah, Reed & friends friends shot posted at CV tonight: And with that, I'm heading off... 'night all!
  7. Short YouTube clip of Reed signing autographs at the Wicked stage door
  8. I'll EEEEEEE with you 'cause I just purchased my plane tix for January! EEEEEEE!!! Have fun, luckiest1 & son! I luv this!
  9. Welcome smit... claylaughs! As for the Star? :whatacrock:
  10. Or simply that they were in the same state at the same time. I'm sure there's a foot/yard/mile range that says any male within that range MUST be Clay's boyfriend. Whatever. If it's true, I hope he's as nice as he is cute & that they're happy. If it's not true, I still hope he's as nice as he is cute & that they're happy.
  11. A certain CUTE little guy is 4 months old today... :connie_42:
  12. Pretty? I got pretty! Happy Monday! <- Yeah, I know, oxymoron, but I hope All Is Well with everyone!
  13. YES. A private private life - what a concept! I have no issue with Clay having a boyfriend or being seen with said boyfriend. All of the prying and digging and supposing that goes along with the possibility makes me very uncomfortable, though. Agreed. Normalcy is a good thing. I would love it if SO WHAT was the norm, but unfortunately it never has been and I fear never will be in this fandom. BWAH! Hee! Yep, the IIU, IIT have been missing the past few months, haven't they? Absolutely. This has been the case with the majority of my dating life. Kirby looks like quite comfy in his newly decorated napping spot, luckiest! When moving, I gave my big Christmas tree to Goodwill. While I have plenty of room in my living room for one now, I really don't have any extra storage space here. Besides, I did not want to spend all my time & energy trying to keep Gidget out/off/away from the tree/ornaments/lights. Even though she's almost 3, she's still got the curiosity and "I can go anywhere & do anything!" attitude of a kitten...
  14. I forgot - sorry to hear about your cat, aikim. I've had plenty of kitty experience, but not much luck when it comes to keeping them quiet... Gentle {{{hugs}}} to Cinnamon.
  15. I *love* his smile. Hee! Well, I woke up to one of those too, but luckily it went away pretty quickly.
  16. Couchie, please, tell us how you really feel. So many here tend to just hold in their feelings... Ahem. I woke up to this morning! Not much, just a little more than a dusting. Pretty. It was also nice to not have to wake up at any certain time and to not *have* to do anything today. Although the boxes piled in my living room aren't going to unpack themselves, dang it! Off to make some coffee & then do whatever the hell I feel like doing today!
  17. "Dennis, there's some good mud over there..." :clay:
  18. Ooooooh! Are we posting purdy pictures now?
  19. To me, the whole lying thing is a moot point because he never should have had to say anything to begin with - the questions never should have been asked. Period. It's absolutely no one's business unless they're personally involved with him. And if someone wants to think/say/feel that he lied, fine, but I fail to see how something done in self-preservation suddenly means that he's a completely different person than we thought he was, deficient in character and lacking empathy for others. Just.does.not.compute.
  20. I saw that too! I was just flipping through the channels & there he was.
  21. I can see why Photobucket didn't like that image, claytonic! Some of these are laugh out loud funny...
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