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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Sorry for the dental woes, {{{jazzgirl}}}. You're absolutely right about the job situations having a way of turning around, Scarlett. Still, I know the frustration you're going through, {{{luckiest}}}. We just found out that even though they made a big deal of making a big announcement about no more lay offs after the big cut back in the spring, they let about 30 people go last week. Happy Thanksgiving! There are rumors swirling around now about another 200-300 cuts coming after the holidays. Happy New Year! I'm not exactly worried, just frustrated and hating the waiting game. Anyway, I'm trying to plan ahead and prepare for the worst. I still plan on following the yellow brick road to the Emerald City NYC to see the wizard Clay & fellow FCA buds in January whether our manangement gets a brain or not I have a job... or not... Bad news? PFFFFFFFT! It can bite me! Btw, I love your Oz tree, aikim! I have few WoO collectables myself, as it's one of my favorite movies of all time. And I forgot to say, bottle, that Lil Drumstick is ADORABLE!! :bb18: Glad you got your new glasses, couchie. ETA: Loved both the online & TV ET interviews! Still wanna give him a hug. :thbighug-1:
  2. Yes, but in true Clay fashion, he's wearing LAYERS!
  3. MUAH! to ldyj for letting me know about the ET Online video this morning. Same here. {{{Clay}}} Thread title? In the words of our own dear Sir Robin, Oh YES!
  4. :clay: My theme for this weekend was "I'm not yet dead!" as I finished cleaning up the left-over residual CRAP at the apartment. My Spamisms are slipping... need a refresher... in about 31 days... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (my bolding) I have no idea about the rest, but I sure think that statement is true! Speaking up for Leo too! Yes, Leos love Clay, too! Roarrrr! Verra, verra, verra wishes to Mr. Aiken!
  5. Thanks to everyone who brought the recaps over. Loved 'em , love him , wish I coulda been there!
  6. Happy Thanksgiving FCA!!! I don't know what Clay will be wearing on the parade this morning, but here I am all decked out for the holiday: ETA: EEEEEEEE!!! There he is!!! ETA2: Awwww, I loved hearing him talk about Parker and how he thinks of him first now and that the world is for him...
  7. Sir Aiken is CUTE, y'all! I liked the idea of the show, but it seemed a little busy to me. Too much crammed into the hour? YAY, justclay12! So glad you had such a good time & got to have your picture taken!
  8. No laughing here. I think that's sweet! Ok, I've always heard of mincemeat, but I have no idea what it is exactly.... I know Google is my friend, but anyone here care to enlighten me?
  9. It's a nifty little program I still have on my computer from my old printer that died a year or so ago - PhotoImpressions. I love it! I can take just about any kind of file and manipulate & save it as a jpg or bmp. Or tif, pcx, tga, psf, png, fpx - whatever those may be! Wow! Glad you found your money, couchie! Videos today were CUTE! Ok, enough play time... back to work!
  10. Stubble, freckles, green eyes... oh my! Have to wait til I get home to watch the ET Online piece - can't wait to hear/see him talk about Parker! *schmoopie*
  11. Not caught up, but checking to see if my RoadRunner is working - it is! Thank you to all for the good wishes for me & my mom. We're just taking things one day at a time & will deal with whatever we have to, when we have to. In the mean time..... All moved into the condo, just trying to clear a path through the sea of boxes! Of course Clay helped - as soon as everything was loaded into the truck & I hopped into my car to lead the movers to my new place, I turned the radio on. OMWH, of course, was in the CD player and it randomly switched to the song, OMWH. I thought that was somewhat appropriate as I was on my way to my new home.
  12. Good thoughts & prayers would be appreciated. My mom got a call from her oncologist this morning that her breast cancer markers have made a pretty signicant jump and he's scheduled her for a PET scan the first week of December.
  13. :icon_smile_feedback: Please & thank you.... if flying into Newark, what's the best way to get into Manhattan?
  14. I don't know where that pic came from either, Cotton, just that it was CUTE, happy Clay, so it fit the theme yesterday. I absolutely love that pic of Parker! It's only 3:30, but I'm soooooo ready to go home. I'm feeling kind of crappy, like I've got a snus (tm Clay) infection coming on.
  15. Not really smiling, but verra verra pretty.... ETA: It is up at CU, Clayzy - Here's a link
  16. You know, KAndre, it's really not healthy to hold your feelings in. Please, I beg of you, tell us how you really feel... *crosses Shrek off possibility list (sorry, Chris Seiber) and contemplates another serving of Spam*
  17. Aww man, I love Tom & would really like to see that production. A very good cause, too. If my plans to extend my Jan. trip pan out, I do think I'll try to catch Shrek.
  18. $500,000 is beyond AWESOME!!! How WONDERFUL for TBAF!!! Dancin' nanners indeed! Dancin' M&Ms, too! :04: :04: :04: :04: :04: to you too, preden! Can't wait! 43 days? EEEEEEE!!!
  19. If I can make it through this week, I'll be in the clear! The movers come Sat. morning (ugh!) between 8-9 AM. How on earth did I manage to collect so much sh... cra... stuff over the past 5 years??? I keep filling up boxes, turning back around and finding the shelves still full! And how does Clay Aiken manage to pop up (just for you, muski *g*) everywhere?? I just keep thinking about January in NYC, seeing FCA friends again (*waves* to couchie & georgiesmybaby & others), meeting new FCA friends (*waves* to Scarlett, claylove, FromClaygary & others), seeing Sir Robin again - eeeeeeeeee!!! - and that restores a teeny tiny, itty bitty, modicum of my sanity. For those traveling to NYC over the next few months, who might maybe try to see something other than Spam.... :thsigns053: Yeah, I know, blasphemy! Anyway, Shrek The Musical, starring Christopher Seiber (original Spam Galahad) as Lord Farquaad, began running previews Nov. 8th and officially opens on Dec. 14th at the Broadway Theatre. Might be worth checking out!
  20. It's the ICBG - Involuntary Clay Baby Grin! Back to working & packing....
  21. Don't hurt yourself, merrieeee! Still loving that pic from Dr. Phil's show yesterday. What a lovely little family. And Parker is just soooooooo CUTE! Hee - the little guy's got Clay's ears! Out of another morning of training & now off to find something tasty, yet healthy for lunch. Just 'cause...
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