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Everything posted by ninna721

  1. 6 more inches predicted for Friday. Once it started it doesn't seem to know how to stop. Freezing rain last nite, too old for this crap. Moving south doesn't sound so bad.
  2. Snowing here. Been a strange winter so far. 52° here yesterday, 1 to 4 inches of snow here overnite. Had a green Christmas, hope I remember how to drive on this stuff.
  3. Have spent the last few weeks cleaning out my emails. Think in the 1000s, and I'm not exaggerating, lol.
  4. Wishing everyone a belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year. 2019 was definitely my worst year healthwise, hoping for a better 2020, with many improvements as the after effects of radiation wear off.
  5. Been out of the loop finishin radiation therapy. I know this must be posted somewhere
  6. Actually, that's the first article I've read where it acknowledged the hand over the mouth was in jest.
  7. I fell asleep while waiting, so saw it later. Was an amazing week to be a fan.
  8. I try to get rid of the excess every year, but it just seems to multiply on its own, I swear. Good luck with selling your house. Drop the Mic was funny and just what I needed.
  9. Merrieeee, I'm sorry, I stole your post and put it on Facebook private groups and CB. I just copied your post and ran with it. Everyone thanks you.
  10. Thanks so much Merrieeee for the Drop the Mic info. He is Seriously cute!
  11. Hey from snowy Iowa ( not that much, 8 inches at the end of 2 storms) Never really got the ice and sleet. Ken Arpino had a nice article in what looked like a local paper. Good article.
  12. Stole from another site. Hope everyone is having a great day!
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