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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. Brilliant. That’s the way politics should be. Every person in America should listen to this podcast..informative, engaging, respectful and funny. {who in their right mind could believe a vaccine causes boobs to shrink?!!} I loved Clay’s response- I wouldn’t mind if mine got a little smaller, hahaha My favorite past interview with Scottie. I bet she’s a closet claymate.. how could you not be? He looked delicious!
  2. There is a new podcast up.. I’ll let ldyj do her stuff. I have to tell ya how relieved I am. When it didn’t go up yesterday I was worried he was giving up one politicon venture for another. 😓 maybe he still will, but let’s hope not. I love listening to him speak for an hour a week!
  3. Yes.. but there is a fine line between being bad at it and just pure humiliation, I’m afraid I fall into the latter. Remember his friend Kristy on that star search show he judged in 2006? Yeah, she has a voice of an angel compared to me! If I could get him to laugh like that though it might be worth it. 😄
  4. Fear, so sorry to hear that.. when I saw this I thought of you right away! I wished I lived that close. Would I sing in front of Clay Aiken? Hell to the no! I would have to have a lot of alcohol, then I feel like I would be judged- oh just hell no 😳😂 Do Claymates sing?
  5. Very interesting! if Clay’s running it you know it will be the truth in news. I guess I don’t get where the hell we’re supposed to tune in. I see in the comment section they are asking the same thing 🤪
  6. 2 weeks back at playschool and my granddaughter has a 101 temp 🥵 I miss the days of staying home and not even getting a cold. My daughter took her in yesterday for a test, at least it’s not covid. As for. Clay, just waiting to hear when he will appear on the game show. How bad would I love to hear Clay have to come up with the dominatrix commands? Answer: pretty bad 🤤
  7. Best podcast in weeks! I loved this guest (Young Turks) told it like it is. LOVED how Clay can’t get a conservative on the show, so he plays devils advocate and makes himself one 🤣 I forgot smart in the above description. Lord that Aiken guy is smart, stood toe to toe with this double PHD.. who I’m sure was a little surprised by just how much Clay knew. Also people in my town gonna think I’m 🤪 As I’m walking with my earbuds in and I start laughing hysterically, like at 13 and a half minutes in.. Clay u funny 😂
  8. It sucks when real life gets in the way. 😂 I watched here and there, it was all virtual so the blue shirt was Clay’s pre-recorded intro.. and the plaid was the actual live stream when they gave away the awards. I didn’t get to hear the girl sing, but the boy that won was extraordinary. I liked the guy named Christian because he was cute, talented and funny. Reminded me of one of the judges 😉 I’m off to walk and listen to the podcast, quick before it gets steamy out there- we are about to hit the 80’s for the first time this year. ps.. I love the way ur church is opening slowly, I’m so mask confused 🙃
  9. Seriously impressed with these kids that come out of the Carolina schools- wow! Christian Bartney has my vote 😏
  10. I’ll try to jump on for a bit.. but our states hockey team plays tomorrow night in the playoffs. Carolina Hurricanes also going for the cup 🏒😄
  11. 😂 ok, so I can see where you’re coming from... you just want to cuddle up to that sweater, hug it tightly..embrace its softness. I get it. I so do 😉
  12. Another pic of the group from last night off of Insty. I’m not sure why I’m so critical of what Clay wears lately.. but he really needs to lose that sweater 😝 But I love the inside no mask look!
  13. I finally went in to get my haircut yesterday after18 months, it was so long and so hard to take care of! ( I took off 7 inches and it’s still long!) waited until I was fully vaccinated to go in.. knew I wouldn’t be ready otherwise. So I walk in and nobodies masked, I ask about it and my hairdresser says “if u want I can put one on, I usually don’t anymore”. My reply was “hey, I’m fully vaccinated.. at this point I would be wearing it for you and since you don’t seem to care, I think we’re good”. Interestingly, the CDC agrees- they just opened up new guidelines that Vaxers can go without masks indoors and out! At this point it’s the non vaccinated just passing it around to each other
  14. I’ve been seeing commercials for this show now on the network.. but not a dang Clay sighting. The only other peeps I care to see besides Clay, are the Impractical Joker guys 🤪
  15. Agreed! We have relatives in Wyoming and it’s a wtf moment on the continuum. I watched her whole speech last night, so glad she spoke out! Clay brought the ‘hotness’ to nerds everywhere, I feel, back in 2003. He’ll always be a quirky politicin nerd forever 😍 whether he thinks so or not 😛
  16. Shhhh, I don’t think it’s a good idea if this gets out - but Clay Aiken is a NERD. 🤓 No shit Sherlock ;)) Can you even imagine what his closet looks like? One plaid button up right after the other!
  17. I managed to see the Clay parts last night, glad to hear him finally say he should have won apprentice I have to say I will NOT miss that covid cubby we always see him in No comment on the hair ;). But he did wear his glasses for us Ldyj !!
  18. Oh, believe me, it’s old.. Ive been looking in to getting a new one for some time now. I keep my phones forever b/c I’ve had such good luck, never a crack or chip- never dropped one ever, esp into a toilet. It’s my ‘still at home’ brain I swear.. I never put them into my back pocket for that reason but I wasn’t wearing my leggings with the side cell phone pocket like I do 90% of the time 😬 All functions work, just keeps clouding up on me. I could use an updated camera anyway. Speaking of covid brain.. how about our dear Clay in that last reunion vid, the fans had to remind him of everything he’s ever said.. jeez he didn’t even remember any tweets he’s done in the past month. Aww hell, he’s still cute- my new obsession is the first 30 seconds of the video, when he finally turns to the camera and says hello and welcome with a head shake and a giggle. Gah, I have a thing about quirky, adorable singers ❤️
  19. Still here- but for the first time since I’ve had an iPhone (11yrs) I dropped it in the toilet! Still working on it 😳 I think there’s rice stuck up in the charging hole.. ooo that sounds dirty
  20. Thank u ldyj! Yesss! They are doing this weekly.. such a great idea!
  21. Uh oh Meghan McCain just said, on the View “let’s call a spade a spade” Did’nt Arsenio say that was a big no-no? racial slur) Clay’s going to have to have a talk with her.. twitter gonna getter yay/podcast - I love me some documentaries! Even though I haven’t seen Clay’s The Runner Up yet 😪 off to go camping for the weekend, first of the season. Finally hit 70’s and some sun! ☀️
  22. ❤️ You Go Kamala , lead those men in the right direction! so true what Clay is saying yet Tim Scott, the only black senate republican, rebutts with Trump talking points .. there is no systemic racism in America don’t ya know 🙄
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