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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. So excited about this podcast.. I love historians, this one actually wrote her book before this pandemic years ago.. so interesting! I remember my grandmother, when I was little, talking about the 1918 pandemic and how she had 3 children under the age of 5 ( my father was the newborn ) and what that was like. I won’t be able to listen to the rest of this one until later today 😖. I was only able to get 10 minutes in, the author reminds me of Paula Poundstone~ minus the humor.
  2. Awesomeness!! just set my second shot up for March 31st 🙂 if u dig, I think there may be a podcast out there - I’ll let u work ur magic
  3. merrieeee so jealous! I can’t even think about putting plants in the ground til Memorial Day weekend, to avoid a freeze! It gives me anxiety to think of how much we have to fit into 100 days b4 it freezes up again!
  4. Hah, I wish I could go spend at the garden shops. We got a half a foot of snow yesterday 🤨 I won’t go into my wal-mart until I’m fully vaccinated.. most peeps don’t wear masks, it’s the only place I’vs seen where they are not made to.
  5. yesss! Such a great feeling 😁 it’s so crucial for our country to see a way out of this. Joe is there like a big ol hug ❤️
  6. Looks like the game show on Thursday nights is Celebrity wheel of fortune or some such crap.. I REALLY dislike game shows. whats a girl gotta do to see the man be all cute & funny & smart for a half hour??
  7. Oh I was worried about that.. my least fave game show. But I will deal with it! Yay That tease: plz don’t tell me he comes in second 😦 (I think this show is on Thursday nights)
  8. Yes, you guessed right it seemed he sent out the 2nd tweet to cover for his first, probably after he realized a lot of the interview was about baby Archie being racially discriminated against by the royal establishment. Clay was starting to get scorched for that after his first tweet, my guess is he went for a little more vague overview of what he meant. I agree, the victimhood crap is a damn disease.
  9. I saw Clay’s tweet right after I watched the show, and I was like 😬. it didn’t seem like he watched the interview just commented on what he saw beforehand. There were a few twists in this story that they did not tease out.. The mental health issue is huge. Obvs Harry saw his wife spiraling out of control just like his mother and he had to leave to stop it. I’ve always believed the old man (Charles) and the royal fam were in on Diana’s death- she knew it, and now Harry knows it too. I don’t think Clay knew these things when he originally posted. I have to say, I agree with the second post though, too much of that! ldyj the Uber drivers are def frontline workers! I hope you both get it soon 🤞
  10. He’s baaaack!!! and man are they hitting him hard.. I saw the interview with Harry and Meghan, I guess I see both sides. i’m mostly in agreement with the person who replied that his friend, the other Meghan, is just as guilty of this 🤨
  11. obsessed with this pic as of late! Take care of yourselves over there Fear! I hear ya on the hair, haven’t had mine cut since dec2019 halfway down the back 💇‍♀️
  12. 😂 Loved it.. getting into it and then whoa Chaka Khan! Ha, there wasn’t any harmonies going on with Clay in like the first time ever! so this show must be a cult classic.. kinda like when grown men watch Sponge Bob
  13. Since I missed him so much this week, I tuned in and in the first minute of the pcast they talk about the Phineas and pherb episode with Chaka Khan. How strange that I’ve never heard of this ?? It must have been made after 2009.
  14. Spent the day sledding with grandkid.. perfect weather, not too warm not too cold. Wiped me the hell out! While I was out there I thought, winter is coming to an end soon and we have not seen Clay in his game show we were to see ‘in the winter’ I really need to see him. and not just from the shoulders up 😛
  15. Same here *sigh* good for you merrieeee!! I’m on 3 waiting lists. I am not going back to work til I get one I AM a teacher and I should have gotten one by now- I’m so over Fauci wahhhhh! {Uses best privileged whiny voice} 🙄 sometimes I wonder how Clay can handle her.
  16. My podcast notification came in late last night, so I started listening but fell asleep.. will have to get back to it sometime today. Happy Anniversary to Clay and the team of HTHAWGTGA - please go back to a vodcast later this year so we can see the man at work the way the good lord intended ( non singing version ) 🙏🏻
  17. Tons of shirts, but how many thongs?? 😉 Who wouldn’t love a shirt with a LIPBITE?! Someone knew how to sell a shirt ha . now if Ms McCain wears the shirt today on the show, that’s a true friend
  18. Oh my.. i miss one day of The View and all hell breaks loose. So according to the comments, Meg must have whined that she hasn’t gotten a shot yet? Well get in line girl! There are some big time Meghan McCain haters out there. But she can’t be all bad if she has Clay as her bestie, and even I didn’t buy that shirt 🤷‍♀️ now if she gets the autographed thong.... 🤗
  19. Yes- I lurves me some ‘thinker’ Clay Ldyj knows I ❤️ glasses Clay just as much! Thank ya, thank ya 😘
  20. There is probably no one I detest more than Cruz- The likes of Limbaugh and Trump are moronic and offensive, but Ted is just an a** plain and simple! 😡 -next time I’ll stop holding back my emotions and let u know how I really feel
  21. So glad to hear you're hanging in there! thinking about you today as I watched the news- wow! It is almost apocalyptic.. people throwing their furniture into the fireplaces and running their cars to sleep in for some heat! Global warming. Everyone in this country will be buying generators now, not just us up northers! Stay safe 🙏🏻
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