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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. He said it- he will lead not by example of power.. but by power of example ❤️🇺🇸❤️ that ending with the song lyrics? I’m dead 😪
  2. Seems strange to me that Gaga would get the prestigious honor of singing the anthem. She didn’t suck though I teach my preschoolers every year the pledge in sign language- I did it w her 😃
  3. Shhhh Amy is talking! 😉 haha I have not seen #45 leave.. he must be ready for the beach, I’m sure it will b on rewind all day Kamala looks fantastic! It all just looks so fantastic! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
  4. 😂 my son saw that on Facebook and texted me.. why the hell it was going to be so cold tomorrow. That’s good ha (it happens here during polar vortex and when 45 is gone!)
  5. Heh . I bet Clay liked Bridesmaids I too can’t wait for tomorrow! I actually was called to jury duty this week.. I didn’t sit home for the past 10 months to sit inside with people, not to mention a government building on the 20th 🥺 they let me postpone til next fall. Anyway, I’m not missing that inauguration for nothing! Andrew Yang just announced his run for mayor of NY~ interesting 4 teams left for SB Just remember this one thing 👎👎Green Bay Packers 👎👎
  6. I❤️ Spongebob! countdown: 2days to go - please be no bloodshed. I have a DREAM! 🤔
  7. Hey merrieeee just wanted to let you know I’m cheering on your Browns today in the playoffs.. cos I luv me an underdog!! 🍺🏈
  8. ^^ The good old days! ^^ hee yeah, I was kinda sorta kidding about the man, (Clay) can do no wrong. But still.. when I watched all the BOLD episodes this past summer, I thought it sooo hot when he’d drop the f-bomb or get angry and yell over Carrie. Hmm not sure the general pubs felt the same way 😆 He talked about fans thinking he sent messages out by what he was wearing.. wasn’t there a group of girls, that were pretty funny,by saying he ‘spoke’ to them thru the color tie he was wearing (?) That’s just fascinating to me!
  9. Funny how parts of these words go thru the generations.. I still use lout.. as in “Don’t be a lazy lout. I have no idea where I got it. Probably my old German heavy handed grandmother. new podcast question: Do you think as Clay works in his yard , in his regular guy way, he wonders if there is anyone left in the fandom that thinks he still shits gold? *raises hand* (best part of the whole hour) haha sidenote; back 100 hrs ago when I would post on a board at the beginning of this fandom, I would always say,“well, since I think C A shits gold, blah blah etc and so on and so forth. Coinkydink? I think not 😉
  10. Smartass. heh- if you think about it , that song didn’t even make it to the movie or the Broadway show. So one of those guys had to have gone thru their Mom’s Clay stash 😝 Newsweek article said that they named themselves after that song. So ironic, lets sing a sweet song and go shoot people. 😤 .. oh and mom while ur at it, take ur 18 yr old son who killed 2 people out to the bar to hang out, and drink, with his white supremacist friends. People are just making me pissy right now!
  11. Oh yes - But did you listen to Joe talk tonite? Man that guy is just like one big warm hug 😍
  12. Where is that podcast? i looked up Sally Kohn... very interesting, her views on hate. Says it can be unlearned. Perfect guest for this time- can’t wait!
  13. Seriously?! so glad they changed the names, hard to go around saying arse-feet are my favorite animals and cacklefarts are my fave food 😳
  14. I have thought of this too! if the repubs were smart, they would also
  15. Get ur Q in ldyj! Watching the impeachment vote is hypnotizing.. watching repubs try to save their butts- 😳 but on he other hand, the few brave ones that come forward to do what’s right. I’m lookimg at you Rep Newhouse
  16. OMG those two are hilarious! I’ve always asked, how the heck can it work if you don’t agree on politics? Anything else, even religion, just not politics- too polarizing. I still think Clay needs to get himself a political show where he can help people see both sides and still bring the funny. Meghan’s getting her ass kicked over on the View. When they fire her, she’ll be available 🤣
  17. This country will never fall to the hatred of a few Kindness will prevail 💪
  18. LOL it really is, kinda surreal. Clay played right into my hands.. I’m thinking, hmm if I mention my son who works intel to an intelligence man, Clay would want to impress him and then have him ask a question I took right out of his book- and it worked. I got to hear that sexy southern drawl ask my question *sigh* HA, jeez ya think I need a little break from reality right now? I may not sleep tonite 🥺
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