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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. Thanks for all the welcomes yesterday! idlefan4ca at the CH said Christina's new and improved website didn't go online until her actual release date, so maybe that's how its usually handled? It is angst city in the Clay Nation tonight. Every board from the CH to EAYOR to the OFC (ok that one is usually angst city...) is filled to the brim with angst. I hope Muski's theory of the little shit is changing the track list on us is true, but even if its not, I refuse to angst. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be.... I don't normally channel Doris Day, but in this case it fits. I suspect our clack cup will runneth over soon enough and I for one intend to enjoy the ride. Or am I just this way because I have had several glasses of wine tonight.....
  2. WTF too early? it's the Friday before the release. Last time he did Prime time the week before the release. You don't wait until the day of the release to start promotion. People need to get a grip. Yeah, well, I think some people aren't happy unless they bitch about something! Me? I just want Clay. Oh dear. You've heard all about me? That meakes me VERY nervous! I have heard a lot about you too and I can't wait to meet you either! This will be sooooo much fun, fun, fun!!! (One question - Is this a dancing broccoli???) CD release parties? Around here they can't even decide where to have them. I don't know anyone who is planning it or who is going. Most of my local Clay friends aren't even aware there are going to be any! Looks like I'll be partying alone and will have to wait until I come home from work on Tuesday to listen to the album. Unless its available for download from iTune at midnight, which somehow I doubt.
  3. Just here to say hi! My dear friend Muski said its nice here - angst free. Just stop by, say what you want to say and move on with a smile! I thought since I am going to Kimmel with Muski I might meet some of you who are also going. I am VERY excited about this! :nana: As for Leno, I think Clay will be there. Kimmel was on Daniel's MySpace too and now its gone, so my guess is Daniel wasn't supposed to say anything yet, or maybe Daniel won't be there.... Promotion - what will be will be. I was over at the OFC and people were complaining that 9/15 was TOO SOON for Clay to be on Leno! These were the same people who complain that there has been no promotion! Geez! The way I see it is there WILL be promotion. There WILL be lots of clack. Clay will look HOT. He will sound AMAZING! We will all be puddles of goo! Works for me!
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