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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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I am still processing things---my trip and...stuff. Not Clay so much, actually. His new look will grow on me (heh), I'm sure. And his short segment (heh, but not) was funny and cute and he SANG! Nope, I've been ruminating over some things that I really hadn't expected to affect me---mostly about the fandom in general. It might be a while before I do another tv show audience thingy.

Uh Oh. Maybe we need one of those super sekrit areas for this. heee.

BWAH..>Scarlett too funny!!

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I missed most of the last night's gnashing-over-gnothing, but here's what I would have said:

The Brighter side of Teeth...

10. He can fund TBAF out of what he'll save on bronzer; when he needs a tan he can just look himself over.

9. If a snooty restaurant serves him a medium-rare steak, he can fix it right there.

8. We can toss the pricey ISO 1000 Clack cameras with beyond freaky low-light capacity; ISO 50 will do just fine.

7. No more water issues; if he gets too close to a body of water he can just evaporate it.

6. With his voice and projection, he can do Sound-and-Light shows all by himself.

5. It's a clean, renewable energy source.

4. He no longer sits on the whitest part of his body.

3. He can give bullies a hot seat from 2 blocks away.

2. Whenever he wants to show off, he can part the Red Sea.

1. Next time he wears white pants at a concert and turns to Jesse behind him... Voila! Instant backlight!

Scarlett, this cracked me up!! :cryingwlaughter:

:bday2: Luckiest!!!!

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Crap, I had this all ready to post last night and I went to go let the dog out and forgot to come back. Like Add Reply is so hard to do... :lol: Heh.


Happy Birthday, luckiest1!


4. He no longer sits on the whitest part of his body.
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Awwwww, thanks everyone! I'm having a great day. I went grocery shopping, and thought I was just hearing Clay sing in my head (doesn't everyone?) but it was actually Without You coming out of the speakers in the store. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Was probably satellite, but heh, I'll take it where I can get it.

Then, I came home and got word that my daughter's tickets for the BAF gala were finally confirmed. :rainbowsmile:

Now, we are getting ready to go out for dinner with friends and family. It was great to come here and see all the messages with my name bolded. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Awwwww, thanks everyone! I'm having a great day. I went grocery shopping, and thought I was just hearing Clay sing in my head (doesn't everyone?) but it was actually Without You coming out of the speakers in the store. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Was probably satellite, but heh, I'll take it where I can get it.

That's very cool. I've yet to have that happen with any songs from ATDW. The Clay song I stumble upon the most when I'm out somewhere (usually the grocery store) is IWCY. I've also heard the Clay/KLo Without You a few times. Wait -- was that the song you heard, or the ATDW version?

Then, I came home and got word that my daughter's tickets for the BAF gala were finally confirmed. :rainbowsmile:


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I hadn't thought about it before - I wonder if Clay's UNICEF trip will be before or after the Gala at the end of March. No clue really, but if I had to guess, I would think it will be "soon" [normal soon, not Clay "soon"], as it seems like his UNICEF activity and promotion has really been ramping up lately. It would make sense to top that off with a report on a UNICEF mission.

That said, I in no way expect to get details until Clay has been on his trip and is back safely. I'm don't remember the specifics on the Uganda trip in 2005, but it seems to me that it was a family member or someone like that the leaked the news about that trip before they should have, and there was a bit of angst over that for security reasons.

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Saddle Up Your Horses!

Posted by cats4clay at CV:

Please forgive me if this has already been posted, but I have a Clay sighting!!!!!

My son is at a Christian concert in Greensboro (at least I think it's Greensboro), and Steven Curtis-Chapman is one of the artists performing. Well, my son just called me from the concert to say that Clay came out on stage and sang "The Great Adventure" with Steven. My son said to tell all the CV people that Clay looked and sounded great -- and that he was wearing a blazer and jeans. My son said that he had left me a message on the answering machine at home with as much of the song as he could get. I'm going to listen now. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!

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Saddle Up Your Horses!

Posted by cats4clay at CV:

Please forgive me if this has already been posted, but I have a Clay sighting!!!!!

My son is at a Christian concert in Greensboro (at least I think it's Greensboro), and Steven Curtis-Chapman is one of the artists performing. Well, my son just called me from the concert to say that Clay came out on stage and sang "The Great Adventure" with Steven. My son said to tell all the CV people that Clay looked and sounded great -- and that he was wearing a blazer and jeans. My son said that he had left me a message on the answering machine at home with as much of the song as he could get. I'm going to listen now. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!


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And the SCClack hunt is off and running. I think the Clay Nation needs to have Clack-gathers in place at the concerts of any likely artists when they appear in any of the North Carolina venues, just in case. That's not really stalking or anything too obsessive, is it?

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That's not really stalking or anything too obsessive, is it?

Na it seem quite normal to me!

Obsessive? Us? You've got to be kidding. We're just...um....enthusiastic. That's what Clay says, anyway, and since he commands an army....

I hope someone does get this clack, though. I'd love to see Clay enjoying himself, singing with someone he really admires. Good for Clay, having fun this evening. That makes me happy to hear about this actually.


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Bwah, Play. Love your emoticons.

So who had Clay sings CCM on their list of things to make heads eplode. I can't wait to see this clack...And I really want to hear Clay sing The Blood just once before I die. I sang that song a million times in the church choir growing up and I want to hear "grown up" Cay sing it.

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Bwah, Play. Love your emoticons.

So who had Clay sings CCM on their list of things to make heads eplode. I can't wait to see this clack...And I really want to hear Clay sing The Blood just once before I die. I sang that song a million times in the church choir growing up and I want to hear "grown up" Cay sing it.

I have always said my head will explode if he sings CCM. This has been a fear of mine. I won't go into the trauma I went through with his singing YWT during a pop concert.

I promise I won't.

But the horsey song always makes me laugh. I have a very special memory of it. It was on the drive to Atlantic City during the NAT. It was a warm summer day. And there was this crazy woman from the Bay Area of California (any guesses who??) in the front seat of my car singing it at top of her lungs while another friend and I contributing a few equally loud HEE HAWs from time to time. It was literally a thigh slapping, hee hawing good time! I was laughing so hard I'm surprised I didn't crash the car!

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Hee first page!!!!

Wow its cool that we were able to wait to start a topic in time to comemorate the Horsey song too.

I do think the Horsey song is fun...and its upbeat!!! Rocking Clay...heh!!!

Its too funny that we are now awaiting clack for this. sometimes it pays to be cr...enthusiastic!!!!

oh and already conflicting reports on what he was wearing...one report grey blazer with Red shirt...another one tan blazer with pink shirt...I guess different lighting conditions for the two reports...hee

GAH SCC fans won't know what hit them when Clay fans are in the hunt for clack.

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LOL Ansa..are SCC fans like Clay fans... maybe they won't be running home to post them on the internet. Look at all those young folks..doesn't look like the front row of any Clay concert I've been to heee.

ETA: OK I volunteer to only purchase 10th row and back to any Clay concert from now on...who's with me. Anyone? Helllooooooooooooooooooo?

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Wow! Clay must have wondered where he was! The audience looks so young and there are guys there!!

He's not used to that!

ETA: Couchie, looks like you and I were thinking along the same lines! Hee!

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