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11 minutes ago, ldyjocelyn said:

More pictures and videos from last night.  Pirate Clay is kinda cool, although I feel terrible for him too.


Amy, likewise, I caught my breath and gasped when he first turned and faced audience. Thankful his accident wasn't more serious.  Betcha he'll be sporting a black eye for a while. Had a high schoolmate who got hit in eye with baseball. Black eye for 2 months!.

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From Napa last night, via Facebook.  From what I've read, they got the casino length show, but there were two shows last night, I believe.  Very tiny venue, more of a club.  miki, I think this might be pretty similar to what you could get in January.


And another, different view, different song (I think, I'm at work at the desk right now and can't check):  https://www.facebook.com/1259589840/videos/1014007643165350/

And Ruben posted this on his FB account:  https://www.facebook.com/100044400370666/posts/892327478923923/?mibextid=TrneLp

Plus he posted a clip on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzdhuzmrEiv/?igshid=bWh2ODRuaDk1eXJh



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Interesting gift article in the NYTimes about the new streaming of concerts.  Remember when a) we were lucky to get muddy cellcerts from Clay concerts in 2004-2012?  and b) having to sneak in cameras to get clack?  No more.  

Can't Make it to the Concert? Livestreamers to the Rescue

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More to the 2  FB links ldyjocelyn posted earlier from Blue Note - Napa

https://www.facebook.com/100000097515087/videos/pcb.7364273893585788/1313310085968919      Mandy

https://www.facebook.com/100000097515087/videos/pcb.7364273893585788/3573310279592687      BOTW (short clip)

https://www.facebook.com/100000097515087/videos/pcb.7364273893585788/643517781312189         Flying W/O Wings (partial)


https://www.facebook.com/1259589840/videos/pcb.10225970278464443/893281695114972      Intro banter - humorous back and forth with audience (they loved it!)

https://www.facebook.com/1259589840/videos/pcb.10225970278464443/1491555084963763   TLS

https://www.facebook.com/1259589840/videos/pcb.10225970278464443/687260473549205     Kiss 'n Say Goodbye

Besides being the 'shorten casino version' , looks like the wardrobe changes were omitted, they didn't use the upholstery jackets (as Clay referred to them one time)

Edited by beanerknits
I'm very slow with typing, and I see ldyjocelyn just mentioned the same additional vids
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6 minutes ago, ldyjocelyn said:

This one has some really good banter.  https://www.facebook.com/1259589840/videos/893281695114972/

😍Yes, agree,  Have listened to it multiple times. Loved the way the Blue Note audience laughed all the way through. Luv the way Clay was so witty and quick with his responses. 


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Thanks for posting that beanerknits! I'm actually in Madison, Wisconsin at the moment.  My husband and I got tickets to see comedian Patton Oswalt (who anymore is best known as the voice of Rattatoui from the animated movie, but who is a REALLY great comedian!) and we just got back.  He was fantastic.  Anyway, thanks for the clips!

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