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Couch Tomato

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YAY we are almost official. I received the following email from TBAF today...

Dear Chapter Contact,

I wanted to confirm that I have received your chapter registration form and you will show up on the Beta Alpha map soon.

If you would like to send me your members' names, email addresses, cities, and states, I can register them more quickly than if they each do it online.

Thank you for being part of our team!

Aron Hall

VP of External Affairs

He then sent me a follow up asking if the chapter name could be simply FCA: Making a Difference. After a sigh of relief that that pins had not gone to print...heee I said ok. But we know we are doing it for Clay!

Anyway, if you would like to be a part of our chapter, can you send me the following bolded information. You do not have to do it this way if you don't feel comfortable. When we are set up you can always register on the TBAF site. However, to get us going it would be nice to give him some names...solidarity rah rah.

I'm about to send out a mass PM to all of our members which will essentially say the same thing.

You can either PM or email me at admin@findingclayaiken.com the following information:


email address



This is exciting.

I will post information about donations AFTER we are all set up.

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Play I can look into it but honestly, I don't foresee us being anywhere near the top 6 donators to get the matching funds. People would have to donate through 6 Degrees this time and then turn around next time and donate through TBAF. If anybody can see a fringe benefit to doing it that way let me know. I'll hold off on sending the TBAF email until tomorrow.

ETA: looks like to me TBAF is one badge. Don't know if you can use in conjunction with beta alpha. I'll find out. If it can't, people can either make a donation to one or both. If people want to just use KB's website that's fine with me too. Suddenly everything got a bit more complicated. That does run until the end of March. It will still be nice to get our chapter going... and we'll have time to figure it all out while we do.

Decided to go ahead with emailing everyone about the beta alpha chapter. It will be nice to get it set up even if we postpone donations through it right now. In the meanwhile I'll look into the 6degrees things.

Input welcome

whew..a thousand edits.

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