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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Terrific posts.

Maybe they made mistakes with this CD, it happens, but I happen to love it. Maybe the promotion wasn't as good as it could have been, but I'd bet there are hundreds of well known artists who would have loved to have gotten what Clay had.

...Early on, I wanted Clay to be the next Elvis, I wanted that rocket ship to the stars for him, I wanted the naysayers to have to sit up and take notice. Now, I want him to be happy, and healthy. I want him to be able to live his life and I want him to be around to entertain me "his way" for a long long time.

I feel the same way. There was a time when I expected him to go supernova. And when he got the Rolling Stone cover, the fantastic first week sales, and the great concert response, it all seemed predestined. However, things haven't been as easy as one would have hoped--which is normal--but for fans, perhaps a bit dispiriting given previous expectations. I've begun to suspect, however, that his choices (Christmas concerts, "oldies" reviews, orchestras, etc.) are those of someone who is not aiming for the broadest, mainstream pop/rock market. This seems to be the kind of music he wants to do, which may not necessarily bring him the kind of high profile success of Kelly or Carrie. And I can live with that, because I still enjoy it. But there seems to be a segment of the fandom that simply cannot accept the possibility that he might actually choose a less commercial path.

I have been toying with just leaving the online fandom for a while now. So it's great to have a place like this to come and chat and make sure you aren't missing anything. It's also great to have friends to email with, and share the joy that Clay brings me. Because why continue to be a fan of something if all it does it drag you down?

I have contemplated the same thing many a time. Sometimes, I ask myself, "Is it all worth it?" But when there is joy in the fandom, it is great to be able to celebrate with others who truly understand it. I do find myself drawn back, but there are moments when I just can't deal with it.

Maybe Roger wasn't so nice because some fans descended on him like locust demanding to know why evil Clive would force a superstar like Clay to record an album of blechy covers and then not even give it suitable pre-release publicity. Maybe after dealing nicely with some of these "experts" he had enough and blew his top.

She said she called the box office to bitch complain and the woman at the box office told her she and everyone there will be glad when this concert is over and they don't have to deal with Clay's fans anymore.

I have seen a bit of this in action. At a LA CD release party, Michael Orland and Fred Bronson were guests. Both were gracious enough to answer questions, but to me, it seemed that some fans started to press them in a slightly accusatory manner, with Michael being held to answer for American Idol, and Fred for the record industry as a whole. I felt bad for them being put on the defensive, and I wouldn't have blamed them for walking out, or at least, for never appearing at a Clay event again. I do sometimes worry that many ("insiders," industry people, etc.) may be turned off by the often demanding and unreasonable nature of some fans.

Why do some believe the world is out to get Clay? I have news for them. Most people don't give a crap enough about Clay to care one way or the other!
This is very true, and quite frankly, a sign that many have lost perspective. This notion that corporations conspire to orchestrate his downfall is absurd, and is based in the fantasy that Clay is such a towering figure that he represents a real threat to many. Not true. He just isn't to everyone's taste. While I've no doubt that there are genuine "haters" out there, I think to many, he's just an easy target, like so many other celebrities out there.

They booked him where they could. Why is that so difficult to believe? Because in 2003 he was the it guy? This is a fickle business and things change all the time. Next time around the timing of everything might be better or even worse, who knows.
So true, Couchie. For every celebrity, popularity waxes and wanes. Yes, after Idol, Clay was white hot. But time passed, and it's not unreasonable to believe that he may not be as in-demand as he once was. Actually, considering his lack of radio hits, his current ability to book talk shows and concert venues is actually quite impressive. However, I do think that many fans overestimate his status in the industry.

I think a lot of people forget that the music industry is very different from other business. So what ever expertise they have may not apply. I really don;t mind people debating and discussing on the boards as long as its a given that nobody is really an expert and we really don't know anything...its all speculation.
So true. I think it's very possible to learn an awful lot through the internet. However, I also believe that it's dangerous to assume that what one learns on the internet represents the full range of knowledge out there. Even occasional correspondence with industry people gives only a limited perspective.

I totally got a different vibe from the videographer. I thought she was curious and incredulous and simply not fangirly. She was talkative and still doing her job. She was whipping up excitement and making sure to get engaging video. I understand why she was hired. The end result shows she did her job. Do I wish she was fangirly and all in love with Clay and saying he was the bestest evah? Of course. But you don't have to feel that way about somebody to do a great job.
Agreed. Did people expect RCA to only hire fans? In a way, it was a plus that they chose a young female and not some grizzled, cynical man.
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Wonder how many FURCA pins I will be viewing the night of my evening with Clay...ROTFLMAO!

The faction of RCA haters are stressing 'cause Clay remains a RCA recording artist....figured an implosion would most likely occur after the Kimmel stint....

Some aspects of the fandom never change....

ETA...Ciao Clayzor...now, YOU...you never change... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey lightmyfire................ :F_05BL17blowkiss: I LOVE YOU..........

I need me one of them thar FURCA pins. Couchie???? Anyone??? :cryingwlaughter: My request list is for pins keeps growing. LOL

Seriously, how many times have I stated...YOU CAN NOT INVENT THIS STUFF...twenty plus years, never witnessed anything like it...EVAH!

I don't think anybody has ever seen anything like it. LOL I know I never was a message board person or followed a celebrity's career before but this just can't be the norm. It just can't. What an albatross for Clay.

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Wonder how many FURCA pins I will be viewing the night of my evening with Clay...ROTFLMAO!

The faction of RCA haters are stressing 'cause Clay remains a RCA recording artist....figured an implosion would most likely occur after the Kimmel stint....

Some aspects of the fandom never change....

ETA...Ciao Clayzor...now, YOU...you never change... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey lightmyfire................ :F_05BL17blowkiss: I LOVE YOU..........

I need me one of them thar FURCA pins. Couchie???? Anyone??? :cryingwlaughter: My request list is for pins keeps growing. LOL

Seriously, how many times have I stated...YOU CAN NOT INVENT THIS STUFF...twenty plus years, never witnessed anything like it...EVAH!

I don't think anybody has ever seen anything like it. LOL I know I never was a message board person or followed a celebrity's career before but this just can't be the norm. It just can't. What an albatross for Clay.

One would have hoped that after the FACT that Clay stated that Dolly's diddy was his selection, that they would back off....NOPE...I mean, COME ON NOW...

Edited by lightmyfire
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What the hell is FURCA.

Anyway, here's the thing. RCA doesn't get Clay. Will any other record company get Clay? Which record company out there is inventive and creative and allows their artists to be themselves. Who exactly is Clay musically speaking? Does he know yet? Can he bring Jaymes along to his new record company? Tell me about David Foster. Is he affiliated with a record company or does he have his own or what. Wasn't he involved with Katherine McPhee's album or am I dreaming that. How did he do with helping her find her true voice? What other people has he worked with recently, in this present market. I know he has done remarkable things in the past. Am I dreaming again or did he work with "red" from season 3. Finding that match made in heaven seems quite difficult to me. But I'm not against Clay moving on to another record company. When it happens I'll say ..see..I knew Clay had everything well in hand LOL.

And I don't want him to go to a smaller company with less resources. There's no guarantee there either. I give you Kim Locke - with the opposite problem of Clay - forced to be a pop princess when she should be singing the blues. They alienated her black fan base right off the top with her first release so to gain them back she'll have to start from scratch. Damn, I need to get my cousin on the damn phone. She probably has horror stories. Added to "to do" list.

Could I have any more questions? I know I don't have any answers! I certainly picked the right one to follow.

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What the hell is FURCA.

couchie, split the first two letters away from the last three letters, and then see if it makes sense. Yeah, I understand the pin...but yet I don't get it either.

You also ask a LOT of good question, one that I don't have answers for either. I think your best question is really "will any other record company GET Clay?" It seems to me that they may not -- record companies, when they get big and fat and profitable end up using formulas to create hits. That's what RCA was trying to do with ATDW, and I'd bet you bottom to a dollar that any other record company of RCA's size and scope would do the exact same thing. And smaller labels, as couchie suggests, could either take the KLo route (which makes me sad too), or else they could give the artistic freedom -- but maybe not the resources to do any sort of promotion.

It's called show BUSINESS for a reason, folks. Deal with it. JMO.

Almost forgot:

I knew Clay had everything well in hand

Oh, like that one paparazzi picture from the other night? *g*

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I have yet to view one single indicator which would guide any individual's thought process to believing that Clay is not at the present time a RCA recording artist and that his next effort will not be recorded under the RCA/19R label.

And I don't believe for one second the unsubstantiated rumor that he and his big guns in suits entered Warner Bros to deal....but that is just me...AS IF Clive Davis is a non-factor...non-entity...SERIOUSLY...

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Clay fans are so cute.
Aren't they, though? I've been thinking that all morning.

How thoughtful of some fans to wear a tribute to Clay's recording company on their lapels. How very Fiona Apple fan of them.

I'm with you LMF. Don't believe it now, nor have I the last 20 times it was postulated.

couchie... David Foster is a producer with Warner Bros. He also has his own record label (143/Reprise) which releases (The Corrs, Buble, Groban, Olstead, etc.) under the Warner umbrella. He did act as Executive Producer on John Stevens album. And Kat sang at his last fundraiser in Niagara Falls.

“Remember this moment!” the terribly buoyant producer told his mostly prosperous audience. She’s “in the line of the Whitneys and Celines and Mariahs,” all three of whom he has, naturally, worked with, and she’s “the next superstar.”
Seems he loves all his American Idols, not just Clay.

And it also seems her fans have the same wishlist some of Clay's fans do. In response to a "bad" review of her album:

19. No matter what she sings no matter who produces the Album's she can do nothing to stop the hate of certain people. When David Foster produces her next CD,they both will have the last laugh,and even the video,which is a blow away production-Will have the same hateful comments.
:lol: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Thanks, FCA, for being here....and Karen, Eh! and keepingfaith for the laughs! turdblossom.... :lol:

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Will any other record company get Clay? Which record company out there is inventive and creative and allows their artists to be themselves.

Who exactly is Clay musically speaking? Does he know yet?

Can he bring Jaymes along to his new record company?

Tell me about David Foster. Is he affiliated with a record company or does he have his own or what. Wasn't he involved with Katherine McPhee's album or am I dreaming that. How did he do with helping her find her true voice? What other people has he worked with recently, in this present market. I know he has done remarkable things in the past. Am I dreaming again or did he work with "red" from season 3.

Answers -

1, A record comapny might get Clay, but I doubt one of the bigs ones would, if it is a small one, there will not be the same resources for promotion - see Josh Gracin as well.

2. Only Clay knows who he is musically and that can very well be an evolving person - I certainly hope it is, because that means growth and it is damn hard to pin down a growing evolving person - so basically, I don't care.

3. Maybe he can bring Jaymes - depends - at some point I expect them to part ways

4. David Foster is affiliated with Warner Bros - hence the rumors that Clay singed with them (ahem, while his videos and tour schedule was being added to the RCA site). He did work with Kat McPhee, and Red and Diana - lets see -how many of them have good sales - Oh, none! Red's was trite and expected standards, Diana's was reportedly good, but availability was rare and Kats- well I am not fond of what I heard. I thought that Foster worked on a track, but maybe he is just instrumental in some appearances with Botticelli.

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What I don't understand are the assumptions that Clay has a 3-album contract and that he's in a position to leave RCA. I've been reading that a 7-album deal has long been standard in the industry, but that California a few years ago passed a law limiting recording contracts to a 7-year maximum. The 7-album contract usually extended from 10-15 years and was considered an unfair labor practice. I'm assuming that since Clay signed with RCA and 19 in California, that they signed him for 7 years. They don't have to release records, but they can make sure the artist doesn't record elsewhere.

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What I don't understand are the assumptions that Clay has a 3-album contract and that he's in a position to leave RCA. I've been reading that a 7-album deal has long been standard in the industry, but that California a few years ago passed a law limiting recording contracts to a 7-year maximum. The 7-album contract usually extended from 10-15 years and was considered an unfair labor practice. I'm assuming that since Clay signed with RCA and 19 in California, that they signed him for 7 years. They don't have to release records, but they can make sure the artist doesn't record elsewhere.

I believe Clay inked the deal in NYC. And even if he had a 3 album deal with options, the 200,000 ATDW units sold in the first week would guarantee him another effort under the existing label in my opinion.

YSRN Ciao...I am glad you are with me....... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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The 3 album gossip came from Taylor - he has a 3 album contract - and since it fit with the poddy wish they adopted it, without thinking that J records and 19 do not seem to be real fond on Taylor. The 7 year contract came from the mouth of Cowell in 2003.

Which do you think I believe?

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The 3 album gossip came from Taylor - he has a 3 album contract - and since it fit with the poddy wish they adopted it, without thinking that J records and 19 do not seem to be real fond on Taylor. The 7 year contract came from the mouth of Cowell in 2003.

Which do you think I believe?

I just googled and got my info from the Recording Artists Coalition. And it very well could be dated information. Me? I know nothing.


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Ok if anyone is not a member of the CH and is planning on coming to some little pre-concert partay that the eHP is working on would you please PM me with your screen name, real name and those of your guests. Trust me you don't want to miss out on this!!!!

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Ok if anyone is not a member of the CH and is planning on coming to some little pre-concert partay that the eHP is working on would you please PM me with your screen name, real name and those of your guests. Trust me you don't want to miss out on this!!!!

sniff I want to go...sniff...

you guys have to give an FCA report!!!

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Oh I've seen nothing to suggest he's left RCA either. I do like to entertain things but am not vested in any outcome. What Clay wants I want. And I would think a 3 album deal would give Clay the opportunity to make his choice now on whether to stay or go. Hope the poddies are right on that one actually.

Since I don't go to the OFC I don't hear much but have to say about 3 or 4 months ago I got a real "YAY Clay has signed with Warner and I know all about it because I'm important and you aren't vibe" from people I thought might know something. And the idea really seemed to take hold about then. I remember even telling Ansa ok maybe somebody finally hit the side of the barn and has gotten something right. But then I was told that Clay got good news about his new label on Kimmell day back in September (which explains his happiness since then) and I'm like ok wtf ever. The he'll be singing songs from the album he recorded but RCA shelved on this summer tour doesn't seem to be working out as predicted from this same person. And since Clay is in the midst of hiring new producers the he's going to release that old crap from 2005-06 doesn't seem right either. I mean how much super sekrit insider information has to be wrong before people stop spreading it. I just don't care anymore. He'll tell me what's goin on when it is time for me to know. It's not like I NEED this information to do anything with it other than to discuss it on the boards.

This tour seems to be generating some publicity. Newspaper ads, radio ads, tv spots in a localized way. I think Billboard and USA Today have mentioned the tour. But I hope to see more national press in a month or so. He mentioned it on Kimmell but don't know how many of his audience ran out and hit ticketbastard the next day.

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Ok if anyone is not a member of the CH and is planning on coming to some little pre-concert partay that the eHP is working on would you please PM me with your screen name, real name and those of your guests. Trust me you don't want to miss out on this!!!!

sniff I want to go...sniff...

you guys have to give an FCA report!!!

Is anyone a non-CHer but me????? :unsure:

merrieeee, I PMed you......

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YOu want your blood pressure to rise - try ggetting insurance in New Jersey - sheesh - 3 hours on the phone and I have the insurance card, but it doesn't take effect until I prove I had insurance for 18 months before - but that company does not send out the letter provving that ot you until several days after your insurance lapses - in the mean while you have to pay for any doctor's visit or perscription and then file a claim to get the money back. Idiots. Retroactively it will all be straightened out - but since they know the day you don't have insurance - why not send the letter out early? - dead silence on the other end of the phone. = And my dog eats my mail!

Be comforted in the fact that there are poddies who come here to read, not post - so you get your point across - it may be mocked, but it is heard.

That's a bummer alright, play. I would be in my livid mode after the first 20 minutes on the phone.

Poddies read here, but they never recognize themselves, do they?

keepingfaith, you come up with some of the funniest things. Things and sayings that I have never heard before. Like turdblossom. You are so descriptive. LOL

Does everyone have Fu*k You RCA pins figured out now? Personally, I think poddies wanting to wear Furca pins, should wear this one instead.


Here are some pin ideas for non poddies:








Of course this cute little animated one needs no words..........Hee


But of course, for Clay, I would end up wearing something more like this:


I don't think Clay has a 3 album deal. He has at least a 5-7 album one, I bet. I can't see RCA letting him loose anytime soon.

Some of Clay's fans just have to realize that a lot of what Clay sings is his own choice, sung in his own preferred way. Ok....I'm probably off for the rest of the night.

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Poddies read here, but they never recognize themselves, do they?

Artquest raises her hand.

I looked for the definition to confirm my poddish status but couldn't find it. In lieu of an offical report, I name myself pod person, or at least pod-lite. However, there are lots of people here I really like (waves to Muski and Karen Eh? and Couch Tomato and Ansa and JennaZ and many others), so I think I'm staying.

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Oh man, all this stuff gets me so upset. I'm sooooo tired of reading all the rumor, innuendo, and unsupported accusations. Does anything think repeating it for the millionth time is going to persuade anyone? Or that all the whining is going to benefit Clay? I leave Clay to run his own career. I think he can handle it. And I don't believe this crap is helpful to Clay at all. How many new fans not as smart as keepingfaith have been run off by this stuff.


Grabs artquest and staples her to FCA. Pod-lite, that's cute. I don't think I've ever seen you abandon critical thinking or logic. I just read a old post of yours in my researches today that was distinctly non-pod-like.

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I looked for the definition to confirm my poddish status but couldn't find it. In lieu of an offical report, I name myself pod person, or at least pod-lite. However, there are lots of people here I really like (waves to Muski and Karen Eh? and Couch Tomato and Ansa and JennaZ and many others), so I think I'm staying.

Bwah, hey even I'm pod-lite sometimes. Ask Ansa. She's talked me off many a roof. Of course that was back in July and August of last year before being pod-lite was in style. heh.

OK laughing at the person with the charts and graphs to keep their tour/ticket information under control. I have one of those as well. Still more left to plan than what is actually planned but got the important stuff done...tickets.

Will there be any meet and greets this time around? Just curious. I would love for some of my friends that have never met Clay to get an opportunity if they want one.

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Well, drat. Left off the popular kids list again. :)

And dudley managed to say what I happen to believe to be closest to reality without insulting anyone else's reality. That's what gets me; the insistence that if the rest of us don't agree, we're stooooopid and can't see the writing on the wall. That's not a conversation; that's condescension and manipulation... and I just can't play that. It's too angry or something. Meh.

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