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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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ETA, Scarlett has a last name?

Yeah, I was shocked too. I think Cher has one too.

HA! I'm only going to ONE in California! We won't mention the other states.

And the fact that I've already promised to go with Scarlett to the Phillipines when he performs there.

Oh no, missy! You don't stop stories like that there! Work, schmerk!

I don't think I've woken up with any blonds. We only have a token white girl and some Canadians.

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You know I think sometimes things don't have to be broadcast all over the Clay Nation networks.

Amen and hallelujah and pass the booze!

ldyjocelyn wrote:

Hmmmm....I'm thinking of spending 7 1/2 - 8 hours in a car with the eHP to get to the Tulsa show.

Should I be worried?

Heck No! It won't take 'em 71/2 -8 hours to get to Tulsa. You'll be fine.

*dons diamond encrusted helmet*

Cool! I'm ready to go! VAROOM VAROOM!!!!

Enablers, the lot of you. In fact, Clay was right: the entire fandom is full of enablers. I remember sitting in a bar in Nashville before the NAT concert, innocently drinking my beer, when my phone rang. Next thing I know I've got a ticket to a concert in Albuquerque. I didn't even know how to spell Albuquerque, but there you go. Had a blast. Went to the New Mexico State Fair, had a conversation with a pleasant but psychotic man who was hallucinating flies all around himself, and bought a pair of cowboy boots. Great concert, too!

Wasn't that the concert where Clay gave a young girl a sweet kiss on the cheek?

And yes, the fandom is NOTHING BUT enablers. All you have to do is THINK about going to another concert. Somehow, people then read your mind and offer you space in their hotel room, a ride in their rental car, and oh, BTW, a spare ticket to the show. All we need is transporter technology in order to keep transportation cheap.

ETA, Scarlett has a last name?

I think my mind is still boggled that y'all have REAL names. *g*

I'm sitting at the reference desk today, trying to keep from crying from laughter. It's not working, and people now think I'm one crazy librarian. At least the seams in my stockings are straight, and the bun in my hair hasn't fallen out yet. *g*

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Appalled? Hell, I wouldn't put it past certain members to claim to be Kay Bailey Hutchison (who probably would get extra-special seats for her entourage and I happen to have a blond wig that fit somebody in our group). Just sayin'.

Oh please. You think Scarlett and I don't have a plan if the tickets we wanted were available right now? It involves "borrowing" a Frisco address, Ticketfast, and Ticketmaster giftcards. Rent? Buy? Amateurs.

I don't drink so what can we blame my insanity on?

I think this is my first post in the main thread. Howdy Y'all!

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Child, we don't blame your insanity...we cherish it. Functioning psychotics are a valuable resource in the eHP. Along with Scarlett's hooker shoes. And yours.

Hmmm, what other valuable resources do we have in the eHP? Merrieeee's total street cred. She is such a hood girl. PerusingOne's skill at butt and fake landmark alibi pictures. Karen Eh's geographical skills to explain how Tennessee is actually on the point to point trip from Houston to Canada and pet communication skills to keep the dog from ratting us out.

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He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing

Thread title?

That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...

Thread title?

couchie, your posts are so sensible to me -- freakin' WORD to everything.

Sensible? I don't want to be sensible. I want to be outrageous, and fun, and have flair! Pout. heee

**The above was brought to you by SnarkRUs and is not meant to represent the feelings or opinions of any sane person**

bwah and blog title heee

These clack hits are good, dang good...But how am I gonna make 65 days (if somebody gets their shit together and SELLS ME A GODDAM TICKET) before my next serious hit? Though that should prove I'm not an addict - I am waiting quietly for my score. I haven't seen the Intervention dude at my door (though I haven't told my family how many concerts I'm going to because every week Han or Scarlett add more to my frickin' schedule. And they sound so reasonable. So plausible. So sensible.

OK so sensible is a good thing, right? heee

he was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people and he's sexy.

thread title? Something tells me we'll have more thread title suggestions than mods. What will we do. LOL.The first one to 3 wins?

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you guys have cracked me up all day. Artquest - oh my god, the pull of Clay can be overwhelming. Every single tour I've ended up at more concerts than I originally envisioned.

Solo, nice to see you on main. Which reminds me of how a lot of these Clay trips are put together piecemeal. When I went to NAT - Greensboro, Greenville, Charleston, Virginia.. Solo was the driver for the Charleston to Virginia leg and she so kindly drove the backwoods to my cousin's house after the concert.

I do believe Perusing One is a Florida by proxy member of the Houston possee and she was the first person off the boards that I stayed with...arrived at the hotel and had no clue what her real name was since I left my little notes at home. I can't even remember how I talked the woman at the front desk into letting me look at the names on hte register so I could find her. LOL. And in Atlantic City...did get to hang out in the room with Ididn'tknowshehadalastnameeither Scarlett and gang. I think she had commandeered a rather large TV from the hotel and we watched clack...a lot of clack. Ah.....good times.

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While y'all are throwing out thread titles, may I suggest my line at the CH the other day? I was referring to all his gifts, different looks, always surprising us, so I said:" So many boyfriends, so little time".

I mean, I want to bed the Afghani prince, but I might have to risk going off with "jailbait boy" from the Today show clack, too. What's a girl to do? Ackk!

On cousins: Kandre, you crack my crack up. I almost had a fling with a third cuddin. And how about Franklin and Eleanor? First fuckin' cousins!

Oh, Muski, I think Clay and Jamie are a hot fantasy (write story !) THey look outstanding together, long and lean and all.

You mentioned the rack, let's not forget about Karen Eh's "lap straddling" remark to get a better angle to cut the bangs and all. Lots can come out of that, too. Hoo boy. You know, "as she eased herself into position" ....Go, muski!!!

Can't wait to see all you concert ho's (woops Russell Simmons sez that's now a no-no word) on the Clay circuit!

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I do believe Perusing One is a Florida by proxy member of the Houston possee and she was the first person off the boards that I stayed with...arrived at the hotel and had no clue what her real name was since I left my little notes at home. I can't even remember how I talked the woman at the front desk into letting me look at the names on hte register so I could find her. LOL.

Apparently, PerusingOne makes a habit of picking up complete strangers in hotels. The first time we ever met was also in her hotel room. Was she in the room when you got there, Couchie? She just left a key for me at the front desk while she went to grab something to eat even though we had only exchanged 3 PMs and 2 phone calls. She didn't know my last name and didn't care when I tried to give it to her. That's right. She just left me alone with all her stuff. Lucky for her, I turned out to be merely insane instead of batshit crazy.

I pulled up front row center pit tickets today. Too bad they were for Chicago at the Woodlands instead of Clay in Knoxville. Hee. Scarlett is cellcerting me right now to test out different settings on her phone. The girl is dedicated.

Edited by Solo
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This has been a day where reading is better than posting!! Y'all are hysterical!!!


If any of you adored Kelly's amazing song during IGB as much as I did, its now available at iTunes, with all proceeds going to charity. I can't stop listening to it.

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Let the fireworks commence!

Tonight over some Tex-Mex and a humongous frozen marguerita, my hubby and younger daughter and I chit chatted. (Of course, the teenager had more important social engagements on her calendar.)...long story short, I brought up my birthday and the celebration thereof---I confirmed that OUR celebration is the evening BEFORE the fourth as we tailgate in the parking lot and then watch the A's baseball game and the fireworks afterwards.

I then confirmed that, "So...on my actual birthday I can do anything I want, right?"

"Yep. Whatever."

"Even leaving early to go to Texas?"

"Sure. What's up?"

I told him.

"Sure...sounds like fun!"


He's jealous that I'll get to watch a soccer game...heh. So I'm good to go! YES! :09: :manynanas:

(I'll work on the Florida three-fer trip later... :unsure: )

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Let the fireworks commence!

Tonight over some Tex-Mex and a humongous frozen marguerita, my hubby and younger daughter and I chit chatted. (Of course, the teenager had more important social engagements on her calendar.)...long story short, I brought up my birthday and the celebration thereof---I confirmed that OUR celebration is the evening BEFORE the fourth as we tailgate in the parking lot and then watch the A's baseball game and the fireworks afterwards.

I then confirmed that, "So...on my actual birthday I can do anything I want, right?"

"Yep. Whatever."

"Even leaving early to go to Texas?"

"Sure. What's up?"

I told him.

"Sure...sounds like fun!"


He's jealous that I'll get to watch a soccer game...heh. So I'm good to go! YES! :09: :manynanas:

(I'll work on the Florida three-fer trip later... :unsure: )

Woo Hoo!! That means I'm a definite too!!! :nana:

Hey - maybe you can cellcert Kenny the soccer game!! :medium-smiley-070:

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EEEEEEEEEEEE y'all are so funny!!!

its so cool to catch up on my new laptop...YAY!!!!

Its a sony vaio with vista...its very cute and vista is very fancy...need to get used to a lot of the features but its all pretty cool. Well its not a completely great day cos my IPOD is once again on intensive care...the sad ipod is there again...now hoping my hubby can once again do his magic...and revive my friend or else I will probably have to forget about Ipods for awhile...cos the next big purchase I will do is my plane ticket to CA..EEEEEEEEE.

Oh and we have a new washer too...we finally replaced the 20yr old washer...hee...

anyway...this is the first time I will actually be a concert ho...I was telling my friend about the usual activities of concert season and she was looking at me like I had three heads. But in the end she understood...its all about having fun and empowering ourselves.

yup we are all enablers...we need an enabler emoticon.

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Apparently, PerusingOne makes a habit of picking up complete strangers in hotels. The first time we ever met was also in her hotel room. Was she in the room when you got there, Couchie? She just left a key for me at the front desk while she went to grab something to eat even though we had only exchanged 3 PMs and 2 phone calls. She didn't know my last name and didn't care when I tried to give it to her. That's right. She just left me alone with all her stuff. Lucky for her, I turned out to be merely insane instead of batshit crazy.

Bwah, lucky girl. But I think I beat her to the hotel but fortunately was able to talk my way into her room. A little too easy ..hmmmm.

Y'all are crazy but I admire your focus and dedication to the cause. :TourExcite:

heee me too Bottle..

I then confirmed that, "So...on my actual birthday I can do anything I want, right?"

"Yep. Whatever."

"Even leaving early to go to Texas?"

"Sure. What's up?"

I told him.

"Sure...sounds like fun!"


Ahh Kenny is a sweetheart. And I'll be partying with Muski on her birthday, at the tailgate party. Shall I bring the :bier: ... might as well get you in practice to be a drunken yahoo in frisco. heee

Woo Hoo!! That means I'm a definite too!!! :nana:

Hey - maybe you can cellcert Kenny the soccer game!! :medium-smiley-070:

Bwah..you're way too easy. And LOL about the cellcert.

Why must I be so sensible. WHY? Frisco is sounding like the place to be.

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Woo Hoo!! That means I'm a definite too!!! :nana:

Hey - maybe you can cellcert Kenny the soccer game!! :medium-smiley-070:

Bwah..you're way too easy. And LOL about the cellcert.

When it comes to Clay - you betcha I'm easy! Easy doesn't begin to cover it! I'm a down right S-L-U-T!!

Why must I be so sensible. WHY? Frisco is sounding like the place to be.

Being sensible is HIGHLY overrated, couchie! Texas is a calling your name!!!

Speaking of which.... WOO HOO!!!!

I just bought my very first airline tickets for this tour!!


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Merrieeee's total street cred. She is such a hood girl

I figure that since I'm the token white girl that you slept with that must be how I got my street cred!

Whatevah! You go girl!

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couchie....any chance I can talk you into Frisco? The airfare from Oakland one way is $118. We could fly together! and...and...I have some Southwest Airlines drink coupons and you could have a free Screwdriver on our 7:45 am flight! and...and....I just KNOW I can help you with a great ticket.....and and.....


C'mon, everybody! Help me enable! :Tour3:

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Course, if couchie makes it to Frisco - she might as well come to Houston.

Merrieeee, honestly, you're the best token white girl I've ever slept with, bar none!

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Stop trying to enable admins. That is cause for banishment or at least if you succeeded you'd have to buy me a drink at the preparty. HEH.

pssst don't worry...y'all can get on the good side of the other admins...hee

chug chug chug!!!

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Stop trying to enable admins. That is cause for banishment or at least if you succeeded you'd have to buy me a drink at the preparty. HEH.

pssst don't worry...y'all can get on the good side of the other admins...hee

chug chug chug!!!

Especially if there's a way to get couchie to Houston as well!






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