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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Wow, this sounds like one wild party. Admins sleeping around, checkerboard chicks (tmHairspray), etc. And I thought my 4 concerts was over the top. Someday.... Hope I'll see you guys in NC, Philly or Tennessee! I want to sleep around too! Wait- I already am!

Hugs all around.

Hubby and I are going on a special shopping excursion today. I'm going to buy my first drums!!! A Native American flat drum and a djembe! (Arabic style, fantastic sound). I 'll be using these for my future perfs and workshops with kids. :allgood: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

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couchie....any chance I can talk you into Frisco? The airfare from Oakland one way is $118. We could fly together! and...and...I have some Southwest Airlines drink coupons and you could have a free Screwdriver on our 7:45 am flight! and...and....I just KNOW I can help you with a great ticket.....and and.....


C'mon, everybody! Help me enable! :Tour3:

Oh couchie! You MUST come!! This could be the party of the year - plus we'll get to see Mr. Hot Stuff SWEAT!!!! He could look something like this!


Course, if couchie makes it to Frisco - she might as well come to Houston.

Absolutely! It wouldn't make sense to just come to Frisco when you could come to Houston too!!! You would get two for the price of, well, two - but it would be FUN!


Stop trying to enable admins. That is cause for banishment or at least if you succeeded you'd have to buy me a drink at the preparty. HEH.

HEE! I always like to cause trouble with admins! Come to Texas.... Come to Texas.... Come to Texas.... :trink4: :bier: :club0: :04:

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Well, I am heading back to the beach - so until I get internet, I will be missing again. The weather was great last weekend, but I followed it up being sick. eh.

Packing to go right now -

Couchie - you know what they say about gambling - just apply it to Cklay - do go spend over your head - We may need to start concert tours anaymous later.

Now if only I can figure out how to buy a ticket to Newark on Monday without the internet. Hmmmmmm

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Finally got my beloved laptop back after a week of it being in the shop getting repaired after I dropped it (I will never drop it again. I will never drop it again. I will never drop it agagin.) Anyway, our family desktop is terribly inadequate and frustrating as all getout to use. I have a new appreciation for my laptop. :)

I don't have much reason to join into all of the concert excitement about the travel and parties and plans. I am lucky enough to live in Southern Cal and therefore will be getting to go to some of the Southern Cal concerts this time around. I missed the entire NaCT this past December but was so appreciative of the Clack and almost felt like I was there because of it.

Funny thing is, whereas in 2004, I would have been at every single concert if I could have (and went to 5 of each), and was heartbroken that I only made it to two JBTs, I'm in a different place now mentally/emotionally as far as concerts go. I'm very happy that I'm getting to go to the Southern Cal concerts, and even though there are four of them, I think I may just go to three of them - four in a row may be too much traveling around/socializing/stress, etc and I think I may just have had enough after three. Wish they were a little more spread out.

I wonder if I would/will feel differently if and when Clay does another more rockish/pop concert like the Independent Tour or the NAT or even the JBT. I'm sure I will love hearing him with an orchestra again. His voice does magical things to me, and I'm also sure he'll be funny again like he was this past Christmas. But I love to see Clay rock out. That's when he is sexiest to me.

In any case, I simply can't afford to fly around the country this year to see more of Clay live. My daughter is getting married in August, and both my energy and our money has to go towards that.

Oh, Muski, I think Clay and Jamie are a hot fantasy (write story !) THey look outstanding together, long and lean and all.

You mentioned the rack, let's not forget about Karen Eh's "lap straddling" remark to get a better angle to cut the bangs and all. Lots can come out of that, too. Hoo boy. You know, "as she eased herself into position" ....Go, muski!!!

DivayentaaI'm always up for a hot Muski scene - I think I might have been her very first Clorn fan! But I wrote a "lap straddling"/hair cut scene as the opening scene to my story "Reckless", which is over at RHT/EAYOR. I'm currently reposting it in the Current Stories there, although it's also in the Unplugged section also.

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Ok, this cracked me up (but is causing stress to others....). Check out the picture and the caption used in this article or Frisco!

[url=http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/apr/28/fc-dallas-clay-aiken-fireworks-highlight-frisco-fr/]Pegasus News Wire[/url]

Note: I zapped the direct link, as apparently the blogger is tracking back the to Clay boards, and I don't think he needs to come here... bottlecap

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Couchie....think about this:

RT airfare= $118

Ground Transportation= minimal share if at all

Hotel in Frisco=cheap share

Hotel in Houston=minimal share with CG and me, if at all--we're in the party hotel, honey, for less than $70 a night!


Frisco---sale Tuesday, right---these tickets are CHEAP!

Houston---I swear I saw a Row G ticket on sale at CH...that's with/near us!

The Texas Experience with good friends and Clay?

PRICELESS, bay-bee! :TourExcite:

(Go Warriors!)

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Ok, this cracked me up (but is causing stress to others....). Check out the picture and the caption used in this article or Frisco!

[url=http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/apr/28/fc-dallas-clay-aiken-fireworks-highlight-frisco-fr/]Pegasus News Wire[/url]

Note: I zapped the direct link, as apparently the blogger is tracking back the to Clay boards, and I don't think he needs to come here... bottlecap

BWAH! Me too CG, me too!

Asking a favor -- please. Could someone (who's not an admin!) go over to the new FCA webpage (located here) and then click on the "Clay articles" link? I've got 5 articles listed so far, and I want to make sure everyone can see them, etc. Only 4 have links -- the fifth I need to get a scan of first (and if anyone has scans of some of the early magazines, such as Elle or Time), please contact me. That would help me a great deal.

But I love to see Clay rock out. That's when he is sexiest to me.

Totally's little statement here made me think of a possible topic for discussion here -- when is Clay sexiest to YOU? I'll go first. Honestly -- it's not when he's singing at all. It's not when he's giving an eye***k, it's not when he's showing orgasm face. For me, it's when he's making me laugh. I don't know exactly what it is for me, but when he's doing banter at a show, and he starts talking, and then he jokes about something -- I get all tingly. Wait, I DO know -- it's because it shows to me that the man has a BRAIN. He's a quick thinker, and I love that in a man.

So....anyone else?

Oh, and pictures are not required for your own personal "sexy meter" -- but hey! If you want....

Here's an example of "sexy" for me:


And another:




And one more:


Love that man....

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Let the fireworks commence!

Tonight over some Tex-Mex and a humongous frozen marguerita, my hubby and younger daughter and I chit chatted. (Of course, the teenager had more important social engagements on her calendar.)...long story short, I brought up my birthday and the celebration thereof---I confirmed that OUR celebration is the evening BEFORE the fourth as we tailgate in the parking lot and then watch the A's baseball game and the fireworks afterwards.

Let's make sure we write this down for future reference. If you're asking for the whole enchilada it helps to be in a Mexican restaurant. Last night as we sat over our own margueritas and flautas, I finally broached the Dallas trip to J.D. He was intriqued by the soccer game and the firewroks (turns out he knew who the Zambelli Family was and it actually impressed him...I think)...he was more intriqued by the in between parts, like the half hour intermission and the hour and a half of music provided for our enjoyment after that. Let's say he had a pretty good time of it watching me squirm but he said...."Do I have to decide right now? By July 4th I will have been married to this man for 25 years + one day. That's as good as a "Yes"

Ok, this cracked me up (but is causing stress to others....). Check out the picture and the caption used in this article or Frisco!

[url=http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2007/apr/28/fc-dallas-clay-aiken-fireworks-highlight-frisco-fr/]Pegasus News Wire[/url]

Note: I zapped the direct link, as apparently the blogger is tracking back the to Clay boards, and I don't think he needs to come here... bottlecap

BWAH! Me too CG, me too!

I got a laughout of that, too. But, Lord, some people need to lighten up....comments like the ones that caption is getting make me cringe. I'm just floored that so many people can type and wag fingers at the same time. It's quite an art.

ldyjocelyn, I can see you articles just fine. Thanks!

When is he sexy for me? Hmmm.... that's a hard one but I'll rephrase to when he is the sexiest to make it a little easier to decide. I still drop my jaw when I play his performance on Martha Stewart. Was it ATD? I still haven't registered what song he sang...he just looked so damn hot! I have this one in my photobucket. He wasn't singing but I sure like this look.


I like this one very very very much and a whole lot, too.


And this guy? Him, too....


It's okay to have more than one, right?

SO, couchie you want to come to Texas, everyone does. Heck! I moved here...we're not asking that. Just a little visit is all. *g*

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Ooh, I love the Martha Stewart look, too, KarenEh! There's something about the hair and the amount of stubble and the eyes that make me imagine a wild wonderful night of hot sex the night before.... :hubbahubba:

And that "Lawd Jesus clip" from Kimmel is SOOOOOO effing sexy it still makes secret parts flutter when I watch it....

And I absolutely was overwhelmed by the hawt, intelligent, well-read and in-the-know guy on that KTLA interview some time ago. I don't have any pictures!!! I want some!!!! But his hair was great and his shirt without tie was unbuttoned just at the neck and he was just plain O-worthy....gah.

Got to give the Elvis Pelvis swiveling man during Heartbreak Hotel a nod (or would that be a 'bob'? heh), too....

and this one has a special place in those aforementioned parts, too...


There are countless other gah-worthy moments,Clay_lips_1.jpgSnapshot2006-01-1623-08-22.jpg

... but I'm on my way to watch Carrie bring to tears any hopeful batter from the other team with her stealy gaze and serious, 'take-no-prisoners' approach to the game of Fast Pitch Softball...


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LOVE all the pics! And I find Clay sexy when he is doing his comedienne act also. My favorite Clack from this last Christmas tour was the Banter Clack that some great fans put together. Could watch it all day long.

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Couchie....think about this:

RT airfare= $118

Ground Transportation= minimal share if at all

Hotel in Frisco=cheap share

Hotel in Houston=minimal share with CG and me, if at all--we're in the party hotel, honey, for less than $70 a night!


Frisco---sale Tuesday, right---these tickets are CHEAP!

Houston---I swear I saw a Row G ticket on sale at CH...that's with/near us!

The Texas Experience with good friends and Clay?

PRICELESS, bay-bee! :TourExcite:

(Go Warriors!)

[Looked like I was in for a trouting & so did some preemptive editing...]

ldyjocelyn, Karen Eh?, bottlecap and muski -- Thanks for all the purtiness!!! You're killing me but this is how I want to go. Please keep it coming! LOL!

*waves and blows kisses to the token white girl for being my GPS/not-Damian to the Woodlands last night*"

BTW, on the way back from Frisco we're stopping for a brunch pool party at sugrbugr's...

Edited by Scarlett
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Re. the Pegasus link - I zapped the direct links to the blog above, as the writer seems to be tracking back to the Clay boards that are sending hits to the site (per what I've read at CV), and that seems a little intrusive to me. Hope that wasn't out of line. You can still get there by pasting the link into your browser.

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And I absolutely was overwhelmed by the hawt, intelligent, well-read and in-the-know guy on that KTLA interview some time ago. I don't have any pictures!!! I want some!!!! But his hair was great and his shirt without tie was unbuttoned just at the neck and he was just plain O-worthy....gah.

Ah, muski, your wish is my command!



When do I find Clay sexiest?

I guess like others goofy, funny Clay is at the top of my list. I have always found a great, quick, sense of humor sexy, sexy, sexy! Lawd Jesus, The doors will be locked! "Run to Jesus", so many more. And the banter clack from the Christmas tour last year - the best!!

I also find his intelligence sexy. I have always found intelligence very sexy. The KTLA appearance, the way he talked about his UNICEF trip on that NPR radio show this week - sexy, sexy, sexy.

On the more shallow side, I found my beloved beard sexy....



I find stubble sexy....


I find his smile sexy...


I find his lip bite sexy....


I find goofy Clay sexy....


And then there are just certain looks I find sexy....




Ok, now I will go wash my kitchen floor!

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I'm glad you did that Bottlecap. I was just coming in here to tell you that this message board is being linked directly from that Pegasus website...by the guy who runs that website.

Actually, he was linked to getclayaiken.com, because of some bitchy post I made about too much mothering. Heh. How embarrassing though. Hee.

I thought the caption was funny too, but apparently, not everyone did. Ooops! Someone remind me why I venture out. He closed his comments section, thank God.

I love KTLA Clay. But you know who I miss?



God, he's cute!!


Edited by YSRN
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Where is THE place to stay in Frisco??? Muski and I (and maybe couchie.........??) have everything set but a hotel and don't have a clue as to THE place to stay!


Thank you.

Please return to your regularly scheduled drooling.
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I'm glad you did that Bottlecap. I was just coming in here to tell you that this message board is being linked directly from that Pegasus website...by the guy who runs that website.

Actually, he was linked to getclayaiken.com, because of some bitchy post I made about too much mothering. Heh. How embarrassing though. Hee.

Now I'm really confused. OK, so this guy posts his blog, with the picture from the AMA's with Clay and Tori, with the comment he did. People got pissed (not around here) and started posting crap on the comments section. I understand all that (well, I understand the timeframe of the chain of events; people's reactions, not so much -- I don't venture out much either YSRN). But -- then did someone link to some of the Clayland boards, such as getclayaiken and FCA and CV? Or the blogger did it himself? Why? I'm so confuzzled.

KTLA Clay -- wow. Had almost forgotten about him. He was fantastic that day, and looked so damn handsome. That WAS an incredibly sexy day -- he was smart, he was self-depricating, he was funny. The AMA appearance was almost as good; I thought his hair was bee-you-tea-ful, and his ability to make fun of his then-current situation made it almost perfect.

Rewatched the David Foster gala performances this morning. I did a doubletake -- because the hair that night was practically the same hair we had for ET and the Today show, IMO. To me, it's really just shorter than we got used to during the holidays. Heh.

And man, could that guy sing. That "need" that David Foster spoke so highly of is killer.

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Where is THE place to stay in Frisco??? Muski and I (and maybe couchie.........??) have everything set but a hotel and don't have a clue as to THE place to stay!


Thank you.

Please return to your regularly scheduled drooling.

Hell, I had never even heard of Frisco before this freakin' concert....

The sexiest Clay to me? See, y'all are waaaaay too deep - and I'm shallow and an attention whore - Clay holding my hand from stage, green eyes into to brown - us both mildly snarky - if he did have a concert to do, I woulda done him then and there. The eyefucks really do do it for me...


Classic Clay too...


Just too hot for words Clay...


Dominating Clay...


And like Beyonce, sometimes I need a soldier...


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Ldyj, websites like the blog can see where the hits are being referred from, and from what I understand, the blogger was linking back to some of the fan boards - maybe because he feelings were hurt by some of the comments? Anyway, the idea of getting involved in any kind of back and forth like that with a local blogger kinda squicks me out.
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So? The hotel in Frisco question? Anybody?

Yeay! Carrie's team won in a close nail biter! They were behind three runs in the bottom of the last inning---Carrie had pitched herself out of some bad situations she'd pitched herselff INTO a couple of times---she walked some today...but her team had the last at bat...and our two best hitters both hit the crap out of the ball to score the winning runs. Carrie was on deck to bat but didn't have to when that last run scored.

WHEE! A sunny HOT day here, beautiful softball weather. Alex was with me at this game and it was fun to watch. Poor Kenny volunteered to do umpiring from the field to help the plate ump, so he couldn't be Carrie's touchstone when she gets in trouble on the mound. Usually, he keeps score and she keeps looking over to him for reassurance, etc. But she did it herself today! :rainbowsmile:

Now...the teenager and I are heading to TARGET! (waves to KAndre)...and a little shopping...later, peeps!

This expression of his is so over the top, you gotta love it..


The hand around the mic gets me goofy..


This has been a fave of mine for three years now..


And I'm not really a fedora fan, so why is THIS gif in my photobucket account?


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