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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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OMG I just found this on the CH:

New York Daily News

Banks' deposit pays off

So we're back on good terms with Tyra Banks after a girlfriend complained on "The View" Thursday about our "dine and dash" item last week.

Banks later repaid the Brooklyn Diner, where she and Russell Simmons had inadvertently walked out on a $100 tab. The diner offered to make a donation this week to the charity of her choice.

"The Tyra Banks Show" host tells us she is going to direct the money to TZone, her foundation to empower teen girls, which runs an annual summer camp.

Coincidentally, after a busy Thursday that also included a Conan O'Brien interview, we're told Tyra stopped by Jean Georges for a fancy dinner with Clay Aiken.

And yes, they paid


at least this tells me they are friends!!!! Go Clay!!!

I KNEW it! I KNEW they couldn't both be in NY at the same time without seeing each other!

Geez, he's a busy boy. A 2-fer with Jamie and Mary over the weekend and before that rendezvousing with Tyra in NY! And I'm sure he and Jaymes had a little, shall we say, time together when he was in LA recently.

I'm surprised he has time for a career and his philanthropic work with all the women he is juggling! :medium-smiley-070:

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Tyra stopped by Jean Georges for a fancy dinner with Clay Aiken.
....where Tyra was seen reaching across the table to fluff his bangs, then rake her fingernails gently through his stubble. It was reported by a very good source that at that point, Clay stretched his leg under the table and, slipping one shoe off, put his striped-socked foot between her legs.

It is at this juncture in the story that reports conflict.

Some say that Tyra squealed and grabbed Clay's face in both hands to pull him to her for a deep kiss. Others claim that contrastly, she slinked down in her chair---a movement that would have brought her lower body even closer to his foot.

In either case, everyone present at the restaurant agrees that it was indeed Clay's humongus erection that caused the table to rise and all the expensive china on it to crash to the floor---along with the fried chicken, collard greens cornbread, and sweet tea.

above brought to you by Muskitell News and AP Wire

Edited to Add This News!Flash!Update!:

This reporter is chagrined to now agree with yet another credible witness who originally denied that the couple even stayed in the restaurant after the waiters brought the menus. After viewing the famed restaurant's "signature dishes" on their website, this reporter believes that this version of the story is more probable than any of the others. Pity.

Signature dishes include a checkerboard of Hamachi and Yellowfin Tuna, drizzled with Lemon & Garnished with Radishes and Baby Chives; Sauteed Sea Scallops, which sit atop thinly sliced and sauteed Cauliflower are served with a Raisin and Caper Emulsion which marries perfectly with the richness of the fish. Roasted Squab is served with a Corn Pancake topped with a generous slice of Foie Gras, and Loin of Lamb is Dusted with Black Trumpet Mushrooms and served with a Leek Puree. Desserts, by the always innovative Eric Hubert, will surprise and delight.

Edited by muskifest
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THE CLYRA? eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Where's Muski. heee. Now that's a ship I can sail away on.

While I do think there are some fans like that Lucky I do think most just want Clay who has expressed the want of a family to have one. I for one know Clay can get married and have 8 babies and it will prove nothing to one segment of the populartion. Plus it's just a nice fantasy to know.... he's getting some.

LdyJ... LOL at your little camera emoticon. I know you'd be a good girl though. heee

ETA" And oh lookie, I read my google alerts this morning and Clay fans are once again out there spreading what they think is the truth:

Oliver-I love Clay Aiken I am a huge fan and a proud Claymate. He is number one as my fav entertainer/singer right now; but...he DID cave into Clive on his last cd. Clay had another cd all ready to be release about a year ago. ...

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Hey why wasn't that quoted story in my Clay alert!!! is someone editing the news stories now!!!! :hubbahubba:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to muskitell...go tellin it like it is...heh

I need to work on a presentation and that little Clyra mention got me all distracted.

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Heh, my sister called and told me about the Tyra, I hadto dash to the library to get the reaction from Muski.

Actually, I tried the hotel row to get tickets this morning nd they all put security on the internet, By the time I drove the 15 more miles to the library, my sister bought my ticket.

Now I am off to the cable company to pick up a modem and service so I can get my tickets for tomorrow. I may try for tickets tomorrow for Frisco, but I can't eat the price of the tickets I bought today, so I will be in the back of the first tier in Newark. The endless money stopped when I stopped having income and found out helth insurance was almost 1500 a month - my state only - unless I do an HMO,then it is just 500 a month for substandard care.

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Thanks for the pics, merrieeee.

Hee. I'm thinking Clay and Jamie had a little tiff over the course of this trip to NYC, 'cause it looks to me like he attempted to do his own hair for both this Wednesday night dealie and for Thursday morning on the Today Show when it was bangalicious. It looked much better in yesterday's Raleigh Clack.

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Here's my whole take on the hair: he's a guy.

Really, that's pretty much it in my book. I really don't think it's THAT big of a deal to him, he pretty much "goes with the flow" regarding how he looks. Just my gut feeling, but I think he tends to look in the mirror and shrug, no matter if the fans later think he looks fantastic, or if the fans think he looks like c-r-a-p.

And I'm really at the point with my fandom that I can't be all that shallow with him any more. I look at those pictures, and I see a guy who is HAPPY with his life, and I think about how proud I am that he got this award in the first place. To me, his voice, his humor, and the difference he's made in some children's lives, not to mention many fan's lives, is first and foremost.[/angelwing]

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To me, his voice, his humor, and the difference he's made in some children's lives, not to mention many fan's lives, is first and foremost.[/angelwing]

Actually, ldyjocelyn, my love....sometimes it's Waldo that's first and foremost.

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Hee I was so excited that I actually ....you know......had Clack I didn't study the pics too much*g*

I think he looks great but then I almost always do.

I'm hoping my friend has some more but I don't want to bug her! Oh what the heck of course I will bug her!

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Thanks, merrieeee! I think he looks wonderful, but ITA with ldyjocelyn so it's no wonder. If that makes me an angelwinger, then so be it. ;)

I am so proud of him for this award, and he is just beaming in the posed pic.

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Here's my whole take on the hair: he's a guy.

ldyjocelyn, you and I are sharing the same nutshell.

merrieeee, thanks for the photos! He looks cute as a button. I like the suit. It has texture. I want to rub it. I wonder it the sleeve of the jacket has the exact same texture as the pants.

All of the details are finally into place for my little foray up to Frisco. Seems like more than just me want to see the fireworks (BWAH!) and two of my Canadian buds who were flying in on the 5th are now coming in early enough on the 4th to drive up to Dallas with me and J.D. You Americans have no idea how excited some of us Canadians get over your fireworks. Really! I had a few conversations over the weekend that inculded the line....."Gee, I'd really like to see those fireworks, though."

I called the FC Dallas ticket office today to see if I could add a couple of singles to the 2 mini packs I bought last week. I talked to "my rep" Jose and was told that normally he could have added individual game seats but that this concert has now been taken over by the promoter AEG and they don't have control anymore. He did tell me that they are hoping to get some back and if/when they do they are going to email the package holders and offer them the seats. Right now they are selling packages in Section 103, 11th row back. I tried the City of Frisco presale and it gave me seats....um the password was the obvious one...all lower case. Is there a catch to gettting them this way on the other end of the order, I wonder? The tickets it gave me were good seats for soccer but on the wrong end for the concert. I was just playing to see what

would happen. Hopefully, I can get the extras I need tomorrow and out this one to bed.

The one I can't quite figure out is Indio and what the REAL on sale date is. I saw somewhere that the 4th of May was the day they are selling AT the casino and the 5th is the online. I guess I had better call them and try to get an answer to that one.

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Ok... :unsure: You guys are starting to make me feel guilty about smutting... :( Ha! Had you goin' there for a second or two, didn't I? :tongue09::cryingwlaughter:


BWAH..you are incorrigible. Thanks for the pictures Merrieeee... he looks fine..like Clayton which he probably was for this event. Love the suit. The hair has been better....although it looks better in one of the pictures so maybe it's the camera angle thing. Or I'll go with that guy thing. Or a Jamie's revenge tthing. heee.

Oh Muski.... have the day's events inspired you for a part deux?

How about my Warriors. I know nobody cares but eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I'm on cloud nine.

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Oh Muski.... have the day's events inspired you for a part deux?
Nope. I figure their public dinner is just in place of the one she fixed for him at her hotel suite in the story, so I'm just assuming she took him back there for dessert. :hubbahubba:

And believe it or not, I'm actually pulling for the Warriors. Not because I'm attached to them in any way---only because they're underdogs. And I have a thang for underdogs, donchaknow....

You walkin' with me tonight, Ms. Couchie? And aren't you glad we don't commute across the Bay Bridge? :rolleyes:

merrieee, I never commented on the 'Six Degrees' aspect of your picture posting. Bizarre. But kinda serendipitous for us, eh? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oh Muski.... have the day's events inspired you for a part deux?
Nope. I figure their public dinner is just in place of the one she fixed for him at her hotel suite in the story, so I'm just assuming she took him back there for dessert. :hubbahubba:

Will work on her people during our walk. heee

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And I'm really at the point with my fandom that I can't be all that shallow with him any more. I look at those pictures, and I see a guy who is HAPPY with his life, and I think about how proud I am that he got this award in the first place. To me, his voice, his humor, and the difference he's made in some children's lives, not to mention many fan's lives, is first and foremost.[/angelwing]

But being shallow is so much fun! :allgood:

I am a shallow fan, I'm afraid. While I appreciate all the good he has done, will do and wants to do, that is not what makes me a Clay fan. His voice, his humor and, sometimes, his looks, are what makes me a fan. The rest - I'm happy for him because he gets to pursue two of his passions and he gets to do what feeds his soul and as a result he makes a difference in people's lives. But if he did that and sang like Sanjaya (with all due respect to Sanjaya fans...) and/or had the stage presence and sense of humor of a prune, I'm afraid no matter how good a guy he was, I would say "Good for him" and move on. I'm his fan because of all the entertainment he's given me. I treasure the friends I have made as a result of being his fan. But for me it is not his good deeds that makes a difference.

Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled he happens to be a good guy with a huge heart. We need more people like that in the world. But that isn't what makes me a fan.

Like I said. I'm shallow.

ETA: I killed the thread! I'm sorry!!! I'll try not to be so shallow. Really I will! :blink:

Edited by Claygasm
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Me too Claygasm! Ah man, Clay Aiken on a stage, cracking me up and singing his heart out, and did I say cracking me up? The voice and the wit, that's what does it for me. That's what's sexy about him too..to answer the question from the other day. I'm proud of him for being a man that walks his talk as well.

But I was telling my mom today, I'm missing some sort of gene cuz I don't give a crap about my own hair and clothes, let alone Clay's. heee. And anybody that knows me knows it's the truth. My sister is trying to talk me into putting my hair in locks but I know they will be all fubar'ed in no time at all.

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