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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Me too Claygasm! Ah man, Clay Aiken on a stage, cracking me up and singing his heart out, and did I say cracking me up? The voice and the wit, that's what does it for me. That's what's sexy about him too..to answer the question from the other day. I'm proud of him for being a man that walks his talk as well.

Yeah, well...couchie and I were bad girls today and sat out on my patio downing a beer after our less than strenuous walk. Danged dog kept holding us back from breaking out in a sweat.


To the above-mentioned voice and wit that make the Clay man sexy, I would like to add ---no, not that--- that he's just plain unique. The man marches to his own drummer, the critics and naysayers and gnats and proclaimers of all things 'cool' be ding-danged! And, as couchie and I discussed ever so eruditely over our brewskis, he always has.

He makes his own fashion statements---be it bright green high-top sneakers as an awkward teenager or plaid suits as an award-getting adult. He tries new hairdos---be they super-blonde perms as a teenager to bug his mother or long, long hair as an adult to bug his mother. He experiments with various styles of facial hair---be it scruffy for a gala during a tour because he's lazy, or full and regal for a trip to Afghanistan because he respects another people's culture and sensitivities.

And he wears tight pants on stage, (or thin white ones with questionable undergarments) and doesn't seem to give a flying eyefuck whether or not his excitement over being on that stage---either because the pherenomes and screams from thousands of horny women in the audience get him going or he just can't NOT get a rise from grinding up against the bodacious booty of a hot woman---is going to be obvious to anybody who cares to look.

And what women with a brain and other basic body parts wouldn't care to look? Hell, he even makes sure we know about it by telling us NOT to aim our cameras there! The man's without shame---I daresay even a bit of an exhibitionist.

And for that (and all those other things, too---really), I am forever his grateful and oft-satisfied bitch.

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Oh..and speaking of satisfied....I just spent the last hour or so watching a few montages on YouTube by rocknrlmom...hadn't seen those before.


She's good.

And Double Dayum.

Clay Aiken is HAWT.

Dayum. :hubbahubba:

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Clay Aiken on a stage, cracking me up and singing his heart out, and did I say cracking me up? The voice and the wit, that's what does it for me. That's what's sexy about him too..to answer the question from the other day. I'm proud of him for being a man that walks his talk as well.

To the above-mentioned voice and wit that make the Clay man sexy, I would like to add ---no, not that--- that he's just plain unique. The man marches to his own drummer, the critics and naysayers and gnats and proclaimers of all things 'cool' be ding-danged!

Great quotes, both of these! ITA with all of it. Initially, I admit, the VOX drew me in, as it did probably 99% of fans. But I'm one of those cliches - came for the VOX, stayed for the man. If it was only the VOX, I'd still have him on my iPod, but I sure as hell wouldn't be following him all over the US of A this summer. He just stands for so much of what I personally believe in, and he is constantly surprising and delighting me with something new. I feel so lucky to have discovered him in my lifetime, and to have had the opportunity to follow his career and his personal growth from the beginning. I am definitely here for the long haul!

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

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I was walkng past my laptop with a cup of tea - th dog ran past me, knocked off a leg from the table the laptop was on andit started to go down - i stupidly reached for it an a lot of tea splashed on the keyboard.

I turned it upside down right away and wiped it down while upside down, then stuck pieces of paper towel between the keys and found dampness.

what now?

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play, I skimmed a bunch of forums after googling "spill on laptop," and here are a few general recommendations: 1) TURN THE COMPUTER OFF! 2) Take out the battery and dry it off thoroughly. 3) Let the computer dry for a few DAYS. After this, try it and see what happens. If the spill got into the hard drive, you may be fried.

So, I'm listening to CV's Clay radio -- and having a great time going over the IT and NAT. What a young, fun time that was. The one that struck me that really put a smile on my face was the opening strains of the Clay/Quiana WY. Why? Because I realized when Quiana started singing that it was the last show of the IT, where Jerome came out and was "singing" Quiana's part in the blond wig. I wish I could have been there for that one, but the clack still makes me laugh, even just thinking about it.

I'm looking forward to Clay putting a smile on my face again this summer. I think this tour will be a blast -- hearing songs we've not heard before, with the Aiken charm live. He's so good at making me believe in his songs, if that makes any sense -- I can feel his passion when he sings live. Hearing that with ATDW songs will probably make me faint.

I love that unique man.

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How can I buy Frisco ickets if I turn off the computer?

I am not talking about a major spill - I thin a few dropets got through the key board - not near the battery, not near the hard drive.

With other electronics, Ihave taken them apart and dried them off. Ca't do that. I doubt turning this off will help at this point. I had a remote lose 2 or 3 keys a week after my dog dropped it in the bath tub. I still have no idea why she thought it was worth picking off the table and dropping it in the bathtub, but that was Sadie, not Holly, guess she figured she was ehlping me while I was relaxing n the jacuzzi. And that time it was fully submerged.

ETA - arent Friscotickets on sale yet?

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I love this.

He's so good at making me believe in his songs,

And this:

I love that unique man.

You're on a roll, ldyjocelyn! :TourExcite:


I'd kick your butt for always having such a big mouth.

Yeah, right. I'd loose my killer attack dog, Shadow, on you and you'd be toast, girl. He takes no prisoners.


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Hi all I'm back did you miss me??? *crickets* :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Just finished a project so I can immerse myself again in the clay world. The Clyra almost sucked me in and diverted me from my project...but I was good just took a few peaks here and there.

So what is new...

oh merrieeee...thanks for sharing the pictures. Hope its ok to put up on FCA...

I have to agree with Couchie and Claygasm. I do love humanitarian Clay but its not why I am here. I just think that even without it he is one hell of a guy. the voice is special enough...then you combine it with that personality and humor and the fact that you cannot figure him out!!!! Its endlessly fascinating.

But even when I do love him and am very proud of him...I cannot help but have an opinion on the aesthetics of Clay. For example...there are just some looks and outfit that I don;t like..does not have anything to do with whats fashionable because I sure am not a fashionista...but some outfits I just don't go for...and that suit is one of them. His hair and look...is Clay...or Clayton...I agree with ldyJ on this one. He is a guy and when he does not have his entourage around...he will probably just shower, comb and go. But what I think of a certain look does not in anyway affect my fandom, or the fact that I am proud of his accomplishments. At this point I also don't let it affect me anymore when others don't like his hair, his outfit or his teeth...we all ahve different taste and Clay changes up so much that I'm sure what look I find great won;t be great for another and what I don;t like tons of other people do...

EEEEEEEEE so excited about the concerts...I am so ready with my new laptop. Its just weird...I don;t know if its vista...but there is a spell check on everything I type now. It makes me slow down now cos I don;t like seeing those red underlines all over the place.

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Oh..and speaking of satisfied....I just spent the last hour or so watching a few montages on YouTube by rocknrlmom...hadn't seen those before.


She's good.

And Double Dayum.

Clay Aiken is HAWT.

Dayum. :hubbahubba:


why thank you...

and I am SO overdue on making a new one.....sometimes I step back when there are so many being made...BUT help..someone has requested one in 'honor' of the beard and stubble! OH SO CAN DO! BUT I need song suggestions...anyone?????????

AND looks like since no midwest dates and I tanked on trying for some others we are now gonna try the Houston/Tulsa ones...

SO if you know where to find some Houston tix or have some let me know..need two for sure..and probably 3 if I can talk my friend from Oregon into these and I think I can! maybe add Dallas....cheaper to fly there than Houston.....

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Hey everybody -- let's hit the wayback machine!

Old/New Getty Images from AI2

This one is really cool....


Ah yes, the days of young Clay. He looks funny with the spikes now, doesn't he?

There are some really good pics there...I like the one he is sitting by the clothes hanging...a LOT..and the two where he has his head in Kim's lap and she is playing with his hair....(MAJOR SIGH) are good!

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Wow I love those pix...I hope we get ones that don;t have watermarks. Its making me all nostalgic. That will always be the most exciting season ever.

I'm so glad Clay got Ruben and Kim during that whole experience.

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Dayum, couchie! With the Clocke and Clyra Clack these days, the walking's superfluous! Your heart rate's racing and all you have to do is set your ass down at the computer!


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Dayum, couchie! With the Clocke and Clyra Clack these days, the walking's superfluous! Your heart rate's racing and all you have to do is set your ass down at the computer!


ain't that the truth.

for those that don't use "view new posts" (and if you don't why don't you - it's great)..check the Cali thread if you're going to Pala. It involves free food.

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Woo Hoo! I've been working on a local friend, trying to convince her to do something for herself and join us in LA for CLay's concert. She's apeshit over the man, just like we are, but has NEVER seen him in concert. She has four kids and her husband is not exactly thoughtful about sharing the caregiving responsibilities...long story short, I wrote her a subversive email to basically go all Helen Reddy on his ass

"I am WOMAN, hear me ROAR, sucka!" :andthetruth:

So she's going to fly down on Saturday for the Greek Theater concert and MAYBE even the Indio, too!

Yeay! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :EmoticonRingAround:

Luckily, I just HAPPEN to have an 'extra' ticket for the Greek Theater Clay concert.

Lucky coinkydink, huh? :4:

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I just saw Clay on my TV!!! :rainbowsmile:

OK, so it was the anomoly. So it was in a feature on my local Fox news on Idols who have lost weight and trimmed down since Idol.

Did you all know Ruben has lost 100 pounds and is now a spokesman for Scale Back Alabama, a group encouraging people to lose weight??


Its been a long day. I'll take my thrills where I can get them!

YAY for muski's friend!! :Tour3:

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This picture.......

Look at the shadow of his eyelashes! He has the most amazing eyelashes!

This picture is so beautiful and artistic. The photographer seemed to capture a young man on the brink of stardom lost in thought as he is contemplating all that lies before him, all the changes yet to come - the good and the bad. It is as if he is trying to grasp the reality that his dreams are about to come true complete with all the joys and fears.

It is such a beautiful picture is makes you gasp.

Where have these been hiding all these years???

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ou know whats so great about these pix...we see them at the brink of stardom...behind the scenes...not when they are on...that picture claygasm looks like an athlete psyching himself for the competition...love it!!

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