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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Not often do we get to see the work of a photographer who sees like our fan photographers see. These pictures are exquisite. Where have these been hiding, and how did they pry them from the hands of The Evil Ones? :brows

I am so ready for another interview and photo spread like Elle, Rolling Stone, EW--in depth, inside the man--or a Primetime-type TV interview. There's so much he must have to talk about now, so much has happened since the night of those amazing photos. I'd like to hear about his UNICEF trips in depth, about how he feels about the BAF and all it's accomplished, what it is like being on the Presidential Committee. I'd like for him to be interviewed by Anderson Cooper so the hawtness factor will be huge, plus there'll be all the intelligence and sensitive stuff going on too. His Angelina Jolie interview was amazing--gimme some of that with Clay please. I know Clay isn't as big a deal as she is, but please, oh, unenlightened entertainment media, please, gimme a big chunk of Clay Aiken. Cause you know people are still curious about him, big time; you know it would still sell. I'm sure y'all have stuff you'd like to hear him talk about in depth too. Does the American public really need to know that much about the daily lives of Anna Nichol, Howard, baby daddy and the little one? Of Paris and her compadres? I guess there's a claim based on ratings being made by some suits somewhere that keeps that drivel on.

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Oh dear....to borrow a phrase from muski, that man CMSU! Don'cha just love the dichotomy of him? First he's all serious and stuff, getting an award for his work with children. Not even a week later, and he's like a 12 year old kid, begging for his favorite show to be kept on the air.

Anyway, I LOL'd all the way through that blog. Meanwhile, I'll go to those hospitals and put their TV's on Jericho....but I ain't watching it either. Sowwy Clay. Lost is on tonight.

couchie -- he dragged Mary into it too. Hmmmmmm.....

ou know whats so great about these pix...we see them at the brink of stardom...behind the scenes...not when they are on...that picture claygasm looks like an athlete psyching himself for the competition...love it!!

Yes, that's what I see as well -- the focus. The drive. The guy who wants to do his best, and knock it out of the park. That picture is simply stunning. (And yes, I'm shallow enough to "gulp" at the eyelashes. Whoa mama!)

I am so ready for another interview and photo spread like Elle, Rolling Stone, EW--in depth, inside the man--or a Primetime-type TV interview. There's so much he must have to talk about now, so much has happened since the night of those amazing photos. I'd like to hear about his UNICEF trips in depth, about how he feels about the BAF and all it's accomplished, what it is like being on the Presidential Committee. I'd like for him to be interviewed by Anderson Cooper so the hawtness factor will be huge, plus there'll be all the intelligence and sensitive stuff going on too. His Angelina Jolie interview was amazing--gimme some of that with Clay please. I know Clay isn't as big a deal as she is, but please, oh, unenlightened entertainment media, please, gimme a big chunk of Clay Aiken. Cause you know people are still curious about him, big time; you know it would still sell. I'm sure y'all have stuff you'd like to hear him talk about in depth too. Does the American public really need to know that much about the daily lives of Anna Nichol, Howard, baby daddy and the little one? Of Paris and her compadres? I guess there's a claim based on ratings being made by some suits somewhere that keeps that drivel on.

I'd really like this as well. Man's got a fascinating mind, and I'm afraid not all that many people know about it. I would really love to hear his viewpoints on what is going on in his life. I'd be enthralled, I'm sure, and I think not.just.us people would really think long and hard (heh) about their view of him after such an interview. Unfortunately, though, two things: 1) for some reason, the media DOES think that we'd rather hear about Britney's latest escapades, or Lindsay Lohan's latest rehab stint. The media is so cynical in this regard. H.A.T.E. 2) I'm not totally convinced that Clay wants to let that part of his life out yet. He may still be in "process" stage, at least with the latest Afghanistan stuff. OTOH, he did a good job with the media last week. I don't know...now I'm confused. Happens all the time.

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and don't you just love how he drags Quiana into this.

Aha! Quiana and Mary drank the koolaid. So I suppose that Kristy, Jaymes, Brett, Jennifer and Jamie didn't drink from the dixie cup. I've never seen the show and don't plan to watch it .... that is unless Clay shows up playing the nude bad guy, (or was that mute?), or a mute nude guy or something. Now that would set the hook!!!

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If Clay shows up playing the nude bad guy in a recurring role, I will personally chain myself to the network's front door to keep it on air.

If Clay shows up playing the nude bad guy in a recurring role, I will personally chain myself to the network's front door to keep it on air.

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Looks like another Kimmel appearance on May 10th. (According to the CH)

I think Clay is becoming the go to guy for the Kimmel show.

ETA: That musical guest must be Billy Joel's daughter

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From notacanuck at the CH:

Jimmy Kimmel Live

This is a NEW appearance:

Thursday, May 10:

Clay Aiken, actress Aida Turturro (The Sopranos), musical guest Alexa Ray Joel


Clay nude? Where? When? I'm so there.

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If Clay shows up playing the nude bad guy in a recurring role, I will personally chain myself to the network's front door to keep it on air.

If Clay shows up playing the nude bad guy in a recurring role, I will personally chain myself to the network's front door to keep it on air.

You feel that strongly about it you have to say it again and again!!!! hee...maybe if you write it 100 times. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


from CH:

Jimmy Kimmel Live

This is a NEW appearance:

Thursday, May 10:

Clay Aiken, actress Aida Turturro (The Sopranos), musical guest Alexa Ray Joel


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I totally know how Clay feels though about falling for a show that gets cancelled and you're left wondering what the hell happened. I still want ot know what happened in that bank (TheNine). They really used to give shows more of a chance especially if they were good. Fortunately my favorite show of all time, Homefront, hung on for about 2 1/2 seasons and had proper closure while moving all around the network schedule. I felt like I had one long miniseries.

Yay for Kimmel. Of couse I requested tickets but it's just a Pavlovian response...I won't be going.

LIttle article about Jericho's chances

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I totally know how Clay feels though about falling for a show that gets cancelled and you're left wondering what the hell happened. I still want ot know what happened in that bank (TheNine). They really used to give shows more of a chance especially if they were good. Fortunately my favorite show of all time, Homefront, hung on for about 2 1/2 seasons and had proper closure while moving all around the network schedule. I felt like I had one long miniseries.

Yay for Kimmel. Of couse I requested tickets but it's just a Pavlovian response...I won't be going.

Couchie, I think you are right. The networks are killing their own shows, they don't give them a chance to catch on. My husband started out this year watching Jericho, and then they took that long break and he moved on to something else. The same thing happened with Heroes for both of us. I thought Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip had promise, but they took it off for weeks as well, I know there are probably lots of shows like this for people. We keep getting more CSIs and Law and Orders and similar shows. It is frutrating to start watching a show only to have it yanked by the networks

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Oh gosh...there are so many shows that I fell in love with that had very short life cycle. sometimes I think its better if you fall in love with a show on CW...they don;t expect the high ratings at once so they give the shows a bit of a chance... But the four networks are brutal. I was really getting into the Black Donellys ... and they replaced it with the real wedding crashers...which I tried to watch but was just so awful...and yes...The Nine...sniff. so happy that at least one of my favorites this year became a hit Heroes...if that was in trouble I would be exactly like Clay.

I guess the problem with a lot fo dramas now is that they are following a continuing story...like Jericho...if you come in right now its hard to understand whats happening. With the CSI's and law and order its easy to get involved with the current case without knowing all the back stories.

BTW...if people are interested in a synopsis of Jericho or have questions about the story I watch it regularly and I can give a little summary.

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Works that way with comedy shows too. I'm a big fan of Andy Richter's style of comedy, and he's come through with 2 great shows in the past few years, "Andy Richter Saves the Universe" and "Andy Barker, PI." The last show had 4 showing on Thursday nights, and then was buried on Saturday to play out its run. I was bummed for a week about that one. The point is, if a show doesn't make a splash in the first two outings, it's pretty much gone. It's sad.

Therefore, I can totally feel Clay's pain in regarding the possible cancellation. We'll just have to see, won't we?

And I love him when he begs. *g*

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I am so ready for another interview and photo spread like Elle, Rolling Stone, EW--in depth, inside the man--or a Primetime-type TV interview. There's so much he must have to talk about now, so much has happened since the night of those amazing photos. I'd like to hear about his UNICEF trips in depth, about how he feels about the BAF and all it's accomplished, what it is like being on the Presidential Committee. I'd like for him to be interviewed by Anderson Cooper so the hawtness factor will be huge, plus there'll be all the intelligence and sensitive stuff going on too. His Angelina Jolie interview was amazing--gimme some of that with Clay please. I know Clay isn't as big a deal as she is, but please, oh, unenlightened entertainment media, please, gimme a big chunk of Clay Aiken. Cause you know people are still curious about him, big time; you know it would still sell. I'm sure y'all have stuff you'd like to hear him talk about in depth too. Does the American public really need to know that much about the daily lives of Anna Nichol, Howard, baby daddy and the little one? Of Paris and her compadres? I guess there's a claim based on ratings being made by some suits somewhere that keeps that drivel on.

I'd really like this as well. Man's got a fascinating mind, and I'm afraid not all that many people know about it. I would really love to hear his viewpoints on what is going on in his life. I'd be enthralled, I'm sure, and I think not.just.us people would really think long and hard (heh) about their view of him after such an interview. Unfortunately, though, two things: 1) for some reason, the media DOES think that we'd rather hear about Britney's latest escapades, or Lindsay Lohan's latest rehab stint. The media is so cynical in this regard. H.A.T.E. 2) I'm not totally convinced that Clay wants to let that part of his life out yet. He may still be in "process" stage, at least with the latest Afghanistan stuff. OTOH, he did a good job with the media last week. I don't know...now I'm confused. Happens all the time.

Funny, I had a couple more lines in my post that I deleted, to the effect that the absence of this kind of thing may be his choice--so I don't think you are confused. It may be that it's about the invasion of his privacy that can result from the in-depth interviews, that he just hasn't wanted that since he moved back to Raleigh. I think if he finds the right person or persons who are interested in serious stuff, he'd go for it, but he's not interested in courting paparazzi, showing up at the "right" places, and so forth like some do.

Kimmel!!! squeee!!! He must be on Kimmel to introduce his new album cause it's spring and last time Kimmel said you don't even have an album out so now he must have one now or he wouldn't be back on Kimmel. squeeee!!!! Cause you know he isn't going to sing that boring old ATDW with the symphonies on his tour, on account of it didn't sell but half a million copies. So there must be a new album. squeeee!!!!!!!!! And it must be with a new record company, and it's, like a surprise album, which isn't the same as having NO promotion, not-at-all. [/snark]

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Couchie...did they say anything about seating---what's good and what's not, etc? I haven't even looked at the venue online. Is this a presale or the regular sale?

The Kimmel Show. As I said in a PM to couchie, not going this time. I fit the 'profile' too closely these days---you know what profile of which I speak, too, I'm sure. Just not going to do it.

Besides. I can't afford to lose another gadget---be it cell phone, laptop or ipod. LA seems to like my gadgets.

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Sorry Muski, I just needed to know the prices, assuming I'd go for top price if available. Well this ticket buying, airfare buying month has left me pretty broke (cuz I only use my debit card so as not to put myself in more debt) and that's with skipping two of the higher priced fan events. Thank god I have a few months to save up for the actual trip. I'm still trying to figure out how I managed 16 concerts in 2004 with only 3 in my own backyard. I swear it's the price of food and gas that is killing me. Can anybody walk into a store and walk out without having spent $100.00. Ridiculous, especially when you look at youur 5 or 6 puny bags. </whiney feeling sorry for me rant off as I have a roof over my head and a good job and am socking it away into 401K so I won't be panhandling on the street in ten years so I'll just shut up now>

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am socking it away into 401K

You're very wise and a better woman than I am. I do have the minimum taken out of my check to a 401K but not as much as I should. It's a Catch22. I don't want to end up like my mom, with only a tiny Social Security check to depend on (if THAT's even still in existence in a few years)...but putting lots of money away now leaves us even more scrambling to pay FOR Mom now and still live 'in the manner to which we're accustomed"...and the kids, of course.

Basically, I don't budget well or have prudent spending habits or cut back very much when things are rough, so I'm not clueless enough to complain---just honest enough to say:

I wish money were no object, but I'm still waiting for Ed McMahon to show up at my doorstep, instead of tightening the purse strings or inconveniencing myself in any way to save more dough.

Yes, I'm twelve years old.

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You people are depressing me.

I have no money. No 401K. No option for it. Couldn't afford to put anything into it if I did. Soon I will have no job. But does that stop me from spending money on Clay when I should be socking it away to live off of when I am unemployed? NO!

So, if after all these concerts Waldo and I are panhandling on the streets, I will only have myself to blame.

I still expect to win the lottery - and I don't even play it.

Why yes, I am delusional. Why do you ask?

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Funny, I had a couple more lines in my post that I deleted, to the effect that the absence of this kind of thing may be his choice--so I don't think you are confused. It may be that it's about the invasion of his privacy that can result from the in-depth interviews, that he just hasn't wanted that since he moved back to Raleigh. I think if he finds the right person or persons who are interested in serious stuff, he'd go for it, but he's not interested in courting paparazzi, showing up at the "right" places, and so forth like some do.

I think where my "confusion" comes in is this: the UNICEF and BAF connections. I personally feel that he wants to give those organizations as much publicity that his celebrity would allow. They are near and dear to his heart at this point. But...balance that with the types of "in-depth" questions he'd probably be asked along side publicizing those organizations, and he, IMO, would have to make a choice...and I just have a gut feeling that he's not in the mood to bare his soul quite yet. Of course, I do not know Clay Aiken, so I could be talking out of my butt.

Kimmel!!! squeee!!! He must be on Kimmel to introduce his new album cause it's spring and last time Kimmel said you don't even have an album out so now he must have one now or he wouldn't be back on Kimmel. squeeee!!!! Cause you know he isn't going to sing that boring old ATDW with the symphonies on his tour, on account of it didn't sell but half a million copies. So there must be a new album. squeeee!!!!!!!!! And it must be with a new record company, and it's, like a surprise album, which isn't the same as having NO promotion, not-at-all. [/snark]

Heh. I just wish it was snark coming from some fans, but sadly, it's not.

I wish money were no object, but I'm still waiting for Ed McMahon to show up at my doorstep, instead of tightening the purse strings or inconveniencing myself in any way to save more dough.

Yes, I'm twelve years old.

I must be 11 1/2 then, because my husband and I still rest our hopes on lottery tickets (not many each week, though, but still). My husband and I are trying our best to save, but it's hard for both of us, because we like toys and we like to feel good immediately when buying toys (smutters, just stay out of that, OK? *g*) With no kids, it's a bit easier, but it's also harder too -- we're only spending on ourselves, and yet we know that we have to rely on ourselves and ourselves alone when it comes to retirement. *sigh*

Topic: I think Clay doesn't have to worry about retirement finances.

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Want a trip down memory lane??

Here is Zap2Its's AI2 Recaps. Its kind of fun reading what was said back then.

Add that to this cute Clelly mention I saw at the CH and its enough to distract me from reality a little longer!

Kelly mentioned Clay in a radio interview today: She was being interviewed by WLAN-FM when the DJ's 5 year old little girl also asked a couple of questions. She asked who was Kelly's favorite American Idol? and Kelly replied "Favorite American Idol? Now on the show or ever? I'd have to say my favorite American Idol is my buddy Clay. He's great and he's my buddy so yeah ... " Her favorite Idol this season is Jordin.

She also talks a little about her Nascar association and the summer tour; she says the album will be released sometime before the tour starts.

If you want to listen to the interview (that's the only Clay mention), go here and her interview is on the right-hand side (scroll down a little) under "Your Favorite Interviews": http://fm97.com/cc-common/podcast.html

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<giggles at ldy & lordjocelyn...>

Hey! You just said smutters!

Hell, the only reasons I'm a little more fiscally sound is frankly that my son has gone to the Navy which cut major expenses of mine by as much as 75% (going from spending over $100 a week in groceries to less than $20 - man, that felt GOOD!). It's just me. I switched to a pay as you go system about 3 years ago due to necessity and it has been just the best thing ever for me. This year I should finish off the last of my student loans (undergraduate, medical school and graduate shudder), and my Clay stuff is my only real indulgence for right now.

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