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DCAT shirts/pins/buttons/bags/what?

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Did you know that Elspeth is the owner of the Clayboard now?

Yes I did, and I couldn't be more happier for her. I consider her to be a friend. We have not met in person, yet, but I hope the opportunity comes soon.

The shirts look good. I can't tell that the lettering is too small. I agree, though, that to be safe we should leave off Clay's last name.

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cindi, I like the red and black printing myself, but that's because they are my favorite colors in combination. I'll just invest in a new Clorox bleach pen to get rid of the coffee stains I'll inevitably get on the white shirt. *g*

Just checking, though, with two more things -- in order to get around possible copyright violations, I think "a thousand different ways" shouldn't be capitalized. Also, "everything I have" should be "everything I had," both to get around copyright again, and also because I think "everything I had" fits grammatical tense correctly with the rest of the sentence (but then I'm not an English major either...).

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cindi, I like the red and black printing myself, but that's because they are my favorite colors in combination. I'll just invest in a new Clorox bleach pen to get rid of the coffee stains I'll inevitably get on the white shirt. *g*

Just checking, though, with two more things -- in order to get around possible copyright violations, I think "a thousand different ways" shouldn't be capitalized. Also, "everything I have" should be "everything I had," both to get around copyright again, and also because I think "everything I had" fits grammatical tense correctly with the rest of the sentence (but then I'm not an English major either...).

Ooh, I thought the whole idea of it was the play on the titles. I can see the possible problem with Aiken, but surely the song titles are not an issue. There are plenty of things they could refer to, same as just 'Clay'. JMO of course. I can make it say whatever people want.

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I am not a lawyer (and I don't play one on TV...), but it seems to me unless Clay has copyrighted the words "A Thousand Different Ways" and whoever owns the rights to EIH has copyrighted the words "Everything I Have", then I can't see where that would be a problem. They are just words, capitalized or not, unless he has legal ownership of them.


I cannot imagine he can have legal ownership of such commonly used phrases.

But I could be wrong.

As for the colors, red and black are my favorite color combo too, so that works for me! This looks like it will make a great summer night shirt for me!

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First of all, I went back and doublechecked bottlecap's original suggestion, and it was worded "everything I have." For some reason, I remember her saying "everything I had."

After doing a little research though -- song titles cannot be copyrighted. However, they CAN be trademarked. Two different things. I think we'll be OK with this, as long as TC doesn't get too hyped over them.

But I'm not a lawyer either, I just do little bits of research.

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I like the colors. I like the text fit. I agree, remove "Aiken". I think the titles are fine. The only thing I'd change is I'd not capitalize "Did". So it'd be, "I did Clay..."

Should we standardize on a font to use for all the "sayings" shirts?

I used non-standard fonts; pristina and pphandwriting. But I reckon we should use something we both have if we're both creating artwork.


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I love the black and red colors, especially on the white background. Three of my favorite colors.

ldyjocelyn, it is mostly tea stains that I get on everything. However, coffee does find it's way too.

Isn't there a saying that goes 1000 different ways from Sunday? Or something like that? I looked on the cd cover and the name of the cd is spelled out:

A Thousand Different Ways.......I think if we changed it to:

A 1000 Different Ways .....It would be different and acceptable without a legal problem. I don't see a problem with using everything I have or had. That can be used in a sentence many ways..........Well, actually so can 1000 different ways.

:cry4: I can't wear sleeveless..............Or at least I shouldn't. It's that chicken waddle thing, ya know?

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Clayzorback, the 'model' is just that - you can choose your teeshirt style.

Yours looks terrific, YSRN. I love it! I agree, and I'll change the cap on Did when I take out the Aiken. I don't think we need to use the same font though. I'll wait for opinions on that, and a concensus on the titles. I really thought that that was the humor in the saying, otherwise the 'everything I have' part is just extraneous.

ETA: Do you think the ellipsis would look/fit better with the '...and I have the credit card bills' part, and not on the front part.

I did Clay

A Thousand Different Ways

and gave him

Everything I Have

...and I have the


to prove it!

Also, what do you think about the italicized 'prove'. Yes or No?

Edited by cindilu2
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One person's opinion here: I like the ellipsis with the phrase in the back -- totally agree with you on that one cindi. I don't believe "prove" needs to be italicized, though -- again, JMO. Finally, I do think the phrasing is good as is -- cindi's right in that the joke needs to play out accordingly. It was ME you can blame for being worried about copyright and trademark and all such s***, and I take it all back!

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Okay, I took out the Aiken, and changed the ellipsis to the back. And I added a little embellishment, which is totally removable - was just messing about and decided to try my hand at a made-from-scratch smiley. I thought it might give a more whimsical bent to the shirt.


This is what smiley looks like up close, heheh.


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Okay, I took out the Aiken, and changed the ellipsis to the back. And I added a little embellishment, which is totally removable - was just messing about and decided to try my hand at a made-from-scratch smiley. I thought it might give a more whimsical bent to the shirt.


This is what smiley looks like up close, heheh.



Good job! And that smilie is perfect!

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looks in the bottom corners of wallet

:cryingwlaughter: That is so me right now. I tell you, this year has been quite expensive for us. First we had a major leak in the house. To fix it properly will cost about 8 thou. We did the quick fixer upper for now, but have this facing us in the future. Then we also have major and numerous serious leaks going on with our garage roof. We totally have to rebuild a new roof and that will probably cost around 5 thous. Add on top of all that our new Dr. and surgery bills, which I am still adding up, and I may have to take a part time Summer job this year. I'm afraid I may only get to order one shirt and it is going to be hard to choose just one. Time to clean under the couch cushions and check through all the pockets in my closet. I guess I could also do a garage sale. Although I said I would never do that again. :cryingwlaughter:

I just love the tomato smiley. I think it should be named after Couch Tomato and become FCA's mascot, if you will. Hee Very good job to Cindi and to YSRN..............Thank you both.

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Love the shirt Cindi. So we now have artwork to make a few different types of shirts.

But I think if you want the I did Clay in blah blah shirt... we need to start letting YSRN know which ones.

Why don't we just start with people listing the one they would buy if they were to buy one. You are not obligated to buy the shirt..we just need to know which artwork needs to be made. I'll post this on main.

I also need to do my part and look into opening the "store." I'll work on that over the next few days and probably get it set up over the weekend if we're going that route.


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Edited because the pin question was answered in Main.

I am now wondering if Clay renaming this tour means we need a new t-shirt design??????

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