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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Heh...I noticed the spikes too, and wonder if this show was the reason Clay cut his hair. Maybe he'll make a surprise appearance? Nah....

I also noticed that the head looks awfully small. Take that as you want.

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Here is the quote from the CB about the new cruise (I wasn't fast enough in chat, heh)

Join Faye Parker and longtime friend, Frances and the SCRR Beta Alpha Bears onboard as we celebrate Faye’s birthday! Grab your clack and join the weekend getaway on Royal Caribbean’s Monarch of the Seas, and Royal Caribbean will donate $75 to TBAF for every room booked into this group through SHIPS ‘N’ TRIPS TRAVEL.

This is going to be a special trip you won’t want to miss. Lots of games, activities, raffles and silent auctions, details coming soon. Plus a special reception fundraiser welcoming Faye and Frances (this is your chance to say Happy Birthday to Faye in person). A donation of $25 paid at the door OR show/wear your “Time 4 Inclusion” wrist watch. And we’ll definitely repeat our popular door decorating contest (magnetized pictures only please, lol).

There is this disclaimer in bold at the bottom though

Penalties will not be waived for cancellations due to concert tour announcements, or in the event that Faye and Frances have to cancel at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.
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Hey! Remember me?

Been busy with the kiddies and hubby this weekend. All day at the park yesterday and it was freakin' freezing! All the parents were bundled up like Nanook of the North! So yesterday was the last day of hte recreational softball season and today marks the first day of the tournament teams season.

YEAY! Go BLAZE! Carrie's team, the Blaze, plays two games today in a regional tournament right here in our little town! All the other tourneys are in other cities, some requiring whole weekends elsewhere, so it's sorta fun to kick off the season here. Hopefully, couchie is going to join us! (Of course, on this team Carrie isn't the numero uno pitcher--there's a girl a year older who has that spot. She's really good!

Anyway...got my laptop back from the Apple Store. It now has a brand new optical drive--no more annoying whirring noise when I start up...

...unless, of course, I'm starting up with Clay. THen I claim no control over whirring or other noises. :whistling-1:

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MUSKI!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I missed you!

It was cold there? (GO BLAZE!!!) It was hot as hell here yesterday - and humid. Sort of got me in the mood for TEXAS!!!

One month from tomorrow! Woo thehell Hoo!


Speaking of which, off to check the Houston thread....

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Yes you were slightly missed Muski but YSRN did an excellent job of filling in. heee I hope everyone who missed will be able to make it next time. We'll done one chat a month. I think it worked well with th time thing - gave it a little zip. I created a thread for topic suggestions. Some good ones there already including "shipping Clay." That one should be fun.

Lucky...hey come tell everybody about your adventure yesterday and the K-Lo concert!!

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Nice chat last night. Both nights actually. Sorry, I just can't seem to make chats in the late evening hours. It's a husband thing. I read every single word though. There where many posts that mirror my feelings. I was nodding my head, in agreement, as I was reading this morning. Nice job ldyjocelyn, and all who put it together. Thanks. I found it very interesting to read the thoughts and opinions of people here. I find that on some of the boards I read at, (This board and it's members excluded) I have taken to utilizing the ignore button and to scrolling past certain people's posts. I just don't have the inclination to want to read another thing that comes out of their fingertips. :cryingwlaughter: I already know what their opinions and thoughts are. They've been shoving giving them, ad nauseum, for a year and a half now. Any opposing viewpoints are not heard and I have learned you can't have a conversation with people like that. So I don't bother anymore.

So, it really was interesting to read new perspectives on old topics. I love YSRN's attitude and wish I could grow up to be just like her. :F_05BL17blowkiss: AND, for me, it was nice to read each person's point of view without someone, or several someones, trying to shove their view point on everyone because they are either 1) the resident "experts " or 2) privy to some secret info from some mysterious source.

Respectful dialog without some people having to be right each and every time, knowing more than anyone else, and always having to have the last word. Very enjoyable and enlightening thread to read. Kudos to all who participated. This is the kind of free speech that I wish existed at Clay's own board. Alas, I don't ever, ever, see that ever happening.

Have a good Sunday. I'm off to tan................

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I wanted to add something - last night I wstalking about how Hockeygate made me leave the boards for a while because I could not handle the stress at the same time I ws recovering from an illness and having problems at work. My Mother had died acouple of years before but there was stioll so much I wanted to share with her - so it ws not a good time for negativity for me. But in actuallity, it was not that people were unhappy - everyone has a right to be unhappy, but it ws that people wanted to assign blame, that the idea of us possibly never knowing was not a consideration.

I guess since Clay's talk about crowd phobia (I understand those rooms were small and packed), maybe no one has to be blamed.

But that is the fandom - people haveto state things as facts when they are just really opinions. People can describe things they know and saw, but sometimes you just can't come to conclusions, there are things that we will never know. I always think about that when people have bad meet and greets - who knows what happened 15 mintues earlier.

And nopw for some sillieness - where Pedro came from


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Jumping in with my first post to let out a huge sigh of relief at the common sense and wisdom I'm finding here. Love it already! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Sorry I missed chat - I'll definitely make the next one

My week: as someone very wise said up-page, opinions are just that, opinions - I respect everyone's - but after this past week, truthfully, I was feeling pretty beat-up because of mine. You can read between the lines, I'm 45 mins from Wichita, I was one of those who was thrilled to break the news that a certain popstar would be performing there at a certain venue during his holiday tour - uh, okay - agree to disagree and move on - no beating that horse here :) Thought 2006 had thickened my skin - but for a few days this past week it was touch and go with me and the fandom.

But then came Vancouver and Calgary and clack! and ahhhhh...all is well - his mussed self and those packed jeans do work well in returning the balance - puts things back in perspective - he totally owns me - totally. Finding this place helped too.

BTW, I apologize if my first post is somewhat disjointed - perhaps my goal is for all of you to finish reading and say wtf did she just say? so, how did I do? *g*

Glad to be here - look forward to getting to know you!

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PuddinsJoy, I certainly didn't say WTF. Instead, I smiled....because I'm glad to have a new person here! I think you'll find that people have opinions here -- strong opinions, in fact. But, in the end, I find that the overriding feeling is to enjoy Clay. I hope you enjoy it here.

I had a great time with the chat over the past few nights. The thoughts were fast and furious and opinionated and yet respectful. Love it.

I think I'm still dealing with the haircut change...AGAIN [tm Rocky of "...and Bullwinkle"]. I really don't care about the hair in so many ways, and yet I just have to laugh at how quickly and frequently it changes!

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BTW, I apologize if my first post is somewhat disjointed - perhaps my goal is for all of you to finish reading and say wtf did she just say? so, how did I do? *g*

Your first post is disjointed? Welcome to the club. Except I think 98% of my posts are disjointed. :cryingwlaughter:

Clack is always good for what ails the fandom. It's so amazing that for a a guy that is supposed to be so milquetoast he sure keeps temperatures rising. Such passion associated with everything he does - everything he wears - everything he says. People's feelings about things will be all over the place...the key is to be able to talk about it and move the heck on. I don't need the last word. And I don't think anybody else here does either.

Ok some tips for you PuddinsJoy.... if I accidently edit your post rather than quote it... I'm sorry. I haven't done that in a while...maybe I'm cured.

You don't see colored ink much but we do have mods...some claim too many :cryingwlaughter: We're thinking of giving everyone mod status just to see what havoc could be reeked.

If you find any cute whistling emoticons, Muskifest will love you.

Pretty pretty pictures of Clay are always welcome

Went to see Muski daughter pitch and she did great. The team won both games.

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Welcome PuddinsJoy!! I also neglected to welcome 00lsee and Caro, and I hope we'll be hearing from y'all again soon.


What in the world is this? Is there a text behind the balloons? If there is I can't read it. It's cute, but I'm not sure what it means.


I know what this one means. :DoClay:

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Welcome to Pudding. :allgood: Here. I hope you stay awhile.......Speaking for myself, I was where you are at with the fandom. Ready to leave. Chuck it all and find my sanity again. :cryingwlaughter: Then I found FCA. It's nice to find like minded people who you can find respect for.

Did I read today that BA/F sent some blankets and shirts to the Kansas Tornado victims, without solicitation? What a lovely gesture.

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Did I read today that BA/F sent some blankets and shirts to the Kansas Tornado victims, without solicitation? What a lovely gesture.

Yup, and PuddinsJoy was the liason who distributed the blankets and shirts. :rainbowsmile: It would be great if she'd post here about it for those who haven't heard the story.

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Lucky...hey come tell everybody about your adventure yesterday and the K-Lo concert!!

Hey, I'm still trying to catch my breath! :cryingwlaughter:

I went to Dayton Friday with my daughter and her friend, to see Kim Locke at a club. It is about a 5 - 6 hour drive. She didn't take the stage until 1 am and she only sang 5 songs, so it was a loooooooong night. What can I say about her? She looks great and sounds great, but her stage banter leaves something to be desired, IMO. You can only kill time with "hey Dayton!" so many times before people start rolling their eyes. But since I was probably the only sober one in the crowd, I doubt anyone noticed. She apparently has a huge cult following in the gay clubs, because they just ate her up. I had read that she has a potty mouth but I never actually believed it until Friday night. I can curse a blue streak, too, but I don't just say "I don't give a fuck" 5 times for no reason........hee.......but she sure knew her audience. She is a goddess to them.

So let's see.....details.....she wore a dress, looked fantastic. She sang to prerecorded tracks. She was the only one on stage. She started with a track from her new album (Doin' It Tonite) and then the track cut out a few bars into Change. It was funny, they said it was no good, and she said she had a back up track in her purse. So some guy brang her purse out on stage for her, and she dug around in it until she found the cd she was looking for. She bantered a lot about the other gay pride events she'd played, and how much she enjoyed doing those types of events, etc. She also talked a bit about Celebrity Fit Club and said that that guy (can't remember his name because I've never watched the show) is really an asshole. Then she sang Change (her new single) and then Band of Gold (which is on her new album but it also an AI song). The crowd just loved her, and she seemed quite taken aback by the enthusiasm. She said it was the best crowd ever (but I'm sure she says that a lot). Then she did Eighth World Wonder and finished with Somewhere Over The Rainbow. She didn't come back for an encore.

I think we fell into bed around 2:30 or 3:00 am, and then hit the road back to Canada at 10 am yesterday. I had emailed cindilu2 about the possibility of going to the Toronto event that night and I think her response was something like "there's no way". I don't think we were out of the parking lot when I got another text that said "what the hell, I'm in". :clap: I thought the chances of Clay appearing were pretty slim, but I would have been so pissed at myself if he had shown up and I hadn't gone. So I'm glad we went. I got home by about 3:45 pm and was on the road to Toronto by 3:55, picking cindilu2 up along the way. We met a friend for dinner at 6:15 pm and then lined up for about an hour and a half to get into the event. We were lucky enough to find a few other Toronto fans who we knew - they had lined up earlier than we did and claimed a spot right in front of the stage with David Foster's baby grand piano on it. It was a pretty historic event, and it's a gorgeous wing they've built on the ROM. It's in the shape of a crystal and the money to build it (30 million) was donated by a Jamaican immigrant named David Lee-Chin. He gave a very inspirational speech. The whole premise of the event (a dialogue between Father Time and Paul Gross about whether Father Time should pull the plug on our civilization) was a bit lame overall, but there was a lot of talent there, too. My feet are sore and I think I am dehyrated but it was fun. Seeing David Foster up close was cool, too. I enjoyed most of the artists who performed on our stage - thank God we hadn't camped on the other side! LOL There was only one moment where I think my heart stopped, and that was during David Foster's finale song, which started out with an unknown female singing, and then I heard a male voice join in before he rose up to the stage....but of course it wasn't Clay. I think there's still a possiblity that he might have been at the event, but there were piles of VIP bleachers set up behind us and it would have been difficult to spot him up there. I wonder if we'll ever know......

Anyways we didn't take any pictures last night but my daughter got a few good ones of KLo, which I will post later when I can find the camera in amongst the mess of this house. Hee.

Sorry I missed chat but I look forward to reading through it this week while I'm at work trying to look busy. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

{{{PuddinsJoy}}} Welcome!

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Welcome PuddinsJoy!!

We certainly do have opinions here - after all we are a group of wise - and wonderful - women! And there sometimes is a diversity of opinion. But what is key is we discuss and then move on to lusting and loving that guy with the ever changing hair AND, maybe most importantly, we respect each other and their right to their own opinions, even when we disagree.

And we know what is truly important. For example....








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Sounds like you had a great time luckiest1. Thanks for sharing a recap. I didn't know that Kim played the gay circuit. Good for her. I like her 8th world wonder song. Her cussing doesn't surprise. LOL I always saw the spunk in her. She gives off a take no prisoners vibe to me. LOL

Claygasm, how am I supposed to leave the computer to fix hubby some nourishment when you post pics like those? :DoClay::DoClay::DoClay::DoClay::DoClay::DoClay:

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I can curse a blue streak, too, but I don't just say "I don't give a fuck" 5 times for no reason........hee.......but she sure knew her audience. She is a goddess to them.

Sorry I missed chat but I look forward to reading through it this week while I'm at work trying to look busy. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Lucky, I wonder when KLO lived with Clay did he make her put dimes in a jar for every curse word. Heee. I love me some K-Lo. I need to keep track of her better because I think she appeared at some theme park near me but I missed it.

And BWAH to looking busy at work. Missed you at the chat! Hopefully you can make the next one.

Weeeeeeeeeee and a gold star to CG for the photos and her "charlie brown" heart..heee

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