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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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I couldn't make it to CHAT, but I would be interested in reading the transcript, in case this is available. :P:

For those who missed the two chat sessions Friday and Saturday, just go to this post right here and keep reading! 18 pages worth of stuff....and :allgood:

luckiest1, sounds like you had a grand, adventureful weekend! Too bad Clay didn't hang around just for you guys.....

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Sounds like he was long gone by the time they opened the gates to the pubic (around 8:30 pm or so).

I don't know...Could be that there was some misdirecting going on by Clay if he didn't want people to know he was going to be there that evening. You know, like 'Got to go now. Need to catch my plane'...or maybe he really, really didn't want to talk to that writer's source anymore. :P

So, partly this is possibly the only opportunity for me to mention the serieux architect Daniel Libeskind and the hair-challenged choirboy Aiken in the same sentence. And partly, maybe, to make the case that there could not be a more appropriate pop star to stand in as metaphor for the new museum wing.

The not-ordinary Michael Lee-Chin addition -- which has been called "daring" but also, in recent days, been compared to Dante's Inferno -- is like, Clay, an acquired taste. Quite clearly. Like Clay, it's also been likened to kitsch, but like him, too, it's at least got people talking.

But what I do know? Human architecture has struck me as way more interesting than any other kind of architecture

bolding mine

...I loved the fact that he was compared to a piece of architecture. (museum geek in me I guess) I wonder how many people get that honor. LOL

(Thanks one and all for the kind welcome :blush:)

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Thanks Pudding for sharing the BA/F story. The Kansas Claymates are an awesome bunch. I have attended at least two of their pre-parties. They do a very nice job. I had the privilege of meeting Diane Bubel at one of those parties. The one held at The Dick Clark Restaurant. She is such a lovely lady. Was very friendly. We chatted for about 5-10 minutes. Kudl has always been friendly to Clay as well. They seemed to play him a lot. I don't know if that is still the case, since Clay is almost non existent on radio anymore.

It seems I have been remiss in welcoming Caro and OOlsee. My apologies..........

I think it is great that Clay has developed a friendship with David Foster. I don't know that I am getting all of the "Father/Son" feeling though. I think it is more than likely that their friendship has developed due to Clay's working with his sister Jaymes, on ATDW. I am betting that Clay performs for free, for David's events. I imagine that to be the main reason he is invited to some of David's events. I say this because of David stating that Clay likes to sleep late and is there to help out. Which is veeeery generous of Clay, if he is. Of course I would like to see him charging for his appearances, because I want him extremely wealthy. :cryingwlaughter: What do you all think? *g* Is he a dad to Clay? Does Clay need another dad?

rcknrllmom, you need to post more.

ETA: Not enough coffee this morning, and obviously I have a lack of oxygen to the brain disease. Thanks lydjocelyn. How funny was that? Too many characters in the life of one Mr. Clay Aiken.....Let's hope I got it right now. :cryingwlaughter:

Edited by Clayzorback
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Thanks Pudding for sharing the BA/F story. The Kansas Claymates are an awesome bunch. I have attended at least two of their pre-parties. They do a very nice job. I had the privilege of meeting Diane Bubel at one of those parties. The one held at The Dick Clark Restaurant. She is such a lovely lady. Was very friendly. We chatted for about 5-10 minutes. Kudl has always been friendly to Clay as well. They seemed to play him a lot. I don't know if that is still the case, since Clay is almost non existent on radio anymore.

It seems I have been remiss in welcoming Caro and OOlsee. My apologies..........

I think it is great that Clay has developed a friendship with David Foster. I don't know that I am getting all of the "Father/Son" feeling though. I think it is more than likely that their friendship has developed due to Clay's working with his daughter Jamie, on ATDW. I am betting that Clay performs for free, for David's events. I imagine that to be the main reason he is invited to some of David's events. I say this because of David stating that Clay likes to sleep late and is there to help out. Which is veeeery generous of Clay, if he is. Of course I would like to see him charging for his appearances, because I want him extremely wealthy. :cryingwlaughter: What do you all think? *g* Is he a dad to Clay? Does Clay need another dad?

rcknrllmom, you need to post more.

I'm pretty sure you meant Jaymes, David's sister, not daughter. LOL! I doubt that Clay performed for free at either of the two events this week. They were private functions, not charity events. Now the Gala, that would be different I think. I don't see a father/son relationship personally. I think Clay charms everyone who actually meets and speaks with him on a real basis. I believe they are friends. And David is smart - he knows a glorious voice when he hears one, and has seen first hand the effect Clay has on people (the piano auction springs to mind). Not to mention that yes, Jaymes is his sister and she obviously holds Clay in high regard. I hope that David is mentor to Clay, even if they never have a 'legal' professional relationship. If David's music brought Lover All Alone out of Clay, then he's a hero in my book.

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Jet setting and hobnobbing his way across Canada, eh? That is way cool. I suspect that Clay may do more of those private appearances that we may never hear about, which is as it should be.

...I loved the fact that he was compared to a piece of architecture. (museum geek in me I guess) I wonder how many people get that honor. LOL

Well, just as long as Clay's copper-top doesn't turn green...

[Just a little TMA reference there for the art teacher. ;) ]

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Thanks cindi. I edited my post. I hope he got paid. However, I can see Clay doing it for free because of their friendship, and that is just the kind of guy he is. Donates his stuff to others, like Kim, to make money for her charity cause etc. I think he treats his friends well. Didn't he pay the way for a couple of people to take vacations with him?

I imagine that David has given Clay lots of advice and I have no doubt that he recognizes the talent in Clay. I have always said that Canada produces some of the best talent for singers. I always likened Clay to a female Celine. I happen to like Celine Dion and Josh Grobin. Michael Buble not so much. I am not convinced however, that I would want a whole cd for Clay, produced by DF. I think it would be ballad heavy, even more cheesier and syrupy than some people think ATDW was. I love ATDW and I know that Clay loves him some cheese, but I would also love for Clay to incorporate some up tempo soft rock/ AC too. Later gators. Work is calling...........

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Regarding the relationship between Clay and David Foster ... I believe their relationship is more than friends because it seems familial, but definitely not father/son. I get a "brother-in-law-ish" vibe due to the close personal relationship between Clay and Jaymes.

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Regarding the relationship between Clay and David Foster ... I believe their relationship is more than friends because it seems familial, but definitely not father/son. I get a "brother-in-law-ish" vibe due to the close personal relationship between Clay and Jaymes.

Hmmmm....I guess I've always assumed that Jaymes and Clay have a working relationship, and not a lot else. I know it seems strange to some people that they are seen in close proximity fairly frequently, but in many of those instances they could be considered work places. For example -- Jaymes was a person who contributed ideas for many of his tours, and so it doesn't seem strange to me that she attends more than a few shows. keepingfaith, I think I'm not quite sure what you mean by "close personal relationship" -- if you're talking strictly work too, or if you could be hinting at more than that....

I dunno...I get the feeling that there are some fans who WANT to ship Clay and Jaymes, just to fuel some fantasies that Clay could possibly be interested in THEM as an "approaching middle age" woman. (keepingfaith, I'm not talking about you here -- please don't take it that way!) And sure, if Clay and Jaymes are having that kind of relationship, more power to them. I guess I just have never seen it. Most of the things I've "heard" are simply that -- things I've "heard," from who knows what channels. And we all know how reliable those things are, right?

As for David's relationship -- mentor all the way. I think Clay's learning a LOT from the guy, both musically and in a business. Do I want a full album of ballads? Nah....but I wouldn't be totally surprised that we get one. Totally depends on that working relationship, and how much of a give-and-take David and Clay would allow with each other. Oh, and don't forget to work Clive in on this too. *g*

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This whole father/son relationship thing makes my anti-shipping skin crawl. shudder smileys14.gif

I have made friends with people that I work with, actually most of my friends come from work, school (really old friends) or the neighborhood.

With Clay, I think he has always been comfortable with people a lot older than him he seems to have grown up among adults more than people his own age, so I imagine that he would not distance himself by respect (I think this probably was one of the things that allowed adults on idol to treat him more as an equal in insults than any other idol on the show. In reality, he seems to get along with people of all ages - but I have to admit, after seeing the picture of Clay and Jaymes' kids, it would be skeevey for them to be anything more than good friends, to me. women80.gif

While my general reluctance of discussing Clay's non-professional friends is tempered here because the Fosters are people in show business, Clay has a tendency tomake really good and loyal friends, I don't see why it is so hard for many to accept friendship as a relationship in itself that is a strong bond and that his relationships are always morphing as he evolves and matures. OMGDance.gif

As to Clay being a protege of the Foster's - I hope not too much, there is something in Clay tha is very much his own and unique. I would like him to listen mostly to his muse on his journey to development. I do have no problem if others wish to smooth the way a little among the media and other hard headed syncophants and copycat thinkers. groupe039.gif

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and the hair-challenged choirboy Aiken

Obviously the writer has seen Clay's latest do! :cryingwlaughter:

I always likened Clay to a female Celine.

Bite your tongue! YUCK! Of course, I cannot stand Celine - or Groban or Buble - and the thought of Clay turning into any of them stylistically makes me very unhappy.

But I don't think he will because his voice is very different than any of the above. Sure, he can belt out the bombastic ballad with the best of them, but he can do so much more than that.

I really do need to look up what kind of music DF has been involved with lately other than those three.

As for their relationship - yup, I get a mentor vibe. DF recognizes Clay's talent, Clay recognizes DF's knowledge. I have no doubt they like each other, but I don't see it as a buddy type of relationship. As for Jaymes, never bought the shipping between them. I do think they have likely become friends, but primarily I think their relationship is a working one.


:DoClay: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

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So, partly this is possibly the only opportunity for me to mention the serieux architect Daniel Libeskind and the hair-challenged choirboy Aiken in the same sentence. And partly, maybe, to make the case that there could not be a more appropriate pop star to stand in as metaphor for the new museum wing.

The not-ordinary Michael Lee-Chin addition -- which has been called "daring" but also, in recent days, been compared to Dante's Inferno -- is like, Clay, an acquired taste. Quite clearly. Like Clay, it's also been likened to kitsch, but like him, too, it's at least got people talking.

But what I do know? Human architecture has struck me as way more interesting than any other kind of architecture.

Is there a thread title in there somewhere?

Loved this bit. Fantastic. Yes that is my Clay!!

What a wonderful weekend for Clay..and I love the fact that we read about him on the front page and in the society page. Was their a music snob in sight? heee.

Happy Monday everybody.

I don't know a thing about the Clay/David relationship. I'd say friend and advisor. I don' t think Clay is looking for a dad but what do I know. heee Not a damn thing.

Shipping alert for Play heee

Ldy J you may be right about the Jaymes shipping but hey that's human nature. After all there is a reason that the ships I've enjoyed most are K-Lo, Angela and Tyra. Ahem..... :cryingwlaughter: And since I'm over 40 I probably like the Jaymes ship for a reason too.... and unfortunately that ship feels kinda one sided and hopeless to me...just like for the rest of us... :Tour3:

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the picture of Clay and Jaymes' kids,
Play? May I see this photo? Have I already seen such a photo? How old are her kids? Could I ask any more questions? Oh, yes, I can. Where did you get that cool 'copycat thinking trio' smilie? CMSU!

I was a bad professional woman this weekend. I had all kinds of work to do and even got my laptop fixed in time to get it done, but then realized that I didn't have all the info from my office I needed to do it at home and since I didn't start on the project until yesterday in the post-dinnertime pm, I was screwed. So here I sit, checking in with my peeps before signing off so that I can salvage my professional reputation here and do the damned job.


Have a good one, everybody! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

oh, and....


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heheh, this short(ish), older(ish), dark-haired(ish) Canadian woman doesn't mind the Jaymes shipping either.

Prolly because :DoClay:

Hee, WORD. I draw the line at the Santa Monica squickiness, though. That crosses a line for me.

I think Jaymes and Clay are probably very good friends, and definitely more than business associates. I base this on observations - David Foster gala clack, JNaT clack, etc. I think Clay definitely looks up to David Foster as a mentor, and I think David sees the talent and smarts Clay possesses. I think it's wonderful that he's taken such an interest in him.

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I don't save pictures - If I buy that new hard drive I might, I jsut save all the news video mentions.

Wasn't it from last year, Clay with 3 boys and Jaymes in clamdiggers?

Maybe a picture saver has it. I don't think we knew for sure it was her boys, but I don't know who it would be other wise - anyway, Clay looked like he fit in with the boys as a sort of older brother (not shipping, just commenting - NOT SHIPPING!).

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I know what picture you are talking about and I think I have it on my home computer. But weren't there more people in it than just Jaymes and 3 boys? I thought there were more family members and a dog. It looked like it was taken at someone's beach house. I thought at the time people said it was Clay and members of Jaymes' family. I took it to be siblings and their kids. Isn't she one of like 9 kids or something?

Or maybe you're thinking of a different picture?

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The Clayboard had the original picture up (it was linked to the CH in the middle of September), but the CB thread is long gone. Just thought this might help someone find that picture....which I don't remember seeing either.

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Heh, what? You think I ever know what I talk about? I have no idea what gives youthat idea!

I thought someone had said ti was Jaymes' children and I foolishly believed someone on the internet - Oh, the shame of it all!!! I should so know better.

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Jaymes does have a shitload of sibs, but they are older than these people. And they are all women. I think David is the only brother (he has six sisters) -- heh, which means he also grew up around a bunch of women. He also has four daughters. Ha.

I don't know who the young men are - they could be Levys, but the guy behind Jaymes is Mr.Jamie and Clay is standing being Jamie and her mother.

Awww, lookie how cute Durham is?

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Do we know for sure that is Mr. Jaymes?

That one woman looks waaay too young to be the mother of Jaymes and especially DF! Are we sure that's her mother?

Other than Clay, Jaymes and Durham, do we know for sure who any of these people are? And if we think we know for sure, how do we know?

Its not that I am doubting anyone, but I always wonder how people "know" these things!

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Yes! That's the pic I knew about and I thought the same thing as CG did about it. I always thought these people were CLay's family members, not Jaymes. Hmmm... Mr. Jamie, eh?

Whew! Got a reprieve on the deadline for that project---I have until Wednesday. Whew!

So....how's it hangin', gang? :eusa_whistle: Let the procrastination resume! :TourExcite:

ETA: Clay is SOOOOO furry in this picture.


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No, CG, it's Jamie's mother, not Jaymes'. And MrJamie, not MrJaymes.

There are pictures of Jamie, MrJamie and their son floating around from Jamie's MySpace. That's definitely Jamie's husband. I have some, but I'm not posting them, cuz well, I feel ridiculous analyzing their family. :lol:

Not Clay's uncle... MrJamie is her husband (not her dad). Those boys are not Jamie's kids. She's too young to be their mother. Her son is only 2-3 ish.

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