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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


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38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Jaymes, Jamie, both have been shipped with him... They all become interchangeable after awhile! :wacko:

I know, my head is spinning with all the "J" names....

Thanks for the picture, I seem to remember looking at it now (but not keeping -- I'm only a semi-picture saver whore). I think what cracks me up is the jeans -- rolled up the calf like that. Actually, I stop laughing then because I start groaning looking at that nice calf...*sigh*

luckiest1, thanks for the pictures. KLo is looking good, and I love her smile -- it's totally infectious.

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Regarding the relationship between Clay and David Foster ... I believe their relationship is more than friends because it seems familial, but definitely not father/son. I get a "brother-in-law-ish" vibe due to the close personal relationship between Clay and Jaymes.

Hmmmm....I guess I've always assumed that Jaymes and Clay have a working relationship, and not a lot else. I know it seems strange to some people that they are seen in close proximity fairly frequently, but in many of those instances they could be considered work places. For example -- Jaymes was a person who contributed ideas for many of his tours, and so it doesn't seem strange to me that she attends more than a few shows. keepingfaith, I think I'm not quite sure what you mean by "close personal relationship" -- if you're talking strictly work too, or if you could be hinting at more than that....

I dunno...I get the feeling that there are some fans who WANT to ship Clay and Jaymes, just to fuel some fantasies that Clay could possibly be interested in THEM as an "approaching middle age" woman. (keepingfaith, I'm not talking about you here -- please don't take it that way!) And sure, if Clay and Jaymes are having that kind of relationship, more power to them. I guess I just have never seen it. Most of the things I've "heard" are simply that -- things I've "heard," from who knows what channels. And we all know how reliable those things are, right?

As for David's relationship -- mentor all the way. I think Clay's learning a LOT from the guy, both musically and in a business. Do I want a full album of ballads? Nah....but I wouldn't be totally surprised that we get one. Totally depends on that working relationship, and how much of a give-and-take David and Clay would allow with each other. Oh, and don't forget to work Clive in on this too. *g*

I think it's more than work because ....

Of what Clay wrote in the liner notes of ATDW, and that Jaymes was in North Carolina for the last couple of JnaT concerts, even went out on the bus line with him one night, and did the Word of the Day on stage, which leads me to think that since Jaymes was in NC for the Charlotte and Greensboro concerts during Christmas week she may very well have spent Christmas there as well -- more than a working relationship. Then Jaymes was working the Champions for Change Gala in March in Raleigh -- not an EP function.

Just generally, and mostly from what Clay himself has written, she seems to be best buddy these days.

ETA: Since we're into this family stuff ... and the picture above isn't Jaymes' family, but Clay's family since Jamie is in the picture ... I have a question about Jamie. In LTS Clay lists out all his cousins, including his step-cousins through Ray Parker; however, Jamie is not listed. He does say that Ray had cousins whose children were Ray's age and their children were Clay and Brett's ages. Therefore, from this, may we assume that Jamie is not a step-first cousin, but more likely a step-third cousin?

Also, this may very well be bogus, but someone told me last year when this picture first appeared that the woman standing in front of Clay is his sister Amy. Anybody know for sure?

Edited by keepingfaith
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Just say no to a Jaymes/Clay love relationship.....................:bigemo_harabe_net-24:

Pick Clayzor, Clay. You know you wanna.........Around The World, buddy. Just you and I...:cryingwlaughter:

Seriously, she has been hanging around an awful lot....Where is that darn shuttle when you need it? So glad that Jamie's husband materialized. Wish he wasn't wearing that hat. I'd like to see what HIS hair looks like. Hee

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I think it's more than work because ....

Of what Clay wrote in the liner notes of ATDW, and that Jaymes was in North Carolina for the last couple of JnaT concerts, even went out on the bus line with him one night, and did the Word of the Day on stage, which leads me to think that since Jaymes was in NC for the Charlotte and Greensboro concerts during Christmas week she may very well have spent Christmas there as well -- more than a working relationship. Then Jaymes was working the Champions for Change Gala in March in Raleigh -- not an EP function.

Just generally, and mostly from what Clay himself has written, she seems to be best buddy these days.

I agree that Clay and Jaymes' relationship seems to go into the "things that make you go hmmmmm..." category, and maybe they ARE "best buddies." But, at the same time....they could be working on things, true WORK things, behind the scenes that we'll never know about. Yes, even at Christmas. The thing is, we just don't know. As much as I have fun speculating about that kind of stuff for a while....it starts to feel a bit intrusive for me. Probably because there are some fans that take it to "totally true" stage, when as I said, we really don't know, because neither Clay nor Jaymes are talking. Should they talk? In my mind, most certainly not. They should be allowed to define their relationship, not the fans.

Maybe in 10 years, Clay will write another book and we'll find out more about a LOT of things.

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Maybe in 10 years, Clay will write another book and we'll find out more about a LOT of things.

You know, someone on another board posted some sort of Tarot card or palm reading or some such thing about Clay. Said he'd only have one real love in his life and that he'd find her at age 35 and that he'd survive her.

spooky :unsure:

Considering that I don't even want to think of my own age at the time he turns 35, I'm going to pretend I never read that particular prediction. :whistling-1:

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Hmmm my .02 on the topic du jour...

National post article...the general tone of the article was bitchy and snarky...not just towards Clay. I am just amazed that among all the Canadian artist that performed...this writer ended up likening the building...which was the main topic...to Clay. Getting a lot of ink for such low key visit is always good.

Clay and David...definitely not a fatherly relationship. more like good friends and co worker. I remember their snarking on each other during that gala in Canada. I feel like Clay looks on David as a highly respected peer that he can learn from. I don't even feel a mentorship situation cos I don't think David wants to step on his sisters toes on this one. My sense is they have a great respect for each other and Clay may be gatting some advice from him and that they may be working on some projects together. I think Clay is too mature and alpha male to have a father/son relationship with anyone at this point. I just don't think he is out looking for a father figure.

Clay and Jaymes...I definitely feel that they have formed a bond that goes beyond that of artist and EP. I do think she has taken on his mentorship. She is definitely involved with more than one cd but with his general musical development. Now I really don't think its anything beyond friendship. I just don't feel that kind of vibe from Clay to Jaymes. I defitinitely feel more chemistry between Clay and Angela or Clay and Tyra and even with Klo. Now on Jaymes part...I wouldn't be surprised if she does have a bit of crush on Clay. But if there actually is something more between...then I wish them well and hope they can keep it private as long as possible.

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Can I ask a dumb question? (Yeah, I know. Shuddup.) Is the colour button supposed to work on here? All the others work with a hilite/click (the bold, italic, quote, etc.) but not the colour. I see that there are some posts with colour in them, but I get nuthin' when I click it.

Well I'll be darned! Good detective work there ldyJ You do have to open and close the tag, but it puts the colour code in there for you. Excellent!

Edited by cindilu2
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cindi, I've noticed that as well. When I've wanted to add a font color, I generally "hand" coded it ("[color =...) etc.


I just tried clicking on the color link just now again, as research, and then, for some reason scrolled to the very top of the webpage. Guess what I found? The color palate! It was located over one of the pretty pictures of Clay in the banner. So, there seems to be a glitch that doesn't put the color palate where it's very accessable!

Topic? Clay's colorful. 'Nuff said.

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and the hair-challenged choirboy Aiken

Obviously the writer has seen Clay's latest do! :cryingwlaughter:

I always likened Clay to a female Celine.

Bite your tongue! YUCK! Of course, I cannot stand Celine - or Groban or Buble - and the thought of Clay turning into any of them stylistically makes me very unhappy.

But I don't think he will because his voice is very different than any of the above. Sure, he can belt out the bombastic ballad with the best of them, but he can do so much more than that.

I really do need to look up what kind of music DF has been involved with lately other than those three.

As for their relationship - yup, I get a mentor vibe. DF recognizes Clay's talent, Clay recognizes DF's knowledge. I have no doubt they like each other, but I don't see it as a buddy type of relationship. As for Jaymes, never bought the shipping between them. I do think they have likely become friends, but primarily I think their relationship is a working one.


:DoClay: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

I hear you Claygasm, but just saying!!!!


Celine Dion

Thanks to its continued popularity, the Canadian songstress' run at Las Vegas' Caesars Palace has been extended through the year. And it makes sense: In 2006 alone, the Grammy-winning artist pulled in $78.1 million without once leaving Sin City.

Ok.....I couldn't get my color code "A" to work either. So thanks a bunch....

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So glad that Jamie's husband materialized. Wish he wasn't wearing that hat. I'd like to see what HIS hair looks like. Hee

Speaking of hats - anyone else think the fedora on the table might have been sitting on a certain popstar's head? There he goes again lookin all hawt and stubbley and mussed up :medium-smiley-070: Wonder why his pants are rolled up - wading? washing the car? sailing with Jaymes? *g*

Edited by PuddinsJoy
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cindi, I've noticed that as well. When I've wanted to add a font color, I generally "hand" coded it ("[color =...) etc.


I just tried clicking on the color link just now again, as research, and then, for some reason scrolled to the very top of the webpage. Guess what I found? The color palate! It was located over one of the pretty pictures of Clay in the banner. So, there seems to be a glitch that doesn't put the color palate where it's very accessable!

Topic? Clay's colorful. 'Nuff said.

Well gee! What do you know! I thought it was just me!

I hear you Claygasm, but just saying!!!!


Celine Dion

Thanks to its continued popularity, the Canadian songstress' run at Las Vegas' Caesars Palace has been extended through the year. And it makes sense: In 2006 alone, the Grammy-winning artist pulled in $78.1 million without once leaving Sin City.

Yeah, well I don't care how much money someone makes or how successful they are, if I don't like the sound they are making, I ain't buying!


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Yeah, well I don't care how much money someone makes or how successful they are, if I don't like the sound they are making, I ain't buying!

Clay will always sound like Clay. Comparisons with Celine is only superficial. Love her or hate her, she has her fans and she is very successful. I think Clay could be just as successful. I don't like everything Celine does and her personality can kind of bug, but I just love her song "Seduces Me".

Everything you are

Everything you'll be

Touches the current of love

So deep in me

Every sigh in the night

Every tear that you cry

Seduces me

And all that I am

And all that I'll be

Means nothing at all

If you can't be with me

Your most innocent kiss

Or your sweetest caress

Seduces me

I don't care about tomorrow

I've given up on yesterday

Here and now is all that matters

Right here with you is where I'll stay

Everything in this world

Every voice in the night

Every little thing of beauty

Comes shining thru in your eyes

And all that is you becomes part of me too

'Cause all you do seduces me

And if I should die tomorrow

I'd go down with a smile on my face

I thank God I've ever known you

I fall down on my knees

For all the love we've made

Every sigh in the night

Every tear that you cry

Seduces me seduces me

All that you do , , , .. Seduces me

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When I hear a comparison to Celine... I think..hey no problem. They aren't the same at all but as far as I'm concerned..she's a successful solo singer. She may have a style some don't care for but I think she's great. She can actually sing which is important. She gets invited to important events to sing like the Grammys, And she is doing a Vegas show not because she has to but because she wants to. She has choices in her career. Hell she has also had lots of hits in her career as well. I can only hope he can do as well. I actually think there could be worse comparisons. I know Clay can do a lot of styles and really I know nothing about Celine outside of her hits which seem to be mostly ballads.

I don't follow pop music but I always get confused because I thought this was an extremely popular woman. And then suddenly it seemed like she went out of style and it wasn't cool to like her. And I missed the whole entire thing as I listened to sports radio. I remember I did ask about this before and I did get responses but I forget. Guess it's not really that important to me. :cryingwlaughter:

So just chalk one up to Clay-Celine? I'm ok with that.

Ya'll cracking me up with the color..like kids in a candy store.

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I know this is from last night, but did your dilemma ever get resolved?

Ahem...I just took a look in my "Muse" folder on my laptop. That's where I file away any writing that happens. To give you an idea of my state of AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! in that area of my life, I currently have six first chapters of stories.

Not six chapters of a story, mind you. Six FIRST chapters of six DIFFERENT potential stories.

Can one get a job writing just first chapters of things? :huh:

My question to you is: Do any of these chapters involve couples we already know - like Kenny & Aria, Clay & Amelia, or Clay & Tyra? Perhaps you could post some samples and have a readers' poll or whatnot... :eusa_whistle:

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Clay Blogged again --- and I'm on top again!!! :rainbowsmile:

ETA: He must be editing because now we have switched positions. :lol:


Thanks for the heads-up...I made it into the top 30 respondees.

Now THIS TV relationship I've heard much about...and have been thinking about watching it. Now, I've got reason to make time for it!

*sigh* Love him.

ETA: KAndre...empty your PM box!!!!!

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