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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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DD has more than insulted Kim Locke - he has deliberately gone after her to get her to react. A true ass. Seems e decidedthat the most annoying person gets the most publicity and he needs the money.

I think the word screech is probably more offensive to me because it was used as an insult and complaint by people I have known in my life. It was a very bad thing for which criticism was doled out rather nastily. It was alpplied only to the female - males were accused of yelling, only females were accused of screeching. Perhaps that makes me more sensitive to that word, it just took a little while to reflect through my life to realize the reaction I have to it. I think many times it was a baseless accusation.

Since I screwed up on my reservations, I can't complain about Clay always losing things, Heck, I lose something almost every day. I lost the back up keys for my car, I am just trying to pretend I did not because it had one of the clickers on it and you cannot open my car wth just the key - it sets off the alarm if you do (who designs thes stupid alarm things anyway?)

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ETA - why did I read the end of Muski's post to say the first week of ANGST? - Just how good is your daughter's team?

because first week of August is the Cali4 and if she can't make it there will be all kinds of angst? Didn't know you were psychic.

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Or as couchie said, maybe when he's in bed with one of his harem....

I think LdyJ said this but I'll take credit :F_05BL17blowkiss: Something in the water Muski gives me before our walks.

I think we all have things in our lives that make us react. With me it's food. There were certain foods I wouldn't eat for years because of things attached to my youth:

fish - almost choked to death on a tiny bone when I was about 7

peppermint tea - my dad drank this... guess who has made about 20 million cups for him while growing up... oh no he did not use a freakin' tea bag like most people.

grits - my aunt made me eat them when I spent the night at her house. I told her we don't eat grits at my house and I wanted oatmeal. She pulled a mommie dearest on me.

I do eat/drink all of these things today..took me about 20 years heee.

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Hey muski. Look what you wrote on May 6th. Has something changed??

Woo Hoo! :Tour3:

Just was at Carrie's practice, talking with one of the women planning to see Clay with me at the Greek...I talked about my angst re: that weekend and...long story short...I was mistaken about the softball schedule!

The only way that weekend is going to be a challenge is if our team makes it all the way to the nationals. Even if through some amazing alignment of the stars (waves to Diva) they make it TO the nationals, the first day of competitin is Wednesday, August 1. They' have to win and win and win to still be there for weekend games!

The Santa Clara tournament I thought would be the 'fall back' tournament that weekend is actually the weekend BEFORE ! Yeay! YEAAY!

My friend is really, REALLY excited about going...Thanks to all you guys for putting up with my whining and YEAY! for there now being no reason to whine!


Damn, I hope nothing has changed!

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Ok...so if the first games are Wednesday, Aug 1...there's a chance I'll be in New Mexico instead of home, CG! You'll be flying into Oakland and nobody will be home!

Oh, COUCHIE! want an extra roomie for Wed. night? heh. Crap. Or, CG...maybe you end up going straight to San Diego from Philly Aug 2? I see that SW has a $99 fare in the early am...Should I buy that for you for insurance and then I can bank it for myself if it turns out we don't need it?


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Ok...so if the first games are Wednesday, Aug 1...there's a chance I'll be in New Mexico instead of home, CG! You'll be flying into Oakland and nobody will be home!

Oh, COUCHIE! want an extra roomie for Wed. night? heh. Crap. Or, CG...maybe you end up going straight to San Diego from Philly Aug 2? I see that SW has a $99 fare in the early am...Should I buy that for you for insurance and then I can bank it for myself if it turns out we don't need it?


Ok, DEEP BREATH!!!!! Breathe in...... Breathe out......

First - don't buy that ticket! It leaves Philly at 6:35am and as far as I live from the airport and having to get there an hour ahead or more, I would have to leave my house at 4:30am!! NO WAY!! If I have to I can get an airport hotel in Oakland for $99 - and that can be canceled without a problem if I don't need it.

But what about Pala? Would you be able to make Pala? You said you could make the Greek and Indio, but what about Pala?? The tickets are in YOUR name. The hotel room is also in your name - which I would think you could change, but the tickets?

I don't suppose Carrie would mind if you skipped a game or two, would she????

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I live 10 minutes from the airport CG. And Ansa will be spending the night at my house before our flight in the morning. The more the merrier. And there is plenty of time to get the name of the tickets changed for Pala. Everybody breathe...unfortunately seems like you won't know a thing until the last minute Muski. See why I don't have kids :cryingwlaughter:

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I live 10 minutes from the airport CG. And Ansa will be spending the night at my house before our flight in the morning. The more the merrier. And there is plenty of time to get the name of the tickets changed for Pala. Everybody breathe...unfortunately seems like you won't know a thing until the last minute Muski. See why I don't have kids :cryingwlaughter:

Thanks couchie. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Will Pala even let you make a name change on tickets? Thing is, I remember now I have a set of tickets in my name (muski's are a bit better), but we can't sell any without knowing if someone other than muski can pick up her tickets. We could end up with 3 extra tickets we can't sell!

Muski sweetie - RELAX! It will all work out one way or the other. I worry about the money you could lose on concert tickets though if you can't go.

Plus I would be bummed if you had to miss any of the concerts. :(

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Well, I just talked with hubby. He said that even though the top three teams from the July 7th weekend tournament can go to the Nationals, we most likely will not be one of them. The inland teams near us are in a hotbed of softball land--serious stuff out there. For example, their age group travel team comes from a tryout process that has a couple of THOUSAND girls showing up...

Know how many showed up for our little town's tryouts? ---Maybe 40.

So the best of our pool against the cream of a crop of a couple thousand girls who live and breathe softball (and get year-round private lessons and training courtesy of---for the most part---wealthy parents)?/???


So...I'm gonna breathe and get back to work. Yep. That's what I'm going to do.

And CG, about Carrie minding if I missed a game or two? Let's just put it this way: she's still giving me puppy dog eyes whenever it comes up that I'll miss the July 7 and 8 tourney---AND THAT"S BECAUSE OF WORK! Missing the NATIONALS because of CLAY?????!!?!?!?

not an option.

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Apropos of nothing really, did you know there are 52 frames in this teeny little smiley? Had to erase the sign part from each one individually. I am still squinting! LOL.

Dang, I'm impressed, Cindilu -- 52 FRAMES!!! :RedGuy:

I hatesss commenting on any gossip page shstuff, but I'm totally intrigued as to why he would be going to Paris (if true). I can *totally* hear him saying, 'get the PM on the phone' (hell, I'm just glad he knows we have a PM and not a President, lolol). If the gossip mongers around him can't recognize a joke when they hear one - screw 'em! Vive l'Aiken!

WORD!!! Vive l'Aiken, and get the PM on the phone! :eusa_whistle:

bwah..it's funny to me too. I don't need all of my Clay mentions to be fangirly and free of f snark - just don't be freakin evil and mean spirited. Clay needs his stuff pinned inside his coat like my mom used to do me when I was in elementary school.

ETA: to change a curse word to something more acceptable so as not to fighten away the newbies.

Not on this newbie's account -- my mother cringed with my "sailor-like vocabulary" picked up working on a newspaper in my teens. I still remember most of the lingo. :asking02: And Clay really does need his stuff attached. :lol:

Does Clay screech? I'd say yes. I think it's totally adorable when he does that high pitched thingy, when he's excited.

Ditto -- that's just Clay when he's not ... :00000462:

:handshake: Hi, Cha Cha! While you were gone, they left the barn door open, LOL!

Roseviolet :bravo: to your comment at CV this morning!

The remark/blog comment was made that Clay "has waaaaaaay too much time" on his hands that might be better spent "writing songs or something."

LOL, Roseviolet's reply: I'm not sure how one can come to that conclusion. In any case, I'm sure he saves a lot of time by not surfing message boards.

WORD, WORD, WORD!!! :clap:

Just got home from annual stirrup time and enjoyed catching up here. Have a great day, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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And CG, about Carrie minding if I missed a game or two? Let's just put it this way: she's still giving me puppy dog eyes whenever it comes up that I'll miss the July 7 and 8 tourney---AND THAT"S BECAUSE OF WORK! Missing the NATIONALS because of CLAY?????!!?!?!?

not an option.

Yeah, well, I kind of knew that. Besides, I also know that you want to be there as much as she wants you there and I would never want either of you to miss that experience.


Que sera sera! It will all work out the way its supposed to! Besides, think of it this way. Its kind of a win-win for you. If Carrie's team actually makes it to the nationals that would be a HUGE woo hoo!

And if not, you get to see Clay! You can't lose!

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Roseviolet :bravo: to your comment at CV this morning!

The remark/blog comment was made that Clay "has waaaaaaay too much time" on his hands that might be better spent "writing songs or something."

LOL, Roseviolet's reply: I'm not sure how one can come to that conclusion. In any case, I'm sure he saves a lot of time by not surfing message boards.

WORD, WORD, WORD!!! :clap:

I'm pretty sure I saw this exact same comment on the OFC today. :cryingwlaughter: So I'll just say WORD and WAY TO GO as well!

Belated WELCOME to Caro and to 00lsee who I hope will come back and play more often. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well before spending the next hour playing with my dog, I thought I would leave you with this Myspace - Idol:the muiusical

I likethat the play is a single male Saggitarius 28 years old. I thinkit was originally set up as a female and a poster pointed out that the picktuire and description do not match so now it is no longer 25, and no longer a female. I don't know what sign it had before.

Cindilu, what do you use to edit emoticon? Yours is a cute as a button - and would make a real nice button if we ever get back to that discussion.

Later all.

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Cindilu, what do you use to edit emoticon? Yours is a cute as a button - and would make a real nice button if we ever get back to that discussion.

Hmmmmm... Calling Cha Cha!

Wow, so much said with one sentence. heee. I could have come up with a page long response. Bottom line for me - I'm here whenever. There is no time table on the next album. Even if there was he gets to have recreation and fun. And even if the album WAS just around the corner it's up to him or not whether or not he wants to write any songs for it. He is in no way obligated to sit slumped over a desk, way after dark no less, trying to write a song for MY benefit. I feel grateful and blessed for LAA which we may not have gotten unless a whole slew of circumstance hadn't happened. That might be it for him. Who the hell knows but Clay. And since I have no idea of his schedule - maybe he's watching the show on his laptop between meetings/blogging/flying/singing/etc. Oh, I said it in a paragraph.

ETA: cuz even I have to laugh at blogging. :cryingwlaughter:

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The reason play and I are having a hard time with the word "screech" is because one of the "celebrities" this season is Dustin Diamond, who used to play "Screech" on "Saved by the Bell." He's showing himself to be a first class asshole -- snide, sexual, rude comments to all his other cast members (including Kim Locke), and he's simply not trying to lose weight. He's eating all the stuff he shouldn't be. He's a jerk, and no one on the show likes him. The rest of the cast is cool, but he's an idiot.

Thanks kindly for the info. He does sound like a A1 asshole, so now I understand.

I always say I was raised by the wolves, but the only connection I could make with the word screech was 'owl'...lol...Maybe that does fit. I think Clay is a night owl.

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Cindilu, what do you use to edit emoticon? Yours is a cute as a button - and would make a real nice button if we ever get back to that discussion.

Later all.

Probably waaaay more info than you wanted, but I opened the gif of the balloon guy in Animation Shop, then exported it to PaintShopPro XI, erased the sign frame by frame, made a new animation with the PARTY sign, copied them both back to Animation Shop and merged them (then had to reset the timing frame by frame).

lil'couchie :RedGuy: I made using vector shapes in PaintShopPro XI (and a whole lotta trial and error!)TMI? I thought so!

ETA: roseviolet is a wise woman! *hi fives*

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Hey I was just away since this morning and took me a long time to get through. Lots of funny stuff!!!

Topics du jour...

page six...yeah it was funny and I really don't react too much to articles like this anymore. But I agree that it was meant to be mildly insulting...screech is a word meant to suggest diva or gay mannerisms...so I can understand why some people didn;t find it amusing. My reaction was more a shrug.

Thank goodness I wasn't the only one to find it funny!

I have an idea what he was doing in Paris!! He was getting a new tour wardrobe! Maybe he's given up Paul Smith for the latest on the Paris runway!!!

That could be frightening!

(This post brought to you by Exclamation!Points!Are!Us!!!)

good theory....

Oh yeah, that "Get the PM on the phone!" CMSU! :cryingwlaughter: And I was already :cryingwlaughter: thinking about last night's "Creature Comforts" show! Lawd Jesus, my hubby and daughter and I were wiping tears for 30 minutes. We had to keep telling hubby to SHUT UP because he'd be laughing and we couldn't hear the next hilarious comment coming out of some claymation creature's mouth. Now THAT'S some funny shit. :clap::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Clay in Paris? oooh la la! Something about that Eiffel Tower has always reminded me of him, anyway.

ok details on this show...what network..and when is it on...I want to check it out.

If, and I stress IF, I were going to ship Clay with somebody a la Paris ... it would be Tyra. Paris is definitely her stomping grounds ... and if Clay is wardrobe shopping for the tour, Tyra could help him out with that. I could see that late dinner in New York last month turning into a Paris trip ... YEAH! This is definitely imaginable.

ETA: I said, IF, remember.

HEEE...this is a nice fantasy scenario...love me some clyra.

I live 10 minutes from the airport CG. And Ansa will be spending the night at my house before our flight in the morning. The more the merrier. And there is plenty of time to get the name of the tickets changed for Pala. Everybody breathe...unfortunately seems like you won't know a thing until the last minute Muski. See why I don't have kids :cryingwlaughter:

I was just going to say..no prob CG you can go with us...but it's not my home of course...hee. Right now I am about to get my ticket...just waiting for come money to clear then I will finally get that ticket.

Roseviolet :bravo: to your comment at CV this morning!

The remark/blog comment was made that Clay "has waaaaaaay too much time" on his hands that might be better spent "writing songs or something."

LOL, Roseviolet's reply: I'm not sure how one can come to that conclusion. In any case, I'm sure he saves a lot of time by not surfing message boards.

WORD, WORD, WORD!!! :clap:

I'm pretty sure I saw this exact same comment on the OFC today. :cryingwlaughter: So I'll just say WORD and WAY TO GO as well!

Belated WELCOME to Caro and to 00lsee who I hope will come back and play more often. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yup way to go too...I saw some other variations of this. I read someone even boasting that they posted as much on Clay blog comment...that he shouldn't be watching tv...but writing songs instead. I know they follow it up by smilies or grins to say its a joke...but really gets on my nerves. Makes these people sound heartless with Clay as their puppet...put in this world to please them...UGH. sorry just my pet peeve. I mean are they working 24/7? Don't they relax and unwind by watching TV???

No wonder Clay resists writing songs or downplays his own writing contributions. He writes one song and now some fans want him to spend all his time writing and working on his music. GEESH.

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Oh yeah, that "Get the PM on the phone!" CMSU! :cryingwlaughter: And I was already :cryingwlaughter: thinking about last night's "Creature Comforts" show! Lawd Jesus, my hubby and daughter and I were wiping tears for 30 minutes. We had to keep telling hubby to SHUT UP because he'd be laughing and we couldn't hear the next hilarious comment coming out of some claymation creature's mouth. Now THAT'S some funny shit. :clap::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Clay in Paris? oooh la la! Something about that Eiffel Tower has always reminded me of him, anyway.

ok details on this show...what network..and when is it on...I want to check it out.

Creature Comforts, CBS, 8:00 EDT Monday evenings

Sorry, don't know if it's on in Canada or not. From what I know, it's based on a British short film or TV series of the same name. I LOL'd a lot, and looks as if a few others did too.

Yup way to go too...I saw some other variations of this. I read someone even boasting that they posted as much on Clay blog comment...that he shouldn't be watching tv...but writing songs instead. I know they follow it up by smilies or grins to say its a joke...but really gets on my nerves. Makes these people sound heartless with Clay as their puppet...put in this world to please them...UGH. sorry just my pet peeve. I mean are they working 24/7? Don't they relax and unwind by watching TV???

No wonder Clay resists writing songs or downplays his own writing contributions. He writes one song and now some fans want him to spend all his time writing and working on his music. GEESH.

I think I saw the same boast that you did, Ansa. You're right -- it makes him sound like he should be a "dancing monkey" catering to the fans needs and desires. I can be as selfish as the next person when it comes to Clay (especially when it comes to getting tickets for shows), but in the end, I know it's about what Clay wants, not me. Again -- I'm just a fan who buys his stuff and goes to his shows. Doesn't give me free reign to tell him when he can work (or not) and what he should be doing (or not).


Heh, and since he suggested I watch "The Riches," I suggested he watch "Creature Comforts." Suggested, not told. *g*

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Thanks for the info ldyJ...if its in CBS we get it in Canada. The shows that gets iffy are the ones in cable like Bravo and Food network cos we have different versions. We usually get the shows eventually but not at the same time. We also don;t ahve FX I don't think. But Riches is on at Showcase at Wed...10 pm.

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roseviolet, cool response! :bier:

Oh, Creature Comforts is a creation of the people who made Wallace and Grommit---those wonderful claymation figures and the short films that won awards for being so damned clever. Our whole family adores Wallace & Grommit and last night's first show of Creature Comforts already has me looking forward to next week's show!

Hmmm.....Clay and Tyra in Paris, eh? cafes, fashion shows, great food and wine, immeasurable jokes about Clay and the Eiffel Tower having something in common....



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No wonder Clay resists writing songs or downplays his own writing contributions. He writes one song and now some fans want him to spend all his time writing and working on his music. GEESH.
I think it's the nature of a fandom to want to experience more. That's what fans do. If he tours, we want more stops. If he sings, we want more songs. If he's on Kimmel for 7 minutes, we want 10. He blogs, we want more blogs. Yeah, we're never satisfied, but on the whole, I think that's a good thing.

I'm reminded that the alternative to love is indifference. "He wrote one song. Nice." with no further encouragement to write additional songs would be a bad sign for the fandom and for his career.

JMO, YMMV, etc.

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I do think most folks ARE joking when they make comments in Clay's blog. The internet allows a certain familiarity that no other medium allows. Combine that with how we found Clay and the feeling like we are actually playing an active role in keeping him around and that familiarity makes further leaps. Then think of Clay's communication style in his blogs, the way he relates to us in concert and I can understand why he receives the kinds of comments he does. People want to be clever and memorable. He can make you feel like he's talking directly to you and not the massive YOU that is all of us. I think that is also why some can get so hurt by a less than great experience when they meet the real Clay and we're not all that special..just the next one in line. :cryingwlaughter: I know I spent an inordinate amount of time thinking of what to say to him and what to bring for him to sign.

What squicks out each individual is probably different to everyone. I don't read his blog comments but one evening I did read a lot of his My Space comments and all I can say is... wow. Maybe it's the medium but some of those were way too familiar for my taste. MY TASTE. Calling him darling? Eeeek.

Clay does have an extremely good memory though. My meet and greet was at the JBT in New Hampshire. I don't know how far he can see back but I'm not normally in the first 5 center rows. But he sure as heck remembered couch tomato at Kimmell after a year and a half. That kind of thing makes you feel good and you just have to slap yourself back to reality and tell yourself that he ain't your close and personal friend. :cryingwlaughter:

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Eh, some of the fandom - I am perfectly happy for what I have - but then again, I don't seem to be the type of fan who constantly needs new stimulation. I have my top 3,000 songs in rotation on WMP and tend not to get tired of the old stuff.

And hush your mouth, couchie! He is too my close and personal friend! All my emails from the fan club say "Dear KAndre", so THERE!

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Clay may have something to celebrate. From TVGuide.com:

Exclusive: Jericho on Verge of Renewal

Skeet Ulrich in Jericho by Cliff Lipson/CBSOK, this is nuts!

Multiple sources are telling me that CBS is thisclose to sealing a deal to bring Jericho back for at least eight episodes, possibly at mid-season.

My spies caution that this is in no way official, but it certainly sounds like it could be by day's end. It's now just a matter of signing the actors to new deals and, according to one insider, finding a new soundstage to house the show's sets.

To say this would be a huge victory for crazy TV fans everywhere would be the understatement of the frakkin' millennium.


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