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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Can you guys stand some more...some performance pix:




she said she is working on more...so you guys watch out for it...will be in work today....

have fun with the pix!!!

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Ansa, your pictures didn't show up again....ETA, you fixed it. But I've got different ones. Neener neener. Heh.

So, here they are:

First of all, here's a link to a YouSendIt for a fantastic HIGH RES picture....I don't know how to post it in high res on the board though, but yousendit will get it to you....


And the last 4:





mee2u2 promises pictures from the Megan show later tonight....

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Gee, how many times have I been accused of being a member of the positive police,

Hi My name is couchie and I'm a member of the positive police or so I've been told.

*slaps on PP badge*

Me too. I'm also "one of the usual suspects" I don't mean to be. Really.

Why am I suddenly thinking I was pretty stupid to skip Frisco and just go to Houston and Tulsa?

*takes off PP badge and slaps on "endablers are us" beanie...*

Fer the love of cheese! There's STILL time woman!

I'm an easy bitch though, because I pretty much just take things for what they are at the time. If I love it, I'll watch again.

*takes off EAU beanie and slips into low cut "easy bitch dress"*

I have the ultimate confession to make....I don't even watch much clack. Unless I miss seeing something on TV I actually download very little. And when I do, I watch it once and then *gulp* delete it. I don't revist things I just enjoy the moments and look forward.

eta : probably because I'm lucky enough to go to concerts. I'm sure I'd behave differently if I wasn't.

RE: Fan criticism. Every passionate fan base goes over-the-top. Sports fans rant endlessly about owner or coaching choices. TV show fan boards can go ballistic over plot or character developments. It's funny. You look at other active boards on any subject, and you tend to see the same situation played out. Posts bitching and moaning, and posts stating "Well if you hate X so much, why are you posting on this message board?"

Very true. My baseball board has 3 postgame threads...The all purpose Giddy Gloating thread winner winner chicken dinner & 2 for losses ... the Crabby Venting thread and the more zen At Least We're Not All Dead thread. This helps to avoid lots of the back and forth. I love the linear threads for many reasons but I do think they exacerbate some of the communication issues. Trust me, it's way easier to just avoid going into that Crabby Venting thread than it would be to have everyone hashing it out after EVERY loss.

eta : & Don't get me started on the trolls. Let's just say certain teams have notoriously trolly fans. And they are all 12 year old boys.

OTOH once I asked Son#1 what Dave's fans thought of Clive Davis (they are RCA artists also)

His classic response.... Whose Clive Davis?

Hmmm WHy does television take 10 pounds off of Clay?

I know I look at those pictures and wonder how a scant few months later he was being called FAT!

So many people that I enjoyed reading have disappeard from the boards.

Most of my good Clayfan friends no longer post on the public boards. At some point when RHT was going through the drama we started a small private board and that's where we share our lives. One or two of them have moved on but most of them are planning and panting right along with everyone else. Mostly, they just got tired of the shit.

Even the nice shit.


*slips out of "easy bitch dress" so I can stand in front of my closet and whine about not having anything to wear to work*

Edited by jamar1700
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I miss the rings....I miss the bangs...I miss the stubble....

Yeah that!

I love pictures of Clay sitting down when his very expressive hands are actually expressing and NOT covering up his crotch.



Well, you see - that answers the question - Clay spends so much on his TV outfits, he has to wear the same fraying cargo pants, since the AI2 tour rehersal, to this day!

BWAH again!

Gawd, seeing those close ups of Clay is making me crazy. I wanna jump that man and do some serious gettin' it on. Geez!!! Whatta hunk.


Get in line! :hubbahubba:

Clay is a long drink of water I would gulp down in a hot minute...those are niiiiiiice pictures.


Oooo! KAndre is fangirly!

Can you guys stand some more...some performance pix:




she said she is working on more...so you guys watch out for it...will be in work today....

have fun with the pix!!!

**Sniff** All I see are red X's! Does that mean they're X-rated???

Most of my good Clayfan friends no longer post on the public boards. At some point when RHT was going through the drama we started a small private board and that's where we share our lives. One or two of them have moved on but most of them are planning and panting right along with everyone else. Mostly, they just got tired of the shit.

Even the nice shit.


*slips out of "easy bitch dress" so I can stand in front of my closet and whine about not having anything to wear to work*

Ah, the "private" boards! Trouble is, some of them decided private boards were the place to lambaste fans they felt didn't live up to their definition of being a "true" fan. Some private boards put up names and pictures of those they didn't consider "true" fans like their own version of the sexual predator sites. Yeah, private boards just seem to be a place where "fans" can attack other "fans" without fear of reprisal, or being found out. Sort of like talking about people behind their back. I Know some were formed just because they couldn't handle anyone disagreeing with them so they picked up their toys and went home, shut the door and then dissed those who didn't think like them. No respect for people like that.

I KNOW they are not all like that, and jamar I am sure yours in not like that, but the ones I have heard about are and unfortunately it makes me suspect of all the "private" boards.

Back to drooling over those pictures...... :hubbahubba:

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This is hysterical!

Celebrity-Logo Lookalikes

Clay's #8...cute pic and fun comparison!

ETA: And another funny reference from my Google Alerts:

Gisele Bundchen finds the mandates of virginity in the Catholic Church to be behind the times, unrealistic, and potentially harmful to young womenz. Says Gisele: “Today no one is a virgin when they get married . . . show me someone who’s a virgin!”

I’m pretty sure Rosie O’Donnell just pointed to Clay Aiken

uh huh. sure. you betcha. :whistling-1:

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So many pretties, so little time! But I can right click and save with the best of them. ;)

I seriously need an evening to myself. Just one freaking evening! And then I could catch up on my montage watching and the next 3 episodes of The Riches. That would make me a very happy camper. But no, I have kids and dogs who all require my attention, 24/7, or so it seems. Maybe this weekend.....

Ah, the "private" boards! Trouble is, some of them decided private boards were the place to lambaste fans they felt didn't live up to their definition of being a "true" fan. Some private boards put up names and pictures of those they didn't consider "true" fans like their own version of the sexual predator sites. Yeah, private boards just seem to be a place where "fans" can attack other "fans" without fear of reprisal, or being found out. Sort of like talking about people behind their back. I Know some were formed just because they couldn't handle anyone disagreeing with them so they picked up their toys and went home, shut the door and then dissed those who didn't think like them. No respect for people like that.

I KNOW they are not all like that, and jamar I am sure yours in not like that, but the ones I have heard about are and unfortunately it makes me suspect of all the "private" boards.

While I'm sure you are right, and there are definitely boards like that out there, I think that many, many fans have either created their own little havens where they can chat without feeling as though they have to defend themselves constantly, as seems to happen on the larger boards these days, or just given up on the online fandom altogether. However, that doesn't mean they've stopped being a fan of Clay. I know lots of people who love Clay and listen to his music and are excited about this summer's tour, but go nowhere near the boards. I can't blame them. I mean, on some boards, if you don't tow the pod line, you are labeled the PP! As couchie said, all of a sudden it's assumed that you think everything in Clay's world is roses, just because you don't go around talking trash about Clive/Roger/RCA or whoever is the villain of the day. If that makes me PP, then so be it. I just never saw the point in it. I like to enjoy my fandom, else I wouldn't be here. It brings me joy. So I can certainly understand if some people felt the need to go private in order to do that. More power to them. It thrills me to see some lurkers coming out of the wordwork here, and feeling safe to do so.

So......is it July yet? :Tour3:

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**Sniff** All I see are red X's! Does that mean they're X-rated???

I'll let you decide...




I had trouble seeing them too this morning....and then they were there....and now they seem to be gone again. This is linked to my own photobucket site though....

And I'm marrying the first of these three pictures. Ya'll can come to the ceremony...no gifts though please. *g*

Gee, how many times have I been accused of being a member of the positive police,

Hi My name is couchie and I'm a member of the positive police or so I've been told.

*slaps on PP badge*

Can we market these PP badges? Because I'm pretty positive I'm a member too. Proud of it too, damn it. But let me add a definition here, as couchie alluded too -- being a PP doesn't mean I think everything has gone fine with Clay's career. It really doesn't. It just means that I prefer to look at things in a positive light. So -- ATDW didn't sell a gazillion copies. Big deal. Clay will still be around for a long time to come.

See, isn't that easy? Also, it doesn't give heartburn/high blood pressure/heart attacks.

I have the ultimate confession to make....I don't even watch much clack. Unless I miss seeing something on TV I actually download very little. And when I do, I watch it once and then *gulp* delete it. I don't revist things I just enjoy the moments and look forward.

eta : probably because I'm lucky enough to go to concerts. I'm sure I'd behave differently if I wasn't.

If I'm being truly honest -- I need to go through my bulging hard drives and delete almost everything. I really don't go back and watch a great deal of it either, and the stuff I DO watch more than once, I have burned to DVD already. I just hate the idea of "losing" all that clack.

luckiest1, just a big fat WORD to your entire post.

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Ah, the "private" boards! Trouble is, some of them decided private boards were the place to lambaste fans they felt didn't live up to their definition of being a "true" fan. Some private boards put up names and pictures of those they didn't consider "true" fans like their own version of the sexual predator sites. Yeah, private boards just seem to be a place where "fans" can attack other "fans" without fear of reprisal, or being found out. Sort of like talking about people behind their back. I Know some were formed just because they couldn't handle anyone disagreeing with them so they picked up their toys and went home, shut the door and then dissed those who didn't think like them. No respect for people like that.

I KNOW they are not all like that, and jamar I am sure yours in not like that, but the ones I have heard about are and unfortunately it makes me suspect of all the "private" boards.

While I'm sure you are right, and there are definitely boards like that out there, I think that many, many fans have either created their own little havens where they can chat without feeling as though they have to defend themselves constantly, as seems to happen on the larger boards these days, or just given up on the online fandom altogether. However, that doesn't mean they've stopped being a fan of Clay. I know lots of people who love Clay and listen to his music and are excited about this summer's tour, but go nowhere near the boards. I can't blame them. I mean, on some boards, if you don't tow the pod line, you are labeled the PP! As couchie said, all of a sudden it's assumed that you think everything in Clay's world is roses, just because you don't go around talking trash about Clive/Roger/RCA or whoever is the villain of the day. If that makes me PP, then so be it. I just never saw the point in it. I like to enjoy my fandom, else I wouldn't be here. It brings me joy. So I can certainly understand if some people felt the need to go private in order to do that. More power to them. It thrills me to see some lurkers coming out of the wordwork here, and feeling safe to do so.

So......is it July yet? :Tour3:

Oh, I have no problem with people forming boards where they can gush about Clay to their hearts content or even criticize him to their hearts' content without fear of fish or anything else. What I do have a problem with is when they use their private boards to "out" those they consider to be "bad fans". Its one thing to leave a board because you're tired of all the drama and conspiracy theories and being told what to say and how to say it. After all, that's why I found my way here! But its another to then go behind closed doors and condemn other fans because they don't think like you. When you think about, they are doing exactly what others did that drove them away - only worse.

I have also heard of private boards that profess certain knowledge about Clay and his personal life and what he's thinking etc. and somehow that "knowledge" finds its way into the mainstream and people believe it just because it came from a private board. I guess the mystery of the board gives it cred.

Setting up a private board with like minded individuals so you can enjoy your fandom? Go for it. But if that board then trashes and outs people they don't deem worthy of the label "Clay Aiken fan" or they start spreading more rumors as gospel? That's bad.

I guess I am just more suspicious of these "private" boards because they are private. I can't see for myself if what I hear is true or more the exception than the rule. Its like some secret society and that always leaves me wary.

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Claygasm, I'll take your word for it. I decided a long time ago to ignore the trashy part of this fandom, and focus on the fun. Sometimes, I feel that I'm just better off not knowing what goes on.
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And I'm marrying the first of these three pictures. Ya'll can come to the ceremony...no gifts though please. *g*

Unhappily for you, I am willing to give it up without benefit of marriage - c'mon, baby, all this milk is free - you don't even have to rent the cow!

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I think many prvate boards start cuz like minded people just want to be together (waves to Puddins cut it hit me I was in one actually years ago...and heee there are many many small groups out there that people don't know about and they are there simply to discuss Clay) . I don't think there is anything wrong with that. But I'd rather be open despite the perception by some that we can be mean. I'll take responsibility for what I say and deal with the consequences rather than add another layer of stress to my life where I'm afraid that someone will interpret my words for me. I really appreciate people who say, I've lurked for awhile and I want to post. That means you define us by a whole rather than perhaps a post or two of venting. I just wanna have fun which btw doesn't mean ignoring all the things that may be unpleasant. I'm so enjoying all the new people. I really think the conversation lately has been awesome. And you just never know where it will turn. And then to see two pages of guh and gurggles over pictres of something that happened months ago makes me smile, a lot.

I thought I'd ask what your ONE favorite Clay television appearace of all time and why. Picking one makes it hard heee. hmmmm that's kind of smutty. Have a great day everybody... Oh and keep on chatting..just add your answer to that somewhere along the line today. I may have to think about it all day. That will be tough. :cryingwlaughter:

Unhappily for you, I am willing to give it up without benefit of marriage - c'mon, baby, all this milk is free - you don't even have to rent the cow!

BWAH! and now I head out the door laughing out loud.

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Incredibly tough question, couchie...but the thing that immediately popped into my head? Was that Monday Night Football thingie with Jimmy Kimmel. It was just so very cute from top to bottom, especially with the guys I know saying, "What the hell?!??!"

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**Sniff** All I see are red X's! Does that mean they're X-rated???

I'll let you decide...

And I'm marrying the first of these three pictures. Ya'll can come to the ceremony...no gifts though please. *g*

Wow, Idyjocelyn, thnx for clearing up the red X's! Let me know when the ceremony is, and I'll bring my flute and oboe to play you down the aisle. :wub:

Can we market these PP badges? Because I'm pretty positive I'm a member too. Proud of it too, damn it. But let me add a definition here, as Couchie alluded too -- being a PP doesn't mean I think everything has gone fine with Clay's career. It really doesn't. It just means that I prefer to look at things in a positive light. So -- ATDW didn't sell a gazillion copies. Big deal. Clay will still be around for a long time to come.

WORD!!! I think several others said something similar, but I got the quotes mixed up, obviously not my forte. :lol:

I've been a member of a small private -- along with another not-so-private -- board for a long time. Members speak their mind, often use first names, and -- best of all -- gathered in G'oro when Clay came to sing on the eve of my birthday (the NAT, I believe). I hosted folks from three states and Canada. Talk about a fantastic party! :partygirl:

Well, I have stopped to make a blog comment in the midst of this post. The topic has moved on, perhaps to ... :Tour3:

Cheers! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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Oooo, I'm gonna have pretty music at my wedding....

couchie, you realize that's like choosing your favorite child, you know? Man, that's really tough. I adore every and all appearances he's made on Kimmel -- he really shows his snarky self there, and the chemistry between the two of them is such a hoot. Conversely, I also love him when he appears on Leno. He does seem to turn to his "country boy" shtick when he's on the show, and I know that bugs some fans. But I really love those interviews too -- to me, it's just a different side of Clay. The combination package is what makes me love the man.

BTW, did you see the package in those latest Leno photos? :hubbahubba:

But I think I've gotta go with the Tyra show as my favorite appearance. Maybe it's just because I'd really like to BE Tyra during that show, because the man had the major flirts that day. Good Lord. No wonder it spawned a fiction story. From the strut out onto the stage to the final kiss at the end, he was smokin'.

I'm drooling just thinking about this.

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BTW, did you see the package in those latest Leno photos?

ldyjocelyn, did you NOT see my previous post? :RedGuy:

I love pictures of Clay sitting down when his very expressive hands are actually expressing and NOT covering up his crotch.


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Well, I am so bad about quoting people - just winging it.

Claygasm, you might as well arrest me now - I don't use names but people have PM'd me that they know I am talking about them and that I have been pretty blunt. I should learn tact some day.

I wish I knew what it was about people accusing others of the positive police when they don't agree- it is funny but I don't think there is a person it the world that I disagree 100% with, I just want to let people know that I think they are peddling crap and, on most boards, I can not find a way of doing it tactfully enough. - so I am grateful that my lapses in behavior are overlooked here. Since I ahve been smacked down by a mod on another board about what I post here, I guess it gets to people. - speaking to gets to people - anyone think that there are a lot of fans who could use board ettiquette lessons? I am surprised at what adults would post!

Hmm positive police - oh please let me try and design this for a button! I think I can. But then maybe I should finish my tabloid story, but maybe I should, should, should .... Ah the pleasures of being ADHD

Hmm Clack - I don't download all the Concert clack, but I do have as many TV downloads as I can - remember when I found

when it was pretty much forgotten when cleaning up my Clack - and my favorite one to watch over and over was the Platinum award - Clay looked so floored and before that very wary (I think he thought that Diane was going to bring out the Sperm donor) - and through out - totally overwhelmed.

And this is

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No arrests here, playbiller!

But this:

Since I ahve been smacked down by a mod on another board about what I post here

May I just say that I think that it is unbelievably presumptious for any mod from one board to think they have the right to tell you what you can and cannot post on another board! Who the hell do they think they are? Its bad enough they can control what you say on their own board, but I guess if you choose to post on any board you are obligated to at least try and follow that board's rules. But since when does any board get to decide what can and cannot be posted on another board!


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Well, some people dion't want to be discussed on another board - what ever - I guess I should cut down on the number of boards I post on.

To change the subject back to clack - since you are deleting something - heh - you probably have room for more - feel free to download and delete. - the AI media section. - if you want it and don't see it - ask, someone else might have it.

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Sorry ... I should have been more specific. Not a private Clayfan board. Just a private board for a group of friends who happen to meet as Clayfan's. The Clay part is actually secondary. Really we spend more time talking about work and other real life stuff. It's just a place to be. Some in our group have moved on from being diehard Clayfans and it is still okay to hang out. For others the small part of it that is Clay related is enough for them.

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I am so bad for clack. I download everything (as long as it has Clay in it - I can skip the files that just mention him). I used to try and burn my files off every so often to a DVD data disc and then I stored those away in a sequential fashion and catalogue them (yes I am anal). But lately, I've got so far behind in doing that, I have just decided to keep buying more external hard drives when the ones I have get full. So far I have 3 - George, John, and Paul....can Ringo be far behind? :lol: I think I have over 500 gb.

As for choosing my favourite piece of TV clack, that is damn near impossible. There are those I love because I loved the look he had that day....then the ones I love because of the performance....and the ones I love because of his comedic genius. I'll have to think on it a while. Is it ok to give 3 answers? :cryingwlaughter: Wait, there are those with sentimental value, too. Aaaaargh. Too hard. Next question.

Seriously.....is it July yet? I told cindilu2 last night that I am not going to wish the summer away anymore because before we know it, the tour will be over....but it's soooooo hard to be patient! :Tour3: :Tour3: I think the first time I hear the opening chords of Right Here Waiting whoever is sitting beside me is going to have to pick me up off the floor because I will surely die.

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