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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Hi Couchie and everyone! Keepingfaith, I've always linked "Nature Boy" and Clay together. Love that song. Celine does one hell of fine job on it , too.

I'm writing joke cue cards, getting up my nerve for an open mike stand-up night. My theme: the Toilet and Bodily Hair Tour of Europe. Mondo bizarro!

Also working out to be in shape for my summer African dance class- it's highly aerobic.

I'm also doing lots of NOTHING, cause I've morphed into a night person, so I'm useless mornings. Don't have the energy to get into all that OFC stuff. Oy.

I've got the melody and idea for a new song but the words are not flowing. Argghh!

My newly adopted kitty rescues are very emotionally demanding. They haven't had love in years.

I have such a lovely visual in my head of beautiful Mr. Aiken strolling the boulevards of Paris. My favorite city in Europe.

In other news, it's a cooker here in the D.C. area- can't go outside at all which depresses me. Oh, and I'm totally caught up in SYTYCD. I'm grieving over the cut-off of "One-Arm Girl". My fantasy, Clay meets and falls in love with her.

Sorry for this totally disjointed post. Just wanted to emerge from the dark goop to say howdy .

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Eh, on Paris - serving less than 45 day is a privelege, not a right - and there are a whole lot of innocent people who get stuck in jail just because they can't afford an attorney - she's guilty as hell of all charges so I have very, very little sympathy for her...

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I agree that there are a lot of innocent people being held in jail who are there because they can't afford an attorney, but that isn't her fault and she can't be held accountable for that. As for the 45-day thing - if the original agreement was 45-days then that's what she should serve but that wasn't the original agreement. The judge is pissed at the sheriff - so go after the sheriff not Paris. If she must go back to prison she should serve what was originally agreed upon. She should not have to serve extra time because the sheriff is an ass and the judge wants to show he is all powerful.

I am glad she was sentenced when she violated her parole. I am glad she wasn't originally allowed to be serve her time under house arrest, but I still think now she is being punished more as a result of a power play than as a result of "crime".

To put things in perspective, the woman who killed her preacher husband only has to serve 210 days in jail of a 3 year sentence. Both the 3 years and the 210 days are a pretty light senetence for killing someone. At least Paris didn't hurt anyone. She's just a spoiled little rich kid.

Our justice system is seriously whacked.

Clay content: He can hold me prisoner anytime!

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Wheeeee! Completely O/T but I know we have some baseball fans here....

My older son (19) was just informed that he is being called up to our 1st string team to play centre field. He's thrilled to death because, while he was happy playing on the 2nd string team, they were not going to card those guys and allow them to play in the Ontario finals (which they won last year). So now he gets to play again!

In other news, we are having wicked storms with tornado warnings this afternoon. Scary stuff.

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As some of you know, when I get the urge I'm prone to write this silly skit called 'Morning Adventures of Jennifer and Clay.'

I only inflict post these in a few places. I hope you don't mind that I brought them here.

I started a thread in the Creative Writing forum, and posted my old skits, plus a new one for today.

I hope you enjoy, though I know not everyone reads this kind of shi stuff. If I leave you with a smile, good. That's pretty much my intention.

keepingfaith...your post last night...:F_05BL17blowkiss: excellent.

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No, it's not her fault that people are held unjustly - but then again, it is still not a right for her to get almost completely off. The original sentence was for 45 days. Yes, you can be let out early, and yes, some nonviolent offenders get out in a couple of days - but there is no guarantee. There are nonviolent offenders who do serve the entire sentence.

The preacher's wife probably should have gotten more time. The teenager who got 10 years for consensual oral sex should have gotten less. Paris pleaded no contest to drunk driving and got probation (she could have gotten jail time then). She got caught driving on a suspended license once. They did nothing to her. She therefore does it again with the agreement she signed in her glovebox. Maybe she'll take it more seriously this time.

I agree that the justice system is whacked - but I still think Paris is getting off light.

I bet Clay would have just manned up and served his 45 days! Because Clay is good like that.

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Holy Smokes! I'm parked in the neighbourhood Starbucks and have caught up reading till 11:00 pm last night. I can't read anymore right now and still have time to say the one thing I have to say for now. keepingfaith, I loved your post last night.....great pespective and well stated. Bravo!

I've been here with my son and husband for a few hours now and I think the son is running out of patience....so....I'm going to have to run very soon. BUT.....the OFC message board closed....WOW! What a mess.

Vacation is fun. Eventhough this ain't Paris, we were met by a bank of TV cameras and reporters when we arrived. It seems the Mounties had arrested a man they'd been trying to get for the past 12 years and were escorting him back to Canada, from India....on our flight. Who knew?

I am glad I got heads up calls from alliesmom and Nelle to tell me about the great blogging we got last night. That has to be my favourite ever!

Better get my butt outta this chair and into the car. I'm going to try to catch up and read the rest of this thread tomorrow.


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I loved everything about Clay's blog! How does that man make me love him even more? It's quite amazing! :wub:

keepingfaith, I hope you know that your friendship is one of the best things that came out of my experience at the OFC. You, lightmyfire, and Clayzor kept me hanging in there, trying to fight the good fight for Clay.

You all have a special place in my heart! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Right back at you sweetie. Your love for Clay is evident in every post, and you inspired me to hang in there for as long as I did. So glad to see you posting here. We sure gave it the old college try, didn't we? Sadly I had to walk away and regain my sanity.........I think you will like it here.

I guess it is no surprise to anyone why the three of us plucked keepingfaith out of obscurity to be a friend. Smart, articulate, and intertaining as hell. Did I mention her common sense? She stuck out like a diamond in the crowd at OFC. lightmyfire with her wealth of industry experience was always keeping me from doubting my own common sense about the controversy surrounding Clay's career. {{{Hugs to all 3 of you}}} I think you are fine examples of the kinds of fans, I think, Clay appreciates.

THE BLOG....................Where is the damn thud emoticon???? Where, I ask???? Calling our new emoticon Queen Bee Cindi. Ahem...I need to thud please. Then I need a cigarette cause that boy gives good blog.

I read it this morning and couldn't wipe the shi* eating grin off my face. Hee Take that poddies. :cryingwlaughter: I rarely ever make a comment to his blog, but I did today. I just wanted to tell him I love him and to thank him for dispelling some of the stupid silliness on his board. Isn't it a shame, in order to give us a blog, with actual information in it, that he had to close down his message board?

I guess it is no secret any longer that he LOVES (notice he shouted the word ?) the symphony type concerts. Could this be a clue as to his direction? Me thinks so.

Too many things I would like to respond to. So many good posts, but I am so tired. Thank God though, that school is officially out for the Summer, here.

jamar I just wanted to say that I like your avatar and I most definitely know where you are coming from. I know what you're talking about. You shouldn't have to wait to post before being accused of piling on.

Thanks LCV for posting that montage link. It was awesome.

Ansamcw, I think the mods let threads go on too long too. They didn't have control or respect and didn't demand it for themselves either. When you have more posts than any member on the board, it tells me that you are more interested in posting, than you are in what is in Clay's best interest. JMO I realize that mods are fans too, and are allowed to post, but it appeared, to me, that they let threads go too long because they enjoyed participating in the angst and turmoil. Then they could come in and whip out the blue ink. Instead of giving warnings and bannings they elected to just keep arguing with people. Stand your ground and do what you're supposed to. Don't sit and argue with people. You earn no respect from members doing that.

I got a warning once for inquiring about a deleted post and told I was disrespectful and the reason the board is in the shape it is!!! WTF? Excuuuuse me. That hurt me worse than the roasting I took at Madam X's board. Actually the roasting didn't hurt me at all. It was so full of lies as to be pitied. In fact I think it was her minions that nagged the mods to death about me, that prompted my warning. Hee I would never do anything intentionally to hurt Clay or his career. Even to suggest that I was hurting him made me leave the board. That's how much I love Clay Aiken. If people thought I was hurting his board, then I would leave. Even if I didn't believe that. So nobody better ever question my sincereity as a fan. Too bad others couldn't catch a clue. Well I haven't posted over there in ages and that board never got any better for it. In fact it got downright worse, as evidenced by being shut down. I wasn't there or a part of the board getting closed down either. So I guess it wasn't me after all was it? Eh??? The mods allowed 2 threads over the last 2 weeks to continue with some of the most disrespectful vitriol spewed at them and people allowed to get away with that without a suspension of posting priviledges, or banned or even a stinking citation. Hell the last time I looked it was at 103 pages. I think I read the first couple of pages and that is all. Too overwhelming and I had no further interest in what was going on. Yet, I get a warning for simply asking what happened to a post and why it was deleted? I took the proper course of action by asking the mods, on duty when it happened, through PMs. The mod in question reacted to my inquiry on a personal level instead of reacting as a non biased moderator. There isn't any consistancy in the modding. I reported it to the admin for all the good in the world it did. That is one of the biggest problems I see at OFC. No administration in place to handle member complants in a timely professional manner or to back up the mods and the rules. OK, let it go Clayzor, just let it go. Take a deep breath and go back for sloppy seconds of Clay's blog. *g*

Congrats to your son, lucky.

SOLD OUT...............Two words that are music to my ears...........I LOVE CLAY AIKEN

Off to read a blog and then laughn's writing forum.........

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Eeee! I've turned into couchie!

Wait a second, missy! You'd want to get out all early and stuff! Me, I'm hardcore! Strikes a pose...

I'll stick it out! (back, you smutters! Back!)

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The Sherlock Holmes in me believes that the actress could very well be Cameron Diaz based upon what he wrote, and not because he could have met her at Kimmel last month. He said he met the famous American movie actress on the promo tour for ATDW. Justin Timberlake, also under the Sony/BMG umbrella, was promoting his new CD at the same time, and he was with Cameron Diaz. Might their paths have crossed then?

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Divayenta...great to see you posting...and wow...you sure havea very creative life. thanks for sharing

((((clayzor and others from the OFC))))It seems you had some really difficult times on that board. I don't blame you for having a hard time to let go.

Eeee! I've turned into couchie!

Wait a second, missy! You'd want to get out all early and stuff! Me, I'm hardcore! Strikes a pose...

I'll stick it out! (back, you smutters! Back!)

Huh??? hee

Laughn...glad you have posted your skits...I would like to encourage other members to make use of our creative writing threads

I also think it could very well be cameron diaz....

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...Why do I picture Clay's conversation with Cameron going something like this...

Vincent:Clay: And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?

Jules:Cameron: They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?

Vincent:Clay: No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck heck fuck a Quarter Pounder is.

Jules:Cameron: Then what do they call it?

Vincent:Clay: They call it a Royale with cheese.

Jules:Cameron: A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac?

Vincent:Clay: Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac.

Jules:Cameron: Le Big-Mac. Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper?

Vincent:Clay: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King think we were getting personal.

(yo, Pulp Fiction y'all)

thanks Ansamcw

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ok....I give up. I can't remember who posted about their son being called up to first string. This place is becoming so full of people, I can't keep em straight! But I wanted to say WHOOPEEEEE to her 'coss I SO know how exciting it is when your kid's in sports and doing well and :allgood:

Clay in Paris? (muski rushes to find out how to change her first name) The smut possibilities are endless.

OT...went to endodontist today. Left the office with my whole mouth throbbing.

The smut possibilities are endless.

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ok....I give up. I can't remember who posted about their son being called up to first string. This place is becoming so full of people, I can't keep em straight!

BWAH - Did someone forget to shut the door when they came in?

Just a joke people no insult meant to the newbies - newbies are always fun because we can recycle some old converstions, heh.

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I guess it is no surprise to anyone why the three of us plucked keepingfaith out of obscurity to be a friend. Smart, articulate, and intertaining as hell. Did I mention her common sense? She stuck out like a diamond in the crowd at OFC. lightmyfire with her wealth of industry experience was always keeping me from doubting my own common sense about the controversy surrounding Clay's career. {{{Hugs to all 3 of you}}} I think you are fine examples of the kinds of fans, I think, Clay appreciates.

Clayzor, I know for a fact that Clay would love you to pieces! But, only after he loved me to pieces! :cryingwlaughter:

Is this man gorgeous or what? :ilovemypc:


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Laughn I've always LOVED your Jennifer and Clay skits. So glad you're going to be posting them here, cause I don't have access to CV.

Love the above pic. His look was SO hot last September. I miss the rings. I was so hoping he was going to replace them after auctioning them off at the Gala. I loved the rings. I'm still hoping.

Muski What did you see an endodontist for? And what IS an endodontist?

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Is this man gorgeous or what?

Oh my yes!

I had the best day today. We have a new intern and she noticed I had a Clay wallpaper. So there ensued a discussion about him. She is 22, newly married and get this......likes Clay Aiken!! Not on any message boards and doesn't follow him closely but has ATDW and loves him when she sees him on TV.

It felt good to have someone not roll there eyes. Although lately it has not happened as much.

I just went and re-read the blog. I still love it. He so knows us!

Hey keepingfaith one more day has gone. eeeee

ETA: muski wrote:

Actually, I seem to get myself in trouble whenever I'm posting and not smutting.

But you smut so well!

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ok....I give up. I can't remember who posted about their son being called up to first string. This place is becoming so full of people, I can't keep em straight!

BWAH - Did someone forget to shut the door when they came in?

Just a joke people no insult meant to the newbies - newbies are always fun because we can recycle some old converstions, heh.

Lawd Jesus! :scream: I never meant for my post to imply anything other than I'm getting old and my memory loss is often alarming. Certainly meant nothing against newbies...I was a newbie...have been more than once in more than one place. Hope none of you fresh mea...er, faces....felt unwelcome from my words.

Actually, I seem to get myself in trouble whenever I'm posting and not smutting.

That'll teach me, I guess. :medium-smiley-070:

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Cheese Doodles

mmmm cheeeezdoooodles. [tm Homer Simpson]

- food misspellings not my specialty. I sounded it out. Chee- zzzzz- dooo- dels - see!

Hee. If I'm not mistaken, Homer drools phonetically.

she's guilty as hell of all charges so I have very, very little sympathy for her...

Yeah. I'm there too. Not to mention...it's 45 days. Not 4 years.

Who knows what strings her family tried to pull to get her out like that? IMO it just smells bad and I'm glad the judge didn't play along.

My older son (19) was just informed that he is being called up to our 1st string team to play centre field.

Good for him. How exciting. Tell him to keep his head up and a smile on his face. :RedGuy:


So I'll keep the avi then. :wub: It's from the second most recent Kimmel. Before the horsie one. Just so you know...I couldn't make an animated avi to save my life. I have some talented friends however.

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I was posting on another board and someone said something that gave me an epiphany. I think I know the real reason the OFC has more OTT posters.

Clay said he only reads that board. People know when Clay reads that board. People know when Clay or Jaymes read a thread - When someone said that Clayandr was reading the thread last night, people became MORE vicious/take noprisoners. I think the OTT is people showing they are the bestest fans ever who will fight for Clay the mostest - with Clive for some for the mods for others - so many fights all to prove they are the bestest.

Oh, and Paris is in a nice clean jail cell eating the same food as the staff, not a place like Rikers where you really have to worry. .

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Never got around to ordering pins..too busy at work today. I'll do it on Monday.

Play..that hit me long ago which is one of the reasons I stayed away. I don't want Clay to "know" me. And I didn't want to be on anybody's list. I'm sure they filled up a few notebooks. :cryingwlaughter:

I tried in the beginning but it was just not my kind of place. Anyway, I will admit that I really wished that Jaymes/Clay/whomever could be invisible when they are reading the threads. Every time somebody announced that she was online ..well I just found it squicky. My pet peeve.

Hey has anyone heard from georgiaclay? I miss her.

I have not heard from her lately. Hope she's ok.

And a reminder to couchie -- post your story about Clay and the new version of your name! You know I love hearing the story again, and many of the new people probably don't know it.

Well I've been couchtomato long before Clay came along. I got the name from a drunken and english impared Luka from ER who is quite hot himself. When I went to my meet and greet in New Hampshire during the ..oh hell I'll just cut and paste from my blog heee... if you read it...scroll at will...and this reminds me..I hope there are meet and greets available for those that have never had them.

The whole experience was kind of surreal. Up to that point I had been to 19 concerts and the closest I had been to Clay was third row and that was thanks to a Kelly fan leaving mid show during Independent. Thank you Kelly fan. Never had a meet and greet. Never did the bus thing unless you count Charleston where my car was parked right by the bus gate. Scary scene actually. Never approached Jerome. Never sent any gifts. Only jumped out of one moving car (so they say). So basically I shouldn't be on any stalker lists. Hey Clay! Or should I say hey Jerome!

First of all, don't ask me any questions like what was he wearing? What did he smell like (and excuse me but why do Clay fans always want to know that) Did he have stubble? WAS HE WEARING GLASSES? Because for the life of me I couldn't tell you. I had to look at the picture later to find out he was wearing glasses. I swear I saw the beautiful green eyes, not the glasses. Auntdementia of the CH and I both had m&gs and we held each other up...trying to help each other keep expectations VERY LOW. I was going to he happy with my hihowareya. Ya'll know the process. Mary (very sweet) came and got us. Mini Jerome, who I found perfectly cordial and professional, gave us the "rules." I didn't hear the no touching no hugging rules. He didn't say that to our group. There was a teenager who asked if she could hug Clay and was told no. She was loudly disappointed. I told her that Clay can't go around hugging people at meet and greets, he could get sick. Her response was don't care...alrighty then. So, thank goodness for the rules. He might have said no chit chat or keep chit chat to a minimum... I don't know. But it was 7:00 pm before Clay came out and the concert was at 8. I was about the fifth person in line and there were at least 15-20 people behind me...so when I saw them counting I go...ok it's gonna be 10 seconds each!

Clay came out and I only noticed how beautiful he looked...no other details. It's weird, because I can remember everything he said to me... word for word. I came very prepared for my m&g. NO CAMERA. Well I had a camera but forgot to pick up film. So Huskerfalcon entrusted me with her beautiful camera (which BTW she got some KICK ASS pictures from first row in Boston). She showed me how to turn it on and off but that was extent of my knowledge. So when it's almost my turn I ask Nick if he knows how to use this camera and he said turn it on and he'll figure it out. So it's my turn and I pull out Learning to Sing that I'm going to have him sign. I give it to Mary and somebody asks how I want it signed. Clay may have been looking down at this point... So I say "Couchtomato." That got him heee. He looked up at me and said "Couchtomato? You really want me to sign this Couchtomato?" And he laughed and I said yes Clay. So he starts to sign my book ... and as he is signing I say to him, Clay, I want you to have this pin from my website Finding Clay Aiken. And he said, Finding Clay Aiken? Finding Clay aiken is your website? I said yes.

Clay: Have you met Quiana?

Me: No, I've never met Quiana?

Clay: She loves that website.

Me: (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) ok not aloud.

Me: Oh tell her we're going to update the band pages soon, you've kept us busy.


Clay finishes signing my book...Couch Tomato...use your voice... Clay fricking Aiken...ok not the frickin' part. And I take my dorky picture... well I look dorky..he's cute and smiling. So I'm ready to float on out of there already thinking about how I can change my internet screen name that I've had forever from Couchtomato to COUCH TOMATO (with a space) because that's how Clay signed my book. The m&g was so much more than I expected already but then he says to me, By the way, what's your "real" name. And I tell him -- the California Clangela... oops..no I just said Angela. And he said, Angela, well it was nice to meet ya. And I said nice to meet you Clay and that's when I floated out and retold the story in giggly fashion until I couldn't talk anymore. Giggly? Clay has made me giggly. Sigh.

I'm really happy I had what I consider a positive experience when I thought I'd never have the opportunity. I am perfectly satisfied and will very happily not apply for any future meet and greets so that others can have that opportunity. When I think of the numbers in the fan club and the number of slots available - there's just no way to justify applying again. So I am very thankful for the fan club which is actually very funny since I never saw the need for one. I thought all the info I needed could be found online somewhere. Well I was wrong. The meet and greets and Clay's blog are more than reason enough to plop down the money for the fan club.

I do feel a little bad if Clay had to waste a second of his time in Paris thinking about or dealing with the debacle that was the OFC message board. Dude, go back to enjoying the fois gras (blech!), the fine wine and cheese, and strolling hand in hand with whomever along the Rue Du Le Blah Blah Blah [tm Chandler Bing], and don't worry about us!

I totally agree Bottle. But unfortunately he had to.

Lucky, thanks for the info about the ice skating thing. That venue looks huge. I have to think that between the fan club or just the venue, tickets should be ok to come by. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed on this one and start plotting planning to attend.

I love how ambitious TBAF is being. What a great goal. Must revive the beta alpha thread and start working on ideas..still like the auction idea.

Laughn - that's for bringing over your skits...I'll catch up with them this weekend.

Vacation is fun. Eventhough this ain't Paris, we were met by a bank of TV cameras and reporters when we arrived. It seems the Mounties had arrested a man they'd been trying to get for the past 12 years and were escorting him back to Canada, from India....on our flight. Who knew?

I am glad I got heads up calls from alliesmom and Nelle to tell me about the great blogging we got last night. That has to be my favourite ever!

Better get my butt outta this chair and into the car. I'm going to try to catch up and read the rest of this thread tomorrow.


KarenEh..thanks for keeping us up to date with your travels and I think you will keep us in stitches as you plot to get internet access. heee. I totally agree - best blog ever!!

Take a deep breath and go back for sloppy seconds of Clay's blog. *g*

My sister was over working on a project when the blog hit. Ansa pinged me but I couldn't talk. When my sis took a bathroom break heee I quickly learned he blogged..and I printed that sucker out so I could read it. It is definitely something to read over and over. I never do that. But it is just so chocked full of goodness. I will read it again tonight. I love that pasty boy. hee God that just seems to weird to say but do not care. He's amazing.

Eeee! I've turned into couchie!

BWAH... I see what you did!! And why we picking on CG. We love you girl!!

Vincent:Clay: Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac.

Jules:Cameron: Le Big-Mac. Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper?

Vincent:Clay: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King think we were getting personal.


too funny. Thanks for that Laughn. Gotta love the strike out feature..I just really discovered it!!

Merrieee...have fun turning out that already interested casual clay fan! heee

Yay it's the weekend.

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she's guilty as hell of all charges so I have very, very little sympathy for her...

Yeah. I'm there too. Not to mention...it's 45 days. Not 4 years.

Who knows what strings her family tried to pull to get her out like that? IMO it just smells bad and I'm glad the judge didn't play along.

Well, I don't think anyone on the planet would get 4 years for what she did. And it may not be Riker's but I doubt anyone would enjoy being in prison for any amount of time, Plus, she is, for all intents and purposes, being kept in solitary.

Maybe her family pulled some strings. Maybe the sheriff wanted to score points with a wealthy family (don't sheriffs run for office?). Maybe his reasons for releasing her were exactly what he said they were. I still think it was a screw-up. She never should have been released until it was run past the judge who had sentenced her.

Don't get me wrong. I have no love lost for Paris Hilton. I just think this whole thing was mishandled and I have heard too many people say what happened to her is not that unusual for a person who was in jail for what she did. I still think she is being treated worse because she is a rich, spoiled brat of a celebrity.

JMO and all. Obviously I am alone in this. Oh well. Frankly, I am far more outraged that the woman who murdered her preacher husband won't even serve a full year in prison than I am about Paris Hilton!

But enough of that. I would rather drool over Clay anyway. :hubbahubba:



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Holy Sheet, people... it took me forever and a day to catch up and now I can't think of a friggin' thing to say. I don't know squat about Paris Hilton, I'm all talked out about the bit..er, OFC, I'm beat to a pulp from work today, so....


What to do?

Rue Du Le Blah Blah Blah [tm Chandler Bing]


FullyFunctional... :F_05BL17blowkiss: In case you're lurkin'.

Welcome to all the newbies! :RedGuy:

Awwww, I love that couch tomato story!

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