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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Lots of great posts overnight....and I've not got a lot of time here at the moment (Sunday morning is frequently quality time with hubby...), but I did want to thank KAndre for her ballerina story. Such a beautiful girl, and an entertaining story to boot. Very sweet, if tiring for you.

couchie, ITA on what you got out of the blog. That's me too.

Would it help if more of us did go? If more of us ignored the idiots would they get the message? Even if they didn't get the message, would it at least give the appearance that most Clay fans are sane?

I'm not totally sure if it would help. If I'm being truly honest -- to me this is a purely selfish thing that I don't go there. The place is toxic to me personally, and for my sanity and health, I just refuse to go there. I really believe, though, that 1) those people who go there for the first time and see what is going on are hopefully smart enough to say "not the message board for me, gotta find something else." And 2) that eventually the people who are doing all the talking/bullying will eventually be talking only to themselves, and surely they will get bored. *crosses fingers*

I didn't join the Fan Club for the message board. I joined to support Clay. Period. His last 2 blogs alone, have been worth the price of membership for me.

Best money I've ever spent, and those blogs are what make them for me too.

*checks to see if YSRN is still drooling over Clay at the beach* I think she's got her priorities straight in all this....

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{{{Clayzorback}}} I understand your concerns and share some of them, too. But like you say, nothing we can do but IGNORE and move on.

And in the end, the message board is just a small, seperate part of the OFC. Not re-joining because of it is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

This I can heartily agree with. I joined the OFC for the blogs and the presales and the chance to enter contests. Oh, and just to support Clay. :RedGuy: No one is forced to participate or even read the MB.

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Ok, I haven't read anything since LMF announced Clay blogged, but I would like to take credit for his blogging. See, the last time he blogged I had gone to bed early. And I went to bed early last night too! Detect a pattern?

You can thank me later! ;)

Two, people will interpret this to fit their theories, as always.

This is what I took from he said

Stop fighting my battles

Stop fighting each other

What the board becomes is up to you

Don't feed the trolls

Simple as that.

That was my take too. But I also think its not just the bullies on the message board he wants you to ignore. In fact, I suspect from what he said that he figures if you want to engage in battles on the message board, that's your problem. But when you start to engage in battles with bullies OFF the message board (a.k.a. the tabloids, JP, PH etc.), then it becomes HIS problem. I thought the message was loud and clear, but as couchie said, everyone will whip out there decoder rings and see he was obviously saying whatever fits their agenda.

It has been said by me and many other many times - the fans can be Clay's worse enemy. By charging in to defend every alleged diss, by seeing slights where there might not be any, by inundating TV stations, radio stations, magazine, newpapers etc. with emails and letters defending Clay's honor, all they do is draw more attention to something most would have otherwise forgotten, drawn attention to whatever disses they think they saw or heard, and made Clay and his fans look bad.

In the end, the truth will prevail. Mama gave Clay some good advise. This fandom fighting on a message board is bad, but their continued insistence on defending him against the media is bad for Clay.

Sorry, it's going to always be the DCAT to me, no matter how hard it is. :whistling-1:

You got that right! Hard, then soft, then hard again... that's how it goes! :whistling-1:

Now, poor Clay. He really needs a travelling assistant to keep things straight for him. He loses his passport, he gets dates wrong. He's a mess! You know Clay, I'm available. I'll follow you around the world and I'll work cheap!

I think also think Clay may be sorry he ever said that he has been known to read messages left by fans online and make changes to my shows/songs/etc. Oy!!! Can you imagine what that little statement will invite??

Hmmmm. Maybe I will just have to suggest he sing TOUCH until he gets so tired of hearing it that he'll sing it! :lol:

Oooo! And then we should TELL him to sing IYDKMBN and LAA!!! And BW and......

Oooo! And we can tell him how to wear his hair and how to dress and how much stubble he should have!!!

I mean, he told us he reads our posts and changes things accordingly, right??? :medium-smiley-070:

As for the trip down memory lane, why do I feel like we'll get a trip down his AI2 journey? It was the first thing I thought of when I read it.

Ok, too much to do today. But first I will go back and read the posts I skipped! I have my priorities straight!

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KAndre, the master or (mistress) of the recap. The trip to the ballet story was great and your neice is beautiful.

I'm one that doesn't visit the message board at the OFC often. When someone references something posted over there, even the few times when Clay was online, it took me forever to find it. I hear lots of people saying they never go there. Would it help if more of us did go? If more of us ignored the idiots would they get the message? Even if they didn't get the message, would it at least give the appearance that most Clay fans are sane?

I didn't join the Fan Club for the message board. I joined to support Clay. Period. His last 2 blogs alone, have been worth the price of membership for me.

You know what atinal...maybe that would be one solution. I was on there reading for a bit and as much as I wanted to post I just thought it was full of unpleasantness and left. As some of you said...you also posted but then left when it became too much. What if people stayed but refuse to engage the nut bars. Do not quote them or rise to the bait. Or if the ones that get sick of all the bickering just leave the thread and leave the arguments to the trouble makers...then its easy to make them ineffectual

Hee...love your night at the ballet story and your niece is gorgeous...if she does pursue Ballet she may list you as one of her influences...hee

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What if people stayed but refuse to engage the nut bars. Do not quote them or rise to the bait. Or if the ones that get sick of all the bickering just leave the thread and leave the arguments to the trouble makers...then its easy to make them ineffectual

More power to anyone willing to try. Unfortunately I just found that there were too many who did take the bait. So unless something is different when they reopen, I won't be going back. I do applaud Clay's stance, though.

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OMG...how stupid of me...totally didn't realize there was a whole paragraph he edited in. I thought when people were talking about his mother it was about her advise. But he totally spelled it out pretty clear...NO NEED to go fighting for him or defending him. Just because they write it does not make it true...

wow...the guy is truly smart and wise.

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Clayzor this one sentence makes me think that things might just get worse over there "you know, if you want to use the message board to beat up on each other and tear each other down, go for it. Enjoy yourselves." And the truth is, from now on, if thats really what it comes to, so be it." It doesn't sound good to me.

I am thinking the trip down memory lane could be songs from his AI days? Not sure but really wish I was going to a concert. :cry4:

Ah Jerrijan, where do you live?

You know what. Clay is trying to put the onus on all of it's member to control their own behavior. I don't necessarily think it will keep up the status quo. They have an ignore button on the OFC right? People should use it. I also see many people who don't normally go there say they are going to try posting there more. I think people speaking for themselves, not trying to tell others how to post and be a fan, and ignoring the trolls will go a long way. First people need to stop pointing fingers and jus figure out what they are going to do. I wish everybody luck.

KANDRE also knows how to tell a good story!

you could feel how much he was enjoying it too. I think reading about him being 'excited' and 'pumped' last night

Yep..Clay really loves touring I think and the creative process when it comes to putting them together. He always puts his stamp on them. Sounds like he has some things up his sleeve and sounds like they might be a bit risky. I don't think anyone has guessed what this is yet. Cuz singing AI songs or the demos really wouldn't be suprising the more I think about it. He's got some sort of theme thing going on. He reiterated that this is a soft rock show because of the symphonies. This is what HE has chosen to do for the summer and it is obviously something he enjoys.

Would it help if more of us did go? If more of us ignored the idiots would they get the message? Even if they didn't get the message, would it at least give the appearance that most Clay fans are sane?

I think it would help Atinal. But people who now start going over there have to remember that it is already a community and tread lightly.

CG thanks for getting Clay to blog. I completely believe you because I have also gotten Clay to blog in the past. I threatned to blog every day until he blogged and guala..instant blog from Clay </completely delusional> And yep. I totally agree that it goes beyond the message board. The don't fight my battles was referring to media as well. It creates way more problems than it is worth. And he said...he'd love us anyway..meaning you don't have to prove your love by jumping to his defense any time something happens. Again though, will people read it that way? I'm also using my own filters to read his blog.

I don't think you have to worry about Clay when it comes to the advice he'll get from fans. Clay will always do what he wants to do on the big stuff. Of cousre it will make reading some stuff absolutely excruciating.

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Ah Jerrijan, where do you live?

Wisconsin. He isn't even coming sorta close. It's almost funny that he usually always goes to St Paul which is 5 hours from me and my daughter just moved to Glenwood City which is an hour from St. Paul. Before the dates were announced I was all excited thinking I would go and stay with her for a few days and we would go to the concert together. No hotels! He skipped St. Paul this time (((sigh)))

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Cuz singing AI songs or the demos really wouldn't be suprising the more I think about it.

couchie, I think he depends on who you ask. I too this morning thought that he might be taking a trip in the way-back machine with his AI songs (maybe a medley?). I think for the not.just.us fans, it wouldn't be all that surprising at all. But for some of the fans who truly believe that he's given AI the total heave-ho in his life, and therefore believe he's never going to acknowledge AI ever again, that could surprise more than a few. (Not me, though!) But you know what? I don't really care at this point -- those few lines in the blog have me totally intrigued (as if I wasn't already), and I'm prepared for almost anything, I think.

I too read the whole last section of his blog as a "don't engage anyone who says something bad." In other words, the gnats will go away after a while, even if they do bite and leave a few scars. Kinda like a bee -- the more you try to get away from a bee, the more enraged it gets and the more it wants to get you. Standing perfectly still bores the bee, and it goes away.

I love him so very much, and I can tell that he loves us too....even if I'm guessing that he's said more than a few cuss words in the past week.

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OMG...how stupid of me...totally didn't realize there was a whole paragraph he edited in. I thought when people were talking about his mother it was about her advise. But he totally spelled it out pretty clear...NO NEED to go fighting for him or defending him. Just because they write it does not make it true...

wow...the guy is truly smart and wise.

bolding mine.

Not so stupid...the man edited pretty fast. This is the second time that I have been at the OFC, reading his blog as he's posted a new one. Last night I was reading at CV when someone mentioned some comment to Clay's last blog. Someone left a comment and stated that she 'spoke for all the fans'. It was generating a bunch of buzz, so I went to read it myself. I always have a bunch of windows open, so it was just clicking from one to the other...anyhow...while I'm there reading I see smittenwithclay's (CV poster) post about Charlie's Angles and think, 'that's cute.' I leave the OFC, go back to CV and see someone post that he just blogged. I was like, 'What?' I go back over and sure enough, a different blog than I had just seen. I don't even bother to read. I copy and paste and check a few other boards to see if they've spotted it. (lightmyfire already had it covered)... then I finish reading the blog. Along about that time, I'm back at CV and smitten is freakin' out because Clay edited his blog and put a reference to her Charlie's Angels comment in it. I run back, and sure enough, the part about defending his mom and loved ones has been added....

So I guess as I was running here and there posting and reading, so was Clay. At that exact moment that I was there at the OFC, so was he. Now I know a few bazillion others were probably there too...lol...but it's a weird feeling somehow. Last time this happened I was commenting on his blog, hit send and when the page refreshed I was looking at new words in front of me. Took me a second to realize he must have been hitting send at about the same moment I was. Just a wee bit freaky. lol

...and yeah...he is truly smart and wise...an old soul

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laughn that happened to me once too. But I didn't know...I just went there to check something and sure enough a new blog...didn't really know what to do first...leave a comment or let the boards know...hee
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Well, Clay should not have apologized, but he did. I guess I owe people an apology, I sort got caught between health plans, my renewal of perscriptions was 2 days after I old policy ended and it took over a month before I could get an HMO doctor to see me for a new perscription and I ran out of pills. So I apologize for beeing aloon for the past wek Iguess I have to post that on a bunch of boards. But I found some pills in by beach suitcase, so I should be doing better now and I have my doctor appointment tomorrow.

Kandre - beautiful child, that is my favorite age for kids - such promise and hope and no teenage angt.

keepingfaith - nice biblical quote, I guess it is easy to come up with when you have your name.

Clayzorback, I don't know if these people will be suspended or not, but it is also fearful that I have read on so many boards - let's take the OFC back. I don't think itis anyone's to take back, I would prefer seeing, let's go over and have fun. I did go to the OFC weekly, sometimes more. I voted in the polls, I asked questions in the fan club thread and I hung out in the tour thread a lot lately. A very few times I waded into the fray because no one was giving my viewpoint, Unlike a lot of people, if someone is representing my viewpoint, I rarely go in and just word, I usually just nod my head and move on. I really hate to go to a board and have to wade thru pages of people wording each other and no content. I find if yuou choose your topiccarefully, it is really a very pelasant place, but there are people wanting a take down

atinal, your career is so alien to anything I have experience, maybe you could post some pictures of you exhibit (like the crowds and stuff, not your art work, unless you want to do that.

Carolina Clay, sometimes when I go over to the OFC I will see a name I recognize in the updated blogs, it is a good time to go over and visit and see what people did - your blog was excellent.

Since I have siggies turned off at the OFC (it makes pages of people wording each other even more tedious), can anyone tell me who has the offensive siggie?

Claygasm - are you offering to travel with Clay everywhere and help him? I think that he is in a more challenged environment than most of us - the man is on the go - af ew days in this country, then traveling to that country, etc. I think that is why he enjoys touring, he has the entourage to take care of things, when he is traveling with out tons of people, it is hard, since he is here, there and everywhere (think he wast a replay with better lighting?)

Couchie? how come we don't have an ignore button here? Hee


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KAndre gives good recap, y'all. Her post has inspired me to think about a tour outfit that will be sure to attract all kinds of attention.

What do you think? I'll also be wearing the appropriate pins, of course. dancer_1.giflaugh, my tutu will fit in your van, won't it?

All right, in the interest of accuracy, I can't actually kick my leg above my head, and I look more like this => dancer_2.gif only flatter-chested.

I'm not even going to try to speculate about what the Hard Man is Good to Find DCAT or whatever is going to include. We can speculate until the cows come home, but Clay will surprise us by what he actually sings and says.

:TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

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Ignore? Ignore? Here? And miss all these pearls of wisdom? heee I've enjoyed your posts the last few days Play, meds or not

FYI you can block a member but I think it's only from receiving PMs.

Bottle - BWAH..that second one is me too.

PIN ORDERING IS CLOSED. If you missed out and you want one... PM me and I'll keep you in mind if there are any remaining. I have cut it to the bone though so may have no extras at all this time.

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atinal, your career is so alien to anything I have experience, maybe you could post some pictures of you exhibit (like the crowds and stuff, not your art work, unless you want to do that.


Play, painting isn't my career really, if it was I would surely starve. Because of office closings several years back, I was able to retire fairly young. I started taking painting classes about 5 years ago and have displayed my stuff in medical buildings and in some group shows. Last fall an art event co-ordinator of a locat community college offered me the opportunity to have my own show. It will hang in their gallery for the rest of the month. If I can figure out how to post a few pictures I will, sadly technology is not my strong suit.

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Awww. Listening to my new cd today. I was listening to Air Supply's cover version of "All By Myself." Wow...I have to say if Clay wants a cover song he can wail those glory notes to, and show off his pipes, this one would do it. I loved their version and I could hear Clay singing that song. It reminded me of the one he wrote, LAA.

Anyway I love the simple melody of this first song, and it's lyrics made me think of my first introduction to Clay on AI. Yes it's sappy, slow, ballady, and country, but I like it........*g* Not saying I want Clay to sing these songs, just sharing. I like the lyrics to both these songs.


Like Red On A Rose

Alan Jackson

Robert Lee Castleman/Melanie Castleman

Like red on a rose

When your lips first smiled at me

I was captured instantly

To each his own

Like blue in a sky

The gaze of your willin' eyes

Touched somethin' deep inside

And the truth be known

That I love you

Like all little children love pennies

And I love you 'cause I know

That I can't do anything wrong

You're where I belong

Like red on a rose

And I love you

Like all little children love pennies

And I love you like good times

Of which I have known many

And I love you 'cause I know

You give me a heart of my own

You make my blood flow

Like red on a rose

Here are some more lyrics that I listened to today that I really enjoyed,

When You Say Nothing At All

It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart

Without saying a word you can light up the dark

Try as I may I could never explain

What I hear when you don’t say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud

But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd

Old mr. webster could never define

What’s being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

I am working on my ignore list for the OFC. Is there a limit to how many people you can put on it? Hee I'm afraid there will be no one left to read by the time I get done.........:cryingwlaughter: Seriously. I can already think of about 20 people. :eusa_whistle:

Decided to have my own garage sale at home. So I have been going through closets today for old clothes.

My son gave me the complete set of Stephen King's TV show called "Kingdom Hospital." I love me some Stephen King. So I think I will watch those four cds this week. I think they have 3 episodes on each. I remember the show when it came out on TV but for some reason never got to watch it. It must not of been that good since it went off the air.

Clay content? To answer couchie's question from pages back. My favorite shows, Clay has been on, are Martha Stewart when he had his grannie on. Then I loved his Kimmel shows where he was beating Jimmy up and the one where he had the tatoo of Jimmy on his leg. Priceless entertainment.

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Clayzor No limit to the number of members that you can ignore. My list is plentiful, has been for months..I keep adding and adding and adding. HAHA! The only problem is that you KNOW what the ignored posters post even though you don't read one single word of their commentary...HAHA! But, it does maintain a sense of purity to your screen....HAHAHA!
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OK I just asked this question at CH. So ignore can be used on the message board as well as PMs? Wow..how surreal but maybe a great tool. HA

I have been utilizing the feature for months. You have the ability to set the username on ignore. And you have a list that you are able to maintain. Of course, if a member quotes a member that you have blocked in their post, you will have access to their commentary. So, you just have to deal with that...and at times it can be difficult to follow the discussion of a thread, but it really is no big deal...you pick up the drift of the convo quickly...

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