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Clay Chat- Topic Suggestions

Couch Tomato

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Yay so the chat and format were successful so we'll try to have at least one a month. Next one will be in July. It will be tougher because of the concerts..but we'll try to pull a date together.

If you come up with a topic suggestion just post it here.

Play already gave us one...SHIPPING CLAY..hee that will be fun.

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Suggestion - when Clay flies on planes, should he bring someone to be in charge of his feet - to insure that they do not invade anyone's space, that they do not smell (and that he gets some really good looking mandals.)?

Edited by playbiller
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SUggestion - when Clay flies on planes, should he bring someone to be in charge of his feet - to insure that they do not invade anyone's space, taht they do not smell (and that he gets some really good looking mandals.)?

bwah Play. Surreal isn't it.

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"blowtorched puppies" ??? :cryingwlaughter:


This is a term that started during AI2...I think this came from TWOP the original home of the PROC. The recapper there marveled at Clay's appeal and sid something like he can blow torch puppies on stage and the fans will still love him...or something to that effect. Since then Blowtorched puppoes became the euphemism for behavior that would make a fan stop loving Clay or be pissed at him or simply stop being a fan.

topic....the voice and its evolution...

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I'm bringing this quote by laughn over from the main thread, because couchie, Ansa and I were discussing possible topics and something similar to this came up:

It has always reminded me of Clay. Some see him as a singer, some as an entertainer....I've always thought of him as an artist.

So....how do you see Clay? How do you think Clay sees himself? Does he have to choose one or the other?

Another possible topic: Clay on TV -- what kinds of roles can you see him in? What would you want to see him in? The same topic could also be applied to movie roles as well.

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Hot button words -- how does this effect online communication. Should we alter the way we post or should people develop thicker skins.

Cane recently came under attack in Clay Nation because there was a Clay diss with some adding Cane to their those that diss Clay so we will not support list. Do you have such a list for Clay, for certain issues, for other celebrities?

The OFC -- this will not be WHY I HATE CLIQUE slam fest but more of a ..talk about what you would like to see, how it can be used to be more of a tool for Clay.

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post your chat topic suggestions here:

How about the supposed 2nd round of promotion for OMWH? Ideas on what it could/should/might be? Or is that too dangerous? Hee...

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