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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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Went to bed at 2am again...(blame it on couchie)...so why am I awake at 7:30 and my first thought....




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:7254: to the Smut Queen of this board, muskifest!

It's here, you know? And yet, it doesn't seem real to me. I think being on vacation beforehand made me al discombubulated, you know?

Jenna and YSRN, you've said about fandoms what I was trying to say last night. I think we're no stranger than a lot of other fandoms, and that most people outside of the fandom do not understand the intensity. It just seems strange though that the Claymates are picked upon -- but then, I can't say anything to that either, because of being a Star Trek geek too. *g*

Safe travels everyone!

I love all the emoticons too! Hee.

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Another insommniac checking in. I went to bed at 2:00, woke up at 6:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. This is it!! I can't believe it's finally here! Off to finish packing and all that stuff (including ironing - PFFFFT!)

Happy 4th of July!! Happy Clay Day! Happy Happy Joy Joy!


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woman.gif I hope Clay gives you a little action like this tonight. Instant_Orgasm-1.gif

Hell, I hope he gives us all a little action like that every night of this tour.




Break a leg tonight Clay.........I LOVE YOU!!! NEW MERCHANDISE FOR REAL? Thank You Clay. I must have a program and a key chain and a T-Shirt. Oh my. Bring lots of cash I don't have.

keepingfaith I have knots in my stomach too and I won't get to see him until Saturday. I am so excited for everyone who is going to Frisco tonight. Especially you my little virgin friend. I loved what you had to say about the newspaper article in the Houston Press. It's all good for Clay. The not so pleasant remarks as well as the good ones. People reading about such devotion to him will wonder what they are missing and want to be a part of it. If all of America loves this kid then they might need to take a look see so they won't be the odd man out, so to speak.

Jenna I loved your posts too. You and I share a lot of the same feelings . Having a reputation for having die hard devoted fans can't be anything but good for Clay. Not making fun of people for liking him but noticing and poking fun at the intensity and the OTT behavior, exhibited by some of his fans, was right on target IMHO. Some fans just don't know when to stop crossing lines.

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I think it's just shocking to fans that are isolated to one fandom and have never seen this kind of thing before.


The Twins MLB forum was inundated with trolls & haters the minute it was announced that Kirby Puckett had died. It was so sad. But sadly, par for the course. People who play those games...play those games. It's what they do.

Crazy? Honestly Claynation has got nuttin' on CornhuskerNation* (yes ... they've called it that here since Clay was a middle schooler.)



*what?...like there's some other holiday going on?*



*aka The Sea of Red...because they dress in red from head to toe (I didn't even know you could buy red pants until I moved here :shrugs:) and travel in large groups to EVERY away game. In fact other teams like to limit the availabiltiy of tickets to Cornhusker fans because they don't want their stadiums to look too Red on gameday. Notre Dame learned that lesson the hard way on a National Television Broadcast a few years ago. So many Notre Dame fans made money selling scalping their tickets to Cornhusker fans that it was more like a home game than a road game.

eta : Hee. *waves to Clazor!*


Woooooooooo, Pig ! Sooie! Razorbacks!!


etaa : I have now o'fishaly edited this post to death. I'll stop now.

I lied.

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I think it's just shocking to fans that are isolated to one fandom and have never seen this kind of thing before.


The Twins MLB forum was inundated with trolls & haters the minute it was announced that Kirby Puckett had died. It was so sad. But sadly, par for the course. People who play those games...play those games. It's what they do.

Crazy? Honestly Claynation has got nuttin' on Cornhusker Nation (yes ... they've called it that here since Clay was a middle schooler.)



*what?...like there's some other holiday going on?*

then :RedGuy:

Oh I so agree with YSRN, too. Clay has a lot of fans, including me, that have never ever done the fangirly stuff before. Let alone seen a message board or slept with strangers or any of this type of stuff and they want to try and dictate a normal decorum of behavior upon fans and it just ain't gonna happen.

Living in Omaha for 15 years, I can attest to the intensity of their love for The Nebraska Cornhuskers. I love them myself. They love them some football as much as Arkansas loves them some Hogs.........Hee

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I cant believe it is time, it is here!!!!!!!! and we leave TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!

I know someone talked to Tulsa and they said NO cameras....what about Houston???? Kayla wants to take pics to have some of her own so much!!!!!!!!!!! anyone know???

Safe travels to you and Kayla. I know nothing, but I'd say take the camera but be very discrete. I can't image the venue is going to do some kind of pat down on the way in. Take a look around, and see what the other audience members and the ushers are doing, and follow their example. If you can get pictures without angst, great. If it looks like the camera nazis are out in force, relax and enjoy the show!

I think all the venues probably say they have a "No cameras" policy, but as we've seen, that's not always enforced. Good luck!!


To clarify what to maybe expect regarding merchandise:

from Kleewolf at the CB


"The Houston Symphony Gift Shop comfirmed that the merchandise recieved to be sold in thier gift shop were T-Shirts and poster."

I don't think it's clear if the merchandise will only be a t-shirt and a poster, or how exactly sales will be handled at the venues. Hopefully, there will be more stuff, and it will be available online, too.


Can't leave without tossing out a few of these. Later, ma peeps!

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

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Checking out my new avatar care of cindilu2...

the Frisco Concert Threas. This is where we can post recaps...pictures and cellcert chat. This is not to say we can't put it on main..but for the first shows we can keep things there to help the few FCAers trying to keep unspoiled.

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Ansa - check your avi. It's not movin'! Looks like you saved as a jpeg, not a gif!

This is what it's supposed to look like. *g* Amazing what a W can do, huh?



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I kept waiting to enter my guesses for luckiest1's contest, hoping that Clay would appear to me in a dream and reveal all. Didn't happen. I'm absolutely certain that these guesses are completely wrong, but anyway:

Opener: God Bless the USA

Right Here Waiting

(NOT FOR CONTEST) ATDW medley: Everything I Do (I Do It For You), Here You Come Again, Because You Loved Me, Sorry (NOT FOR CONTEST)

Broken Wings

Lonely No More

Everything I Have

(NOT FOR CONTEST) AI medley - Always and Forever, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, Solitaire, Buttercup, Grease (NOT FOR CONTEST)

Unchained Melody

Moon River

I Can't Make You Love Me

Voulez-vous couchez avec moi (what?)


I Will Carry You

A Thousand Days


Measure of a Man (a la Capitol Fourth)

Closer: Back for More

Encore: Lover All Alone

No fancy graphic skills here--just a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all!!


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From CV:


Dallas Morning News

Independence Day Events


Clay Aiken / Philharmonic Orchestra When one of our casual photo caption jabs set off a firestorm of rage from Clayniacs the world over, we learned our lesson: Clay is a wonderful fellow, kind to puppies, will likely cure cancer and is sure to put on a delightful Fourth of July performance with the Philarmonic following the FC Dallas game.

I think this is why we have a reputation for intensity. However, as others have noted, we're not the only ones. I think we just notice and feel the Claymate remarks more acutely because we look for them.

HAPPY 4th of JULY!

Can you believe the first concert starts today! I'm thrilled, not just because we'll hear Clay again, but because the fandom always seems a lot more fun during tours. The early reports from the venues. The excitement of the cellcerts as hear his voice through a tinny, distant connection. Following on the boards as we EEEE!!! over ever tidbit that gets passed on to us. Hearing about what happens at the bus. Reading those thrilling four words, "There will be clack!" The rush to download. The afterglow as we examine every move and note of every song. And then we get to experience it the next day (or very soon after).

I first got really hooked into the internet community during the Idol tour. Every day there was a fresh new infusion of Clack. Every day, we'd hear about how Clay got the biggest cheers, how it was definitely a "Clay crowd." It was an intoxicating time. We called it "The Summer of Clay," and I remember thinking, "Will it ever be like this again?" And amazingly enough, it has been. He's given us six more tours, and they've all been immensely satisfying in their own way.

Not too long ago, I had dinner with a Clay friend, and we both kind of bemoaned the state of the fandom. The negativity. The personal attacks. The cliques and politics of various boards. How it seemed like being a fan wasn't as much fun anymore. But then she said with confidence, "It'll be better when the tour starts." And I hope, no, I believe it will be, because the fandom needs this. We need to celebrate Clay. We need to enjoy being a fan again.

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Wow, it's so quiet around here today....how many of "us" are making their way to Frisco? Do we have a representin' list hiding around here somewhere?

Why yes, we do....

07/04/07 Frisco, TX




Karen Eh?








And there's probably more, but no one told me! Heh.

The entire list is here!

I'm in the midst of packing right now. 5 pair of shoes for 4 days is good, right? How about 5 Clay t-shirts? Actually, I cut that down to 3, because I'm sure I'll buy at least 1 from the merchandise stand. I've also got CD's packed for the road trip to Tulsa, not to mention tons of DVD's to watch in the hotel rooms.

I have a feeling before I leave tomorrow morning I will have at least peaked at the Frisco thread to see what he's sung and what he looked like. My willpower is fading....

Love the avi's cindilu! I might have to steal one when I get back...

OK, more to do....

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Thanks, ldyj. No wonder it's quiet in here. *g*

I kept waiting to enter my guesses for luckiest1's contest, hoping that Clay would appear to me in a dream and reveal all.

I had a very vivid dream last night, and in it he was singing UM with the symphony. Heh, maybe I should go and revise my own guesses! BTW I will post a recap of everyone's guesses when I get home after work, just to make sure we are all ok with what I have saved.

Not too long ago, I had dinner with a Clay friend, and we both kind of bemoaned the state of the fandom. The negativity. The personal attacks. The cliques and politics of various boards. How it seemed like being a fan wasn't as much fun anymore. But then she said with confidence, "It'll be better when the tour starts." And I hope, no, I believe it will be, because the fandom needs this. We need to celebrate Clay. We need to enjoy being a fan again.

I absolutely and totally agree with every single word of this. I've had the same conversation with a couple of Clay friends recently. Sure, there are going to be skeptics, those who aren't happy or satisfied with the set list, with the musical direction, or with silly, inconsequential things like the clothes or the hair. ;) But overall, I think this is going to be just what "we" need. Clay always gives me what I need.

8 hours 13 minutes to go!!!!!!!! happydance.gif

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Dallas Morning News

Independence Day Events


Clay Aiken / Philharmonic Orchestra When one of our casual photo caption jabs set off a firestorm of rage from Clayniacs the world over, we learned our lesson: Clay is a wonderful fellow, kind to puppies, will likely cure cancer and is sure to put on a delightful Fourth of July performance with the Philarmonic following the FC Dallas game.

But then WHY do they have to post a photo with 'casual jab'?? Why is he always a punching bag, and we are harpies for being pissed off over it? That's what burns my ass. I don't write letters or make phone calls, but it pisses me off just the same. He's a great singer and a fabulous entertainer and a nice guy. So please just f**k off with your 'casual jab' captions, k? thxbye.

eta: I have no idea what it was, but if the paper describes it as a jab, I probably don't want to know.

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There are times when I've felt a little like a freak for spending so much time online, for buying multiples of the same album, for sitting in a line for seven hours at Kimmel, for buying multiple sets of concert tickets to upgrade a few rows closer. Is it insane to see a shirt in a department store and think, "That would look good on Clay," to look at a dish with nuts on it and think, "Clay couldn't eat that," or to see a concert (any concert) and think, "Clay does this better" or "Clay should do that"? I sometimes think I think way too much about him.

In all passionate fandoms, what is extreme to an outsider can seem perfectly normal to a fan. I can see why much of what we do may be perceived as "crazy." And that's OK. To me, the danger comes when we lose perspective. It can be a fine line between what is rational and irrational fan mentality, one that not everyone can agree upon. However, I think that the more we recognize that there is a line, the more likely we are to be on the right side.

Sorry for sounding so preachy... I'm in a weird mood.

:clap::clap::clap: Preach on girl. I love your entire post but especially this. I think the internet has really changed fandoms a lot, made them more intense. I mean I watched soaps my whole life ...but once that internet connection got added..only then did I feel like I fell off the deep end. Anyway, I enjoy being a Clay fan so much.

I was chatting with Ansa yesterday and she was saying she was ready for some new songs. And I was eeeing cuz On the Wings of Love had just popped up on my shuffle. I think if I never heard another song from Clay I would eeeee over what I have for the rest of my life. I still get a thrill out of him and I am so looking forward to tonight and seeing him again in a month.

I think I need to put this in my living will. Don't you dare turn off those machines..just stick Clay in my ear and leave me alone. :cryingwlaughter:

Wow, it's so quiet around here today...

LOL Quiet is all relative. I went to bed late and have gotten up to 2 new pages. It used to take us 2 weeks for that. heee

Not too long ago, I had dinner with a Clay friend, and we both kind of bemoaned the state of the fandom. The negativity. The personal attacks. The cliques and politics of various boards. How it seemed like being a fan wasn't as much fun anymore. But then she said with confidence, "It'll be better when the tour starts." And I hope, no, I believe it will be, because the fandom needs this. We need to celebrate Clay. We need to enjoy being a fan again.

I've gotten through the stage where the state of the fandom effects me. It was hard but I completely separated it from my all encompassing crazy passion for Clay. But I do love it when it's fun and exciting and anticipatory and hungry and ready. And yes Clay makes it all better. He always does. Whether it's an appearance or a blog or a tour - he can manage to make everything pretty ok for awhile. I think the letter eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee may be in short supply for the rest of the day. I've kinda missed the e.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Cindilu...


hmmm it's somebody else's birthday too but it escapes me at the moment. I know it's important and I should remember..ah dang. I'm getting old.

Cha Cha thanks for the memories

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Then while I was packing (unpacking) packing (unpacking)....Carrie came in with a poster she'd made for my present. Block letters saying Happy Birthday, Mom. In each letter she'd drawn different patterns with a colored markers---no two letter's pattern is the same! Then she'd PAINTED orange, blue, red, purple and yellow balloons.

And then she wrote a beautiful note to me in the corner of the poster. So sweet---tear inducing words. Then she ended it with, "Don't worry about the number, Mom. Remember, the older, the wiser!"

BWAH! This sage advice from a 12 year old! :cryingwlaughter:

Muski, this sounds like every mom's dream gift!! You brought a tear to my eye. How wonderful for you!

I know someone talked to Tulsa and they said NO cameras....what about Houston???? Kayla wants to take pics to have some of her own so much!!!!!!!!!!! anyone know???

I hope Kayla get's her pics so we can see her new blends. She does very nice work.

woman.gif I hope Clay gives you a little action like this tonight. Instant_Orgasm-1.gif

Hell, I hope he gives us all a little action like that every night of this tour.



But then WHY do they have to post a photo with 'casual jab'?? Why is he always a punching bag, and we are harpies for being pissed off over it? That's what burns my ass. I don't write letters or make phone calls, but it pisses me off just the same. He's a great singer and a fabulous entertainer and a nice guy. So please just f**k off with your 'casual jab' captions, k? thxbye.

Word, cindi. I try to stay calm about the whole BS crap and put it all in perspective. I try to remind myself it's just not that important in the grand scheme of things. I usually try to ignore as Clay has wisely suggested. I've been around the block enough to know better, that this type of treatment is not isolated to just Clay. I realize some good will always come from the bad stuff, and yet......There are people out there that may actually deserve this kind of attention. But there is no fun in poking and jabbing at them. And "they" know we will always react to the negative....give them hits to add $$$ and even power to their voices. Lame as that may be. I wish we could all follow the advice of a very wise young man I once heard say to just ignore the bullies and they will probably go away. I try, honestly I do. But then there are times when I just want to scream ENOUGH!!



I think if I never heard another song from Clay I would eeeee over what I have for the rest of my life. I still get a thrill out of him and I am so looking forward to tonight and seeing him again in a month.

I think I need to put this in my living will. Don't you dare turn off those machines..just stick Clay in my ear and leave me alone.


Couchie, this should be in our "by-laws" dontcha think? :cryingwlaughter:

So I woke up this morning tossing and turning and thinking how will I ever get through this day waiting for this evening....What will he wear? What will he sing? What will his hair look like? Which teeth will he have?

Oh dear god, I've gone clean over the f*#@ edge!


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Just want to remind people about the VIEW NEW POSTS option. Spoilers are over in the Frisco thread

so at least keep that one bookmarked for today.

I would love to just sit here all day and monitor stuff but will be going out in a couple of hours for a few hours. Everyone has been told I will be leaving early. Now, WHAT TIME DOES THAT CONCERT START? Must be home in time. heee

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