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July 6, 2007 Houston

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Clay might not be a great :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap: dancer but he sure is a great entertainer and singer on top of that

Amen Alicia4Clay....and welcome to the houston thread...hope te hear more from you.

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Here You Come Again

Everything I Have

I Wanna Know What Love Is

When I See You Smile

Everytime You Go Away

These Open Arms

When The Lights Go Down

Without You

Measure Of A Man

After All

A Thousand Days

The Way You Make Me Feel


Lover All Alone

Because You Loved Me

OK..I'm kinda hoping this isn't real because really 3 of my top 4 favorites are missing from the set list - Broken Wings, Lonely No More and If You Don't Know me By Now. I'll somehow force myself to live without them but I would have loved to hear them.

Surprised there is only MoaM. I'd be really surprised if there's no invisible. Maybe he's just plum sick of that one.

What is this After All song I wonder...is it the Al Jarreau song cuz I love that one

and eeeeeeeeeeeee for more ATDW...

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Hey couchie,

Yeah, I'd love to hear the three missing tracks that you mention, too, and what about RHW? The poor little song that everyone forgot. Hee, except me! I swear, if he suddenly sings it tomorrow, I'm gonna be dancing around my kitchen in joy during the cellstream. Ah well, it's all good, because more ATDW in any way, shape or form is good in my books. I'd also be surprised if he doesn't do Invisible, but maybe, like you say, he's sick of singing it. Woudn't blame him. Even though I love it with the heat of a thousand suns, he probably thinks about hot pockets while he's singing it. Heh, no pressure, Clay!

I'm gonna bet that After All is the Cher & Peter Cetera duet. It's perfect for him and one of the girls to sing. If it's true, of course.

I hope we get more merchandise reports tomorrow. There's gotta be more than just one t-shirt, doesn't there? What would be the point in that? Come on, Clay, my US cash is burning a hole in my pocket. :cryingwlaughter:

Not Houston related, but I sure hope they send those darned NY m&g emails out tonight. How awesome would it be to sit around on a couch with Clay for 30 minutes and chit chat? :Thud:

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Hey couchie,

Yeah, I'd love to hear the three missing tracks that you mention, too, and what about RHW? The poor little song that everyone forgot. Hee, except me! I swear, if he suddenly sings it tomorrow, I'm gonna be dancing around my kitchen in joy during the cellstream. Ah well, it's all good, because more ATDW in any way, shape or form is good in my books. I'd also be surprised if he doesn't do Invisible....

I think BYLM is the final anthem this tour--it's supposed to be dedicated to the fans. It was, but I think that'll be much more moving as the tour goes on. I think there will be more banter--he was under really strict time contraints, and I think he really wanted to try those medleys and get feedback. Those were a really creative choice on his part for that venue--both the medleys were. Maybe everyone won't love them, but some will. I can't wait to see them gell. I not only love covers, I love medleys. Man, am I a rube or what? And I can't wait for the more extended banter--to see what he will say and do.

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The problem with any Clay set list is that he just can't sing everything we want to hear. I seriously love Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word, I know it doesn't seem to be a favorite of many people but I love it. I love Clay singing just about everything, but every now and then I love the softer side of his voice.

I too, would love to hear Broken Wings. I can see how it would be hard to pull off to sound like the recorded version.

And Couchie, If You Don't Know Me By Now, it's a missed opportunity for Clay to show his soulful side to those who have never seen it.

Luckiest, you really deserve to hear Right Here Waiting, you've dodged a lot of slings and arrows defending this album that shouldn't have to be defended.

It would be cool if Clay could do a couple of set lists where he rotated a different song or two off of ATDW and MOAM. Whatever he sings, I'll be listening and loving it.

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Oh crap..heee I LOVE SORRY too..hell I love them all. I'm sure I'll hear all my favorites one day. It's quite interesting what he chose to sing..well we suspect...can't wait until tomorrow night.

Oh I would totally NOT expect him to sing BW like the recording version. That's impossible!!

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ITA atinal, IYDKMBN definately showcases his more souldful side. I would love to hear Clay do more blues and soul. He is a natural for that genre and would totally blow many peoples minds that are not.just.us! :Thud:

LNM would is the other song I wish he would add. Another "downer" he probably thinks, but "oh so good".

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ITA atinal, IYDKMBN definately showcases his more souldful side. I would love to hear Clay do more blues and soul. He is a natural for that genre and would totally blow many peoples minds that are not.just.us! :Thud:

LNM would is the other song I wish he would add. Another "downer" he probably thinks, but "oh so good".

You know, I like Lonely No More, but whenever someone mentions that song, the Rob Thomas song pops into my head. I'll bet I only heard RTs LNM less than 10 times (I don't listen to radio) and I own none of his CDs, but that dang song pops into my head. Go figure.

Couchie, I know what you're saying about BW it's one of my favorites on the CD. I'm starting to sound like my daughter in law, she's from China. Whenever she asks me what I'm cooking for dinner (my American food) she always responds with "oh, my favorite" in her sweet Chinese accent. I'm learning she has lots of favorites. When it comes to Clay, so do I.

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Hee, isn't that the truth! (and cute story about your DIL, btw) You know when they used to have those polls about your most and least favourite songs from the album? Well, my least favourite song would probably still go at the top of the list for my favourite songs of all time.....I love the shizznit out of ATDW. I really do. Which is why I get offended when people talk about it elsewhere like it's some throw away piece of crap....or call this tour the "treading water" tour. Pisses me the hell off.

But I'm trying my darndest to ignore all that, and just hang out here. :TourExcite:

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Hee, isn't that the truth! (and cute story about your DIL, btw) You know when they used to have those polls about your most and least favourite songs from the album? Well, my least favourite song would probably still go at the top of the list for my favourite songs of all time.....I love the shizznit out of ATDW. I really do. Which is why I get offended when people talk about it elsewhere like it's some throw away piece of crap....or call this tour the "treading water" tour. Pisses me the hell off.

But I'm trying my darndest to ignore all that, and just hang out here. :TourExcite:

!Off with their heads! ATDW will be considered a CLASSIC one day, I tell you!!

Where was this tour called the "treading water" tour?

never mind. maybe I don't wanna know.


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Yeah, I don't see this as a "treading water" tour. I think he's swimming with direction and focus.

Some seem to want to believe that he despises ATDW as much as they do, that he's only singing these songs because he has nothing else to sing, and that this is just a money-making venture to pay the bills until his "real album" can be released.

I don't buy that.

I think he tours because he loves to perform. Yes, the money helps, but I don't think it's his primary motivation. And he's said many times that he's proud of the album he recorded. Just because it wasn't his choice of format, doesn't mean he hates it. He may have been mandated covers, but I believe he did get to choose what songs to record (even if he wasn't responsible for the final list). I think he's choosing to sing songs from ATDW not just to promote the album, but because he actually enjoys singing them. Seriously, I don't think anyone, not even a label, could make him sing anything he didn't want to sing. Fans begged and pleaded for "Touch" and he's never sung it in concert.

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What I don't understand is people actually despising ATDW???

Whatever happened to "I could listen to Clay sing the Phone Book and be Happy?"

Anyhow - I flove it and I feel bad that I haven't listened to it lately. maybe I'll put it on now....



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Just read in CV's Houston thread that they have FIVE cellcerters ready -- bound to have a good connection there! :Tour3:

I agree about ATDW being a classic. It already is for me, but I think it will with others in time. Vocals and arrangements are really that awesome. :clap:


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From snowdrop at CH:

I'm here!! omg I can touch the stage!!

CV has started the stream. Not that they can seem to find anyone to answer their cellphone.

Now they've gone back to Clay Radio.

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Cellcerter is saying no searching at the door. Selling t-shirts ($30) and poster. 12 x 16 or so. $20. It's not huge. Same picture as used on the advertisements, but full length. Clay has one side of one page in the Houston Symphony's program.

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