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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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keepingfaith.. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I knew you were a smart cookie. Yep, I agree. Although Clay LOOKED hot last night, his overacting and campiness to the nth degree actually acted like a big bucket of ice water over my usual squirminess during the Classics. He was having fun, so I was too; however, I was rolling my eyes and grinning too much to see much sexy going on....

Ummmmm..........wow. Maybe you had to be there? Because last night was totally the hawtest classics yet. And this was my 4th show.

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I was there, and though I haven't watched the Clack of the Classics yet, I can see keepingfaith's point. I would love to hear Clay sing Sexyback a little more seriously again, like he does Yeah, because I think it demonstrates how versatile and great his voice actual is. OPP? I was mostly taken by how freakin' fast he moved across the stage while grabbing himself whenever it is that he grabs himself down south. Also, his hair flies around in an attractive way when he sprints 'n grabs. The country stuff is great for the audience to sing along to, and is so silly in the first place, that it doesn't bother me when he goes over-the-top with the twang. I did like the pulsating "Party All Night" hips better before Clay added in the flailing arm. But, in my case at least, these are pretty minor quibbles, and I think the audience at large loves the Classics section.

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That Clay. Such a comedian.

Philly -- "Now I'm a Man" on YouTube

Could someone tell me at what point in the concert the "I'm a Man" comment occurs? Was it in the first or second half? SLC has a lot of Clack from Philly and if anyone doesn't have this info, I'll be forced to watch every single bit of this Clack just to find that comment. On second thought, I think I will watch every single little bit of the Philly Clack. Nevermind.

I think this is the second half ...before BYLM cos he is talking about supporting the arts...

hee...keepingfaith...first the longest, funniest and unfortunately not too exaggerated sentence...and now ragging on the classics??? :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

sigh...I never thought the classics was hot and sexy...I always thought it was meant to be campy and OTT. You mean you guys found sexy there somewhere??? sigh I really think I missed out on the smutt genes. maybe some of the smutt will rub off on me when I meet muski... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ok..he has a nice ass...I agree...but those low riders also tend to be lose on the butt. The best pants are still the JNT05 pants.

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Oh dear, I thought keepingfaith and I were twins separated at birth. I see it is not to be. No, it's not because of the "criticism" (while I love Mr. Camp, I can see your point), but because I can't totally agree with this:

I think he's genuinely sexy as hell, and I like it when he acts like he knows it.

See, I think when he gets it pointed out to him (with catcalls, whistles, etc.), he gets all embarrassed by it, and that's when he starts kinda overdoing it. I know it's kind of a Catch-22, because we all want to whistle and cheer and scream "Take it off" when he does some of these things, but I do think that makes him aware of it and starts to turn into a joke for him.

I've said this for a long time, and not many people agree with me on this, but I'm really the most attracted to him when he doesn't know he's being sexy. When he starts believing the hype is when I start to think, "OK, he's still cute and shit, but jeez..." Know what I mean?

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Just thought I'd stop by and say hi to all you dearios. I was in Philly and my back went out really bad when I came home. Saturn is transiting my sign (Leo) this summer . Saturn is the planet of tests and limitations and dealing with your shit and holy mama! I've been tested , limited and been a 'dealin'.

It's very slow at the CH , thought I'd come over but alas! I can't discuss sports! I agree that Clay should sing the Classics more straight because he CAN, and it would still be funny. He's just so afraid that if he goes for the sexy, he might get laughed at (yes, I think he's still insecure about that). I do love him grabbing Angie's ass though. That is hot! And in "Listen" he literally sings those pants off!

If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up. Muski to the rescue! We must maintain and revitalize our studly performers!

So who's going to Cary, Asheville and Knoxville? Boy, I envy the peeps going to the Greek in LA. I hope a lot of showbiz types catch him there.

Jesse blows me away with his arranging abilities for such difficult medleys. Clay's got gold in him and the girls. I see them performing together years from now. A much hotter Tony Orlando and Dawn with way more talent. I wish someone would give him a summer variety show.

So the shaven arms and legs are for tanning for something speshul. Does he not realize that you don't have to LOOK like a fifth grader to be on that durn show?

Smooches- :Tour3:

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I've said this for a long time, and not many people agree with me on this, but I'm really the most attracted to him when he doesn't know he's being sexy. When he starts believing the hype is when I start to think, "OK, he's still cute and shit, but jeez..." Know what I mean?

Yep, I totally agree and know what you mean, ldyj.

So who's going to Cary, Asheville and Knoxville?

*raises hand* Me, me, me! It's gonna be a long two weeks......

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...I never thought the classics was hot and sexy...I always thought it was meant to be campy and OTT.

Yep...me too. IMO that's the point of the whole bit.

I'm really the most attracted to him when he doesn't know he's being sexy.



Again with the interesting discussion while I was toiling away at work. :RedGuy:

So many people said what I would say ... JennaZ said it so neatly and calmly and Clazor said it with some hot sauce. So not much left to opine on. I've said it before and I'll say it again ... this place really is a different sort. I like it. I like it A LOT!!!



Astros? Aren't they in the National League?

I don't know nothin' 'bout no National League Teams... :cryingwlaughter:

Edited by jamar1700
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Oh joy! My first legitimate controversy!

First, I take for granted that absolutely everyone knows how much I love the Classics and I've not missed any of the Clack of it so far. ldyjocelyn, I get your point that he's sexiest when he doesn't know it, and I agree to a point ... but HTH can he not know it by now? All I have to do is look at the Martha video to know he so knows and can throw out the hottest EF's known to womankind, seriously. But the question, LadyJ, is ..... Does he know he's so DWEAMIE???? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I liked OPP without the jumping because his body movements to the rhythm were .... can I still say right on? Well, he had me believing he was down with OPP. Yeah is probably my favorite of all of them and I'd like to hear him do the song straight through. It slays me. Sexy Tractor was and is still fun, but he's killing SexyBack by making it too much of a parody when he can really bring it 'cause I've seen it with my very own eyes. Opposites Attract is, for me, so far, TULSA, maybe because he did that little number right in front of me, all hip action. Fashizzle notwithstanding.

I don't know, Dr. KAndre, should I take my temperature? Possibly I have a touch of something going around ... The Aiken Flu or the NeedAnotherConcert Blues? Or could I just be in a weakened state due to lack of exposure to The Light.

Clayzorback and lightmyfire, do ya'll remember the torchbearers at OFC? You gotta remember the "villagers" who were constantly asking if it was time to "light the torches." (I presume to storm the Frankenclive Castle at the direction of Burrrrrrgermeister.) I'm glad to finally be able to laugh at that crap.

WHAT IS KILLING ME NOW: Clay taking that drink of pinkwater and saying "I'm a man." Oh baby, that one I'll watch a ***few*** times.

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Hey Divayenta, nice to see ya - waving furiously.

I don't know how poddie came up today cuz actually the term has been on the decline here but it was actually good to hear everyone's thought while no longer in the heat of the moment. I'm like Jenna - I've heard through the grapevine that people are upset. But you know I've been in this fandom a long time and only 2 people had the nerve to PM me or email me to say to me personally that they were upset and I have more respect for them than those that whisper quietly behind the scenes. I'm willing to talk to anyone. I think if people read here today maybe they would understand more and that's why it's an open board. Open your mind. You still might not like it but maybe you'll get it.

So I'm having unexpected company tonight so am cleaning furiously and won't be around much tonight. But at least I get a head start on my FCA visitors.

And I was dragged into the 21st century today. I finally got a DVR. Whoot.

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So who's going to Cary, Asheville and Knoxville?

*raises hand* Me, me, me! It's gonna be a long two weeks......

Me, too. Me, too. Me, too!! Well, except not Cary *pouts*

One of Clay's sexiest moves....to me, anyway....is the absent minded way he just slides those shirt sleeves up to his elbows. If he has to roll them a little bit when they get there. Bonus. And God Forbid he doesn't look down to check if he's done a good job of it. No fair when he does that to me....bad bad bad.....

A mild example of what I'm talking about. He just slips them on up and keeps right on talking like he isn't doing anything to anyone at all......


ETA: BWAH! on the shadow envy, PhillyluvsClay

Edited by Karen Eh?
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Waves furiously to Divayenta and in her honor and because it just happens to be oh-so-appropriate right now....


<_< and :what_d_fuck:

(The above emoticons have nothing to do with anything being expressed/disccussed here. Just me letting off some steam. :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

Edited by muskifest
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Speaking of funny PMs - I did have some one PM me to say I was not on the fan police picture list - like I ever thought I would be, Yeah, I'm a big threat! - I think it might have been some one here, or maybe somewhere else. I thought that was cute and then realized that if nothing else it showed how badly I communicate that they thought I was worried I was on the list (only not!), hee.

Yes, I am openly talking and laughing at a private PM, but it is more to poke fun at myself than anyone else. I am a bad ass.

If people have not address me me here about pods, or over the phone (like relatives, ahem), no one ever mentioned it to me. I mean, I am always up for a good discussion, not a hit and run comment, but a real discussion - I do a lot of them in PM - had some nice discussions with people I disagree with, somehow we generally find that we are not really that far apart, it is just the words that get in the way.

The thing is, I know I could get into some good debates at the OFC, but I find in general there is a pile on effect there, I post something disagreeing with someone and the same 20 people post about 10 times each after me to tell me I am wrong over and over and over again. I hate pile ons. it keeps me from posting when I have something to say, just because I don't want to look like I am part of a pile on. Maybe the OFC needs some one on one threads.

Edited to change PMS to PMs

Edited by playbiller
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The thing is, I know I could get into some good debates at the OFC, but I find in general there is a pile on effect there, I post something disagreeing with someone and the same 20 people post about 10 times each after me to tell me I am wrong over and over and over again.
You just nailed that one.
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~Keeping everything nicely locked and loaded.

~I think you have said a mouthful and I agree with it all.

~And just what is it that you intend to do with Clay's baton, missy?

~More than a handful's a waste, they say.

~I can tell you're all really feeling Clay's ass.

~If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.

~Is there such a thing called "Shadow Envy"? Cause I think I just got it!

Sooooo, we can smut here too? *unpacks all her bags and settles in*

And I was dragged into the 21st century today. I finally got a DVR. Whoot.
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Is there such a thing called "Shadow Envy"? Cause I think I just got it!

* Philly flips through her newbie handguide book for proper use of Lechery*

BWAH!! You can take lessons from Muskifest, who's real good at it.

Girls just wanna have fu-un..... :whistling-1:

To me, the unconsciously sexiest thing Clay does is to debacle the mike and the mike stand. Those featherlight touches and gentle caresses drive me wild!!

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To me, the unconsciously sexiest thing Clay does is to debacle the mike and the mike stand. Those featherlight touches and gentle caresses drive me wild!!

You know, there was a time last night where I noticed that the mic stand was at an angle, but Clay's hands weren't on it. I'm not sure if he had his foot on the base to keep it propped up, or if it was leaned against his thigh. It was momentary, mysterious, and kinda hot.

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To me, the unconsciously sexiest thing Clay does is to debacle the mike and the mike stand. Those featherlight touches and gentle caresses drive me wild!!
Oh God Yes.

Maybe I have a different idea of what he does consciously or unconsciously due to AI5 when I fell under the sway of this man. What did it for me was that he KNEW. I never thought he knew before, I'd always believed that he had no idea whatsoever, but that night last year I knew he knew and he was letting the whole world know he knew and it was so attractive and magnetic that it had a historic quality about it. And that's when I knew, and I just gave.

I wouldn't bet a cent that Clay Aiken is not supremely aware of every move he makes. So fortunate for him that he's a natural. It's completely natural. He's got it. He knows it. We know it. Hundreds of people waiting to have him touch their hands know it.

I rest my case.

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He has very pretty eyes, too.


Oh, guh. What a beautiful picture.

DIVA!!! Sorry to hear about your back. I'll be sending lots of white light your way...

If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.

BWAH!!! And....um...yum.....

First, I take for granted that absolutely everyone knows how much I love the Classics and I've not missed any of the Clack of it so far. ldyjocelyn, I get your point that he's sexiest when he doesn't know it, and I agree to a point ... but HTH can he not know it by now? All I have to do is look at the Martha video to know he so knows and can throw out the hottest EF's known to womankind, seriously. But the question, LadyJ, is ..... Does he know he's so DWEAMIE???? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

HEE! He is certainly DWEAMIE, isn't he?!?!?

As far as his knowing it goes...yeah, actually I think he does know it by now. IMO, it's finally starting to sink in to him that women find him DWEAMIE, or else they are holding signs saying :DoClay: . Now, how truly comfortable he is with that, I have no idea. And I just have a suspicion he'll keep that part of him hidden publicly. My main point, though, is that he's sexiest when he just is -- as much as I laughed when Tyra called him on his eyefucks, I think there are times when he has no idea he's doing them, he's just doing whatever he feels. He's not trying to eyefuck -- it just comes naturally.

And I see in preview that keepingfaith and I have different ideas on this. Different strokes and all that stuff. Strokes. Heh.

Hell, I'm still confusing, aren't I? But at least jamar and lickiest1 kinda sorta understand me.

I don't know, Dr. KAndre, should I take my temperature? Possibly I have a touch of something going around ... The Aiken Flu or the NeedAnotherConcert Blues? Or could I just be in a weakened state due to lack of exposure to The Light.

NeedAnotherConcert Blues has been affecting me for the past few weeks too. *sigh*


Is there such a thing called "Shadow Envy"? Cause I think I just got it!

* Philly flips through her newbie handguide book for proper use of Lechery*

Lady, you're no newbie no more with that statement. You've graduated all the way to master lechery. Yep, she's gonna fit in JUST fine.

:hugs-1:muski. Venting is good.

Edited to change PMS to PMs

After the concert banter last night, this made me LOL and pee in my pants at the same time.

Ooo, I said "pee". [tmQuiana]

~Keeping everything nicely locked and loaded.

~I think you have said a mouthful and I agree with it all.

~And just what is it that you intend to do with Clay's baton, missy?

~More than a handful's a waste, they say.

~I can tell you're all really feeling Clay's ass.

~If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.

~Is there such a thing called "Shadow Envy"? Cause I think I just got it!

Sooooo, we can smut here too? *unpacks all her bags and settles in*

You had to ASK?!?!?

WOOHOO for couchie...you'll never go back!

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NeedAnotherConcert Blues has been affecting me for the past few weeks too. *sigh*

*chants "come to Cary, come to Cary"* :TourExcite:

What? I think it's working on cindilu2! :cryingwlaughter:

OK, YOU tell my cousins (all 50 or so of them) why I'm not attending the family reunion. Especially when I didn't make it last year either.


Family duties can be a real pain sometimes, you know?

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~Keeping everything nicely locked and loaded.

~I think you have said a mouthful and I agree with it all.

~And just what is it that you intend to do with Clay's baton, missy?

~More than a handful's a waste, they say.

~I can tell you're all really feeling Clay's ass.

~If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.

~Is there such a thing called "Shadow Envy"? Cause I think I just got it!

Sooooo, we can smut here too? *unpacks all her bags and settles in*

OMG...with the queen of smut Muski around??? yeah!!!!

oh special :F_05BL17blowkiss: to muski for some kick ass post elsewhere!!!!

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