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July 18th, Syracuse, NY

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Starting time is mostly for monitoring and chat purposes...really don;t know what the time the show starts

but just post on the thread anything about this concert...

EEEEEEEEE have fun concert goers.

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Just got a text message from luckiest1. She said they are very strict about cameras and phones tonight. She also managed to get posters for those who wanted them!

*crosses fingers that clack hits from tonight*

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wow lots of huge lughter towards the end of IWTKWLI...

and lots of laughing during the banter...something happened with Angela and him with his seat...

banter not as clear as last night

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west wing...

just did the schtick of bringing same 3000 people to every show.

mentione aaron sorking...for some reason...then some cheers...

asking Q about some song...that she sang back up for...

asked angela about her touring with Jaime Foxx

then talked about the letter from a woman calling him fat...

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Anyone here have the CV stream??

Why am I only hearing Christmas music???

Everyone at CV seems to be hearing the concert???

I think Jamar is on CV...

gotta go for a bit to put my baby to sleep...

anyone want to report on the CH stream?


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Anyone here have the CV stream??

I have no idea. That's a new one. Try posting in the thread there. Maybe they can help you out.

TOA :wub:

I love TOA too!!!

I PMed caperkeeper and Alice answered right away and with some work, I got the stream. Leave it to me to have an usual problem.

Just in time for intermission! :cryingwlaughter:

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Yes, I'm not supposed to be here....

...but I got another text message from luckiest1. canfly had the first half on tape, and then she ended up handing the tape over 'cause luckiest1 says they were on to her.

Sounds like a tough night.

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Yes, I'm not supposed to be here....

...but I got another text message from luckiest1. canfly had the first half on tape, and then she ended up handing the tape over 'cause luckiest1 says they were on to her.

Sounds like a tough night.

Well, that's disappointing!

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I hear that he's wearing a black shirt tonight, jeans and black loafers, that his hair seems layered more and not as blocky....etc...orchestra's all dressed up...

so on the CH cellcert they're saying the show seems really rushed and that it even looked like he looked at his watch one time...wonder if the venue or the orchestra is imposing some time limits.....

ok...some stubble seen...

...the person giving the report during intermission said she's holding a phone for the cellcert on the first row and nobody from the venue is giving her any grief...

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Yes, I'm not supposed to be here....

...but I got another text message from luckiest1. canfly had the first half on tape, and then she ended up handing the tape over 'cause luckiest1 says they were on to her.

Sounds like a tough night.

Did she have to hand it over to a guard?


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ok back for WY,...the stream is not as good as earlier...but he did an exteneded glory note that got the audience screaming.

oh really can hardly hear the banter now...he said somethign about amazing talent and people are laughing...he has something on his ears???

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