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July 28th - Newark NJ

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Clay has a black buttoned down shirt and jeans on. He was sweating like Ruben. He threw off his jacket during the Jefferson dance. Quiana finished the AI speech. He was ragging on the people who were there for Jesse and Sean.

A good crowd. Up to the third tier is full at least. Ragging on someone with binoculars. He does have stubble.

He was ragging on two girls that are following him around.

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He's wearing a Kick-ass new jacket that is hawt hawt hawt!!! Mixed audience - lots of guys - younger audience. "I Want to Know What Love Is" was fantastic and playful tonight! Tight security tonight. His hair is perfection. Nice lighting tonight - adding to the show. Quiana is becoming the snarkmeister. He started doing his TV thing and lost his place and Q took over and was fantastic. Standing ovations for every song. Good, enthusiastic crowd. People are into the show. People clapping along to the TV medley. Lively crowd - indoor venue - getting into it. Lovely venue - gorgeous. Filled into the fourth tier!
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Woot! I made it for the second half, at least! How's it hangin', guys?

Or more specifically, How's it hangin', Clay? :hubbahubba: Cause we KNOW it IS.... :whistling-1:

hey Musk...you all ready for tomorrow? We'll be there at 11ish.

sound like a nice turn out..isn't this one of the ones people were worried about?

CH - changing connections so no reporting right now

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What is she yelling???

LOL - sounds like 'it's the hat' to me, bwahaha

This phone is better.

I love this song!!! The mic debacles are nice too. :RedGuy:

Edited by cindilu2
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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Guess who got lost coming home from Winston, LOL! Who knew street names changed in the middle? I always get lost in Winston. :eusa_whistle:

I got online in time for the TV Themes and have been listening to the intermission report at CV. Now I'm going back and read some of the red reports.


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LOL, Cindy, she could have told me where the heck I was. I should have done Mapquest for going home from the gig. :lol:

Did y'all see this? CV has a whole report from Pink Cocoa. This is the end:

The girl from Invisible is in the front row tonight and he dedicated "When I See You Smile" to her. Said it was nice to see her again.

Talked to two fans who are always there. Asked how they afforded front row seats every night. Do they work? They said they were frugal.

Her name is Sherry. I remember her. :)


Edited by Carolina Clay
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Winston? Hey, I went to Wake Forest! :RedGuy: (Go, Deacs!)

Can't wait for pictures of his new HAWT jacket!....

MOAM....I hope he isn't getting tired of this song. I'll always think of it as HIS...and his anthem, too. Funny...when I first heard it years ago, I rolled my eyes---I thought it was sooooooo boring and schmaltzy! Oooh, I love how he's changed up the melody here and there.....

And yeah, couchie! I'm ready as long as you and Ansa don't mind a less-than-clean softball-Mom van interior... :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: WHOA! What an ovation after that song!

Edited by muskifest
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Just taking a break from Harry Potter to do a quick check in. Yeah for the Clackmeisters!

thanks jamar! Lot's of screaming at the Roseanne music. Wonder why???

Isn't that when Angela is doing her bump and grind around Clay's mic stand?

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thanks Caro for the reports

You're welcome. This is the whole report that SmartyPantsSuz typed from PinkCocoa. I think you know much of it:

Bringing over what Pink told me during intermission:

Grey jacket, black long-sleeve shirt, boots, jeans with lower pockets

During Jeffersons threw his jacket off and it landed under the piano.

He was teasing Quiana about shopping on Canal street. Asking if she had a side business in SC.

Talked about Idol. Talked about how pornographic the bust of his head was.

He looks very tired. He didn't get to sleep til 5 or 6 this morning. Energy seems a little low. Gorgeous venue, people seem more reserved, but they are giving him standing ovations.

Clack police are out. Pink got warned twice so far. They were told the cameras would be taken away if they got caught again. Because of the way the venue seats are sloped, the clack police can easily see if someone raises their hands to take a pic.

Clay stood away from her, took the mic off the stand, and motioned Angela to come to the mic stand. She danced over and started dancing with it like she use to do with him on WDC.

Clay was talking about how he watches TV so much. He stopped and said he forgot where he was going with it. Quiana picked up and went right on with what he says every night.

Angie and Quiana went to spa last night.

The place is packed. Lots of guys.

Quiana's solo was great.

"I Want to Know What Love Is" was breathtaking. Sang with Angela. Clay was singing REALLY low at the end. They were having a vocal gymnastics contest at the end.

Joked about not wanting people to see his wet armpits. Said he was sweating like Ruben. Joked that that would be on YouTube tomorrow and he'd be getting a call from Ruben.

Jefferson's dance was a hoot.

Did something with his hand (running movements with his hands) during one song.

Said his assistant was here, but wasn't going to point him or her out since the Claymates will never leave them alone.

The girl from Invisible is in the front row tonight and he dedicated "When I See You Smile" to her. Said it was nice to see her again.

Talked to two fans who are always there. Asked how they afforded front row seats every night. Do they work? They said they were frugal.


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I'd LOVE to hear him sing TWYMMF without all the comedy, you know? His voice sounds incredible on this song, IMO, but I want to hear him REALLY sing it.....I swear, the man has such a soulful voice on some songs...why's everybody laughing so hard?

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