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July 28th - Newark NJ

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From Pamela at Claymaniacs via CV:

He fell off the stage into the audience....?!?!?! They had to pull him back up on the stage?!?!?!?!?! *prays for clack*

He said he fell on his butt. He tried to jump back up onto the stage and hit his face right on the front of the stage. Poor baybee!!!

He kept on talking though.


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OMG...he just said about being cool and sometimes you can hear cool songs on the radio..."when somebody pays for it"... :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

:scream: Now he's backpedaling...saying he's just kidding around....only not...

Now Angela...

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Like I said ... someone else reported that HE SAID that is what happened in Columbus. Not that it happened tonight. We'll see.

per Cap

He said this happened in Columbus.

Clay just said "every now and then a good song gets on the radio, when they pay for it"
Edited by jamar1700
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Like I said ... someone else reported that HE SAID that is what happened in Columbus. Not that it happened tonight. We'll see.

per Cap

He said this happened in Columbus.

Clay just said "every now and then a good song gets on the radio, when they pay for it"

thanks jamar!

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Caperkeeper said most of the orchestra stood after LAA.

Caro :Thud:

Oh my god, really? Really? OMG..... :blush:

And it CMSU that he says right at the end, "I'm Clay Aiken!"

uh...yeah. duh.

Han just said that Clay pitched a tent in front of Scarlett....but she backpedaled, too....said she MEANT to say he 'set up camp' in front of Scarlett....heh. Wish I'd been on the DJ end of that cellcert to smut....


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Caperkeeper said most of the orchestra stood after LAA.

Caro :Thud:

Oh wow!!! That is freaking awesome. I hope there's clack of that!

Heheh, okay nevermind. You gotta love the telephone game!

Edited by cindilu2
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