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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Good luck BLAZE!!!

Even if it screwed up your Mom's plans...


There's some interesting clack available of a sound check from Chautauqua. It's regular guy Clay. Part of me is a little uncomfortable about it, because it's semi-private time for him. OTOH -- it's adorable. Quiana sings EYGA in one clip, and the most of the TV medley in the other clip. In both cases he prompts Q with the lyrics. He also takes HER part during the Golden Girls theme.

God, I hate it when there are moral choices to be had....but I haven't deleted the clips from my computer yet.

And because of the recent posts here....

{{{{{{{{{{{Jerome}}}}}}}}}} Love ya, dude.

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Well this sucks!

We had a power failure for about 3 seconds an hour or two ago, and it knocked out the internet and cable tv!

So real quick -- GO BLAZE!



Let's hear for the concert tomorrow night! Which I won't be able to listen to (damn!)

And I missed SYTYCD... Last Comic Standing... and Top Chef! BOOOOOOOOOOO!

dialup sucks!! we have one tv with rabbit ears so at least I can access the outside world!!

on a happier note..........


:TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Thanks for the clarification, lickiest1. Just didn't realize that, I guess.

Whoa...Minneapolis. Wow.

Hey, no worries. It was just a very open venue, there were lots of people who bought a day pass and got in even earlier than the 4 pm time that the ticket got you in. So when we arrived at 4 there were already apparently hundreds lined up at the lower gates, and tons of people milling about the upper level, peering over the fences to watch the sound check. I never budged from my spot in line, so I didn't watch, but my daughter said she saw him sitting there while Quiana was singing.

I just watched the soundcheck clack and I have to say, that is probably the sweetest thing ever! Hee, the way he acts out the lyrics instead of singing them into the mic so that Quiana will get the words right is so cute. I love "I can feel your body move". :wub: And then him singing Quiana's part on Charles in Charge and a few other songs is so adorable as well. I'm so glad someone caught it on tape.

{{{Minneapolis people}}} What a horrible tragedy.

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We won! Carrie pitched a danged good game and we won 8-6! THe victory was extra sweet because we beat a team from Half Moon Bay who clobbered us twice this summer. My hubby said that yesterday when they had the random drawing to determine which team played which team and the HMB team pulled out our team name, the coaches looked at each other with elation and the girls cheered! They were looking for an easy win over the little Alameda team since they'd blown us away twice before...

And get this! At one point we led 8-0, but then some defensive sloppiness let them creep up on us. Part of our eight runs, however---in fact, HALF of them came from....(drum roll, please)

Carrie! She hit a grand slam! :party038: :laola0: :ura: :09: :club0: :ole0::manynanas: :nana:

Tomorrow we play early---that will be our second and last 'pool play' game that determines the brackets for the double elimination games.....the girls are exhausted and elated!


Now...a warning to that California group...Claygasm, Couchtomato, Ansa and YSRN! You'd better...you had just better....

Drink a marguerita for me! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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That sound check is one of the cutest Clay videos I've ever seen. He looks so relaxed, always on the verge of laughter, yet very focused and "into it". I love catching a glimpse of this side of him. Lovely friendships, lovely man.

Hey, y'all. *waves* I'm so behind. No, not MY behind...I am behind...Oh, never mind. I'll catch up soon, I hope. :)

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Yay! Go Carrie and Blaze!

Lovely friendships, lovely man.

That's what I got from the clips too. He's so cute, sure, but golly -- there's some major affection there between him and Q. It's apparent to me that he simply cares about her as a true friend, and is proud of her.

And I love hearing him sing "Thank You for Being a Friend." I've always loved that song, and would have loved it if he really was doing that song.

*waves at 00lsee*

Hmmmm...I chatted with couchie earlier today and she said the California contingency would be checking in tonight. Hmmmm....wonder where they are.....probably :drinking71::voll:

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Heh, talking about being so behind. - I feel like I a running marathon. And... And... when I type a response, it takes doubly long because the lap top loses 1/2 the letters and I have to go back and edit over and over.

Beach is great as usual, but the dog needs to be walked a lot more because it can't just run around the house, it goes up on the couch, and down, then over 2 feet to the chair, then off that and over 3 feet to the bed, - does not like walking near the sink or bathroom, so really does not leave it's little triangle. When I finally got into swiming, the water was fantastic, albeit filled with little pink jellyfish, and then the shark swam past me - sucker really swam fast, too! I wanted to grab it, the sucker was about 6 inches long, but definitely shark - must have been a miniature one like those miniature rottweilers I see at the dog park. Do those exist?

Congrats to Muski's oldest. giggle.gif

I am sorely behind on clack, I am behind on everything, hee. I tried watching the falling clack, but unwatchable except for the fall, where Clay reminded me of that charatcer on SNL - (Mary Kathrine?) when he bounced back up. The problem with the Beyonce fall was that her voice continued on singing normally when she screamed. Umm, she must be ]gasp lipsyncing, but she did a really good rebound from what looked horrific. I think that happened once to someone else when she was still in the group, and they just carried on. I really like the non-wuss performers.

ETA - if Clay sang Thank You For Being A Friend, we probably would have had to listen to worse unhappiness than with Like A Virgin - it is a song of a show about Middle Aged Women. some people did not like Clay singing LAV because he camped a lot (I thought it was an angle winger joke, but I have a weird sense of humor), But I could see some people get very upset if he sang a song about middle aged women.


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:F_05BL17blowkiss: to OOlsee! Don't be a stranger...Love seeing you posting here! Wow! SUch discussion and discussion and discussion about Clay's falling video clip...thing is, I saw it a couple of days ago and could hardly tell he fell at all---at least from the angle of the videographer...In fact, I was impressed with how fast that man got back up on his feet! So...what's the hubbub, bub?

Haven't watched the climbing back on stage video, but I betcha he drew that move out for comedic affect. He's a ham, ya'll! And besides, maybe he wanted to give us a shot of his stripey boxers... :cryingwlaughter:

Oh and I showed Carrie the cool CONGRATS and GO BLAZE posts and she was actually dumbstruck! She said,

"But they don't even KNOW me."

And I said, "Au contraire, mi hija...your mama has a big mouth and fast typing fingers...."


Night, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Your post was so cute, Muski, I'm just going to steal part of it to congratulate the Blaze and wish them well!!!


:laola0: :ura: :ole0::manynanas: :nana:


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Congratulations, Carrie & the Blaze!!! Love the tournament recaps muski, please keep them coming, okay?

It sure is nice up here on top of the Marriott Marina. Quite lovely! All three of our flights were on time and the GPS thingy I got with the rental is a blast. We've decided we really really like California. A lot. On the way down to San Diego we stopped by Pala and that's lovely, too. The lawn is so small. I think it's going to be a very cool place to see Clay.

And a very easy one to see a sound check. Gawd! Didn't I love that video of the Chataugua soundcheck? How adorable! One of my most favourite pieces of clack ever.

I didn't get my Canandaigua pix done before I left like I had hoped but I have quite a few uploaded. Here is the link for the album and some samples.

The album is here








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Love the pics, Karen Eh! I especially like this one - I love pics where Clay is cracking up, and looking so happy. His smile is infectious.


Speaking of smiling - that's what I was doing while watching the clack of the Chataugua soundcheck. Gawd, he's so cute and beefy and fun and cute and masculine without even trying. He's just sitting there, mouthing the words, hamming it up, having fun, kidding around with Q&A, and looking so incredibly yummy. Can I have him for dessert, please?


Muski, congrats to Carrie and the Blaze! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!


Hey, I hope all you California peeps are having a WONDERFUL time!

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Love ya CA peeps!!

Karen Eh? Your pictures are scrumptious. I knew I loved that shirt. He looks so fine.

I love the way his eyes twinkle in this one:


I like how red his hair looks.




Get that note just right:


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Beautiful pics, Karen Eh.

So....there's a bunch of peeps at YSRN's house? And I'm still on the east coast....why?

Congrats, cha cha, for your daughter!

The sound check clack is, well, let's just say that I'm a tad jealous of Quiana. No, not really. OK, just a bit.

No M&G for me in WPB *sigh*

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Nah, we weren't at my house. We were in Fremont, home of the Kite Runner family, and just down the street from Jericho's and Avalon (restaurants) at the Mt. Vernon crossroad. :lol: CMSU!

No margaritas Muski, but my twin and I had Cosmos! Yum! :) And then they left me to go off to nap and fly south. :(

Congrats to Carrie and team!

Ok, so how does KarenEh? get the best pictures... quality-wise AND the looks on his face. Awesome, really!

Have fun all you California concert-goers!! I'm jellus.

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Hey guys...whoo hooo. Well we're gearing up for our big road trip. Ansa and CG are both big hits with my family. Ansa brough lumpia over so she did have a nice advantage there. :cryingwlaughter: We're winding down from our nice dinner with YSRN and I'm getting looked at crossways because of our 8 am flight. heee. Anyway, it's so much fun to meet CG and spend time wiht her. We'd only met for a moment before. I think this trip is going to be a blast. I just want to enjoy myself...revel in that wonderful voice..ENJOY the here and the now.

I love my DCAT shirts. They arrived today. I actually got one of the women's "baseball" shirts and it looks great with the credit card to prove it saying. whoo hooo. We'll have a lap top with us so will check in from time to time.

YSRN we'll miss you on this trip. Muski hope to see you somewhere along the way... but GO BLAZE.

Chatting tonight with Claygasm and Ansa about so many things, it really made me appreciate FCA. Ansa is the one that wanted this board and I thought she was crazy. But it's the best thing FCA has done because it's fun and feisty and caring and joyful and it's how I intend my fandom to forever be. ALthough this board has been here for almost 2 years, it really came into it's own only recently and it's becaue of all of you. Every new person adds something good and I really am excited about every delurk. And no, I'm not drunk. heee.

We'll see you on....the other side..... of California. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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