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August 4, Los Angeles, California

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From CH:

Jaymes is there in a 5230 shirt.

CH cellstream is on. First two sections are full, furthest section is not so full. No flash photography, not sure how they will be with cameras.

They just talked to Angela's older brother, Everett. He says hello to the internet. :)

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I really was going to try to stay up for this one tonight, but 1) I JUST finished my movie for the week that I always watch with my husband; 2) I must get up early to provide special music (a handbell solo) for my church tomorrow; and 3) I've got a killer headache right now. I think sleep is the best thing for me.

I hope Clay does a fantastic job tonight! I love him so much.


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He was bantering with Angela about her family being there, he mentioned it was hot, and then the audience starts yelling at him to take his jacket off! He's asking them to blow at him. "If you want to get plastered...you know, half the men are already getting started anyways". Hee. Talking about last night at the Pala Casino. Quiana lost $45.

Did he say something about Angela's son helping them out later?

WISYS now.

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Yeah, I can't really hear it without headphones tonight. But what I can hear is very clear. TV medley right now.

Jefferson dance....screaming....laughing.....will he take the jacket off? Doesn't seem so. Silence before All In The Family, maybe they are fanning him again. "I got the spirit of Weezy again, Good Lord!" Much audience laughter, maybe he is having more aftershocks.....

Hee, they have started All In The Family 3 times, they are laughing, he wanted one of the girls to hit the note in "songs that made the hit parade" but it kept coming out with no sound. Tons of applause and cheering at the end! Clay says "we're such professionals". They are still talking about that note....trying to hit it, after the medley is over.

TOA now.

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Alot of the stuff on the radio these days is [small voice]crap[/sv]. Not that there aren't a lot of wonderful people on the radio.

Don't know what else he said but it's cracking the audience up!

Apparently he is wearing the fan ring again. I guess he must like it!

Q's solo now.

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Kandre is chatting up some people in the aisles. Hee. She says that Clay and the gang are blowing their brains out tonight, they are on fire! He is sucking down the pink vitamin water like there is no tomorrow. She thinks we are doing really, really well for clack tonight.

During the TV medley Angela shoved him a good one and almost knocked him over. He was wild during the Jeffersons. At this rate he probably could make the Last Comic Standing. That was one of the shows he mentioned tonight, along with So You Think You Can Dance and Survivor.

When Angela did the pole dance Clay said "make your daddy cry". He's been laying her head on her shoulder and messing with her totally tonight since her family is there. He said "we make such a cute couple". Her family was laughing. No horror or shock. ;)

Her son is supposed to come out and dance later.

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He mentioned the dry California air last night (that he and Q were southern and needed air you could see, lol). I'm surprised he isn't drinking more on stage.

HA! Make your daddy proud (to Angela doing the Roseanne dance). Oooh, was that 'cry' not proud?? HA!

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BWAH. From CH:

Please tell Karen that she is even more famous tonite. Another board announced that both she (K'Andre) & Jaymes were in the audience.

Who's K'Andre was asked...

"A prestigious rapper & producer" was the reply.

Well, we all know how she looooves new minions.

You go girl!!

Hee, cindilu2, who knows if it was 'cry' or 'proud'. :cryingwlaughter: Your guess is as good as mine!

I am fading fast, so if I suddenly disappear, I've fallen asleep at my desk.

Faye is holding court in front of KAndre.

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