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Aug. 17, Tampa Bay, Fl


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talking about the cellist with long hair...

weird KAndre is very loud but the CH dj you can hardly hear.

lights are going down...concert about to start...

we cannot hear anything...underwater quality.

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See this is what I get for blowing off the cellcert the last two nights to watch SYTYCD. I'm sorry CellCert! I didn't mean to neglect you!

Via the OFC:

Sterling Heights jacket and shirt.....don't know about jeans yet

Dare we hope for the belt?

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WOW not very many in the thread right now...

had to put my little girl to sleep...anything interesting happened???

CH stream is very clear now...he is in fine vocal form...

but I really don;t think RHW is a clapping song...

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so sorry CVers...

talking about putting tv themes on the show cos he watches too much tV

ok getting a lot of laughs...something memorable again

Hee did Clay said he watches Tyra banks??? and big cheer...

talking about shows getting stuck in his head starting Brady bunch again....audience singing the whole song.

He musy be doing something as the sing Brady Bunch cos the audience was cracking up...

he said the singing was impressive...he mentioned Fort Myers and huge applause.

talking about the the AI audition...

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I won;t be ashamed of watchign too much TV

I know there are lot sof you out there that watch a lto fo TV...we have to be free and love ourselves and stop being ashamed of watching too mch TV...be proud...and say AMEN...(said like evangelical preacher)

so they are doing the contest...

Clay is taking the floor...I think he is in the audience or something people are going WILD with excitement.

start the TVmedley...

the audience is supposed to sing with them...yup lots of people singing...

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I don;t know whats happening but i have never heard this kind of wild excitement in the audience for the TV medley

they are doing something different for sure...same songs but they are really getting the whole audience into it...this wi another memorable one I'm sure.

wow the audience is really singing along...so much fun!!!!

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CV: challenge them to shed their burden their shame of theme songs...Clay says the audience has Ft. Myers beat. It is a competition! Doing the AI schtick. Perfect Strangers. ...Dividing up the audience into 3 sections. "I'll take the floor ... HUGE cheers...Everywhere You Look, the audience is singing along....

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sound is messed up tonight..lots of feedback...and QUiana, Jesse and Clay all walked off stage to try to get it fixed..during IWTKWLI there was hissing loud noises..

every time there are problems like that he goes above the call of duty to put on a great show... I know he hates this though

clack police out in force

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From Sue at the venue: they are grabbing cameras right and left...sounds like the policy may loosen the second half....total different stories....took Toni7babes camera....they thought Toni used her flash, but she didn't....lots of confusion...

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wow this sound is very bad...

he is wearing indigo shirt...

I couldn;t understand the story KAndre said...and there seem to be a lot of people talking at a time...

something about 100 dollars...some kind of contest...asking people someones age...he gave a person 100 dollars???

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they are taking people;s camera's they took scarlett;s but gave it back because they thought she used the flash...

he made everyone stand up and sing the TV medley...

the orchestra looked at the audience like they were nuts when they stood up to sing.

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