#15 the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
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Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!6
Yet when we get together it's like I'm with my sisters - only without the issues. smile.gif0
Clay is successsfully running with the big dogs.0
And oddly, we all manage to share the same boyfriend, with only minimal hair-pulling and name calling.12
Pass the koolaid, I'm thirsty.7
The Eyes Have It!3
he's soooo photogenic...almost sinfully, unfairly so: laughing, smiling, crying, looking pensive or naughty or goofy -It just doesn't seem to matter, does it?6
Just can't keep a good man down.7
"Clay wants to see your bushes".7
Hopefully, he was out having fun or buying more new jeans, writing some new kick-ass songs, recording some kick-ass songs, having some kick-ass super-sex.1
veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.25
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