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CLAY CHAT -- September 20 - 21 9PM EDT

Couch Tomato

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Well, there might be other things that could singe a few puppies for me and I love my doggies

Lets see, go the JT route and techno that pretty voice and run around dirtiying his image with drugs and alcohol for a few magazines to become cool and Talking about the woman he slept with in detail with Howard Stern, or does only one person get to act like that and be cool (JT)?

Edited by playbiller
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blowtorch puppy -

The reason I don't see anything making me turn away is that I admire Clay for so much more than his singing. I admire him as a person. I think he's a very very decent person - aside from heinously breaking the law, which unless he takes wandacleo up on her suggestion :F_05BL17blowkiss: , isn't going to happen - he's not going to be able to change a thing that would cause me to not have continued respect for him as a person/man. That transcends changing hair styles and music styles - those things just don't matter as much to me compared to what he contributes as a person and what he stands for. Just cannot imagine it happening.

waves to no1tvfan63! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by PuddinsJoy
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I think my fandom has evolved !!! because if I had answered this "blowtorch puppy" question back in 2003, I could have come up with several things. And....if I had known back then a couple of the things that I have stayed with him through, I may have predicted those things would have ended my fandom. But....now I have seen the amazing way he has handled all of these things (the mess, the mandated CD , to name two) and my love/respect for him have just grown. So that now, I cannot envision anything that would end my fandom for him. Even if he stopped singing and ran for office ........... I would probably move to NC and join his campaign !!

I love this answer -- and welcome to the FCA world MyMOAM2!

Six minutes until the final question of the night.....

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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"

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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"


Yeah, well as long as he's not preaching to gospel as he's borrowing the Hope Diamond, I'm cool with that!

Edited by Claygasm
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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"


yay I caugh up!!

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joan mcghee marbrey?

is this Clay's aunt? is the OFC down completely in memory of her?

I understand she's Nanny's daughter? And it looks like the OFC is down for now in tribute to her...

So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"

Oh BWAH!!! You so know all of us.... :cryingwlaughter:

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SInce no one is posting, here is an addendum to the first question about changing fandom

Oh, I still vote in polls, just more selectively and not as a full time job.

When I started being a fan, I spent little time on the boards, I had a full time job that took up a lot of my life and I had to walk my old dog 3 or four slow walks a day. Very slow, arthritic walks. So I do spend more time on the boards, I just tend to ignore the angst most of thetime., I believe that there are some fans damaging the fandom and Clay's career, but no longer feel anyone welcoms my opinon. I have been edited into oblivion on certain boards and others I find it hard to be tactful, so I come here instead.


1. Busy and curious

2. busy and bored at work and found out they couldn't mionitor my computer, on-line waaaaay too much while listenong to people complain on hour long phone meetings (when I didn't fall asleep)

3. laid off, hung out on the computer a lot, started walking dogs, less time on computer. At beach, less time on the computer.

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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"


Yeah, well as long as he's not preaching to gospel as he's borrowing the Hope Diamond, I'm cool with that!

Yeah, I wouldn't be too thrilled if he went full evangelical on me... but I'd probably watch in sekrit anyway. I hope that's not the talk show he wants. :lol:

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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"

I could so see that, the radio play part! :cryingwlaughter:

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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"


Yeah, well as long as he's not preaching to gospel as he's borrowing the Hope Diamond, I'm cool with that!

Yeah, I wouldn't be too thrilled if he went full evangelical on me... but I'd probably watch in sekrit anyway. I hope that's not the talk show he wants. :lol:

:cryingwlaughter: You know being the preacher's kid that I am, Clay going this route is the one thing that would get me back in church.

I do have to say every night there's this CCM CD Time Life or somebody else is pushing..and every time I hear th commercial and snippets of htose songs I think Clay would kill on them.

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Shipping Clay?

I don't mind light-hearted shipping at all, but I rarely take part in it (although I have some thoughts on the issue). I must confess to sometimes getting a little squigged out at some of the shipping as it seems as though Clay isn't allowed to have any female friends unless he's having a relationship (but it could just be jealousy!!!)

I figure he'll tell us when it's serious, and I'm pretty much willing to wait for the final word.

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Yes the OFC is down in her memory. I think she is Amarylis McGhee's daughter.(?)

And who is Amarylis McGhee????

Am I a bad Clay fan for not knowing this????

No you aren't a bad fan..I really don't follow Clay's friends and family much...but Amarylis is the woman that Clay and Faye went to live with when they live biodad. I think. eh..Need to read LTS again. I keep meaning to do that.

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So basically we are only willing to dump Clay if he turns out to be a war criminal or sociopath?

I can see y'all saying, "But he had a really good reason for stealing borrowing the Hope Diamond! It needed to be cleaned or something. And it's not identity theft - hell, we gave him our licenses and credit cards and birth certificates and marriage certificates. He told us he needed them for radio play!"

Nah Kandre - not even the Hope would bother me cause I would just picture how incredibly HAWT he would have looked in the tux while shimmying along the floor under those laser beams . . .

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Shipping Clay... I guess it doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't get ridiculously carried away... I mean, I hope he's got a PYT, or a POT if that floats his boat, keeping him happy (whatever that means for him... heh.) and I understand the curiosity when he's seen with someone... I want him to be happy, bottom line.... as long as it's done in fun and is light hearted and isn't too intrusive, I don't have a big problem with it.

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How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

I feel mostly bored and faintly "ewwww". Mainly because I don't like getting up in anyone's business like that - not friends or family and definitely not people I don't actually know. It sort of feels like an invasion of privacy to me.

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