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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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BWAH - relationshiip with an intended, not with Roger, heh,

I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences,

:lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter:

I knew what you meant!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:lmaosmiley-1: I didn't!!

If anyone would like to listen to Bo Bice's new CD, it is sampled on his site here. It works for Canadians too.

I don't like them all, but there's probably one or two I'll cherrypick from Itunes if they're available in Canada.

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Y'all are naughty people.

Man, I did dip my toe in the OFC, my eyes rolled so far back in my head I thought they'd never get unstuck.

Roger? Don't care. I honest to God don't know the name of any other publicist for any other artist and like it that way. I'm sort of hoping Clay's next publicist is ex-CIA and cheerfully tells any fan that approaches him to "fuck off - don't give me anything - don't write press releases - don't call the distributor - and unless you have a $100,000 for a guarantee, the next time you come within 50 feet of anything to do with Clay's career your ass is grass as Roger left me his restraining order against you people"

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I have no idea if Roger is good, bad, or indifferent--never really cared. I'm sure he did what RCA told him to do.

I think this is probably a pretty damn good job--19 entertainment is huge.

I wish him well.

Maybe sweater girl will take over.

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Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!


I repeat: DO NOT venture outside our hallowed virtual walls!

I only speak so because I care. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I don't understand (you can tell I don't leave our happy - well mostly happy - home...). Shouldn't there be great joy and happiness in Clay land that one of Clive's henchmen, ordered to help destroy Clay's career, is gone????? Why the angst? S

Seriously - I don't understand.

"Let Clay Aiken take you back......"

Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....."

I was soooooo going with him, too. :hubbahubba:

You dirty, dirty, girl!!!

Everybody should be able to use the CC box in PM's now. Ansa tinkered around with something.

Play :F_05BL17blowkiss: Agree or disagree. Frankly, I don't know what "having Clay's best interests" at heart has to do with anything. Hive minds are boring. This fandom interests me. Read some stuff yesterday that made me think people have too much time on their hands or they are addicted to drama. If something is bullshit, just say so LOUDLY for the world to hear. Don't become a CIA agent and whisper about it for a damn year. It's why I have a hard time with "if you only knew what I know you'd believe the same thing I believe." I highly doubt it.

Now, wish me luck.. Muski is fixing me dinner. heee :cryingwlaughter:

Muski is fixing you dinner???? **sniff** I stayed at her house for 3 nights and never once did she fix me dinner. Or breakfast. Or lunch....

But she still was the hostess with the mostest!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

"Let Clay Aiken take you back......"
Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....."

I was soooooo going with him, too. :hubbahubba:

Well, I prefer it as "Let Clay take you from the back" but have it your way.

I would so go too...

OMG!!! Scarlett is a dirty, dirty girl too!!!!!!

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From CH American Idol Rewind


American Idol fan alert: Saturday is the premiere of syndicated series American Idol Rewind. This year, the show will highlight Season 2 of American Idol. Rewind is hosted by Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (shown here in a photo from earlier this month at a St. Louis event) and narrated by runner-up Clay Aiken.
Edited by merrieeee
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Posted by ellenpoppy at the CH:



From a USA Today blog:

AI Rewind Info


American Idol fan alert: Saturday is the premiere of syndicated series American Idol Rewind. This year, the show will highlight Season 2 of American Idol. Rewind is hosted by Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (shown here in a photo from earlier this month at a St. Louis event) and narrated by runner-up Clay Aiken.

We get to hear Clay talking to us every week!!!! But... err... does this mean that the audience gets to hear 2007 Clay... but not see him?

So, I guess it might be true that Clay is narrating this?

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From CH American Idol Rewind

American Idol fan alert: Saturday is the premiere of syndicated series American Idol Rewind. This year, the show will highlight Season 2 of American Idol. Rewind is hosted by Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (shown here in a photo from earlier this month at a St. Louis event) and narrated by runner-up Clay Aiken.

I was j ust bringing that over!!!

But I want to see him, not just hear him!!!

Cause he's so cute!!!

And I think its adorable that its all about Ruben and Clay!!

BUT WAIT!!! Clearly this is why Roger is now with 19E!!!! He has gone from trying to destroy Clay's career with RCA to trying to destroy his career from within the AI machine!!!! <snark>

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I called it, I called it a couple of days ago when we saw the clip. Hmmm, doesthat mean he interviews himself?

What clip??????????? Did I miss some clack?????????

But but but....why would you not need hairy arms if you are a narrator!

BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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When we saw the commercial and they featured so much Clay and the newspaper coverage with more Clay than anyone else and the fact that dunkleman did season one and had no involvement with season 2 and Ryan ws really busy this year. That was when. Do I have to look for the post, it was at the CH.

I thought the hairless arms was because of the tan and the tan s required to not wear so much make up and to match his hands to his face.

OR was it for madame Toussands?

So who will do season 3?

Edited by playbiller
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I called it, I called it a couple of days ago when we saw the clip. Hmmm, doesthat mean he interviews himself?

What clip??????????? Did I miss some clack?????????

But but but....why would you not need hairy arms if you are a narrator!

BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter:

Because they might show some clips of 2007 Clay in the foreground and the old AI2 clip playing in the back. On AI2 he was wearing a lot of bronzer and it would look weird to see so much contrast between present Clay and old Clay, so they had to put bronzer on the new Clay and so he had to shave his arms. (Whew! That's longer than most consipracies, but at least it's possible -- I'm sure Muski could write great fanfic with old & new Clay both!)

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Oh please...where is this clip...I want to use it to do another test.

I am having fun with the gallery...We started a banner category for albums. If people want to submit banners y'all can post it on your own albun under the FCA banners or you can submit it to me. I am hoping to change the banner every week so I hope people do not hesitate to post or submit your creations.

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From CH American Idol Rewind


American Idol fan alert: Saturday is the premiere of syndicated series American Idol Rewind. This year, the show will highlight Season 2 of American Idol. Rewind is hosted by Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (shown here in a photo from earlier this month at a St. Louis event) and narrated by runner-up Clay Aiken.


:dancingpickle: :04: :00000442: :laola0: :ura: :roundel::ole0:

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Crap...I go to work and all sorts of stuff busts loose.

:865538451: <----I happen to think he's cute in goofy dorky kinda way...*pouts*

Goofy? Dorky? Uh....CLAY is goofy and dorky...

This guy looks like an uncircumcised penis on Qualudes.

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From CH American Idol Rewind


American Idol fan alert: Saturday is the premiere of syndicated series American Idol Rewind. This year, the show will highlight Season 2 of American Idol. Rewind is hosted by Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (shown here in a photo from earlier this month at a St. Louis event) and narrated by runner-up Clay Aiken.


:dancingpickle: :04: :00000442: :laola0: :ura: :roundel::ole0:


:laola0: :laola0:

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From CH American Idol Rewind


American Idol fan alert: Saturday is the premiere of syndicated series American Idol Rewind. This year, the show will highlight Season 2 of American Idol. Rewind is hosted by Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (shown here in a photo from earlier this month at a St. Louis event) and narrated by runner-up Clay Aiken.


:dancingpickle: :04: :00000442: :laola0: :ura: :roundel::ole0:

Cool cool cool!! I looked at the episode schedule earlier today and somebody (pretty pleeeeeeeeease?) HAS to make me a DVD of the episodes airing after mid December and mail it to me. Pleeeeeeeeeeease! I'm going to be gone by then, dammit! :cry4: I wanna see, too!

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Crap...I go to work and all sorts of stuff busts loose.

:865538451: <----I happen to think he's cute in goofy dorky kinda way...*pouts*

I think he's cute in a goofy dorky kind of way also......oh, wait...you meant the emoticon, didn't you?

(I keeed) That little guy is cute...just too limpy (see, no way could that remark be confused with Clay)

EEEE!!! for Clay the narrator!!! OMG...I wonder how much and how fast he'll be talking.

...and :F_05BL17blowkiss: for whoever figured out how to make my quote button work. *muah*

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