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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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He sounds exactly the same (to me) as he does on LTS audio book, and Ugly Duckling, to me. Professional Clay, for sure - but there's enough of 'him' in there to make me grin. He's playing the role of narrator perfectly - it's not really supposed to be about them, after all. Bravo, Clay!

You said this so well, cindilu2; I bet he was grinning when he was doing it too. Can't you just hear that AI2 grin in his voice?

And cindilu2, one more thing, those wallpapers; just awesome!! Thanks!!!!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I bought my plane ticket to Minneapolis. It's official. I'm going broke for Clay Aiken once again eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This is reeeeally cool!!! It means I get to meet you because I'm celebrating my birthday in Minneapolis this year with Clay. And of course I don't want gifts.... :flirtysmile3: , unless of course someone is giving away a meet and greet.

The Unicef picture; :kra: that's sweet lovable Clay....

Stargazer's picture............ :Thud:

I like love the whole man, dorky, delightful, delicious...........

Well, I'm off to unpack my Bubel Aiken package;I've been saving it. I ordered a few things at the auction but the box apparently wouldn't fit into my 2 ft by 4 ft by 4ft. mailbox. Hmmmm. I think I must of run them out of CD holders. :shrug:

Sweeeeeeeeeeeet dreams fca'er's.

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Speaking of instruments, he learned to use mine too.... *sighs*

:cryingwlaughter: That was funny!

I thought Clay looked fine. I thought he looked like he needed quite a few cheeseburgers on AI2, so I'm glad he has put on a few pounds. The man really used to be a toothpick. now he just looks like a guy who has grown into his frame.

Randy Jackson is not well-informed, but I guess his mention shows how well Kim's promo stunt worked (except for the Clay fandom, of course).

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I am not into the physical aspects of Clay. I don't perv.

BUT since AI Rewind is the big news, I will just say this...

I want her everywhere and if she's beside me

I know I need never care

But to love her is to need her everywhere

Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies

Watching her eyes

And hoping I am always there

I will be there.........


heee I'm still trying to figure out what yur last post meant. I flunked poetry :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Lyrics are from "Here, there, and everywhere," couchie.

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I don't think I noticed quite how thin Clay was until the IT and then the NAT when he skeered me by almost disappearing sideways. I was much further away at the AI2 tour.

I thought he looked manly this tour, but perhaps our socialogical training makes different things appeal to us. In general, I don't like too much product in my hair, and that migrates over to not liking much in men's hair - so the AI2 hair - not my favorite, but the free flowing hair of the last few years is much more touchable looking. It does not always need to be neat. I really see him as a guy who does not spend his life looking into mirrors, so when he is out as Clay ambassador or Clay guy next door, he will take bad pictures. I guess I am not much into froo froo guys. I know some people think that as a performer he should take more pride in his appearance, but I like to think that he does not think of himself in that way.

Ooooh lok at that!!! I corrected my spelling and no one quoted my errors - and no edit counter - how cool do I look now! a correct speller and all!

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I'm such a fan of Here, There and Everywhere. (I love ya, merrieeee, but I'm reading your mind)

I just melt whenever I listen to that AI clip. The range, OMG, the range. The tenderness and strength in his voice. I've frequently gone on HT&E jags. It's always heavenly.

I will be there

Here, there, and everywhere

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I'm such a fan of Here, There and Everywhere. (I love ya, merrieeee, but I'm reading your mind)

I just melt whenever I listen to that AI clip. The range, OMG, the range. The tenderness and strength in his voice. I've frequently gone on HT&E jags. It's always heavenly.

I will be there

Here, there, and everywhere

YUP one of my most favorite AI2 performances...not very popular but always gets to me. I love that wavery falsetto...I think it makes that performance more effective to me cos he seems so vulnerable...

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Nobody saw nuttin'

The Sporker.

Holy Shit. *hides*

Um, Orlando TWYMMF. It's really that simple. :cryingwlaughter:

WTF did my weekend go? :idk:

Oh well now that my baseball season is over ( :sad52: ) maybe I'll start a few projects around the house or something. *sigh*

[baseball] is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, you rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then, just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops.

~A. Bartlett Giamatti~

*sniff* So totally true! It does feel like Fall. Congrats to the Philly Fans. I remember how it feels! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I finally had a chance to listen to parts of the original New York auditions. Obviously, it has been shortened, but most of the script read by Clay was exactly the same as was used in the original, corny jokes and all.

What does this mean, gran? Did they have the same script in the actual AI2 show? There's no way I could remember that?

Well I may have found a replacement for my sNOflake pic!

Hee. That's all I'm sayin' 'bout that. But, if I wanted to, I would. :imgtongue:

Picture? Will this do?


Oh yeah... that will totally do.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: LMF... I love that song! I think it's in my top three AI performances. I even liked the lighting.

I LOVE Clay's voice in AI2 Rewind. It makes me feel like I'm watching it with him. He's just sitting next to me being his little jabbering self. I do like his reading voice... it's "younger" than his singing voice to me. I could listen to him read stuff a lot. It's natural him instead of trying to fit around a song. Or something. I suck at descriptions, but I know what I mean. :lol:

Oh yeah... HI!! And happy birthday to ialreadyam!

ETA... WEE!!! I'm the top!! I'm cellophane! /~Ella

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What the heck is flood control???

eee top o' the page...well almost!

BWAH Claygasm.

OMG I just edited 3 times and it didn't show. I thought that was only for you know who(s)

just saw this..hmmm flood control...I know cuz they have it at twop.

It's something that doesnt' allow you to post a lot of posts in a short period. So after you post...you have to wait a specific period before you can post again.

Which means we'll be finding that button and turning it off cuz as everybody knows..posthoing is encouraged.

ETA: Ansa found and disabled flood control.

This is reeeeally cool!!! It means I get to meet you because I'm celebrating my birthday in Minneapolis this year with Clay. And of course I don't want gifts.... :flirtysmile3: , unless of course someone is giving away a meet and greet.

Oh I love the new feature of being able to see the last 10 posts of a poster..cuz I knew there was something I wanted to say to Zena..and that made it easy to find!

This made me crack up...ok I promise not to give you any gifts unless I win a meet and greet. Then together we'll go pick up my meet and greet pass, see who else got one, and I'll steal their's for you..K? heee Will you be attending both shows?

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Whew! I didn't work at the hospital today, but I was so busy that I was hardly home! And as soon as I got home, I had to quick finish up my recommendations and high-tail it over to the DCAT Recommendations thread to post. So, I'm still catching up from the previous thread.

I missed that yesterday. VWP got married!!! :clap: I just loved reading her posts at the CH. Such an enthusiastic and smutty Clay fan. She and her friend Hockeydonna had such great times with Clay. Did they leave the fandom altogether? I'm so happy for VWP and her hunky hubby. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Might there be pictures of the wedding?

Hey, woo! Couchie already answered your question about VWP and Hockeydonna - they are both definitely still fans! As to a picture of VWP's wedding - I don't know if she will want it online. If she sends me a pic, and gives me permission to post it, I'll share, but otherwise I won't. I'll share your warm wishes, and those of everyone else, next time I see her!

Hey, how about them Colorado Rockies!! They played the Padres, and were tied through a lot of the game, and finally won at the bottom of the 13th inning. It was the longest one-game tiebreaker in major league history. Now they have a spot in the playoffs!!

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I don't think I noticed quite how thin Clay was until the IT and then the NAT when he skeered me by almost disappearing sideways. I was much further away at the AI2 tour.

I thought he looked manly this tour, but perhaps our socialogical training makes different things appeal to us. In general, I don't like too much product in my hair, and that migrates over to not liking much in men's hair - so the AI2 hair - not my favorite, but the free flowing hair of the last few years is much more touchable looking. It does not always need to be neat. I really see him as a guy who does not spend his life looking into mirrors, so when he is out as Clay ambassador or Clay guy next door, he will take bad pictures. I guess I am not much into froo froo guys. I know some people think that as a performer he should take more pride in his appearance, but I like to think that he does not think of himself in that way.

Playbiller,I couldn't have said it better myself.

Some morphs for you! :lilredani:


I'd love to have this as my avi, can somebody take care of that for me? Cindilu, that's one that you did isn't it? Hint hint. He looks kindof like he's growing up before our eyes in that one, but he still looks really young.

I'm such a fan of Here, There and Everywhere. (I love ya, merrieeee, but I'm reading your mind)

I just melt whenever I listen to that AI clip. The range, OMG, the range. The tenderness and strength in his voice. I've frequently gone on HT&E jags. It's always heavenly.

I will be there

Here, there, and everywhere

YUP one of my most favorite AI2 performances...not very popular but always gets to me. I love that wavery falsetto...I think it makes that performance more effective to me cos he seems so vulnerable...

I'm with you guys on this one too, but I even loved Vincent

OMG, I'm almost jumping up and down in my chair, I sucessfully did a multiple quote. Yay me.

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I think he looks awful. Does it mean I think he IS awful? Of course not. Does it mean I love him any less than you or anyone else? No, of course not.

It just means that in those particular pictures I think he looks awful.

I don't think he looks awful. I think he looks like Clay attending a function as Clay Aiken the person, and not Clay Aiken the singing sensation. AMAs and DCAT ... he was appearing as a pop star. At the UNICEF function, he looks like a serious adult.

Now I prefer the bangs in his face look, or the Snowflake hair, or the DCAT hair ... but he still has the DCAT hair .. it's just styled conservatively. He looks happy and that's always my first criteria. I'm willing to bet he'll look hot for Christmas!!!

Great post, great way of thinking, keepingfaith. ITA.

I admit, I don't like reading out-and-out criticisms. My motto is, if I wouldn't say it to his (or anyone else's) face, I won't say it on a message board. But of course, that's only me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I know how to scroll (btw, thanks for the warning, Claygasm). But I got outta dodge lickety-split last night, because I could see where things were headed. I think I beat cindilu2 by about 3 posts. :cryingwlaughter: I had a good book I needed to finish reading....

This morning I found some posts that I really agree with:

Didn't he say in a meet and greet that he was going for the "Al is Well" look for the next tour. Thus the long bangs.

It makes me happy that he doesn't fuss over his appearance. I think he is just Clay, UNICEF ambassador.

I don't remember him saying that, but it would be cool if it were true!

I'm glad Clay doesn't make himself look like Mr. Hot Sexy Love Magnet when he's around the Bush women. He doesn't want those women all over him ... and you know that if they jumped his bones the Secret Service would blame him, and then those pesky tabloids .....


Clay is a cutie, even if not every picture makes him look like a rock god - I refuse to be shallow - ahem I am about THE VOX, not the Looxs! So there! (spoken like a true music snob, which I cannot possibly pass for)

Clay is a lot busier than most people, it is easy to forget - this is part of his volunteer job, just as so much else is part of his entertainer job. He is also off official time and does not seem to have someone fussing over him 24/7 - I like that he is a real guy - call me silly, it makes him less hollywood and more real.



Mine!! :flirtysmile3::biteme:

:wub: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm such a fan of Here, There and Everywhere. (I love ya, merrieeee, but I'm reading your mind)

I just melt whenever I listen to that AI clip. The range, OMG, the range. The tenderness and strength in his voice. I've frequently gone on HT&E jags. It's always heavenly.

I will be there

Here, there, and everywhere

Oooooh, me too, me too. I'd kill to hear him sing this in concert, one of these days. Maybe when he gets around to doing his Beatle medley. :)

Um, Orlando TWYMMF. It's really that simple. :cryingwlaughter:

OK, missy. Is this a serious recommendation? Should I post it to FCA Media? :cryingwlaughter: But you gotta tell me who shot the video! You have 3 choices, I think - floridabelle, spotlightlover or canfly172.

ETA: Ansa found and disabled flood control.

YAY! That thing has been driving me up the wall! :clap:

ETA this one - I think he looks great! His hair looks much lighter - I think the lighting is quite harsh in most of them.


Wheeeee! I love no edit counter!

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I admit, I don't like reading out-and-out criticisms. My motto is, if I wouldn't say it to his (or anyone else's) face, I won't say it on a message board. But of course, that's only me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I know how to scroll

Not only you - and I scroll quite a bit! But I do think every board needs diversity, not so much agreement.

Now, if things got as disgusting as the OFC, I would feel differently.

I love getting a glimpse of regular Clay, I love that he seems to feel so comfortable with this part of his life that he is not all primped and "on".

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YSRN asked

What does this mean, gran? Did they have the same script in the actual AI2 show? There's no way I could remember that?

Yes, I didn't watch the whole thing again - that would be cruel & unusual -- but most of the clips I listened to were the same. For example with the two girls with the same boyfriend, the original voice-over is, "Coming up the fur continues to fly with a good old-fashioned catfight." Same as Clay. and "So Kristen has the boyfriend, but does she have the talent?" Again it's the same.

There are differences in the beginning, but I'm not enough of a masochist to detail them all!

No I didn't remember them all. I downloaded the AI2 auditions and watched them again after getting a feeling that they were the same.

There's a process movies use to re-record dialog with the actor reading lines while watching a cut of the film to get the timing exactly right and have the mouth movements sync up and I suspect that's what they did with Clay. There's more leeway with a voice-over since there's nothing to sync to, but the pacing of the comments have to fit the video.

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Good Morning Everyone,

24 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

35 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

55 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

81 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

84 Days until The Christmas Show Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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But I got outta dodge lickety-split last night, because I could see where things were headed. I think I beat cindilu2 by about 3 posts. :cryingwlaughter: I had a good book I needed to finish reading....

But where did it go? To some snark for not even half a page and then on to the pretty. JMH brought out her whip and made everybody laugh. I saw a great post by Play regarding Clay being a guy. Another one by Scarlett about on stage vs these silly ..look Clay over here shots. Bottle bought the funny and then Stargazer dropped the pretty. Keepingfaith dropped some HTE lyrics on this dummy.Where it went is where most things go here - on to the next subject PDQ. Scrolling is fine. Scrolling can be good. Going to read a book is great too. I don't know what good annoucing your scroll does though. And if it ever got to the point where you scroll more than read or just scroll every day on a regular basis - and that has happened to me - then I can see some atmosphere that needs fixing. And if you're only angry and upet by posts once a week, let alone once a month, on a board that has a thousand personalities -- uh that's a good thing.

Well cool. Since I watched AI2 recently I knew the dialog was familiar. So in essences they didn't even have to shell out bucks for Clay. They could have just gone with what they had. But they chose to do this instead. Makes it even sweeter somehow. I do think Clay fits seemlessly

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