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DCAT 2007

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Frisco, July 4, 2007

  • Barefoot Clay
  • Angela and Clay did cool dance moves during Classics
  • Parodied Keith from AI2 Auditions doing Like a Virgin
  • Ended the show with God Bless The USA
Houston, July 6, 2007
  • Ceiling lowers - will smush them if they don't behave
  • Imitates Scarlett taking clack
  • Who bought A&Q's skirts - "My Sugar Daddy"
  • Who recognized Matlock - 4 yr old. Andy Griffith required watching in NC
  • Pee quick
  • Drawing of Clay
  • His Tacky Women w/ boas
  • Top 40 music moves him... at least his bowels were
  • Danced 1999 on his knees
  • Riveting "Yeah" GAH!
Tulsa, July 7, 2997

On airplane to Tulsa, woman attacked him while he was sleeping cause his toes were on her armrest. FBI called in.

  • Got beat up by a... Q finishes... mad, angry... yeah
  • Haunted bathroom, Q anointed with olive oil
  • Cussed in M&G
  • Pagay from balcony wanted to meet Clay... "consider us met"
  • Water bottle lady
  • Likes Tulsa, may stay awhile. May be in Federal Court!
  • Asks, are you married? Sure am. Where is he? Don't know. Married 35 years. Secret to a happy marriage - don't know, don't care.
  • Burped at beginning of These Open Arms
  • Told story of Baptist Church preacher's teeth popped out. He popped them back in without missing a beat.
  • Armpits more flooded than your state so won't take coat off.
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The FIRST time he noticed Scarlett filming from the front row, although no taking of cameras and slapping of heads was involved. *g* This is also the show where Clay asked Quiana where she got her skirt and she said "her sugar daddy."


The infamous "foot" incident, where Clay "got beat up by a girl."

Those two I know, because I was there.

And I THINK the Philadelphia show is the first appearance of the letter to Quiana about how fat Clay is, but I'm not positive on that.

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The FIRST time he noticed Scarlett filming from the front row, although no taking of cameras and slapping of heads was involved. *g* This is also the show where Clay asked Quiana where she got her skirt and she said "her sugar daddy."


The infamous "foot" incident, where Clay "got beat up by a girl."

Those two I know, because I was there.

And I THINK the Philadelphia show is the first appearance of the letter to Quiana about how fat Clay is, but I'm not positive on that.

The letter DID appear in Philadelphia and, I believe, that is the show that Clay announced that he had finally reached puberty and became a man. Then in Newark he complained that someone had contacted his mom to complain and he said if someone doesn't like something he's done or said to contact him DIRECTLY, not his mother, because she always believes the other person.

Also, he fell to his knees when jumping off the stage in Newark and had a difficult time getting back up onto the stage. He needed help from Jerome and Angela.

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The FIRST time he noticed Scarlett filming from the front row, although no taking of cameras and slapping of heads was involved. *g* This is also the show where Clay asked Quiana where she got her skirt and she said "her sugar daddy."


The infamous "foot" incident, where Clay "got beat up by a girl."

Those two I know, because I was there.

And I THINK the Philadelphia show is the first appearance of the letter to Quiana about how fat Clay is, but I'm not positive on that.

The letter DID appear in Philadelphia and, I believe, that is the show that Clay announced that he had finally reached puberty and became a man. Then in Newark he complained that someone had contacted his mom to complain and he said if someone doesn't like something he's done or said to contact him DIRECTLY, not his mother, because she always believes the other person.

Also, he fell to his knees when jumping off the stage in Newark and had a difficult time getting back up onto the stage. He needed help from Jerome and Angela.

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There were so many from pala. How about the Slow Songs Banter. That's where that whole thing started. Also, when he was giving Quiana a hard time about her playing the slot machines and losing 600 nickels in less than an hour. Also, teasing her when she said Picasso wrote the songs. That was too funny. I was there and I never laughed so hard. Someone already mentioned Flat Clay

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Angela thanked Maxine who takes care of Aubrey so she can tour with Clay

Angela pointed out her family members. Clay said she must have brought here whole church.

Clay remarked that a 10 yo could dance better than him (after Aubrey danced with Angela during TWYMMF)

Talked about how he is always asked about his favorite singers, then snuggled up with Angela; waved "Surprise!" to her family. Then Quiana remarked, "Guess Who's coming to Dinner"

After the AITF note discussion with Quiana, he said "<something> willing to take some of that alcohol and I don't even drink."

Damon was in the audience -- he was originally supposed to have Jesse's job back in the JNT04 but turned it down; and Clay bragged that "Jesse is still here" and said that Damon was a self-esteem booster.

Said that Jaymes asked/encouraged/nagged/forced him to write the LAA lyrics.

Both Clay and Angela threw their shoes at Quiana, who then said she was going to auction off Clay's shoe

Said thank you when someone gave him some water -- noted that the TBAF logo was trademarked and then was glad when the giver said that the project was approved. He then said that he couldn't drink any of it because someone may have put some laxative in it during the break, maybe some Ruben fan.

Said that he was going to be on smarter than a fifth grader. Asked Quiana what the capital of South Carolina was. She refused to answer. (meanwhile he showed us his socks). Then he said, "you know it's Columbia, right? I can't decide when you're playing dumb or being dumb." Quiana answered, "that's what you are everyday." She pointed out that his mom was in the audience and Clay said she doesn't mind if you beat me up. Said that Quiana is so classy on stage but backstage she throws things. She retorted, "that would be him. Tantrums!"

Added "off the meat rack" to the not-cool banter.

Told the men, "your wives will be happy when you get home." and then said that he got his dirty mouth from his mama.

Said he auditioned for "So You Think You Could Dance"... "Survivor?"

In Atlanta, Quiana was in the hotel while he camped out at night.

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TAMPA... Clay tells how he would like to have the Theme from West Wing for a Ring Tone on his phone...Like the President calling.

Tells Quiana she should have it on her phone and when he calls it would ring. She told him she already had the President on her Phone....she said she cant' tell him what it is...and then says "Cause I am singing on it with you" Clay Responds so cute.....with funny faces....."OK Girls, What ever you say" offers Quiana 1/2 a penny royalties....

DEMOS....THE BRADY BUNCH...With the Audience Singing the words. HILARIOUS!

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After the cardboard Clay banter and Artquest has told him she has to fold him to fit him in her car trunk...his face shows how hard he's trying NOT to comment on that and then as the music starts for the song, he looks over to Q and mouths "It's a fold"

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

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Thanks so much for sharing these with us. I don't have a lot of time to watch Clack so it really helps to know when certain things were said and what some of the funniest bits were.

I have a question for anyone who might help. I'm trying to find out what concert Clay said "Suckers" at. I think it was directed at the audience (or maybe just the men in the audience) and he said something like he bet they thought they were coming to here some kind of music and then ended up hearing something else and then said "Suckers". But I could be completely wrong too :lol:

I know I saw it in some banter somewhere, but now I can't remember where. I appreciate any help from anyone that knows. Thanks :)

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I am not sure that this is the time you are referring to, but I was just watching some clack from the Houston venue and Clay said "suckers" to the audience in between singing Without You and MOAM. He was asking how many people had snuck cameras into the venue, and said it was ok, just applaud. After they did he called security to go get them (jokingly) and then said "suckers!". :cryingwlaughter:

You can see & hear it best in this clip:


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