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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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Now THIS is what I'M talkin' 'bout for Clay! :hubbahubba:


The laces leave space between the sides of the fabric, allowing us to view trummy hair...and the treasure trail and...


of course, his stick legs would need to have some padding in the tights somewhere...

of course, no padding would be needed in the codpiece area of the tights...

of course.


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All you Vegas-bound lucky beyot---er, friends...y'all have fun out there and give Clay a big ole' wet kiss for me, 'kay? :large-smiley-003:

Heh...just saw my post above about those tights....and a little poetry came to me...

The laces leave space

And room for my face.


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Okay, we kind of got caught up in the cuteness and the hawtness (and apparently now, the tight-ness :hubbahubba: ) and the Xmas pin got, ummm, forgotten!

There isn't a lot of time for a formal poll, but if you could post your feedback here, as to a general preference, and if indeed you would be interested in ordering one, that would be great. We need a minimum of a hundred, so if you're lurking and think you might want one, be sure and post or at least pm, okay?

I can re-work the colour for the letter to some extent - but it will be some variation of red, green and gold. Also, for Canadians worried about receiving one prior to their concerts - it might be close, but perhaps we could ship to someone in the US who will be attending the same concerts.

Anywhoooo, here you go..


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I vote for "B" ...sorry just can't go with smutting at Christmas...yeah, I can be a prude at times.


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I like C too!!!


Because we ARE doing Clay in the Heartland!

He is always in the land of our hearts right??? (although I know several other posters have other places in mind...) :tongue09:

Here is the new & improved AYSTAFG page - Have you seen Dreamlearge's new montage??


There are also several youtube clips from the show.....

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The power of the Aiken!

This is pretty cool, from CH



This is cool:


What drives Google HotTrends


Sometimes I look at Google HotTrends and it's interesting to look at what is suddenly "hot" but what's often missing, despite Google's attempt to add that information, is why something is happening, why it's hot, and what's driving the HotTrend - for that, most of the time - human analysis is needed.

Or it could be what you know. Here's an example - last Thursday, November 1st, it so happened that the term "federalist papers" was #3 on Google HotTrends and it peaked at about 8:30 PM EST time (no location was given - sometimes, Google HotTrends gives us a location).

Looking at the search results and news citations actually did nothing to tell me why Federalist papers was peaking on November 1st around 8:30 PM. Not one listing in news articles (left), blog posts (right) or web results (bottom half of page) gave the actual reason.

The reason = Clay Aiken Was Great on “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” - turns out the question was asked to Clay Aiken while he was on the "Art you Smarter Than a 5th Grader" show and his fans and TV/Internet audience did a query on Google to find out about federalist papers since he had a lot of money riding on the answer - which I think he got correct (but I didn't watch the show).

Ok, here's my point - while Google tries to link in what the trigger, or cause of a traffic spike on a term is - it's often unsuccessful - that only understanding - only knowledge of a circumstance - often, can make the connection between a spike in demand for a term (or for anything) and the real cause of it.

Knowing the cause of traffic spikes can often tell you what they mean to you - that's why it's good to know - but it's also clear that much more work needs to be done to co-relate the demand for terms spurred by current events - and the result on Internet Searches - and the current technology, although not bad, is certainly not up to the task yet.

I would suggest using the Google Alert database to key into Google HotTrends along with TV/Cable/Radio plays, if possible - as I've noticed that much of what becomes a HotTrend in Google is driven from a media event - watching a local movie that's aired, or something that is in the movies, or a world event. Sometimes, linking the spikes with those events is easier - but in many cases, it's not - because there's a missing piece of information, like Clay Aiken's answer of the "federalist papers" question.

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Muski, you're a hoot!

I actually prefer pin B. They're all nice, but I like it that pin B has more red lettering.

Question: I'd like to do both a Clay and a family calendar for next year. Can anyone tell me from their experience, which are good sites and which might let me actually use my Clay pics for a calendar without copyright issues? (The Clay calendar is of course for my own use only)

Claygary, I use EZ Photo Calendar Creator for my calendars. It's easy to design your own calendar, and has a lot of options for cool graphics. You can either print it yourself, or send it in for printing. Here's a website where you can get the software, and order paper and binding if you want to print the calendar yourself:


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And I think this page needs a reminder of just how cute Clay is!


Not only is he CUTE!, but his shirt has actually been ironed for once! I love that CUTE man in a well-ironed shirt.

The laces leave space

And a place for my face.


Smut! Everywhere - always smut!


I pick Pin C

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And I think this page needs a reminder of just how cute Clay is!


Not only is he CUTE!, but his shirt has actually been ironed for once! I love that CUTE man in a well-ironed shirt.

A well-ironed shirt is nice...

but I think he's CUTE even when somewhat rumpled..... actually... he's especially CUTE! when slightly rumpled... as you might guess, I vote for C.

She grabs a handful of prints and says, 'as God is my witness, I will never stop saying that Clay is cute, cute, cute! (Tara's theme of "My Own True Love' swells in the background). :cryingwlaughter:
I'm feeling really ignorant here... "Tara's Theme" had lyrics?!!

FromClaygary, the quilt show was awesome! I stayed until they shooed people out the door. And the good thing was I spent so much time staring at the fantastic creations that I forgot to buy (much).

Has anyone heard from Play and Fear?

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Have been very busy lately but did watch AYSTAFG thought he was adorable and looked quite cute. The hair was not that bad. Went into work on Fri. and had very positive comments. Thought he was very smart and enjoyed him more than Regis. My friend who does not watch much TV, but I have given her MOAM and MCWL, watched it also. She e-mailed me and commented he was very intelligent and loved his personality.

I am looking forward to reports from Vegas. I have to get up early on Wednesday, so I will not be able to stay up for reports to come in. For once we in the midwest are at a disadvantage.

I like the "B" pin.

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Well...go ahead and hyperventilate with disbelief, but I vote for either A or B...however, could we get one of those CUTE little heart-shaped thingies in there somewhere like it is in the C one? :lilredani: I just think they're so CUTE and since the pin is for such a CUTE guy, it just seems really CUTE if we could get those CUTE hearts, you know?

Ah....ask me what I've done today...go ahead, ask!

Oh, all right, I'll tell you.

I got up at 8 something, went to breakfast with hubby, came home and read my book until I fell asleep on the sofa...slept for two hours! Woo hooo! Gonna mess around on the computer until it's time to check in online for my flight tomorrow, then I gotta wash clothes and pack...still have to work half day in the office tomorrow (I was in the freakin' office yesterday--Sat!---for eight hours. hrmphf!)...then I head for the conference hotel and begin!

The laces leave space

And a place for my face.

Where with expertise and grace....


to be continued.... :whistling-1:

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I like all the pins!

If I had to choose it would be A.

Or C.

But B ain't bad either.

Aren't you glad you asked? :lilredani:


I've spent the weekend cleaning up after my deciduous trees. I will spare you that rant, suffice it to say that I have a love/hate relationship with them and right now it's hatin' time.

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Well...go ahead and hyperventilate with disbelief, but I vote for either A or B...however, could we get one of those CUTE little heart-shaped thingies in there somewhere like it is in the C one? I just think they're so CUTE and since the pin is for such a CUTE guy, it just seems really CUTE if we could get those CUTE hearts, you know?

I vote for "B", and I agree with muski. I would love to incorporate the cute little hearts into "B"!

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Jamar1700- At least your trees have dropped their leaves. Our leaf pickup is this week at the curb for city residents. Our trees have not dropped. I guess we will just keep running over them with the lawnmower until the snow comes.

I have mixed feelings about snow fall. They are reporting we may see snow on Tues. this week. I am not looking forward to driving in it. I live about 50 minutes from work,and when it gets bad out the roads are horrible. I also have to start Ski Patrol as soon as it is cold enough for natural snow and man made snow on the hills. We have had recertification the past two weeks, with one more on Wednesday night. I also have to take Pediatric Advance Life Support class in two weeks and spent all day yesterday studying the material. Still have to view the cd and take the pretest.

With all that said, I am not wishing for snow to after Kalamazoo. It is about a two hour drive to get there and I would prefer dry roads. We are also returning that night unless the weather is really bad.

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