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Spam, Spam, Spam and Presents too!


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OK, it seems other boards are coming up with Spamalot opening night gifts for Clay.

At first I said "We don't need to be like all the other boards!"

Then I started thinking "How can we be the only ones who show up at the party without a gift?"

So I went to our fearless leader couchie who basically said it was up to me to do something about it.

Funny - she hasn't responded to any of me PMs since she told me that! :o

Anyway, this is what I am thinking.

IMO, this is the bestest board in all of Clayland and I want us to be represented that night.

If we do decide to do this, I don't want it to be something like a donation to the BAF or UNICEF. That is done over and over.

I want to give Clay something original and lasting to commemorate his very first Broadway opening night.

The question is, what.

I had an idea, but have no clue how to get it. In my mind's eye, I see a piece of artwork. I see a caricature of Clay, in knight's regalia, looming large above the Shubert Theater marquis with "Spamalot - Starring Clay Aiken" and the dates of his run on it, and the NY skyline in the background. And on Clay's outift could be a shield, like a coat of arms, with FCA on it!

Discreetly of course.

I can visualize it, but I cannot draw it.

And it doesn't have to be this, but I do think an original piece of art depicting this momentous event would be cool. It would be something like no other board is giving him. Something he could keep.

Even if it only ends up hanging in his bathroom.

The reason I thought of a caricature is that they are humorous pieces of art and "Spamalot" is a comedy and Clay has such a great sense of humor.

But, as I said, I can't draw it.

It would be most special if someone here is artistic and could draw it, but if not I suppose we could see if we could find a professional to draw it.

Or maybe someone talented could make a photoshopped caricature. Or a multi-media caricature - with both photographs and drawing.

Then it could be framed and I would personally deliver it to his dressing room on opening night and of course he would be so grateful he would slam that door shut and ravage me..... :hubbahubba:

Or we could just have Fedex deliver it.......

Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you think FCA should be in the gift giving mood? What do you think of this particular idea for a gift?

And like I said, this doesn't have to be it. Its just an idea.

And any and all ideas are welcomed.

And any and all feedback.

Ok couchie, will you start speaking to me again now?????

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:haha: Heee, CG, your idea makes me giggle! In a good way, cuz I really like it! But I'll only agree to go along with it and help to fund it if I get a pic that I can save on my laptop, so I can keep giggling. :imgtongue: I'm sure that would happen anyway, but I just had to let you know that I want to see and save said artwork.

That's my vote. I don't have any idea who would draw it or put it together, though.

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Im sorry hon. I worked all weekend and I'm coming down with some sort of fungi and I just went grocery shopping for thanksgiving and my computer was acting wonky and ... is that enough heee.

To be honest, Ansa, LdyJ and I were going to hold our breath and not say a thing about it. But I knew someone would ask about it. Not that I don't want to give Clay anything..it just seems impossible to think of something to give the man with everything. And I'm sorry but most of what I've heard seems ridiculous to give the man and I'm sure will end up in his garage somehwhere. Of course I've had to remind myself it's the thought behind the gift and it doesn't matter where it ends up. I don't mind donations cuz at least they go to a cause. But like I told CG, this has been a year of giving for Clay fans and I'm not sure wringing more out of us is possible especially around Xmas concerts and Christmas (the poor girl's perspective). I don't believe giving the biggest bestest means we love him the most. I'm not 100% sure of your idea CG to be honest but it is original and that's a good thing (see I see already that Gibby loves it and is giggling heee) and that's why this thread is created, for feedback and ideas.

You guys generously donated to me to keep FCA going and I can use some of that for whatever gift idea ya'll come up with. Also, when the admins were chatting about this we thought somewhere in the middle of the run on a Tuesday night when he's ready to change all the lines cuz he's bored stiff would be a nice time for a gift that says..keep on truckin' Clay. But then of course I can see why people would rather give on opening night.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. It's 2 months away. Hopefully the strike won't affect anything. Are tickets refundable?

I'm so proud of Clay and really looking forward to this gig. I feel like going to NYC right not to mediate this strike. GET IT TOGETHER PEOPLE>>CLAY IS COMING! And no that's not smut heee.

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Geez, couchie. I gave you a chance to tell me it was a stupid idea before I humiliated myself in public!

But nooooooooooooo! :cry4:


I actually kind of like the idea of giving him something halfway through the run. Now THAT would be original. What's the exact halfway point???

Oooooooo! If we did that and assuming he got good reviews and assuming some of the clack goddesses have managed to snap a few pictures, maybe we could make some kind of cool collage!

With a truck riding down Broadway that says "Keep on Truckin'"

(Man, my little brain is coming up with some doozies! :cryingwlaughter: )

Waiting would also give us more time......

And make it further away from Christmas.....

That is definitely something to consider.

If we do do something, I just really want it to be something humorous and something he would like to keep.

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Geez, couchie. I gave you a chance to tell me it was a stupid idea before I humiliated myself in public!

But nooooooooooooo! :cry4:


LOL..it is not stupid. I'm way low on the curve when it comes to Clay gift giving. I'll be over here in a corner.

As for his birthday..my Fifth grader pledge is $90 so I'll mail in an extra ten... and fortunately my payday falls on his birthday so I can get it in this month.

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I'm all for waiting until halfway through his run. Between Las Vegas and buying Spamalot tickets and Christmas for the kids and figuring out how I am going to afford to sleep anywhere but in the car for my 3 Christmas concert, not to mention my book donations for Kalamazoo, I don't have 2 cents to rub together. Plus, all the other boards are doing opening night, and I just don't feel like it's a competition to show who loves him the most. And by halfway through, like someone upthread said (sorry it's early and I am not yet fully awake enough to know who) he will probably need a bit of a boost by March. Coincidentally, I will be there March 12th. :cryingwlaughter: But I digress....

CG, your idea is cute. The only part I am not sure about is the "starring Clay Aiken" because....well.....it's starring everyone in the main roles. Not just him. But a caricature of Clay as Sir Robin with the Shubert Theatre or NYC in the background is cute. I can't help with the drawing since I can only draw stick people. But by March I could kick in a few bucks to help. I also wouldn't have a problem with doing a donation to BAF or Unicef or Broadway Cares or any other charity instead. I think Clay appreciates donations that will help others.

couchie asked if tickets were refundable in the event of a Broadway strike continuing. I read that as long as they are purchased through legitimate means (the official website, or wherever it links you off to) you are safe. It's if you buy on the street that is the problem. And I have to admit I have been following this strike like a hawk. It's giving me a really uneasy feeling. I was bummed to see that they didn't settle anything this past weekend. Doesn't bode well - missing all the Thanksgiving week profits. Yikes, I am not usually a pessimist, so I will try to put my rose coloured glasses back on and stop worrying about it. They WILL settle it. They HAVE to. Clay MUST be Sir Robin. That's all there is to it. :)

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I like the mid-way idea too. I think a lot of stuff will get lost in the shuffle early on but later on it would be a nice gesture. There are always people somewhere who will a draw a caricature, for a living. We used one one year at one of our events. He was very popular.

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I just got an email from a pin maker that does caricatures and is willing to help. I asked her to post in this topic to give a link to her work...but I remember her designs and they are cute. She is excited about your proposed design CG.

I do like the idea of giving Clay something as long as its fun and I think this is fun.

I also have another idea that can be added to this...that would involve our photoshoppers and our animation queen Cindi...I will propose it later on cos i have to get ready to take my drivers learners permit test...yikes.

anyway...I would love it if lots of people can be involved...

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First of all, I think the "mid-run" idea is great *coughconsideringIthoughtofitcough*. And CG, the idea of getting a caricature is actually quite brilliant, IMO. I'm like couchie in that I believe so many of his gifts end up elsewhere (remembering also that it IS the thought that counts), but something like this, nicely framed.... If it doesn't work out, I also like your idea of a clack montage from the show too.

Damn it, I wish we all could go to one show and present it to him. Not for the famewhore moment, but because I'd like for him to take us all into his dressing room and ravish us one by one. *g*

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First of all, I think the "mid-run" idea is great *coughconsideringIthoughtofitcough*. And CG, the idea of getting a caricature is actually quite brilliant, IMO. I'm like couchie in that I believe so many of his gifts end up elsewhere (remembering also that it IS the thought that counts), but something like this, nicely framed.... If it doesn't work out, I also like your idea of a clack montage from the show too.

Damn it, I wish we all could go to one show and present it to him. Not for the famewhore moment, but because I'd like for him to take us all into his dressing room and ravish us one by one. *g*

Except everyone would fight over who got the first ravishing and that wouldn't end up well.

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First of all, I think the "mid-run" idea is great *coughconsideringIthoughtofitcough*. And CG, the idea of getting a caricature is actually quite brilliant, IMO. I'm like couchie in that I believe so many of his gifts end up elsewhere (remembering also that it IS the thought that counts), but something like this, nicely framed.... If it doesn't work out, I also like your idea of a clack montage from the show too.

Damn it, I wish we all could go to one show and present it to him. Not for the famewhore moment, but because I'd like for him to take us all into his dressing room and ravish us one by one. *g*

Except everyone would fight over who got the first ravishing and that wouldn't end up well.

But it might be fun anyway!

And Clay is young. I bet he has plenty of stamina!

Ok, let's aim for somewhere mid-run instead of opening night. Brilliant idea ldyj!!

The only reason I thought of putting the "Starring Clay Aiken" part on the marquis was to commemorate the dates he was in it. I suppose we could put "featuring Clay Aiken" or something like that.

Mid-run means we have more time to formulate the idea. I wish we could all be there to present it to him in person, but I have a feeling that wouldn't be allowed......

Keep the ideas coming!

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I Love the idea Claygasm. If I may, I'd like to expand on your idea with a suggestion. The first person that came to my mind, when thinking of someone to do the drawing, was Greg Evans. I think that is the name of the Cartoonist who did Clay's LuAnn cartoons. Someone could contact him and ask if he would do the artwork. Or, maybe even put together a cartoon skit about Spamalot. I think Clay would definitely keep this gift. Greg is an established famous cartoonist. Plus he has a history with Clay. We could explain to him that this is a gift for Clay from our board and perhaps he might not charge us an arm and a leg. Perhaps someone from BAF knows how to contact him? Anyway, just some thoughts rambling around in my mind. Hobby Lobby does great frame work for very reasonable prices.

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I Love the idea Claygasm. If I may, I'd like to expand on your idea with a suggestion. The first person that came to my mind, when thinking of someone to do the drawing, was Greg Evans. I think that is the name of the Cartoonist who did Clay's LuAnn cartoons. Someone could contact him and ask if he would do the artwork. Or, maybe even put together a cartoon skit about Spamalot. I think Clay would definitely keep this gift. Greg is an established famous cartoonist. Plus he has a history with Clay. We could explain to him that this is a gift for Clay from our board and perhaps he might not charge us an arm and a leg. Perhaps someone from BAF knows how to contact him? Anyway, just some thoughts rambling around in my mind. Hobby Lobby does great frame work for very reasonable prices.

Well how cool would that be! Especially if he would do a whole comic strip just about Clay in Spamalot!

No idea how to contact him or if he would do it or if he would charge mucho bucks, but its worth looking into!

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I love the mid-run idea and I love the characature. Not sure the Greg Evans thing is doable and the pin lady artist sounds more affordable. I had mine done at a party once and it was cool! We could send her pictures our clack goddesses manage to take the first couple of weeks and it would be very cool.

Maybe she could make photocopies of the drawing before it is framed and all those who contributed could get a copy of their own.

Cool, evolving idea, CG/ldyj!!!

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I really love the caricature idea at midway of the show...

I was thinking...that our photoshoppers can also submit their own photo montage or homage to Clay on spamalot and we can put it in one of those internet frames and so it will be like an album of wall papers. We can have the first frame as the caricature (of course we also give him the original) then the other wallpapers can be like an animation or slide. I think one of those frames is like 100 bucks.

I just like the idea of our talented members getting a chance to participate.

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The only thing with these frames - can you see Clay putting out a digital frame with nothing but pictures of him? He might give it to his mother, but I can't imagine him putting that in his living room.

(I wouldn't mind one filled with Clay though.....)

I had a PM from a wonderful member of this board who has very generously offered to her talent at the caricature type thing. If we decide to go in that direction, how cool would it be if the work of art came from one of our own!

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I just got an email from a pin maker that does caricatures and is willing to help. I asked her to post in this topic to give a link to her work...but I remember her designs and they are cute. She is excited about your proposed design CG.

I do like the idea of giving Clay something as long as its fun and I think this is fun.

I also have another idea that can be added to this...that would involve our photoshoppers and our animation queen Cindi...I will propose it later on cos i have to get ready to take my drivers learners permit test...yikes.

anyway...I would love it if lots of people can be involved...

The only thing with these frames - can you see Clay putting out a digital frame with nothing but pictures of him? He might give it to his mother, but I can't imagine him putting that in his living room.

(I wouldn't mind one filled with Clay though.....)

I had a PM from a wonderful member of this board who has very generously offered to her talent at the caricature type thing. If we decide to go in that direction, how cool would it be if the work of art came from one of our own!

Sorry! I should of read the thread instead of just the 1st post by Claygasm. I barely have time to skim the boards, right now. Hubby is requiring a lot of my attention. Home recouping from surgery and he is underneath my feet constantly. He seems to love the new "nurse" I have had to become. My free time, to myself, has been almost non existant. Anyway, enough of that. Nobody wants to hear about my personal woes. This is a Clay Aiken board. Hee!

I didn't realize someone, or several someone's, had volunteered to do the caricature. I think we have many talented artists in the fandom. Perhaps we could have a contest where they could submit their drawings and we could vote for the best one. Or use them all to make a collage. If it is coming from fans, then I would expect them to do it for free. Framing would be the only cost involved that way. That would be doable, wouldn't it? I like the digital photo idea, but I agree with Claygasm. I don't think Clay would set that out on his end table for people to see.

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Ok, I obviously have too much time on my hands. I counted how many shows Clay will do. Assuming I counted correctly (no shows on Mondays and 2 shows Saturdays and Sundays) and assuming the stagehand strike is settled, Clay will do 125 shows. That means the halfway point is show #62.5! Well, forgetting the .5 show, the 62nd show is on March 14th. So maybe we could aim for that date to be gift day.

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