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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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OK....I think they are all asleep.....finally. :cryingwlaughter:

From Hometown Connection to Movie Star in Merrillville

We left home at 7:00 am, hit Mickey Dee's for sustenance, and headed out. Small delay at the border, about 35 minutes, but no trouble, thankfully. Lunch at a Denny's along the way, clear roads, no precipitation, and arrived in Merrillville by 2 pm (3 pm our time). Touched base with some friends via cell phone, and headed to the Burlington Coat Factory to kill some time before dinner. I found the cutest little 'pug' purse and bought it as a surprise for my daughter, crimsonice, who decided to bring it to dinner. Hee, it even had it's own chair for a while. We dined across the street at Lonestar, because the old Smokey Bones that we loved so much was no longer. It was pretty quickly apparent that we'd made a good choice, because the waitress was a hoot, and she even played Invisible for us! There were nine of us in all - me, crimsonice, disneykid, cindilu2, a couple of her friends from the CB (sorry, the board names are not coming to me right now!), FromClaygary, aikim & momof3boys. The food & drink was great, and so was the company and conversation. The staff was wonderful and got a big tip. 'Nuff said.

Headed to the venue and hung out behind closed doors for a few minutes, watching Mary, Faye and Jerome walk back and forth across the lobby. We saw them cart a shipment of Clay merchandise across right before they let us in, and I spent the next half an hour in line to buy a few things, while they got set up. Only the tarragon scarves, posters and red hats left. (PS merrieeee, PM me your addy!)

Our seats were off centre, 23rd row if you include the 7 row pit. Very nice view of the stage....a bit too far back to see facial expressions (mainly because my eyesight sucks) but the binoculars made up for that, and most importantly - I COULD SEE THE FEET. :) Tons of men, NJU and families that I could see. The fringes of the main orchestra section had empty seats (i.e. back few rows and seats along the outer walls) but for the most part it was pretty full. The first section of balcony also appeared pretty populated. I don't think the Star Plaza was complaining about sales. ;)

The first half of the concert went by in a blur. He had bangs and was, of course, v.v. blonde. The Jazzy medley was spectacular, and he really made a show of pausing before launching into "I said a walking" hee. Very growly. The first story was cute, but it was the second one that made me cry (I think, hee it's all a bit of a blur already). It was about a child who had cancer, and asked for a puppy for Christmas, even though what he really wanted was to get better. And then when he got the puppy, he gave it to his brother, because it was really his brother who had always wanted a puppy, but wouldn't have had the nerve to ask for one. It was so sad, but the joy that puppy brought to the family after the child passed away was the real message. Angela's song came next, and it was gorgeous. I just love that Clay chose it for her, it is quite different than what she has sang in the past, and I think it suits her perfectly. And then of course WTOW, which I love so much, it just feels so heartfelt.

When Clay came out for the second half, the bangs were mostly gone, and the hair was more swept back. I had two distinct thoughts - "OMG he looks like Hometown Connection Clay" (to which my mind went EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!) and "OMG he looks like a freaking movie star, he just glows". From Hometown Connection Clay to movie star all in the blink of an eye, it was quite amazing to me. And of course the voice was just stellar, there was one song that just had me gasping....I think it was HYAMLC but I could be wrong, because really, the Aiken fog had taken over by that point. There was a story that I had heard before, and I got the impression that maybe the reader was not the author, but the second story was great, I remember being teary again by the end. And then Clay started MGUCL, and cindilu2 put her phone up to cellcert a friend, and all of a sudden I heard Quiana harmonizing with him and I took the binoculars down to see what was going on, and then Angie started to sing, and I was soooooo surprised and in shock. It was the same feeling that I had when he and Quiana started to sing Angie's song in Sterling Heights in the summer, I felt like "wow, we are getting a gift tonight!". I was on the edge of my seat, and then he seemed all emotional and maybe even a little bit teary, when he started to talk, and introduce everyone. I loved the warm applause for Jamie, Mary & especially Jerome. I think some of the NJU's in the audience were probably wondering WTF was going on, but hey, it was a last show.

I loved that he told us all about Mexico, and why he was going there. And then they shone the spotlight on Faye & Brett, and we all stood and gave Brett a standing ovation, and Clay was just beaming up there, he just looked so happy. And then he cracked the joke about "hey, eyes up here, it's still my show" and we all laughed. When he started down off his platform during DSIAFCD I started to squeeeeeee, and then he headed Angie's way. He was walking so carefully, watching where he was putting his feet, I don't think he wanted to trip. It was sooo awesome that he did that, it was just such an electric atmosphere in the place during that whole segment of the show. I remember getting so hot that my glasses started steaming up, hee, I was just so excited. Did he mess up the words or just purposefully change them? I need to back to the clack and check, but I know cindilu2 & I looked at each other at one point and went "what was that?" Then he did his little "I'm Clay Aiken, good night" and salute and he was gone, and we were cheering, hoping he'd come back for AIW, and he did, running his hands through his hair. GAH. And it was power and perfection, and they did the light show at the end, and I just felt this pang run through my body because he was gone, and it was the last show, but I held the tears in check because I know that soon enough we'll be getting all sorts of great reports about Spamalot and I'll be seeing it for myself in March.

Hee this is probably the worst recap I've ever written, full of run on, unintelligible sentences, but I'm tired from the two 7 hours drives, and still on a concert high. I haven't had time to watch much clack but I am so, so, so looking forward to being able to relive the whole experience again. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to the clackgatherers.

After the concert, we headed over to Uno's, where couchie had made a reservation for us all. In comparison to the staff at Lonestar, the waiter was a dud, but the food was good and we were soon joined by couch tomato, ldyjocelyn, FromClaygary, aikim & momof3boys. It was great to be able to sit and chat and relive the excitement of the evening. We headed off to our hotel when they pretty much kicked us out at midnight (and did I mention they weren't the friendliest bunch of waitstaff I'd ever experienced?) Sometime in the night, the rain turned to snow and the wind picked up to a fever pitch. I woke up a couple of times thinking that I heard snow plows, but that was just the wind making some weird scraping sound on the windows, I guess. Because there was no accumulation of snow whatsoever when we left at 9:30 am this morning, but it was blowing around pretty good. Now I know why they call it the windy city!

The drive home was uneventful. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch, and there was blowing snow, but nothing that stuck. We listened to ATDW and then to the full soundtrack version of Spamalot, and laughed our asses off imagining Clay singing some of those songs. I can't believe it's less than a month until he's going to be on Broadway. I can't wait. We have so much to look forward to in the coming months and years, and so many memories to cherish and relive through the wonders of clack. Angst be damned, I'm just gonna enjoy him.

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I remember Clay saying in an interview that he listened to Josh Groban while he was on his way to Atlanta to try out for AI. Josh Groban had a head start. All we need to do is have patience. Clay is multifaceted and multi-talented. I like Josh Groban, but he is pretty narrow in what he does. Clay doesn't have to sell more CDs than JG and this doesn't need to be a competition. The prize in a long-distance race goes to the one that makes it across the finish line at the end. The jockeying for position that goes on during the race is really of no importance.

I can wait.

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(((Claygasm))) Hang in there!

Here's how I see it:

Because like it or not, Clay is NOT as big as Josh Groban.


He is NOT as popular.


He is NOT as well thought of.


He does NOT have the size following.


He does NOT get the radio play.


Call me delusional...call me overly optimistic...but I believe Clay Aiken's star is still rising. To me, wondering why Clay does not YET have these things feels a little bit like wondering where the sun goes at night. It may seem dark to me when the sun is shining somewhere on the other side of the world...but the earth continues to turn, bringing it back into view, blazing in all its glory. Clay does not YET have all the things I believe he deserves as the star I feel him to be...but the earth continues to turn, he continues to work, and grow, and love, and sing.

Ah, CG...and now I see you've added the word YET to your latest post. Great minds and all that!

Yes, YET. I think the word YET is just full of possibilities. :)

I can live with that word. For now. Just for now. Heh

And yeah, I think Josh Groban is an acquired taste, both in voice and appearance...and I didn't care for him BEFORE I ever heard of Clay Aiken, so it's not prejudice.

Ah! wandacleo, I should have just waited...for your post! Word!

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Just made it home. Went straight from the plane to the hospital. My family kept it from me that my mom has been in the hospital since last Wednesday since they wanted me to enjoy my trip. She'll have an angiogram tomorrow. She's in good spirits and hopefully everything goes well.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone. Going to bed.

I haven't caught up but just read the last page but I have no doubt Clay will have a long and varied career. I don't need things to happen now. It's a journey and I'll be there for every bend in the road. There are lots of good things happening for him now. That's enough for me right now. Doesn't take much for a momentum switch. And I know he'll always put in the hard work to make things happen.

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Oh, couchie...give your sweet mama a hug for me and tell her I'm sending warm, positive energy her way. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And it was power and perfection
luckiest, I FLOVE this! So true...so glad you were able to make that last magical show.


I believe Clay Aiken's star is still rising
Well....after watching video of Merrillville AIW, all I can say is....

"Star?", huh? Is THAT what we're calling it these days? :whistling-1:


God, I crack myself up sometimes! :imgtongue::cryingwlaughter:

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Just made it home. Went straight from the plane to the hospital. My family kept it from me that my mom has been in the hospital since last Wednesday since they wanted me to enjoy my trip. She'll have an angiogram tomorrow. She's in good spirits and hopefully everything goes well.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone. Going to bed.

I haven't caught up but just read the last page but I have no doubt Clay will have a long and varied career. I don't need things to happen now. It's a journey and I'll be there for every bend in the road. There are lots of good things happening for him now. That's enough for me right now. Doesn't take much for a momentum switch. And I know he'll always put in the hard work to make things happen.

OH NO!!! :elephanthugs::hugs-1::giveflowers::hangin: to couchie

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Hugs to my CG and couchie. Glad you made it home safely. I hope your mom will be ok!!

I had an awesome day...and I have about 100 biscotti, a full tummy, a sunset, a full moon, the ocean, a beautiful day at the beach, and a few empty muscato di asti bottles to show for it.

Not bad for a random Sunday in December.


'twas fun to read all the recaps and reports from everyone returning from their Clay adventures! I'm going to be immersing myself in Clack come Wednesday, thanks to the generosity of fans all over. 16.gif I might even have time to finish my lame hair collage! LOL!

If I don't have another chance, I wish all of you celebrating Christmas a happy day.


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Oh god, the clack, the clack........the clack is killing me this morning. I am a grinning fool, my face hurts from smiling. I can't believe no one caught the hands through the hair on his way up the stairs for AIW (yet, I have faith, hee). I am totally addicted to the Jazzy medley. I think I am going to strap my mom down in this computer chair, put headphones on her ears and make her watch it when she wakes up.

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Good Morning All,

Have a busy day of baking and cooking and getting things ready for tomorrow. A Very Merry Christmas to all!

1 Day until The Skating Special Airs!

14 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

25 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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:hugs-1: for couchie and her mom. I was going to ask if it's serious, but then I realized that if she's been in the hospital since Wednesday, it probably is, since hospitals tend to kick you out after a day or so these days. I'll be sending prayers today for a good outcome of her angiogram. Check in and let us know how thing went when you can.

That was so sweet of your family to want you to enjoy your trip.


Today I have nothing too pressing to do. I've given up on decorating the house for Christmas. At least the tree is up. I'll wrap presents and listen to Christmas music and make fudge this afternoon, then the immediate family will have dinner and open presents tonight.....a change of tradition for us, but with the changes in life come changes in everything else, too.

There's a present under my tree that says, "To Teri from Clay Aiken". Aren't y'all jellus?

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Clay has never looked better. That last night , the DLs were to die for. Mary and Jamie looked so attractive and now onward and upward . Mexico, I hope we can reach our goal and God bless them for doing that. Onward and upward to Broadway. Yay us. I'm praying like a monk that he gets great opening night reviews. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday. I wish you hope and healing for any RL situations. I also wish you love. After all, we're all alike and those are the things that will stand in the long run. I wish Clay some peace in the New Year. I wish for him a kick butt album and I wish a fellowship within ClayNation like never before. Actually, I wish us all peace and love.

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I might even have time to finish my lame hair collage!

See, now this ^^^^ is where the written word can get confusing.

Is that a lame (pause) hair collage or a lame hair (pause) collage? *g*

Not that I wouldn't be interested in seeing either. Hee.


Aren't y'all jellus?

Yes. I'm thinking GPS. :fest06:


{{{couchie & couchiemom }}}

Wish I could be there to give them personally.



I don't know what to say. I wish I did.

Personally I'm at a point in my life where I just let the holiday season sort of wash over me. I know it's there but I don't pay much mind to it. In the end ... it's a day, like any other day. In my mind, how I spend it makes no more difference than how I spend next Tuesday, or the 4th Friday in June.

I love that my kids are cool with our minimalistic holiday's. They see the "Cecil B. DeMille" productions my XMIL puts on every year (and the resulting stress) and it leaves them cold. We just spend the day together the way we want to. We don't get many of them anymore and it's important for us to enjoy the time we have. And sometimes the time we have is the 4th Friday in June. So that's my advice. Grab it where you can. DSIAFCD.

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Someone refresh my memory, please. What early show is showing the skater, dancing to one of Clay's songs, tomorrow morning, and what time is the skating special on? Thanks in advance.

{{hugs}} to Couchie's mom. I'm so glad that the FCA'ers had a great time at this concert and everyone made it home safely. In case I don't get on anytime later today, I just want to say.........


M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S E V E R Y O N E!!!






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Couchie, I'm so sorry about your Mom! I'm sending positive energy and prayers her way. (((((Couchie's Mom)))))) It was very thoughtful of your family to let you enjoy your Clay trip and not worry you about your Mom.

**HUGS** for CG. I know that you're not the only one having a difficult time with the holidays, although that probably doesn't help you much. I wish I lived closer to you, and could bring you a goody bag of clack and food to cheer you up a bit!

I have a few presents to wrap today, a little baking, and one last Christmas service to play for late tonight. So the day won't be too stressful. My immediate family will open presents this evening, which will be fun. I love seeing how people react to presents when they don't know what they're getting! Especially when it's something they really want. Then we will pile in the van tomorrow morning to head off to my Mom's house about 60 miles away. There will be eleven of us there to celebrate Christmas with a traditional Christmas ham dinner and more present exchanges. That will be fun, too!

I already received a couple of absolutely wonderful presents this Christmas season, though. I was able to attend two fantastic Clay concerts! And all of the clack from this concert series is a wonderful gift, as well.

Merry Christmas, FCA!!



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So I guess the 12 users logged in here don't know when Clay is going to appear either............ :cryingwlaughter:

Thanks for your help, but I found out when the skating special is on, from FCA main page. There was still supposed to be an early morning show on with Todd Eldrige appearing skating to one of Clay's songs. I guess I'll find somewhere.

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Couch, I'm sending prayers your way for your mom. She will be fine, I just know it!

Holiday greetings to all the lovely folks here! We went to see The Nutcracker last nite to enjoy that holiday spirit. Sadly, American Ballet Theater ain't what it used to be! There was one part where the land of flowers turned pornographic to this dirty mind. The flowers were all slowly inflated to mimic time lapse photography- I swear, they all looked like genitalia. :cryingwlaughter:

Maybe I was thinking of Mr. Happy on his last rendition of All is Swell, I mean Well!

Hugs to all!

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Someone refresh my memory, please. What early show is showing the skater, dancing to one of Clay's songs, tomorrow morning, and what time is the skating special on? Thanks in advance.

The Today Show has Todd Eldridge skating to All Is Well (?) -- and the Holiday on Ice special is on from 3:00 - 5:00 on NBC.

I snagged some of those cute Christmas graphics from you. Love' em.

Heading over to the family Christmas celebration this afternoon and won't be home until Wednesday -- but I'll be online and will definitely be around to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over Holiday on Ice. I'm looking forward to seeing Clay on TV more than to opening my Christmas presents from Aunt Frankie, which are always doozies!

I talked to my son this morning, who will not be home for Christmas, but he did get to meet and spend time with the USO troup Friday night and Saturday morning -- including Robin Williams, Lance Armstrong, Kid Rock, Lewis Black and Miss USA. He said Robin Williams is funnier off stage than on, and who he really, really, really liked was Lewis Black. After the performance my kid took them to a bar in the little town where he lives off base (he was doing personal security that night for the CJCS), and I'm sure he got to know Lewis Black the best since they are both smokers and had to spend time outside -- but my son said LB had the most screamingly ascerbic wit (as I already knew from being a Daily Show watcher of several years). Anyway, it made for a fun and memorable Christmas experience for him this year. What I am most thankful for this year is finding out that he's coming back to the States in 2008. Georgia here I come!

Regarding the Josh Groban discussion. I like his voice and listen to a song here and a song there -- but would not willingly listen to a whole album of Josh Groban at one sitting. He sings with detachment, and that je ne sais quoi is not there. Or, as the French say, he doesn't have that I don't know what. Pure voice with lots of texture and tone -- but verve and excitement is missing. A friend who saw him in concert last spring said she was bored before it was over. Could you imagine looking at your watch at a Clay Aiken concert? Nevertheless, I think both Josh and Clay will be big stars for the rest of their lives. Ultimately, artist competitions are silly. I didn't understand people arguing over Chopin or Liszt -- Beethoven or Haydn. Nobody ever needed to choose. Great music will ever be heard.

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Christmas Day, December 25 at 3 p.m. in all time zones NBC Sports presents the Capital One Holiday Celebration on Ice from The Orleans in Las Vegas, Nev. with music provided by Clay Aiken. Olympic silver medalist Sasha Cohen along with World Champion Todd Eldredge headline this holiday special. The impressive cast of skaters also includes 1994 World champion Yuka Sato, two-time U.S. Pro Am Champion and World Professional bronze medalist Caryn Kadavy and eight-time British Champion Steven Cousins. Brian Boitano and Tracy Wilson provide commentary.

Todd Eldridge will also be on The Today Show skating to Clay's "All Is Well" in the morning.

Have a good day everyone.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: keepingfaith. Thank you. I hope your son comes home soon. I love Robin Williams. He is a genius. Not familiar with Lewis Black. Have a great Christmas................Off to find something constructive to do now. Hee....I've already done Christmas so now I am working on taking it back down and putting away. Stick a fork in me, cause I'm done with Christmas. Now I'm waiting for Clay tomorrow.

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Have a good day everyone.

I'll have a good evening -- when we break out the delicious food, sweets, martinis and eggnog. (Personally, I save up my sugar content for Christmas Eve B-52's) -- over the ubiquitous It's a Wonderful Life on TV, and my youngest playing Christmas carols on the Les Paul.

But before that -- from now til then -- pure insanity -- not enough time -- OMG!



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