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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


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56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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I used to get flack about Clay from my new office mate, a very trendy, tattooed, contemporary art history person. Not directly, mind you, but she would make comments to others that I happened to overhear.

Then I showed her one of the 11 ways I know how to kill someone with my bare hands. (Seriously. She asked.) Now I get LOTS of respect. :whistling-1:

I'm interested in knowing the 11 ways. Not that I want to kill my boss or anything.

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but I started teaching her to call him Clay...cos daddy was getting a bit embarrassing... :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

You know, in some quarters, that might get you a car... :whistling-1:

Geez Louise, you guys have a lot to say tonight. I'm off to watch the second part of "Jane Eyre" on PBS, and by the time I get back, y'all be halfway through a new thread!


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. I still find myself trash talking on Britney for instance...

I can't do it anymore - Once It was apparent that Britney was disturbed, i just couldn't make fun of her. In general, i don't believe tabloid crap, but you have to believe a lot of what is happening to Britney. I thinkthe other day when Iheard that Britney dropped out of schol at 9th grade, I decided I will willingly snark on her parents. They actually deserve morethan that, but it is not in my power.

The one person I do make fun of is Paris Hilton, not her sister though. Paris has made some of the worst choices which ins not so funny, but her work for charity rubbed me so the wrong way - Fork up rich girl, you haven't done anything yet.

I also have a drawer full of VHS tapes--they are so bulky. Now that I have a DVD player, I'm able to get clack on DVDs--much better!!

I guess I should splurge for a DVD palyer. I was lookingto buy a recorder, but there are far too many choices. Rigth now I have a great VCR, so maybe I will still use it and continue to collect my tons of tapes and have both connected to the TV. Yes, the HDTV tube television Ibouight a few years ago because it is my aim to be burlar proof by buying undesirable electronics and hiding the food stuff.

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I have actually played Clay at work...MCWL and AIW and people have stopped to ask who it is...I tell them and they move on...no snide comments.

My feeling has always been, we don't like it when Clay is made fun of, criticized, etc., so why do it to other artists? Always have felt there was a bit of hypocrisy in the fandom in that regard.


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it is my aim to be burlar proof by buying undesirable electronics

Bwah! :cryingwlaughter:

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I used to get flack about Clay from my new office mate, a very trendy, tattooed, contemporary art history person. Not directly, mind you, but she would make comments to others that I happened to overhear.

Then I showed her one of the 11 ways I know how to kill someone with my bare hands. (Seriously. She asked.) Now I get LOTS of respect. :whistling-1:

I'm interested in knowing the 11 ways. Not that I want to kill my boss or anything.

but I started teaching her to call him Clay...cos daddy was getting a bit embarrassing... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

You know, in some quarters, that might get you a car... :whistling-1:

:cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: to both of you. You know if you don't like schmoopie, skip ahead. But I really love you guys. And I thank Ansa every day that I let her talk me into this board. I thought she was freakin' nuts although I think I told her that rather politely. It's just such a pleasure to read here every day. Now, carry on. hee

OK I don't think I've ever stayed home from work just to watch Clay. I must be sane :Boss:

Well I'm not into celebrity gossip. I don't watch the entertainment shows... never did before Clay and had my total fill of them during Clay especially with The Bennifer on the loose. I don't much believe anything I read about celebrities any more. But I do have one guilty pleasure and that's reading the TWoP Constantine thread. In my heart I know it's really mean spirited but I'll need an intervention to stop. I stopped watching idol mid season 4 but every other one I wish well and hope they succeed. Hell I won't be surprised if Constantine pulls himself up by his bootstraps and makes it either. The only celeb I know anything about of depth is Clay. I'm a sports ho and a Denzel fan and I know nothing about them. I just don't care..just like their talent. Don't know why Clay is different. But with regards to Clay I just care about him.. can't tell you much about his friends and family and who did what when. Just don't care.

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I've never stayed home from work because Clay was on tv...I have stayed up a couple of times waaaaaay too late to see him on Leno or Kimmel but not very often. Girl needs her beauty sleep... :cryingwlaughter:

I don't talk about Britney much...I think she is very ill and needs help....she has enough money to get it but hasn't yet figured out she needs it.

I actually don't talk about any celebrity much...even Clay. I don't really see the need. I guess that's why it's always amazing when someone tries to foist their opinion of Clay on me. Didn't ask for it, don't need it.

Here's a story that still has me picking my jaw up off the floor. A friend's husband was chatting with me at a Christmas party. He was talking about how much he enjoyed Josh Groban's Christmas album...I told him I thought he had a good voice, yada, yada....to which he replied: "God, I hope I don't find out he's gay!"

I kid you not. Now, my first question is WTF does that have to do with his ability to sing? I still shake my head in wonder....

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I have never stayed home from work to watch Clay. Not that I was not tempted. I remember when he was on the View in Sept. 2006 I was in a ventilator room, inwhich we are not able to leave, and I just casually changed the station when the Mom had left for a few minutes. She returned when it started and left the station on so I got to see it afterall. I was taping it at home but always have this feeling that I may not have set the time right. I also do not have cable, so whenever he is on something I cannot get I have to have my Mom tape it for me. Both times he was on LK I had to wait to see it.

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