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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I'm just hoping he's not tripping over his feet, or his tongue....

...and bottlecap should run with that, right?

For the record, I've been LATE for work because of a Clay appearance (GMA 2005), but never stayed HOME from work for a Clay appearance.

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YAY, it's my birthday, ahem... I think this may be my first thread title win since the first thread title and of course nobody got to vote on that one heee.

TWoP is Television Without Pity...it's a tv forum where I went every week during AI2 to discuss Clay.

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I've never called in because of Clay but I have been known to purposely schedule a day off for the day after he was going to be on late night TV.... I try not to do that because I'd rather save the days for concerts!!

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I don't think I've ever called in 'cause Clay was on TV. *thinks* *head hurts*

Stayed up waaaaay too late? Yeppers!

ETA: I gotta say this thread title makes me grin like a fool! :flirtysmile3:

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Never missed work...but there were many days when I'd speed home just to run into the computer room to try to catch up with whatever it was that was happening...before my coat was off or I said hello to anyone. Also many a late night during the early days when people would return from the concerts and post about the show. Many LATE nights...and I would still drag my butt into work the next day...agh!

I never talked much about my Clay love at work. Some of my co-workers knew that I was going to concerts, but that was about it. One co-worker was/is a Michael Buble' fan. She loves him. She never asked, but because she doesn't 'do' computers, I found his tour schedule for her and helped show her how to buy tickets. She went to her first MB concert a year ago. I have another co-worker who had never gone to any concerts...ever...but now because of some gentle nudging from me, she's gone to a couple Clay shows and this Christmas she went backstage for Kenny G. My classroom partner just went to a CD release party for a friend of hers who is in a band. (he worked for U2 for awhile) She was a little embarrassed to tell us that she was going because his music (and hers) is of the head banger variety. We all were excited for her and told her how much we all knew she'd love it. Point being, our tastes are all over the board, but we show each other respect. I think that is the key.

Awhile ago someone came up to me at work and made a comment about Clay being gay. Before I could open my mouth one co-worker asked, 'what does that have to do with anything?!' and another said they didn't know anything about that, but they loved his voice. They literally stepped in front of me to confront this woman. They weren't fans of Clay, but they had respect for me and my choice to support him.

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I like your taste in decorating, Gibby!

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I used to get flack about Clay from my new office mate, a very trendy, tattooed, contemporary art history person. Not directly, mind you, but she would make comments to others that I happened to overhear.

Then I showed her one of the 11 ways I know how to kill someone with my bare hands. (Seriously. She asked.) Now I get LOTS of respect. :whistling-1:

BWAH!! :cryingwlaughter:

Gibby, I like your decorating style.

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I was wiping the drool off my keyboard, gibby. :hubbahubba:

Here's a story that still has me picking my jaw up off the floor. A friend's husband was chatting with me at a Christmas party. He was talking about how much he enjoyed Josh Groban's Christmas album...I told him I thought he had a good voice, yada, yada....to which he replied: "God, I hope I don't find out he's gay!"

I kid you not. Now, my first question is WTF does that have to do with his ability to sing? I still shake my head in wonder....

I always wonder why people care if someone is gay or not. I've been married for 26 years, and the only person whose sexuality is remotely my business would be my husband's. So, if I'm not planning on sleeping with Clay, and he's not singing with his pecker, why the hell should anyone think I would care what he does with it? I think the next time someone feels it their duty to inform me that Clay is gay, I'm going to ask them if they were planning on sleeping with him? Especially the guys.

I confess. I have scheduled more than one two three....several vacation days around Clay appearances on tv. I think I may have even faked a migraine once. But that was in the beginning when I didn't realize that Clay wasn't going to disappear into thin air, and before the fandom got so good a capturing Clack.

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Gibby, love the way you decorate! Can you give me some advice on a fixing a new pad?

Artquest, I'm attending an 5-session HPD seminar on self-defense for women starting next week but I bet they don't hold a candle to your 11 ways. Care to train this grasshopper?

FromClaygary, no problem at all on colorways! Would you pls share some pics of your work from time to time?

cha cha trusty, I don't process commercial movies but I'd assume that some of those have encryption or regional coding issues.

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Here's a story that still has me picking my jaw up off the floor. A friend's husband was chatting with me at a Christmas party. He was talking about how much he enjoyed Josh Groban's Christmas album...I told him I thought he had a good voice, yada, yada....to which he replied: "God, I hope I don't find out he's gay!"

I kid you not. Now, my first question is WTF does that have to do with his ability to sing? I still shake my head in wonder....

I always wonder why people care if someone is gay or not. I've been married for 26 years, and the only person whose sexuality is remotely my business would be my husband's. So, if I'm not planning on sleeping with Clay, and he's not singing with his pecker, why the hell should anyone think I would care what he does with it? I think the next time someone feels it their duty to inform me that Clay is gay, I'm going to ask them if they were planning on sleeping with him? Especially the guys.

This wasn't even about Clay and it was so bizarre. Would he take Groban's CD back to WalMart if he happened to be gay? Does the way he sings "Ave Maria" sound differently if he's gay? I don't understand that kind of narrow minded thinking. I'm sure part of it is because he grew up in a different time....he's about 20 years older than me...

He and his wife both love Clay's voice...he thinks Clay's rendition of "IYDKMBN" is amazing....would he throw away his cds if he found out he were gay? Too weird for me.

It changes my perception of him...honestly. I have a hard time talking with him now that I know he views gay people as less worthy or something.

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Sometimes people can be so insensitive. I could care less if Clay was gay, even though I do not believe he is. In our family it is a sore subject. My BIL was gay and died in 1987 at the age of 32 from complications with Aids. His mother to this day will not accept the fact he was gay. She tells people he died of cancer. My husband was treated very badly by her because his brother called him and asked him to break the news to his Mom after he found out. I just do not understand how people can be so judgemental.

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I also think that some people don't understand having something that makes you happy like Clay does for us. They may have hobbies, but not necessarily something they're passionate (no smutting intended!) about. I think that was weird even for me in the beginning - Clay Aiken makes me smile like practically nothing else in the world! :wub:

Totally agree with this, and I think in a lot of cases there is a definite aspect of jealousy that goes along with it. If there is one thing an unhappy person can't stand, it is being around someone who is happy!

Question--"Would it be taking the high road if I said,'STFU' the next time someone disses him?"

:cryingwlaughter: This might actually work with some people. I work in a unit with 3 other women. One of them started watching AI in the 1st season, and gradually got the rest of us to tune in. At the start of AI2 we were all watching and would discuss the show the day after at work. One of them HATED Clay- and even though she knew I LOVED him- she would go on and on with the nasty jokes, etc. I never watched the show again after Clay's season ended- and they were all aware of that. The one girl remained nasty. When I met Clay in a M&G and brought in my picture, she made nasty comments. When the tabloid crap came out, she was all over it. She wouldn't necassarily make comments dirctly TO me, but would stand behind my desk and make them to others, loudly enough for me to hear. The day of the AI5 finale, even though I knew Clay would be on the show, I never said a word. The "mean one" was having an AI viewing party at her house that evening, and since I made no bones about my feelings about the show, I wasn't invited. When Clay appeared that night, one of my co-workers was so shocked and surprised to see him that she called me at home to make sure that I knew he was on. The other girl, apparently, was PISSED that she had called me. The next day at work, when people came over to our unit to discuss the show, and mentioned Clay, she lit into him-talked about how "disturbing" his new hair was, (this, coming from a woman who, seriously, hasn't changed her hairstyle in half a century!), how pathetic it was that he was on there, etc. I had finally had enough. I tore into her, and told her that that I really didn't give a shit what she thought, and that although she certainly had a right to her opinion, I didn't care to hear about it. Then I marched into my supervisor's office, handed in a leave slip, and took the rest of the week off. The girl who had called me let me know afterwards that she was sure that this girl was jealous of me, because I had something that brought great joy to my life, and she apparently didn't. Oddly enough, I think my little rant to her actually made a difference- she has actually attempted to be be much nicer to me since then. However, I do NOT discuss Clay in her presence AT ALL. After I came back from my two weeks vacation time after the CITH concerts, the only discussion I had with her about my trip was about the weather/travel. Sometimes it pays to confront people about their nastiness.

I'm fortunate because my family is supportive especially my husband but because of my childhood, if anyone in my family put me down, they would be out of my life. That may sound harsh but I decided a long time ago that I wanted to be happy and would not tolerate anyone who is abusive in my life again. It would be an easy decision. I have seen what life can be like when you are surrounded by good people who truly care about you and whom you love as well and I'm not giving that up.


I absolutely believe it's a respect issue. Not of Clay, but of you. If people who are supposed to care about you are willing to insult your choices, to 'tease' to the point that you are angry and/or hurt, then they need to be told. If they still do it - well then there are more serious questions to be asked, IMO.

Yep- particularly when you're talking about FAMILY.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone here for the enjoyable conversations- it's a true refuge from other boards. Thanks also to Gibby who gave me some advice on how to grab a screen cap for my avatar. Now my posts don't seem so totally NAKED!!!

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i don't understand people's worrying so much about other people's sex lives either, gay or not, although i have had plenty of fantasies about clay's. sure hope he has one for real but he sure does in my head.

lajeterfan, i'm glad i never had to work with anyone quite that bad. i definately got tormented, especially in the beginning, but most of my co-workers weren't nasty, just teasing. my co-workers liked to pick because i was/am ott especially with my cubicle decorating. wall to wall clay. hey, he's purty. even people who didn't know me, knew about the crazy clay lady. i can't wait until i get my teaching degree so i can decorate again. there are only so many clay pics you can have on your walls at home before the kids start getting jealous.

also wanted to add that i really like this board too because it feels more sane and it also feels like you are talking to a group of friends. i am glad i found you guys.

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I'm caught up... whew! Have loved the discussions. I even bragged on you guys to my friends the other night... about what great discussions we have.

My friends are very respectful of my Clay love. They are happy I have found something/someone that makes me so happy. I get teased a bit at work, but not in a nasty way. My problem is my oldest DD and my DIL. They both think they are talking to some naive "older" woman who doesn't have the sense to know when someone is gay. They have to prove that they are smarter than me for some reason. And, it is totally a respect issue. They both have issues and it somehow makes them feel better to try to tear me down. To keep peace, I simply never bring him up when in family situations with either of them. I know it's them who have the problems, not me. And, I heroically refrain from dissing Ememem to them... ain't I wonderful! LOL

I'm closing in on getting my calendar ordered. It's not easy chosing 13 pictures out of all the gorgeous one we have. What's funny is that while I don't like him in bangs as much as without, 4 out of the 13 are from the CITH. That man looked gorgeous... THUD!!!




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Thanks Gibby! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yeah, my love for Clay is no secret where I work. My cubicle is filled with pictures of him. I actually counted my pictures of Clay vs my pictures of my son one time, and found that Clay was leading by about a 3-1 margin. :cryingwlaughter: Guess I am a little OTT too!

OOOHHH, I like having Clay on top of me. Thanks for the gorgeous pics liney!!!

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Couchie, Couchie, Couchie - Constantine's thread! Hang your head! That isthe trashy thread onthe board, For allthe nastiness that has been thrown at Clay, this thread is worse. Of course, if you like that,you should spend time in the Chris Sligh thread, is is especially funny since he appaerently posts there, gets banned and reregisters. They bring over his quotes from Vote for the Worst where he is accepted and he has not yet talked about his masterbation techniques or his musical ahem hobbies, but..... he has gione on endlessly about all the people from his season that he is friends with, yet somehow they never remember they have spoken to him. I guess reading about blowhards has replaced making fun of some entertainment people for me. These people do not entertain me.

Now I seriously have to go back and watch the I Love New York Reunion. Unbelieveable that they actually have a romance from this show, I just keep shaking my head.

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