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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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WAMLAW was from Meadville, PA on the Jukebox Tour. Hee, in the middle of nowhere. There were lots of tractors and cows.....and Clay Atkins! as they kept announcing over the speakers.

ETA: You tube link

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! We are leaving in 15 minutes!!!!!

Belated welcome to all the newbies and hugs to all who need them. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good Morning Everyone,

Safe travels and have fun to all those heading to Spamalot today; can't wait for all the re-caps!

Couchie Hope your mom is doing better!

11 Days until Spring!

54 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

56 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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luckiest1, I know I've missed you 'cause I sleep too late (ie, 6:30 AM) :cryingwlaughter: but hope you have an outSTANDing time in NYC!!

...and Stuart too!

Can't wait to hear recaps!

Woo hoo! Look at this youtube! This is the butt pinch but from a wider angle. You can see her bend down to reach across and push/pinch his butt, then she LOOKS BACK at him after she walks past as he looks toward her! :cryingwlaughter:

Well, tan overcoat security dude sure sees it and looks like he's prepared to go after Hannah! :lmaosmiley-1:

OMG...I didn't notice the security dude the first time! bwahh! :cryingwlaughter:

Mr. Tancoatsecuritydude made me :lmaosmiley-1: !! Then he had to go all :whistling-1: like nothing had happened when he realized who it was. :cryingwlaughter:

Luckily, Jerome hadn't already done the Canandaiguafootballflashback on her! :cryingwlaughter:

Edited, cause the football flashback wasn't IN Syracuse!

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I realise I've already submitted my 3 pcs. of clack

How sad is it that in my pre-coffee morning stupor I read

I realise I've already smutted my 3 pcs. of clack?

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

I see I turned 00lsee's limerick generator on! :whistling-1:

Very good! (maybe next week it will seem right to say verra verra!)

Thanks, Couchie. Doc appt this morning - during which he's gonna tell me I haven't been behaving myself and I'm going to have to get with the low fat low sugar diet or go on Lipitor!! <_<

Then stop by Belk and get another pair of cuddleduds to survive the cold NYC winds and I think i'll be ready to close my suitcase! I hatesses packing. Wish I could just take my whole closet like BF!!! :lol:

Hope you and MamaCouchie have a better day today!



Jerome hadn't already done the Canandaiguafootballflashback
??? this about?
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Jerome hadn't already done the Canandaiguafootballflashback
??? this about?

From luckiest1's recap of the Canadaigua show on July 19, 2007:

There were ovations after every song. During TWYMMF he came down into the audience. At first he went along the front row trying to get people to sing into the mic. Then he came up the centre aisle. A man was coming down the stairs towards him, holding something out in his hands. Jerome came barreling up from the front row area, pushed past Clay who was holding the mic out to our side of the stands, and tackled the guy right to the ground. It was scary and unexpected, but Clay hardly reacted at all, just continued on with the song. I sure didn't blame Jerome one bit, who knew who the guy could have been or what he was up to (although chances are he was just an innocent man). I hope he wasn't seriously injured but it sure looked like he could have been. It'll be interesting to see if any clack catches it. It kind of reminded me of that time Jerome took that woman under his arm like a football at a BAF gala. Hee, I wonder if he used to play football professionally............

I hope everyone traveling tonight to see the show have safe trips, and I hope everyone has a great time at the show. Pinch Clay's butt for me, if you can. :whistling-1:

I'm at work today, but I may end up making a quick trip to my Mom's some time this week. My brother called last night, and she has pancreatitis, caused by gall stones. She'll be having gall bladder surgery later this week, as soon as they ween her off her blood thinners.

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Shhh! A quick fly by from work! I heard an add from Geico on the radio this morning and at the end the lizard says "and that's the point"! It sounded exactly like Clay saying "and that's mi point".

Then I went into Walmart and heard The Way and the traffic even cooperated and allowed me to concentrate on Clack! Good morning all aound, I'd say!

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Somehow the time difference seems to have been exaggerated for me the last few days, even though DST over there has brought us one hour closer together. Thanks for the link to the You Tube Butt Pinch....cracks me up and so does that security guard in the camel coat! I just got word that my internet options are limited here in this neighborhood, darn it. If we stay on this pay by usage plan then the top speed I can get is 256 kps. At this speed You Tube is buffering every few seconds, and a 42 MB video file took 40 minutes to download the other day. In order to get even 512 kps, we have to go on an unlimited plan which costs $350 a month......not that the cost is going to deter me from getting it but I had to put my foot down and say....."Sucks, I know, but them are the breaks, honey."

His response to that was to call the other company that doesn't service this neighborhood to get the price to run a line to the house. That strikes me as a delaying tactic, no? <_< I've been getting out a bit, mostly to eat or pick up some things we need for the house. Our shipment still sits in Houston because the guy who came to give me an estimate was way off on the weight and the volume with his quote and Allied now wants another $2300 to move it. :scream: GRRRRRRRR!!! I mean, seriously, he came to the house and looked at it before he did the quote....and he said he was quoting high to make sure we were covered. I need me some Spamalot right now. Right this very now!

Oh....I saw the local equivalent of SPAM in the grocery store the other day. I must buy some and take a picture of the can. I wouldn't dare open it but the can with the cyrillic alphabet looked interesting.....not nearly as interesting as its contents, I'm sure. :unsure:

I put up another blog the other day. Sally Rand McNally I also went back and did some housekeeping. I found a couple drafts I had never posted from a long time ago.

I only got one favorite piece of clack in so far, I'm wracking my brains to think of some that I like that haven't already been covered. I know I watched that WAMLAM video over ad infinitum for a long time. I used to get a big kick out of that Mr. Lova montage that was out way back when. I think that it's languishing on one of my hard drives still sitting on the dock in Houston. I tried You Tube and it's not on there. Let me go try the vault and see if I can find it there. Hee! I found it! I couldn't remember who made it....http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Montag..._wicked/mrlova/

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I don't know about you guys, but I LOVE checking in at FCA in the morning! There's always sumpin' worth :cryingwlaughter: --ing or :hubbahubba: ---ing or :whistling-1: --ing about! Love it! The limericks CMSU! and what is it about limericks that make you want to write one when you read them?

Oh, and treenuts, I'm with you on The Girl Is Mine clips! I can watch those over and over. I never went to an AI2 tour so any of that stuff is supercool to me.

KarenEh, I'm with YOU on the Mr. Lova montage---one of my faves, fo' sho'! Oh, and unfortunately, I know of what you speak re: moving companies and their freakin' 'estimates'---I must have had the same moving guy 13 years ago "estimate" my mom's stuff in Georgia. Either that, or her 'stuff' somehow gained all kinds of weight moving across the continent to California---know what I mean? <_<

Couchie, a big hug and kiss to you and your sweet mama. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Started feeling punky yesterday and woke up this morning with the whole throat/head/nose stuff...damn it! I just was beginning to NOT cough up a lung every now and then! Besides, there's no WAY I'm going to be sick---got too much to do and then in two weeks got a plane to NYC to catch! :lilredani:

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Okay, I had gone to bed - but . . .

Couldn't sleep.

And that damned muscle spasm is returning causing the pinched nerve in my neck! Exceedingly poor timing!!!

Just went a couple of rounds with my ProMedic massaging vibrator (shut up, not THAT kind of vibrator!!!) and hope I'll now be able to sleep.

But - while I was trying to unkink my muscle - my brain wouldn't shot up!

There was a young guard of the tower

Bored, he craved wielding his power

He joined up with the king

Proved he could dance, he could sing

Arthur made him a Knight

But the ladies desired the Knight in his bower

or - I think this is more correct form . . .

There was a young guard of the tower

Bored, he craved wielding his power

He joined up with the king

Proved he could dance, he could sing

But the ladies desired the Knight in his bower :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Now - pray I can get to sleep this time!

cotton... you do good work when you can't sleep! :cryingwlaughter: Sorry bout your neck! HUGS!

Bwahaha, Cotton, how about?

There once was a young tower guard

Who thought knighthood 'twouldn't be hard

He could sing, he could dance

He looked swell in white pants

And good thing chain mail sells by the yard.


The young man from guarding was tired

To knighthood he keenly aspired

Many fittings he took

To acquire the right look

And his seamstress was blissfully tired.


Many limericks surely will come

When a knight gets a pinch on the bum

From a lady of lake

With her bosoms not fake

And her fortunate fingers and thumb.


Somebody stop me right now

I'm rhyming with humor low-brow

But I can't seem to stop

muski's smut I can't top

Quick! Someone fetcha de cow!

00lsee... GREAT limericks. :cryingwlaughter:

Welcome to Gloch and Shamrock and any other newbies who snuck in! Glad you've joined this happy strange interesting crew! :cryingwlaughter:

{{{{couchie and mom}}}}}

muski... Get yourself some Cold Snap and keep it with you, then when the first symptoms occur, you start taking it and the symptoms goes away. At least that's how it works for me and a couple of people I recommended it to. Not sure how it works after the crud has started, since I haven't had the crud this year, thanks to these herbs.

Nother remedie I heard works well for a cough at night... put Vicks or equivilent on the bottoms of your feet, put on socks, then sleep away. Supposedly it cuts way down on the night coughing. [/end of unsolicited medical advice]

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Thanks, liney! Your message re Cold Snap reminde me that I have some Airborne in my desk drawer, so I'm sipping that stuff right now! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Get this Clay mention on E!Online's The Answer Bitch, in response to a question about Mario Lopez going to Broadway...

But Lopez probably isn't doing this for the money anyway. Julia Roberts, Clay Aiken, Jennifer Garner and Ashlee Simpson have all hit the boards recently, too, and, with the exception of Clay, who probably gets paid in flat irons and apricot scrub, they all probably took pay cuts.

Never mind the stupid 'apricot scrub' intentional dig, when's the last time Clay used a flatiron, do you think? :rolleyes:<_< I want a job like this 'bitch's'---- you know, one where you don't have to know what the hell you're talking about... :wordpooper:

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And now, for something completely different (had to get a Monty Python reference in here somewhere *g*)...

Thank you to cha cha trusty for our banner this week! Very cool!

Hums "I'll be the Idol of my Age, and you can hear my golden larynx ring."

Verra, verra nice.

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I only got one favorite piece of clack in so far, I'm wracking my brains to think of some that I like that haven't already been covered. I know I watched that WAMLAM video over ad infinitum for a long time. I used to get a big kick out of that Mr. Lova montage that was out way back when. I think that it's languishing on one of my hard drives still sitting on the dock in Houston. I tried You Tube and it's not on there. Let me go try the vault and see if I can find it there. Hee! I found it! I couldn't remember who made it....http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Montag..._wicked/mrlova/

Thanks for this link Karen, I hadn't seen it before and enjoyed such a wealth of clutches, tugs and yanks and those hips...mmmm...made my heart go pitter pat.

Also enjoyed your blog and I hope to read more there of your new life in Baku.

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Thanks, liney! Your message re Cold Snap reminde me that I have some Airborne in my desk drawer, so I'm sipping that stuff right now! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Get this Clay mention on E!Online's The Answer Bitch, in response to a question about Mario Lopez going to Broadway...

But Lopez probably isn't doing this for the money anyway. Julia Roberts, Clay Aiken, Jennifer Garner and Ashlee Simpson have all hit the boards recently, too, and, with the exception of Clay, who probably gets paid in flat irons and apricot scrub, they all probably took pay cuts.

Never mind the stupid 'apricot scrub' intentional dig, when's the last time Clay used a flatiron, do you think? :rolleyes:<_< I want a job like this 'bitch's'---- you know, one where you don't have to know what the hell you're talking about... :wordpooper:

[rant ahead] :badmood:

I get sooo ding dang tired of all the smartass remarks about Clay. It's like what the hell did he do to have people slam him over and over and over. Is it jealousy cause he is so loved and so talented, or is it the age old, "let's cast out anyone who is different from the rest of the herd." It makes me sooo mad that I just want him to become a bazillionaire and be the happiest, most fulfilled bazillionaire in the history of mankind and let all those snearing nobodies sink in their own mire. [/end rant] :biteme:

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I've been sick with some kind of flu-like crud and have been catching up here this afternoon. The pictures of the butt grab with the circle and the titles just CMSU. I'm so glad that CG finally saw it! Hah!!

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I'm at work today, but I may end up making a quick trip to my Mom's some time this week. My brother called last night, and she has pancreatitis, caused by gall stones. She'll be having gall bladder surgery later this week, as soon as they ween her off her blood thinners.

I hope everything goes well with your mom, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And I hope everyone is feeling better :soon: - muski, aikim, keldanker, mama couchie, anyone else under the weather!

Lovely banner! It should be hung in the salon, next to the Renoir! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

But first we should check to see if there's chocolate inside! :P Nice job, cha cha!

Loved your blog, KarenEh. What an adventure - and Kenai is a cutie!

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I'm at work today, but I may end up making a quick trip to my Mom's some time this week. My brother called last night, and she has pancreatitis, caused by gall stones. She'll be having gall bladder surgery later this week, as soon as they ween her off her blood thinners.

I hope everything goes well with your mom, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ack! ldyj, I don't know how I missed this (probably because there are too few hours in the day and too much work going on at the moment...sorry) but when you go expect one uncomfortable lady. I had pancreatits a few years back and that is one big painful miserable 'ouchie'! (((hugs))) to her...but stand out of swinging range when you do it. (yes, I know I sound like a wuss, but I drove myself to the hospital, so I figure I earn some points for that)

Kareneh. I can only send :F_05BL17blowkiss: and applaud you for adjusting to all the changes you're going through right now and doing it with a smile...well, ok, maybe some of that is grimacing, but you still sound like you're handling it better than I would be.

Clay content...? I'm pretty content with Clay. :)

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Well, I'm throwing in the towel and going home early today...not feeling the best.

But before I go I have to say these two things:


Lovely banner! It should be hung in the salon, next to the Renoir!
When I read this, for some reason the words "hung stallion" ran across my smut meter...heh.

2. liney, I know what you mean about the absurd smartass comments about Clay that trickle from so called 'media' outlets like a bad case of diarrhea. And I just ran across this emoticon on our FUN! FUN! emoticon thread that expresses my opinion of those who write them:


Later, babes :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Never mind the stupid 'apricot scrub' intentional dig, when's the last time Clay used a flatiron, do you think? :rolleyes:<_< I want a job like this 'bitch's'---- you know, one where you don't have to know what the hell you're talking about... :wordpooper:

JMO, but I think somebody used a flatiron on Clay when he was on The View and when he was on the Mike & Juliet thing. It looked like a "Chi" was involved in that hairstyle.

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NYC is hopping right now! Just got a text message from luckiest1 -- she and her kids, plus wandacleo, cindilu2 and playbiller are having dinner at Juniors right now. In her words, "it's surreal to be here."

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for them!

Niiiiiiiiiice picture bc!

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