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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! No time to read, must sleep, but wanted to drop off some pictures. Can I just say today was amazing??????? And Clay signed my playbill! It took me 5 years, but it was sooooooooooooooo worth the wait. ETA: He was wearing a blue striped button down shirt, and he was v.v. stubbly.

ETA: I tried, but I can't seem to get any pictures to upload from this computer. Sorry! But I will post them when I get home. Suffice to say that the man was up close and personal and I think I died a little when he looked at me and spoke (I have no idea what he said, I was in the fog).

Our seats in the front row mezzanine were AMAZING. Could see every little thing. Tomorrow night we are row B orchestra and I can't even imagine how awesome that is going to be! I promise a much more detailed recap later. Clay is awesome, the whole show is amazing, there are really no words to adequately describe how surreal today was. Oh, and seeing Jerome escort Rosie & her partner to their private box seats was just and added extra little bonus tonight.

Have to get to bed, have been up for over 20 hours at this point and have an early morning tomorrow because my son wants to see the Statue of Liberty and then Central Park. Ciao!

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! No time to read, must sleep, but wanted to drop off some pictures. Can I just say today was amazing??????? And Clay signed my playbill! It took me 5 years, but it was sooooooooooooooo worth the wait.

yay.... somebody is just a leeetle excited!

Mom is out of the hospital and doing a bit better. Thanks for your good wishes and hugs.

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Yay, lucky had a great time! Your enthusiasm and joy jump off the screen. I love it! Hopefully I'll be just as fangirly and happy and excited in a few weeks.

Couchie, I'm glad your Mom's out of the hospital!

Muski, I kinda don't think I'm gonna wear any pins to Spamalot. Now, I might change my mind, but at this moment, I don't plan to wear them. I'm probably gonna travel light, and am only going to have carry-on luggage, if I can manage it. Every little thing counts, even pins!

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from a recap on CH by Can'tGoADayWithoutClay:

Oh, wow! IIt was FABULOUS! I could hear every single word of dialogue and music that I keep missing. What a revelation! Oh, and I did hear Clay say (in the Camelot scene) "Can I touch?!" as he was chasing one of the girls. The guy is SO into this role... it blows my mind. He never is out of character for even a SECOND!


Back to Act II… During the Guard scene, while Lancelot and Prince Herbert were at the top of the stairs (admiring the pink curtains) Clotilde suddenly grabbed my arm!! "Is 'that' what I think it is??? Am I seeing what I THINK I'm seeing?" BWAH! I now have validation of the lump, bump or hump (call it what you will) in Clay's brown baggie pants. YES! Waldo was poised at attention. I think we got a salute!

BWAH! to both of these observations! :cryingwlaughter:

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from a recap on CH by Can'tGoADayWithoutClay:

Oh, wow! IIt was FABULOUS! I could hear every single word of dialogue and music that I keep missing. What a revelation! Oh, and I did hear Clay say (in the Camelot scene) "Can I touch?!" as he was chasing one of the girls.

What? Clay said "I want to sing "Touch"??????

Woo Hoo!!!!

(OK - fine. I am seeing what I want to see. But obviously his choice of words indicated a secret inner desire to sing "Touch"! That's my delusion and I'm sticking to it!)

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What? Clay said "I want to sing "Touch"??????

Woo Hoo!!!!

(OK - fine. I am seeing what I want to see. But obviously his choice of words indicated a secret inner desire to sing "Touch"! That's my delusion and I'm sticking to it!)


CG, I'm sitting here laughing and trying not to let the coughing overtake the laughter 'coss I'm waiting now for another couple of pages of posts trying to convince you that he said "Can I touch" instead of "I want to sing Touch"...We can't circle a picture or draw arrows anywhere---What will everyone use this time---surreptitiously acquired audio recordings of the line with digital enhancements of the contested words? Time markers and equalizer patterns, showing the inflection of a question versus a statement?

:lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter:


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Yay, lucky had a great time! Your enthusiasm and joy jump off the screen. I love it! Hopefully I'll be just as fangirly and happy and excited in a few weeks.

Oh Gibby there is no doubt about it! You will go into that trance-like state that we most of us fall into. You will act like you are 12 and not care, which is the best part! Your board buddies will be eeeing ang squeeing with you and you will love it! Just don't try and look back at it because 1) you won't remember it all, 2) you will cringe at how you behaved and 3) wonder why the men in white coats didn't show up! (Not that that was me of course....just observation you understand) :whistling-1:

Touch...a girl can dream of hearing AND experiencing!

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Just don't try and look back at it because 1) you won't remember it all, 2) you will cringe at how you behaved and 3) wonder why the men in white coats didn't show up! (Not that that was me of course....just observation you understand) :whistling-1:

Um............yeah. Me neither. Heh.

Have to wake the masses so we can get another New York day under our belts. Not dawning up as sunny as yesterday, but there's still no snow, so I'm happy! :)

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Good Morning Everyone!

10 Days until Spring!

53 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

55 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Is the time on this board Central or Eastern?

Actually, the board time is whatever you want it to be. If you go to "My Controls" (under the banner) and then look for "Board Settings" on the left hand side of the screen. Under those settings, one controls the time. Play with that until it matches your own time. Those of us in the States had to change our board settings over the weekend, due to the shift to Daylight Savings Time (grumble grumble).

Keep those recaps coming luckiest1! I can't wait to see your pictures as well. How exciting! EEEEEEEEEE! (BTW, I'm not home tonight, so contacting me with reports will be a moot point...sorry.)

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I'm back home from my lost weekend in New York. As usual after doing the city, I'm exhausted from walking too much! Everything is only a couple of blocks away. That adds up to miles and miles every day.

On to the good stuff. Saw Spamalot twice - from first row mezzanine and SRO. The mezzanine seat was great! One of the few places in the theater that I can see everything, including the actor's feet! I'm short enough that even from the third row, all I can see is from the knees up. It does make a difference. Clay was very good - amazing considering the amount of training & experience - especially in Brave Sir Robin and as Guard II. His performance is much more nuanced than it was in January.

Overheard two comments: In the line going into the theater a young guy behind me saw the poster of Clay and in a very disbelieving voice said, "Clay Aiken was in Spamalot? That must be an old poster." A few steps later he saw the merchandise table and said something to the effect of, "Oh crap, we're seeing him tonight." I would have loved to have seen his reaction after the show. Second comment came from a group next to me in the mezzanine while they were reading the Playbill. "I didn't know Clay Aiken was in this. He's the one who won American Idol."

When the house isn't full of Clay fans, there is a slight pause after "I'm the Idol of the age" while the audience "gets" that this is Clay and then the laughter begins. Not as long as the pause after the "Kneel" "Dennis" scene, but there is a beat for recognition.

Met some FCA'ers at the CH dinner which I crashed. Waves to Zenna & Divayenta. :whee:

ETA lajeterfan, if that was after the Sat. matinee that you met Rocky'smom & jmh, I was there too! I pointed out the FCA pins to jmh.

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If anyone finds larger pictures of the pictures of Rosie and Clay, could you please bring them over? And what's up with that one close-up of her hand?

Loving all the recaps! laljeterfan, your recap was great, and thank you lilyshine!

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We did? Heck, I didn't change anything!

I had to go fix my mother's computer last night - dang, I don't know how anyone deals with dial-up!

Thank goodness for flash drives so I was entertained...

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Thanks for the recap, lilyshine. It makes me so happy to read everyone's recap, and to know that Clay is bringing so much joy and laughter to the Spam-goers. And I understand that he's pretty CUTE, too.

ldyj, I would expect ClayAikenPix would eventually get the larger versions from last night. I can't check from work, though.

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from a recap on CH by Can'tGoADayWithoutClay:

Oh, wow! IIt was FABULOUS! I could hear every single word of dialogue and music that I keep missing. What a revelation! Oh, and I did hear Clay say (in the Camelot scene) "Can I touch?!" as he was chasing one of the girls.

What? Clay said "I want to sing "Touch"??????

Woo Hoo!!!!

(OK - fine. I am seeing what I want to see. But obviously his choice of words indicated a secret inner desire to sing "Touch"! That's my delusion and I'm sticking to it!)

CG... BWAH!!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

The man loves to change things up. I worried about him getting bored doing the same show 8 times a week for umpteen weeks, but in this show little changes are not frowned on, so he gets to play enough to make it new each night. He chose well in more than just the, "this is so unexpected for him and will attract a male audience" viewpoint.

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Via judy at the CH:

Q&A from Rosie's blog:

OK, who did you like on Idol last night?

missed it

saw clay on broadway

in spamalot

and he was amazing

Saw you at Spamalot tonite Ro, how’d you like Clay Aiken?


bc, I'll try to remember to keep an eye out on clayaikenpix.com today.

The man loves to change things up. I worried about him getting bored doing the same show 8 times a week for umpteen weeks, but in this show little changes are not frowned on, so he gets to play enough to make it new each night. He chose well in more than just the, "this is so unexpected for him and will attract a male audience" viewpoint.

That's a very good point -- his improvisational skills seem to be totally at work with this show, and I think that's fantastic.

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(liney23 @ Mar 12 2008, 08:54 AM) *

The man loves to change things up. I worried about him getting bored doing the same show 8 times a week for umpteen weeks, but in this show little changes are not frowned on, so he gets to play enough to make it new each night. He chose well in more than just the, "this is so unexpected for him and will attract a male audience" viewpoint.

Those of you who have seen the show a few times, have you noticed changes made by the other actors aside from the Knights of Ni?

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Where is everyone? :unsure:

In NYC actually trying to Find Clay Aiken while some of us are toiling away at work?! :cry4:


Hope you're all having fun!!! :14:

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In NYC actually trying to Find Clay Aiken while some of us are toiling away at work?! :cry4:


Yeah that.

AIKim and Muski reached through the computer screen and gave me their cold/flu/whatever. I need my vacation time for a certain trip in April so am trying to suck it up and get something done.

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Well that stinks! Sorry you're sick now, {{{Couchie}}}.

Now, someone tell me why there wasn't anyone to take pics backstage when Tyra went to see Clay??? :foto:

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Oh man, I'm sorry couchie to hear you're sick too!

annabear, maybe you and I could just talk to each other for a while....

....about this CUTE guy....




annabear, maybe Clay and Tyra wanted to keep those pictures private, know what I'm sayin'? :whistling-1:

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